

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-09-13

姓名:田玲 专业技术职务:教授

联系方式 邮箱 lingtian@uestc.edu.cn
专业技术职务_详情页 教授
2008.09-2009.05,University of Central Arkansas,USA,访问****
2013.01-2013.12,Georgia State University,USA,访问****
2017.06-2017.08,University of California, San Diego,USA,访问****
2013.08 – 2018.07,电子科技大学,计算机科学与工程学院,副教授
2011.03 – 2013.07,电子科技大学,计算机科学与工程学院,讲师
2006.05 – 2011.02,电子科技大学,计算机科学与工程学院,助教
研究生:《机器学习》、《Mobile Computing》…………………

[1] Zhou, Yimin; Tian, Ling* ; Zhu, Ce; Jin, Xin ; Sun, Yu. Video Coding Optimization for Virtual Reality 360-Degree Source. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Volume: 14 Issue: 1 Pages: 118-129.Published: JAN 2020
[2] Zheng, Xu; Chen, Tian, Ling* ; Luo Guangchun; Cai, Zhipeng. A Collaborative Mechanism for Private Data Publication in Smart Cities. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume: 7 Issue: 9 Pages: 7883-7891. Published: MAY 2020
[3] Luo, Guangchun; Yan, Ke; Zheng, Xu; Tian, Ling*; Cai, Zhipeng. Preserving adjustable path privacy for task acquisition in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems, INFORMATION SCIENCES. Volume:? 527Pages:? 602-619Published:?JUL 2020
[4] Kang, Zhao; Peng, Chong; Cheng, Qiang; Liu, Xinwang; Peng, Xi; Xu, Zenglin; Tian, Ling*. Structured graph learning for clustering and semi-supervised classification. Pattern Recognition, Volume: 110 Pages:107627. Published: SEP 2020
[5] Tian, Ling; Li, Jiaxin; Li, Wei; Ramesh, Balasubramaniam and Cai, Zhipeng, Optimal Contract-Based Mechanisms for Online Data Trading Markets, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL. Volume: 6. Issue: 5. Pages: 7800-7810. Published: OCT 2019 (JCR一区, IF=11.216)
[6] Li Kaiyang ; Tian Ling* ; Li Wei; Luo Guangchun ; Cai Zhipeng. Incorporating social interaction into three-party game towards privacy protection in IoT. COMPUTER NETWORKS. Volume: 150. Pages: 90-101.Published: FEB 26 2019
[7] Tian, Ling; Wang, Hongyu; Zhou, Yimin; Peng, Chengzong Video big data in smart city: Background construction and optimization for surveillance video processing,Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of Escience,Volume: 86,Pages: 1371-1382 ,Jan 2018(JCR二区, IF=5.67)
[8] Tian Ling; Li Jiaxin; Zhou Yimin; Wang Hongyu, Picture Quality Assessment Based Rate Control for Variable Bandwidth Network, AUG 2018, Tsinghua Science and Technology 2018, 23(4): 396-405.
[9] Wang, Jinbao; Tian, Ling*; Huang, Yan; Yang, Donghua; Gao, Hong Achieving the Optimal k-Anonymity for Content Privacy in Interactive Cyberphysical Systems, Security and Communication Networks, Volume 2018, Article ID **,15 pages
[10] Li, Kaiyang ; Tian, Ling*; Li, Wei ; Luo, Guangchun ; Cai, Zhipeng,Incorporating social interaction into three-party game towards privacy protection in IoT,Computer Networks, Volume: 150, 2019: 90-101
2020年获Big Data Mining and Analytics期刊“杰出论文奖”;
2019年获Big Data Mining and Analytics期刊“杰出论文奖”。
[1] 2021年10月,ACM Multimedia 2021,Local Organization Chairs,本地组织主席
[2] 2020年6月,2020 IEEE International Conference on AI & Mobile Services,Hawaii,USA,vice chair,副主席
[3] 2019年7月,The 15th IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, Atlanta,USA, vice program chair,程序委员会副主席
[4] 2019年5月,AVS工作组第六十九次会议暨新一代人工智能产业技术创新战略联盟第七次AI标准工作会议,本地主席
[5] 2018年,Tsinghua Science and Technology Special Issue on Internet of Things,期刊编委
【其他】长期承担计算机专业核心课程《编译原理》,及来华留学生硕博共选课程《Mobile Computing》教学工作,评教优秀。获电子科技大学本科教学优秀奖(2016年),优秀班主任(2012、2018、2019年),优秀女教职工(2020年),优秀共产党员(2021年)。指导学生参加ICIP智能视频压缩挑战赛荣获国际比赛一等奖(2017年)。指导学生参加第五届研究生智慧城市大赛获一等奖,本人获“优秀指导教师”(2018年)。指导学生参加第十届全国大学生电子商务“创新、创意及创业”挑战赛获四川赛区特等奖,本人获“优秀指导老师”(2020年)。

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