

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-28

Prof. Chen Deng-yuan

Contact Information

Postal address:

Department of Mathematics

Shanghai University

99 Shangda Road






Email: dychen@mail.shu.edu.cn,


Research Interests: Solitons and Integrable systems

Exact solutions of nonlinear evolution equations

Hirota method

Wronskian technique

Phaffian technique

Inverse scattering transform

Darboux transformation

Backlund transformation

Integrable systems and their mathematical structures

Hamiltonian structures and Liouville integrability


Conservation laws

Sato theory

Nonisospectral equations

Discrete integrable systems

Cellular automata

Gauge transformation for Lax integrable systems

Constraints for high dimensional systems


Brief Biography
Prof. Chen Deng-yuan was born in Sichuan, China on October 14, 1938. He obtained his B.Sc. degree in Mathematics from Yunnan in 1959 and then he started his career in the Department of Mathematics at the Science and Technology University of China. He became a professor in 1988. In 1989 he visited the University of Paderborn, Germany. In 1991 he gets his current position in the Department of Mathematics, Shanghai University.


List of Recent Publications 


[Shanghai University] [Shanghai University Nonlinear Science Center]