

研究生院 免费考研网/2006-09-28

photo Name: Yuchu Lu
Date of birth:
Title: Professor
Degree: Doctor
Address: 99 Shangda Road Shanghai 200444, P. R. China

Research Interest
Fuzzy Mathematics, finance and insurance

Research in Progress
1. Fuzzy decision.
2. Information diffusion and distribution.
3. Fuzzy Mathematics applied to risk analysis, insurance game, pricing in insurance.etc,

Education and Professional Experience
1. Department of mathematics, Fudan University, P.R. China (1964-1969)
2. Department of mathematics, Chinese University of Science and Technology, P.R. China (1978-1980)
3. Teacher, Jiangsu University, P.R. China (1980-1986)
4. Assistant professor, Shanghai University of Science and Technology (branch), P.R. China
5. Professor, Shanghai University, P.R. China

Professional Societies
1. Member of Chinese Fuzzy Mathematics Society
2. Councilor, Shanghai Insurance Institute

University Responsibilities
1. Director of Teaching and Research Section of Advanced Mathematics in Shanghai University
2. Vice-director of Teaching and Research Section of Mathe & App Mathe in Shanghai University

Relevant Publication
1. Hanji Shang£?Yuchu Lu£?Ping Jin£?Higher Dimensional Information Diffusion and its application, Annual Conference of NAFIPS July24-26,2003 Chicago

2. Geng Hui£?Lu Yuchu£?Quasi-Cardinality of a Fuzzy Set on a Measurable Universe of Discourse£?Journal of Dong Hua University (Eng.Ed) Vol.19 No.2£?2002.6

3. Hanji Shang£?Yuchu Lu£?Ping Jin£?Information Diffusion Method in Risk Analysis£?The proceedings of the 5th International FINLS Conference£?2002.10

4. Hanji Shang£?Yuchu Lu£?Xuemei Xu£?The "Hybrid" Technique for Risk Analysis of Some Diseases£?Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Vol.22,No.4,Ser.B£?2001

5. Hanji Shang£?Xiyun Wu£?Yuchu Lu£?The choice of Information Diffusion Function with Optimum Parameters£?Proceedings of Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS Internationalconference,Vancouver,Canada£?2001.7

6. Yuchu Lu, Li Zhang, Zhiying Guan, Hui Geng, Fuzzy Mathematics Applied to Insurance Game, Proceedings of the Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference,Vancouver, Canada, 2001.7. 25-28

7. Yuchu Lu, Zhiying Guan, Hanji Shang, Fuzzy Decision Applied to Life Insurance, Proceedings of 4th SCI"2000 and 6th ISAS"2000, Orlando, USA, 2000

8. Lu Yuchu, Pang Huaying, Shang Hanji, A study on the Risk of Complications for Some Diseases and Illness Degree, Proceedings of APRIA 4th Annual Conference,Perth, Australia,2000

9. Shang Hanji, Lu Yuchu, Chen Qian, A 2-D Information Limited Diffusion Method with Optimum Parameters, Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Proceeding Society-NAFIPS-2000, Atlanta, USA, 2000

10. Lu Yuchu, Shang Hanji, Hou Zhifang, Regression Forecasting Model of Hypertension Prevalence Risk with Fuzzy Factors, Proceedings of APRIA 3th Annual Conference, Hong Kong,1999

11. Shang Hanji, Lu Yuchu, Chen Qian, Risk Analysis and Evaluation of Some Diseases (I), Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Proceeding Society-NAFIPS-1999, New York, USA, 1999

12. Lu Yuchu, Shang Hanji, Xu Xuemei, Risk Analysis and Evaluation of Some Diseases (II), Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society-NAFIPS-1999 New York, USA, 1999

13. Shang Hanji, Lu Yuchu, Wang Xiuwen, Fuzzy Risk Evaluation for Diseases Related to Better Living Conditions and Premium-rate Calculations for a Health Insurance Product, Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of APRIA, pp.525-531, Singapore, 1998

14. Shiwei Zhang, Yuchu Lu, Wenxing Zhu, Application of Fuzzy Mathematics, Publication of Tongji University,1991