本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-22
2008.09 – 2011.09,东北大学, 信息科学与工程学院,计算机应用技术,博士
2006.09 – 2008.07,东北大学, 信息科学与工程学院,计算机系统结构,硕士
2002.09 – 2006.07,沈阳建筑大学,信息与控制工程学院,计算机科学与技术,学士
[1] 《知识图谱技术及应用》研究生课程
[2] 《Web编程技术》 本科生课程
[1] 2018年东北大学优秀网络课程二等奖
[2] 2017年东北大学优秀教学课件二等奖
[3] 2017年东北大学计算机科学与工程学院——本科教学质量优秀奖
[4] 2016年获批计算机科学与工程学院本科教学改革研究项目1项
[5] 2016年参加在香港理工大学举行的现代教学法培训班并获得修业证书
近年来,已发表38篇科研论著,包括 SCI 期刊论文19篇(其中一区论文10篇),国际会议论文10篇(包括权威国际会议 CIKM 论文2篇),国内一级学报《计算机学报》和《软件学报》论文2篇,撰写并出版英文学术专著2部等。
[1] Fu Zhang, Jingwei Cheng. Verification of fuzzy UML models with fuzzy Description Logic. Applied Soft Computing, 73: 134-152, 2018. (JCR一区论文, IF = 3.907)
[2] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Jingwei Cheng. Enhanced entity-relationship modeling with description logic. Knowledge-Based Systems, 93: 12-32, 2016. (JCR一区论文, IF = 4.529)
[3] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan, Jingwei Cheng. Construction of fuzzy OWL ontologies from fuzzy EER models: A semantics-preserving approach. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 229: 1-32, 2013. (JCR一区论文, IF = 1.880)
[4] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Weijun Li. Storing OWL ontologies in object-oriented databases. Knowledge-Based Systems, 76: 240-255, 2015. (JCR一区论文, IF = 3.325)
[5] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan, Yu Wang. A description logic approach for representing and reasoning on fuzzy object-oriented database models. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 186(1): 1-25, 2012. (JCR一区论文, IF = 1.749)
[6] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan. Construction of ontologies from object-oriented database models. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 18(4): 327-347, 2011. (JCR一区论文, IF = 3.451)
[7] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan. Construction of fuzzy ontologies from fuzzy XML models. Knowledge-Based Systems, 42: 20-39, 2013. (JCR一区论文, IF = 3.058)
[8] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Qiang Tong, Jingwei Cheng. Storing fuzzy description logic ontology knowledge bases in fuzzy relational databases. Applied Intelligence, 48: 220–242, 2017. (JCR二区论文, IF = 1.983)
[9] Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Z. M. Ma. Reasoning of fuzzy relational databases with fuzzy ontologies. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 27(6): 613-634, 2012. (JCR二区论文, IF = 1.416)
[10] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan. Representation and reasoning of fuzzy ER models with description logic DLR. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 26(2): 611-623, 2014. (JCR二区论文, IF = 1.812)
[11] Fu Zhang, Jingwei Cheng, Z. M. Ma. A survey on fuzzy ontologies for the Semantic Web. Knowledge Engineering Review, 31(3): 278-321, 2016. (JCR三区论文, IF = 1.510)
[12] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Xu Chen. Formalizing fuzzy object-oriented database models using fuzzy ontologies. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 29(4): 1407-1420, 2015. (JCR三区论文, IF = 1.004)
[13] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma. Representing and reasoning about XML with ontologies. Applied Intelligence, 40(1): 74-106, 2014. (JCR三区论文, IF = 1.215)
[14] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma. Construction of fuzzy ontologies from fuzzy UML models. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 6(3): 442-472, 2013. (JCR四区论文, IF = 0.451)
[15] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Jingwei Cheng. Fuzzy information modeling in UML class diagram and relational database models. Applied Soft Computing, 11(6): 4236-4245, 2011. (JCR一区论文, IF = 2.612)
[16] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan. Extracting knowledge from fuzzy relational database with description logic. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 18: 1-19, 2011. (JCR一区论文, IF = 3.451)
[17] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan. Representing and reasoning on fuzzy UML models: a description logic approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(3): 2536-2549, 2011. (JCR一区论文, IF = 2.203)
[18] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Hailong Wang, Li Yan. An overview of fuzzy description logics for the Semantic Web. Knowledge Engineering Review, 28(1): 1-34, 2013. (JCR三区论文, IF = 0.957)
[19] Qiang Tong, Fu Zhang, Jingwei Cheng. A novel and complete approach for storing RDF(S) in relational databases. International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 16(6), 2019. (JCR四区论文, IF = 0.466)
[20] 张富, 严丽, 马宗民, 王星. 基于模糊描述逻辑的模糊XML模型的表示与推理. 《计算机学报》, 34(8): 1437-1451, 2011.(国内一级学报、EI索引号201**)
[21] 张富, 严丽, 马宗民, 程经纬. 模糊面向对象数据模型的描述逻辑表示与推理. 《软件学报》, 23(3): 594-612, 2012.(国内一级学报、EI索引号038)
[22] 张富, 马宗民, 严丽. 基于描述逻辑的模糊ER模型的表示与推理. 《计算机科学》, 35(8): 138-144, 2008.
[23] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Formal approach and automated tool for constructing ontology from object-oriented database model. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2010), 1329-1332, 2010. (会议论文、EI索引号804、CCF-B)
[24] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Automatic fuzzy semantic web ontology learning from fuzzy object-oriented database model. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2010), 16-30, 2010.(会议论文、EI索引号488)
[25] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Fuzzy semantic web ontology learning from fuzzy UML model. Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2009), 1007-1016, 2009.(会议论文、EI索引号620、CCF-B)
[26] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Formal semantics-preserving translation from fuzzy ER model to fuzzy OWL DL ontology. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2008), 503-509, 2008. (会议论文、EI索引号546)
[27] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Representation and reasoning of fuzzy ER model with description logic. Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2008), 1358-1365, 2008. (会议论文、EI索引号046)
[28] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. A formal semantics-preserving translation from fuzzy relational database schema to fuzzy OWL DL ontology. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2008), 46-60, 2008. (会议论文、EI索引号615)
[29] Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Z. M. Ma, et al. Knowledge representation and reasoning of XML with ontology. Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2011), 1705-1710, 2011. (会议论文、EI索引号838)
[30] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Storing fuzzy ontology in fuzzy relational database. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2011), 447-455, 2011. (会议论文、EI索引号201**)
[31] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan. A fuzzy ontology approach for representing fuzzy petri nets. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2012), 1-8, 2012. (会议论文、EI索引号950)
[32] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Slobodan Ribaric. Representation of Petri net with OWL DL ontology. Proceedings of the eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2011), 1396-1400, 2011.(会议论文、EI索引号 201**)
[33] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Haitao Cheng. A review of answering queries over ontologies based on databases. Handbook of Research on Innovative Database Query Processing Techniques, IGI Global. 2015. (Book Chapter)
[34] Qiang Tong, Fu Zhang, Jingwei Cheng. Construction of RDF(S) from UML class diagrams. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 22(4): 237-250, 2014. (EI期刊论文、EI索引号20**4)
[35] Haitao Cheng, Fu Zhang. Modeling topological relationships between fuzzy spatio-temporal objects. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 24(4): 323-348, 2016. (EI期刊论文、EI索引号20**5)
[36] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Yanhui Lv. Formal semantics-preserving translation from fuzzy ER model to fuzzy OWL DL ontology. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, 8(4): 397-412, 2010.(EI期刊论文、EI索引号839)
[37] Li Yan, Zongmin Ma, Fu Zhang. Fuzzy XML Data Management. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-44898-0, pp. 1-208, 2015.(英文学术专著)
[38] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Jingwei Cheng. Fuzzy knowledge management for the Semantic Web. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-39282-5, pp. 1-272, 2014. (英文学术专著)
校址:辽宁省沈阳市和平区文化路3号巷11号 邮编:110819
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项目名称 项目来源 项目情况 时间
知识图谱关键技术研究 双一流建设经费 在研 2018.01.01-2020.12.31
语义Web模糊时空本体知识管理关键技术研究 国家自然科学基金——面上项目 在研 2017.01.01-2020.12.31
基于模糊数据库的大规模复杂模糊本体自动构建与存储关键技术研究 国家自然科学基——青年项目 结题 2013.01.01-2015.12.31
语义Web新兴研究方向探索与建设 一流学科高峰建设项目 结题 2017.01.01-2017.12.31
中央高校基本科研业务费国家项目培育种子基金 结题 2014.01.01-2016.12.31
基于结构化数据的大规模OWL2本体构建与存储技术研究 中央高校基本科研业务费国家项目培育种子基金 结题 2012.01.01-2014.12.31
项目名称 项目来源 项目情况 时间
Curling Tracking and Data Collecting System Sport Telemetry Systems Ltd. (加拿大) 在研 2018.08.01-2018.12.31
辽宁建设执业信息中心注册管理系统建设 辽宁省建设厅 结题 2014.09.01-2015.08.31
辽宁党刊集团党建融媒体平台研发(辽宁省委组织部官网) 辽宁党刊集团 结题 2017.03.01-2018.02.28
[1] 全国知识图谱与语义计算大会(CCKS: China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing)举办的知识图谱相关的评测任务
[2] CCF大数据与计算智能大赛平台下的汽车行业用户观点主题及情感识别任务
[3] 阿里巴巴天池大数据竞赛下的瑞金医院MMC人工智能辅助构建知识图谱大赛
[4] 中国古代诗人“知识图谱”构建与问答系统(大学生创新训练计划项目,国家级)
[5] ......
欢迎通过Email(zhangfu@cse.neu.edu.cn 或 zhangfu216@126.com)与本人联系。
1. 招收计算机——博士研究生
2. 招收计算机——硕士研究生(学硕和专硕)
(1) 提升实践能力:实验室鼓励参加竞赛和科研项目,并提供去企业实习机会。
(2) 提升科研能力:实验室科研气氛浓厚,在科研方面能够给予详细的指导。
2018年 辽宁省百千万工程“万人层次”人才
2009年 辽宁省优秀硕士论文获得者
2013年 辽宁省优秀博士论文提名奖
2017年 辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖二等奖1项
2018年 东北大学计算机学院年度小牛翻译奖教金“SCI论文他引次数论文奖”
2013年 东北大学计算机学院科研论文优秀奖
2017年 东北大学计算机学院—专业建设和实验室建设先进个人奖
2010年 东北大学学术之星
2018年 Web编程技术课程获东北大学优秀网络课程二等奖
2017年 Web编程技术课件获东北大学优秀教学课件二等奖
2017年 东北大学计算机学院—本科教学质量优秀奖
校址:辽宁省沈阳市和平区文化路3号巷11号 邮编:110819
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Welcome to Northeastern University!
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Northeastern University
Shenyang, 110169, China
Email: zhangfu@cse.neu.edu.cn
Dr. Fu Zhang received his PhD degree in 2011 from Northeastern University, China. He is currently an associate professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering at Northeastern University, China. He has authored more than 40 refereed international journals and conference papers. His research work is published in high quality international conferences (e.g., CIKM and DEXA) and in highly cited international journals (e.g., Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Knowledge-Based Systems, and Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering). He has also authored two monographs published by Springer. His current research interests include knowledge graph, the Semantic Web, and knowledge representation and reasoning.
Research Interests
? Knowledg Graph
? Semantic Web
? Ontology and Description Logic
? Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
? Fuzzy Data and Knowledge Management
Educational Experience
? 2008.09-2011.09, Northeastern University, College of Information Science and Engineering, Computer Application Technology, Ph.D
? 2006.09-2008.07, Northeastern University, College of Information Science and Engineering, Computer System Architecture, Master
? 2002.09-2006.07, Shenyang Jianzhu University, College of Information and Control Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Bachelor
Publications (SELECTED)
[1] Fu Zhang, Jingwei Cheng. Verification of fuzzy UML models with fuzzy Description Logic. Applied Soft Computing, 73: 134-152, 2018.
[2] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Jingwei Cheng. Enhanced entity-relationship modeling with description logic. Knowledge-Based Systems, 93: 12-32, 2016.
[3] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan, Jingwei Cheng. Construction of fuzzy OWL ontologies from fuzzy EER models: A semantics-preserving approach. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 229: 1-32, 2013.
[4] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Weijun Li. Storing OWL ontologies in object-oriented databases. Knowledge-Based Systems, 76: 240-255, 2015.
[5] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan, Yu Wang. A description logic approach for representing and reasoning on fuzzy object-oriented database models. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 186(1): 1-25, 2012.
[6] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan. Construction of ontologies from object-oriented database models. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 18(4): 327-347, 2011.
[7] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan. Construction of fuzzy ontologies from fuzzy XML models. Knowledge-Based Systems, 42: 20-39, 2013.
[8] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Qiang Tong, Jingwei Cheng. Storing fuzzy description logic ontology knowledge bases in fuzzy relational databases. Applied Intelligence, 48: 220–242, 2017.
[9] Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Z. M. Ma. Reasoning of fuzzy relational databases with fuzzy ontologies. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 27(6): 613-634, 2012.
[10] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan. Representation and reasoning of fuzzy ER models with description logic DLR. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 26(2): 611-623, 2014.
[11] Fu Zhang, Jingwei Cheng, Z. M. Ma. A survey on fuzzy ontologies for the Semantic Web. Knowledge Engineering Review, 31(3): 278-321, 2016.
[12] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Xu Chen. Formalizing fuzzy object-oriented database models using fuzzy ontologies. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 29(4): 1407-1420, 2015.
[13] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma. Representing and reasoning about XML with ontologies. Applied Intelligence, 40(1): 74-106, 2014.
[14] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma. Construction of fuzzy ontologies from fuzzy UML models. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 6(3): 442-472, 2013.
[15] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Jingwei Cheng. Fuzzy information modeling in UML class diagram and relational database models. Applied Soft Computing, 11(6): 4236-4245, 2011.
[16] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan. Extracting knowledge from fuzzy relational database with description logic. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 18: 1-19, 2011.
[17] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan. Representing and reasoning on fuzzy UML models: a description logic approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(3): 2536-2549, 2011.
[18] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Hailong Wang, Li Yan. An overview of fuzzy description logics for the Semantic Web. Knowledge Engineering Review, 28(1): 1-34, 2013.
[19] Qiang Tong, Fu Zhang, Jingwei Cheng. A novel and complete approach for storing RDF(S) in relational databases. International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 16(6), 2019.
[20] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Formal approach and automated tool for constructing ontology from object-oriented database model. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2010), 1329-1332, 2010.
[21] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Automatic fuzzy semantic web ontology learning from fuzzy object-oriented database model. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2010), 16-30, 2010.
[22] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Fuzzy semantic web ontology learning from fuzzy UML model. Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2009), 1007-1016, 2009.
[23] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Formal semantics-preserving translation from fuzzy ER model to fuzzy OWL DL ontology. Proceedings of 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2008), 503-509, 2008.
[24] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Representation and reasoning of fuzzy ER model with description logic. Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2008), 1358-1365, 2008.
[25] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. A formal semantics-preserving translation from fuzzy relational database schema to fuzzy OWL DL ontology. Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2008), 46-60, 2008.
[26] Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Z. M. Ma, et al. Knowledge representation and reasoning of XML with ontology. Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2011), 1705-1710, 2011.
[27] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, et al. Storing fuzzy ontology in fuzzy relational database. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2011), 447-455, 2011.
[28] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Li Yan. A fuzzy ontology approach for representing fuzzy petri nets. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2012), 1-8, 2012.
[29] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Slobodan Ribaric. Representation of Petri net with OWL DL ontology. Proceedings of the eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD 2011), 1396-1400, 2011.
[30] Fu Zhang, Z. M. Ma, Haitao Cheng. A review of answering queries over ontologies based on databases. Handbook of Research on Innovative Database Query Processing Techniques, IGI Global. 2015.
[31] Qiang Tong, Fu Zhang, Jingwei Cheng. Construction of RDF(S) from UML class diagrams. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 22(4): 237-250, 2014.
[32] Haitao Cheng, Fu Zhang. Modeling topological relationships between fuzzy spatio-temporal objects. Journal of Computing and Information Technology 24(4): 323-348, 2016.
[33] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Yanhui Lv. Formal semantics-preserving translation from fuzzy ER model to fuzzy OWL DL ontology. Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, 8(4): 397-412, 2010.
[34] Li Yan, Zongmin Ma, Fu Zhang. Fuzzy XML Data Management. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-44898-0, pp. 1-208, 2015.
[35] Z. M. Ma, Fu Zhang, Li Yan, Jingwei Cheng. Fuzzy knowledge management for the Semantic Web. Springer, ISBN: 978-3-642-39282-5, pp. 1-272, 2014.
Address:No. 195, Chuangxin Road, Baita Street, Hunnan District, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110169, P. R. China
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