姓名: 张红伟
工作单位: 东北大学 材料电磁过程研究(EPM)教育部重点实验室
职称: 教 授
学历: 工学博士
办公电话: +86-
传 真: +86-
电子邮箱: hongweizhang@epm.neu.edu.cn
办公地址: 东北大学EPM实验室305室
邮寄地址: 辽宁省沈阳市和平区东北大学EPM实验室 314信箱
邮政编码: 110819
1992.09-1995.03:东北大学 热能工程专业,工学硕士
1995.03-2001.03:东北大学 热能工程专业,工学博士
2002.04-2004.07:东北大学 冶金工程博士后站,博士后
2009.01-2009.12:法国巴黎矿大(Ecole des MINES ParisTech) 材料成型中心 凝固过程组织与性能研究室,访问学者
2015.01- 至今: 东北大学材料电磁过程研究教育部重点实验室,教授
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目
n国家自然科学基金面上项目- Fe-C-Cr基多元高熵结构合金凝固路径与碳化物析出行为研究(2016-2019)
n辽宁省教育厅人才项目- 基于类平衡/有限扩散偏析模型的Fe-C-Cr基多元合金凝固路径预测与碳化物析出控制(2015-2018)
n东北大学学术会议资助- 承办第4届凝固、铸造及精炼过程数值模拟前沿技术国际会议 (2016-2016)
nEPM实验室开放基金- 铸坯凝固组织动态预测、晶体生长动力学表征及控制 (2015-2016)
n高校2014引智项目- 基于有限扩散偏析模型的Fe-C-Cr基多元合金凝固路径预测与碳化物析出控制 (2014-2015)
n中央高校基本科研业务费- Fe-C-Cr基多元合金凝固路径及凝固组织预测与控制 (2011-2012)
n辽宁省博士启动基金-Fe-C合金连铸坯于电磁场作用下凝固组织演变的研究 (2004-2005)
n国家自然科学基金重点项目- 基于洁净钢高效生产的新型电磁冶金技术研究 (2016-2019)
n国家自然科学基金—强磁场辅助脉冲电沉积法生长 Co 基磁性薄膜的基础研究(2011-2013)
n国家基础研究发展规划(973计划)项目— 强磁场作用下新型金属功能材料的梯度、织构设计(2011 -2013)
n辽宁省科技攻关项目— 高耐磨性、高韧性双金属复合耐磨材料的开发(2011-2013)
至2019年12月,在 Steel Res Int, ISIJ Inter, J Iron Steel Res Int, 金属学报,中国有色金属学报 等国内外一级期刊及国际、国内会议上发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI检索20余篇。合作编写学术专著1部,参编学术专著2部。
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Mengmeng Su, Hiroyuki Shibata, Peter Hedstr?m, Weixian Wang, Hong Lei, Qiang Wang, P?r G?ran J?nsson, Jicheng He. Prediction of Influences of Co, Ni and W Elements on Carbide Precipitation Behavior in Fe-C-V-Cr-Mo Based High Speed Steels, Steel research int. 2018, 89(10):**. SCI 007, EI 20**6
nHongwei Zhang, Qiang Liu, Hiroyuki Shibata, Qiang Wang, Pär Jönsson, Jicheng He, Keiji Nakajima:Partial Equilibrium Prediction of Solidification andCarbide Precipitation in Ti-added High Cr Cast Irons,ISIJ International, 2014, 54(2), 374-383. SCI 019 & EI 20**1
nHongweiZhang, KeijiNakajima, Charles‑AndréGandin and JichengHe: Prediction of carbide precipitation using Partial equilibrium approximation in Fe-C-V-W-Cr-Mo high speed steels, ISIJ International, 2013, 53 (3), 493-501.SCI 0003** & EI 20**6
n张红伟,中岛敬治,王恩刚,赫冀成:Al-Si合金宏观偏析、凝固组织演变的元胞自动机-控制容积法耦合模拟,中国有色金属学报, 2012, 22(7),1883-96. EI 430
nQiang Liu, HongweiZhang, Qiang WANG, Xiangkui ZHOU, P?r J?NSSON and Keiji NAKAJIMA. Effect of Cooling Rate and Ti Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in As-cast Condition of Hypereutectic High Chromium Cast Irons,ISIJ International, 2012, 52 (12), 2210–2219. SCI 014 & EI 20**4
nQiang Liu, Peter HEDSTR?M, HongweiZhang, Qiang WANG, P?r J?NSSON and Keiji NAKAJIMA. Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-alloyed Hypereutectic High Chromium Cast Iron, ISIJ International, 2012, 52 (12), 2288–2294. SCI 025 & EI 20**6
n雷洪,乔娜,耿佃桥,张红伟:疏水冷面霜晶生长的有限扩散凝聚模型,东北大学学报,2012, 33(11), 1591-1594. EI712
nTie Liu,Qiang Wang,Hong-Wei Zhang,Chang-Sheng Lou,Keiji Nakajima,Ji-Cheng He:Effects of high magnetic fields on solidification microstructure of Al–Si alloys,Journal of Materials Science, 46 (2011): 1628–1634. SCI 011 & EI 201**
nTie Liu, Qiang Wang, Ao Gao, Hongwei Zhang, Jicheng He: Effects of a high magnetic field on the phase equilibria of Mn-Sb system during solidification process, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011): 5822-5824. SCI 021 & EI 942
nH. Zhang,Ch.-A. Gandin, H. Ben Hamouda, D. Tourret, K. Nakajima, J. He:Prediction of solidification paths for Fe-C-Cr alloys by a multiphase segregation model coupled to thermodynamic equilibrium calculations,ISIJ International, 50 (2010): 1859-1866. SCI 019 & EI 197
nH. Zhang, K. Nakajima, H. Lei, J. He:Restrictions of physical properties on solidification microstructures of Al-based binary alloys by Cellular Automaton,ISIJ International, 50 ( 2010): 1835-1842. SCI 016 & EI194
nK. Nakajima, H. Zhang, K. Oikawa, M. Ohno and P.G.Jonsson:Methodological progress for computer simulation of solidification and casting (Review),ISIJ International, 50 (2010): 1724-1734. SCI002 & EI 180
n雷洪,张红伟,陈芝会,王恩刚,赫冀成:连铸结晶器内钢液流动、凝固和夹杂物的分布,钢铁, 45(2010): 24-29.
nTie Liu,Qiang Wang,Hong-Wei Zhang,Chang-Sheng Lou,Keiji Nakajima,Ji-Cheng He: Effects of high magnetic fields on solidification microstructure of Al–Si alloys,Journal of Materials Science, 46 (2011): 1628–1634. SCI 011 & EI 201**
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Rangqiong Wu, Qiang Wang and Jicheng He:Prediction of solidification microstructure and columnar-to-equiaxed transition of Al-Si alloy by two-dimensional cellular automaton with “decentred square” growth algorithm, ISIJ International, 49 (2009): 1000-1009. SCI 010 & EI 709, ISTP 010
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Wei Xing, Aili Wang and Jicheng He: Influences of flow intensity, cooling rate and nucleation density at ingot surface on deflective growth of dendrites for Al-based alloy, ISIJ International, 49 (2009): 1010-1018. SCI 011 & EI 710, ISTP 010
nHong Lei, Hong-Wei Zhang, Ji-Cheng He: Flow, Solidification, and Solute Transport in a Continuous Casting Mold with Electromagnetic Brake, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 32 ( 2009): 991–1002. SCI 019 & EI 113
nZhang Hong-wei, Wang En-gang, He Ji-cheng, Influence of billet size on flow, solidification and solute transport in continuous casting, Journal of Iron and steel research International, 10(2003): 22-27. SCI 000**5
n张红伟,王恩刚,赫冀成.方坯连铸过程中钢液流动、凝固及溶质分布的耦合数值模拟.金属学报,38(2002): 99-104. SCI 000**9 & EI 63
n张红伟,王恩刚,赫冀成.高碳钢连铸坯凝固过程溶质偏析的数值模拟.东北大学学报,23(2002): 549-552. EI 14
n张红伟,赫冀成,王恩刚.连铸坯截面尺寸对流动、凝固及溶质分布的影响.东北大学学报,23(2002): 236-239. EI 04
n张红伟,李宝宽,王红,赫冀成.凝固糊状区渗透率的修正模型.东北大学学报,19(1998), S1: 196-199
n张红伟,李宝宽,王红,赫冀成.偏流浇注对圆坯结晶器凝固过程的影响.东北大学学报,19(1998), S1: 204-207
nLin Chuanxing, Hu Mingsheng,Zhang Hongwei. Continuous Determination of Temperature in Graphitizing Resistance Furnaces Using Inverse Heat Conduction. Elektrowarme International, 54(1996): B40-42
n李宝宽,张红伟,赫冀成.底吹钢包内掷入合金的运动.北京科技大学学报, 17(1995), S2: 85-89 国际会议邀请报告:
nH. Zhang, H. Ben Hamouda, D. Tourret, Ch.-A. Gandin, K. Nakajima, J. He:Prediction of solidification path for multicomponent alloys by a multiphase segregation model,the 2nd international symposium on cutting edge of computer simulation of solidification and casting (CSSC2010), February 3-5, Sapporo, Japan, 2010:47. (invited lecture)
nH. Zhang, K. Nakajima, J. He:Restriction of nucleation, flow parameter and physical property on solidification microstructure of Al-based binary alloy by cellular automaton,the 2nd international symposium on cutting edge of computer simulation of solidification and casting (CSSC2010), February 3-5, Sapporo, Japan, 2010:50-51.(invited lecture)
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Mengmeng Su, Shaoshao Gao, Hong Lei, Qiang Wang, Jicheng He. Prediction of Carbide Precipitation Using A Combined Partial Equilibrium - Para-Equilibrium - Lever Rule Approximation in Automobile Gear Materials, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2019, 529: 012009. Ei 20**3
nHongweiZhang, KeijiNakajima, Engang Wang and JichengHe: Modeling of macrosegregation and solidification microstructure for Al-Si alloy by a coupled cellular automaton – finite volume model, MCWASP XIII 2012, 2012 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33, 012093. EI 20**8
nHongweiZhang, Charles?AndréGandin, JichengHe and KeijiNakajima: Prediction of solidification path and carbide precipitation in Fe-C-V-Cr-Mo-W high speed steels, MCWASP XIII 2012, 2012 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33, 012061. EI 20**6
nHongweiZhang, Charles?AndréGandin, KeijiNakajima and JichengHe: A multiphase segregation model for multicomponent alloys with a peritectic transformation, MCWASP XIII 2012, 2012 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science Engineering, 33, 012063. EI 20**8
nZHANGHong-wei, JIANG Xing, HE Ji-cheng:Modeling of orientation and alignment of primary Al3Ni crystal in Al-Ni alloy by imposing a high magnetic field,Journal of iron and steel research international. 2012, 19 (supplement 1), 1095-1098.
nQiang Liu, HongweiZhang, Qiang Wang, Xiangkui Zhou, P?r G J?nsson and Keiji Nakajima: Solidification and phase transformations of Ti-added hypereutectic high chromium cast irons,Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Ingot Casting, Rolling and Forging, 1-7. Aachen, Germany, June 5, 2012.
nZhang Hongwei, Keiji Nakajima, Wang Qiang, Liu Tie, Xing wei, He Jicheng: Cellular Automaton Modeling of Solidification Microstructure of Al-Si Alloy, The 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Modeling of Casting and Solidification Processes (Proceedings: Recent development of modeling of casting and Solidification Processes), Aug. 19-22, Dalian, China, 2007: 233-240.
nZhang Hongwei, Keiji Nakajima, Wang Qiang, Xing wei, Liu Tie, He Jicheng: Modeling of solidification microstructure for alloys by using cellular automaton, international symposium on liquid metal processing and casting (LMPC), Sept.2-5, Nancy, France, 2007: 201-205.
nLiu Tie, Wang Qiang, Wang Ke, Yuan Yi, Zhang Hongwei, Keiji Nakajima and He Jicheng: Control of solidified structures and intergranular precipitations in al-li binary alloys by high magnetic fields, The 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Modeling of Casting and Solidification Processes, Aug. 19-22, Dalian, China, 2007: 607-612
nZhang Hong-wei, Huang Jun-tao, Wang En-gang, He Ji-cheng, Su Xin. Numerical simulation on solidification processes of continuous casting billet with linear electromagnetic stirring, Second international conference on advanced structural steels (ICASS 2004),shanghai,2004: 947-950.
nZhang Hong-wei, Huang Jun-tao, Wang En-gang, Su Xin, He Ji-cheng. Numerical Simulation for Effects of Electromagnetic Stirring on Solidification Processes of Continuous Casting Billet,Proceedings: Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials,Shenyang,2004: 147-154.
nZhang hongewei, Wang engang, He Jicheng. Numerical simulation on fluid flow, solidification and solute transport in billet continuous casting process. Workshop on new generation steel (NG STEEL' 2001) (新一代钢铁材料研讨会论文集),北京,2001,216-221
n张红伟,赫冀成,李宝宽.适体坐标网格的生成及在底吹钢包流场计算中的应用.北京:第七届全国计算传热学会议论文集,1997: 317-322
nLi Baokuan, Zhang Hongwei, He Jicheng. Motions of Alloying Additions in Gas Stirred Ladles. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Metallurgy and Materials of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys.(沈阳:有色金属冶金及材料国际学术论文集),1996: 311-317
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Mengmeng Su, Shaoshao Gao, Hong Lei, Qiang Wang, Jicheng He. Prediction of Carbide Precipitation Using A Combined Partial Equilibrium- Para-Equilibrium - Lever Rule Approximation in Automobile Gear Materials, submitted to ICASP-5 – CSSCR-5 conference, June 17-21, 2019 Salzburg, Austria.
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Hong Lei, Jicheng He: Study of Macrosegregation Formation during Solidification of Alloys, The 4th International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2016), Xi’an, China, May 11 - 15, 2016: 153-154 (CSSCR2016 Best Poster Award).
nMengmeng Su,Hongwei Zhang, Weixian Wang, Keiji Nakajima, Hong Lei, Jicheng He: Prediction of Influences of Alloy Elements on Precipitation Behavior of Carbides in Solidification of High Speed Steels, The 4th International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2016), Xi’an , China, May 11 - 15, 2016: 126-127.
nZhongting Yu, Yilun Li, Jianrong Gao, Hongwei Zhang: Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Binary Immiscible Alloy by Lattice Boltzmann Method, The 4th International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2016), Xi’an , China, May 11 - 15, 2016: 129-130.
nHongwei Zhang, Jie Jiang, Keiji Nakajima, Jicheng He: Deflective Dendrite Growth of Fe-C Based Ternary Alloy under Fluid Flow, 3rd International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2013), Aalto univer., Finland & KTH,Sweden, May 20-23, 2013:41.
nHongwei Zhang, Tie Li, Keiji Nakajima, Engang Wang, Jicheng He: Effects of Thermo-Solutal Buoyancy on Macrosegregation Formation during Solidification of Binary Alloys, 3rd International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2013), Aalto univer., Finland & KTH,Sweden, May 20-23, 2013:33.
nHongweiZhang, KeijiNakajima, Charles‑AndréGandin, and JichengHe: Prediction of Carbide Precipitation Using Partial Equilibrium Approximation in Fe-C-V-W-Cr-Mo High Speed Steels, 3rd International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2013), Aalto univer., Finland & KTH,Sweden, May 20-23, 2013:118-119.
nLiu Tie, Wang Qiang, Nakajima Keiji, Zhang Hong-wei, He Ji-cheng: Effect of high magnetic field on microstructures of near eutectic Al-Si alloys,A Summer school on Electromagnetic Processing of materials,Shenyang, 2006:33.
教授课程本科生课程:传热学 新能源传输模拟及仿真 热工基础
研究生课程:工程传热 高等流体力学(II) 工程热物理实用数值技术
2019级 吕文朋(工程热物理), 田震(动力工程), 唐国峰(动力工程)
2018级 董正洋(动力工程), 张山(动力工程), 苗淼(动力工程), 冯苗苗(动力工程)
2019年毕业 邵景霞(工程热物理), 张晛韦(动力工程), 陈红(动力工程)
2018年毕业 张光旭(动力工程)
2017年毕业 吕东旭(工程热物理),韩旭(动力工程), 高绍绍(动力工程)
2016年毕业 于忠婷(材料加工),苏盟盟(动力工程), 梁涧飞(动力工程)
2015年毕业 李轶伦(材料加工) , 付嘉宝(工程热物理)
2014年毕业 刘敏(材料工程), 王天龙(工程热物理)
2013年毕业 姜洁(材料工程), 李铁(工程热物理)
2012年毕业 张倩(材料加工), 吴丙根(热能工程)
2010年毕业 江兴(热能工程)
2009年毕业 王亚东(材料学)
2008年毕业 邢伟(材料加工), 韩福龙(材料加工)
u第4届凝固、铸造及精炼过程数值模拟前沿技术国际会议(CSSCR2016) 大会最佳墙报奖
Dr Hongwei ZHANG, Professor
Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (Ministry of Education), Northeastern University
P. O. Box 314, No.3-11, Wenhua Road, Heping District, Shenyang, 110819, P. R. China
Tel: 86-
Fax: 86-
Email: hongweizhang@epm.neu.edu.cn
Website:http: //faculty.neu.edu.cn/epm/hongweizhang/
Education and Employments
1988.09-1992.07:Department of Thermal Engineering, Northeastern University, P.R. China, B.Sc. Degree in Thermal Engineering
1992.09-1995.03:Department of Thermal Engineering, Northeastern University, P.R. China, M.Sc. Degree in Thermal Engineering
1995.03-2001.03:Department of Thermal Engineering, Northeastern University, P.R. China, Ph. D. Degree in Thermal Engineering
2001.03-2004.12:Key Laboratory ofEPM, Northeastern University, P.R. China, Lecturer
2005.01-2014.12:Key Laboratory of EPM, Northeastern University, P.R. China, Associate Professor
2015.01- present:Key Laboratory of EPM, Northeastern University, P.R. China, Professor
2002.04-2004.07:Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Northeastern University,P.R. China, Postdoctoral researcher
2009.01-2009.12:Centre for Material Forming (ARMINES-CEMEF),Ecole des MINES ParisTech, France, Visiting scholar
Research Interests
· Coupled model of flow, heat and mass transfer in casting /continuous casting process.
· Prediction of the micro/macro-segregation in alloys.
· Thermodynamic calculation of solidification path in multicomponent alloys.
· Cellular automaton prediction of alloy solidification microstructures.
Peer-Reviewed Publications:
-Journal papers
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Mengmeng Su, Hiroyuki Shibata, Peter Hedstr?m, Weixian Wang, Hong Lei, Qiang Wang, P?r G?ran J?nsson, Jicheng He. Prediction of Influences of Co, Ni and W Elements on Carbide Precipitation Behavior in Fe-C-V-Cr-Mo Based High Speed Steels, Steel research int. 2018, 89(10):**. SCI 007, EI 20**6
nHongwei Zhang, Qiang Liu, Hiroyuki Shibata, Qiang Wang, Pär Jönsson, Jicheng He, Keiji Nakajima:Partial Equilibrium Prediction of Solidification andCarbide Precipitation in Ti-added High Cr Cast Irons,ISIJ International, 2014, 54(2), 374-383. SCI 019 & EI 20**1
nHongweiZhang, KeijiNakajima, Charles‑AndréGandin and JichengHe: Prediction of carbide precipitation using Partial equilibrium approximation in Fe-C-V-W-Cr-Mo high speed steels, ISIJ International, 2013, 53 (3), 493-501.SCI 0003** & EI 20**6
nQiang Liu, HongweiZhang, Qiang WANG, Xiangkui ZHOU, P?r J?NSSON and Keiji NAKAJIMA. Effect of Cooling Rate and Ti Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in As-cast Condition of Hypereutectic High Chromium Cast Irons,ISIJ International, 2012, 52 (12), 2210–2219. SCI 014 & EI 20**4
nQiang Liu, Peter HEDSTR?M, HongweiZhang, Qiang WANG, P?r J?NSSON and Keiji NAKAJIMA. Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-alloyed Hypereutectic High Chromium Cast Iron, ISIJ International, 2012, 52 (12), 2288–2294. SCI 025 & EI 20**6
nTie Liu,Qiang Wang,Hong-Wei Zhang,Chang-Sheng Lou,Keiji Nakajima,Ji-Cheng He:Effects of high magnetic fields on solidification microstructure of Al–Si alloys,Journal of Materials Science, 46 (2011): 1628–1634. SCI 011 & EI 201**
nTie Liu, Qiang Wang, Ao Gao, Hongwei Zhang, Jicheng He: Effects of a high magnetic field on the phase equilibria of Mn-Sb system during solidification process, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011): 5822-5824. SCI 021 & EI 942
nH. Zhang,Ch.-A. Gandin, H. Ben Hamouda, D. Tourret, K. Nakajima, J. He:Prediction of solidification paths for Fe-C-Cr alloys by a multiphase segregation model coupled to thermodynamic equilibrium calculations,ISIJ International, 50 (2010): 1859-1866. SCI 019 & EI 197
nH. Zhang, K. Nakajima, H. Lei, J. He:Restrictions of physical properties on solidification microstructures of Al-based binary alloys by Cellular Automaton,ISIJ International, 50 ( 2010): 1835-1842. SCI 016 & EI194
nK. Nakajima, H. Zhang, K. Oikawa, M. Ohno and P.G.Jonsson:Methodological progress for computer simulation of solidification and casting (Review),ISIJ International, 50 (2010): 1724-1734. SCI002 & EI 180
nTie Liu,Qiang Wang,Hong-Wei Zhang,Chang-Sheng Lou,Keiji Nakajima,Ji-Cheng He: Effects of high magnetic fields on solidification microstructure of Al–Si alloys,Journal of Materials Science, 46 (2011): 1628–1634. SCI 011 & EI 201**
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Rangqiong Wu, Qiang Wang and Jicheng He:Prediction of solidification microstructure and columnar-to-equiaxed transition of Al-Si alloy by two-dimensional cellular automaton with “decentred square” growth algorithm, ISIJ International, 49 (2009): 1000-1009. SCI 010 & EI 709, ISTP 010
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Wei Xing, Aili Wang and Jicheng He: Influences of flow intensity, cooling rate and nucleation density at ingot surface on deflective growth of dendrites for Al-based alloy, ISIJ International, 49 (2009): 1010-1018. SCI 011 & EI 710, ISTP 010
nHong Lei, Hong-Wei Zhang, Ji-Cheng He: Flow, Solidification, and Solute Transport in a Continuous Casting Mold with Electromagnetic Brake, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 32 ( 2009): 991–1002. SCI 019 & EI 113
nZhang Hong-wei, Wang En-gang, He Ji-cheng, Influence of billet size on flow, solidification and solute transport in continuous casting, Journal of Iron and steel research International, 10(2003): 22-27. SCI 000**5
nLin Chuanxing, Hu Mingsheng,Zhang Hongwei. Continuous Determination of Temperature in Graphitizing Resistance Furnaces Using Inverse Heat Conduction. Elektrowarme International, 54(1996): B40-42
- Invited lectures in international conference
nH. Zhang, H. Ben Hamouda, D. Tourret, Ch.-A. Gandin, K. Nakajima, J. He:Prediction of solidification path for multicomponent alloys by a multiphase segregation model,the 2nd international symposium on cutting edge of computer simulation of solidification and casting (CSSC2010), February 3-5, Sapporo, Japan, 2010:47. (invited lecture)
nH. Zhang, K. Nakajima, J. He:Restriction of nucleation, flow parameter and physical property on solidification microstructure of Al-based binary alloy by cellular automaton,the 2nd international symposium on cutting edge of computer simulation of solidification and casting (CSSC2010), February 3-5, Sapporo, Japan, 2010:50-51.(invited lecture)
- Publications in international conference with proceedings
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Mengmeng Su, Shaoshao Gao, Hong Lei, Qiang Wang, Jicheng He. Prediction of Carbide Precipitation Using A Combined Partial Equilibrium - Para-Equilibrium - Lever Rule Approximation in Automobile Gear Materials, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 2019, 529: 012009. Ei 20**3
nHongweiZhang, KeijiNakajima, Engang Wang and JichengHe: Modeling of macrosegregation and solidification microstructure for Al-Si alloy by a coupled cellular automaton – finite volume model, MCWASP XIII 2012, 2012 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33, 012093. EI 20**8
nHongweiZhang, Charles?AndréGandin, JichengHe and KeijiNakajima: Prediction of solidification path and carbide precipitation in Fe-C-V-Cr-Mo-W high speed steels, MCWASP XIII 2012, 2012 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 33, 012061. EI 20**6
nHongweiZhang, Charles?AndréGandin, KeijiNakajima and JichengHe: A multiphase segregation model for multicomponent alloys with a peritectic transformation, MCWASP XIII 2012, 2012 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science Engineering, 33, 012063. EI 20**8
nZHANGHong-wei, JIANG Xing, HE Ji-cheng:Modeling of orientation and alignment of primary Al3Ni crystal in Al-Ni alloy by imposing a high magnetic field,Journal of iron and steel research international. 2012, 19 (supplement 1), 1095-1098.
nQiang Liu, HongweiZhang, Qiang Wang, Xiangkui Zhou, P?r G J?nsson and Keiji Nakajima: Solidification and phase transformations of Ti-added hypereutectic high chromium cast irons,Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Ingot Casting, Rolling and Forging, 1-7. Aachen, Germany, June 5, 2012.
nZhang Hongwei, Keiji Nakajima, Wang Qiang, Liu Tie, Xing wei, He Jicheng: Cellular Automaton Modeling of Solidification Microstructure of Al-Si Alloy, The 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Modeling of Casting and Solidification Processes (Proceedings: Recent development of modeling of casting and Solidification Processes), Aug. 19-22, Dalian, China, 2007: 233-240.
nZhang Hongwei, Keiji Nakajima, Wang Qiang, Xing wei, Liu Tie, He Jicheng: Modeling of solidification microstructure for alloys by using cellular automaton, international symposium on liquid metal processing and casting (LMPC), Sept.2-5, Nancy, France, 2007: 201-205.
nLiu Tie, Wang Qiang, Wang Ke, Yuan Yi, Zhang Hongwei, Keiji Nakajima and He Jicheng: Control of solidified structures and intergranular precipitations in al-li binary alloys by high magnetic fields, The 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Modeling of Casting and Solidification Processes, Aug. 19-22, Dalian, China, 2007: 607-612
nZhang Hong-wei, Huang Jun-tao, Wang En-gang, He Ji-cheng, Su Xin. Numerical simulation on solidification processes of continuous casting billet with linear electromagnetic stirring, Second international conference on advanced structural steels (ICASS 2004),shanghai,2004: 947-950.
nZhang Hong-wei, Huang Jun-tao, Wang En-gang, Su Xin, He Ji-cheng. Numerical Simulation for Effects of Electromagnetic Stirring on Solidification Processes of Continuous Casting Billet,Proceedings: Asia-Euro Workshop on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials,Shenyang,2004: 147-154.
nZhang hongewei, Wang engang, He Jicheng. Numerical simulation on fluid flow, solidification and solute transport in billet continuous casting process. Workshop on new generation steel (NG STEEL' 2001) ,北京,2001,216-221
nLi Baokuan, Zhang Hongwei, He Jicheng. Motions of Alloying Additions in Gas Stirred Ladles. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Metallurgy and Materials of Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys,1996: 311-317
- Publications in international conference without proceedings
nHongwei Zhang, Keiji Nakajima, Hong Lei, Jicheng He: Study of Macrosegregation Formation during Solidification of Alloys, The 4th International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2016), Xi’an, China, May 11 - 15, 2016: 153-154 (CSSCR2016 Best Poster Award).
nMengmeng Su,Hongwei Zhang, Weixian Wang, Keiji Nakajima, Hong Lei, Jicheng He: Prediction of Influences of Alloy Elements on Precipitation Behavior of Carbides in Solidification of High Speed Steels, The 4th International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2016), Xi’an , China, May 11 - 15, 2016: 126-127.
nZhongting Yu, Yilun Li, Jianrong Gao, Hongwei Zhang: Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Binary Immiscible Alloy by Lattice Boltzmann Method, The 4th International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2016), Xi’an , China, May 11 - 15, 2016: 129-130.
nHongwei Zhang, Jie Jiang, Keiji Nakajima, Jicheng He: Deflective Dendrite Growth of Fe-C Based Ternary Alloy under Fluid Flow, 3rd International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2013), Aalto univer., Finland & KTH,Sweden, May 20-23, 2013:41.
nHongwei Zhang, Tie Li, Keiji Nakajima, Engang Wang, Jicheng He: Effects of Thermo-Solutal Buoyancy on Macrosegregation Formation during Solidification of Binary Alloys, 3rd International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2013), Aalto univer., Finland & KTH,Sweden, May 20-23, 2013:33.
nHongweiZhang, KeijiNakajima, Charles‑AndréGandin, and JichengHe: Prediction of Carbide Precipitation Using Partial Equilibrium Approximation in Fe-C-V-W-Cr-Mo High Speed Steels, 3rd International Symposium on Cutting Edge of Computer Simulation of Solidification, Casting and Refining (CSSCR2013), Aalto univer., Finland & KTH,Sweden, May 20-23, 2013:118-119.
nLiu Tie, Wang Qiang, Nakajima Keiji, Zhang Hong-wei, He Ji-cheng: Effect of high magnetic field on microstructures of near eutectic Al-Si alloys,A Summer school on Electromagnetic Processing of materials,Shenyang, 2006:33.
姓名: 张红伟
工作单位: 东北大学 材料电磁过程研究(EPM)教育部重点实验室
职称: 教 授
学历: 工学博士
办公电话: +86-
传 真: +86-
电子邮箱: hongweizhang@epm.neu.edu.cn
办公地址: 东北大学EPM实验室305室
邮寄地址: 辽宁省沈阳市和平区东北大学EPM实验室 314信箱
邮政编码: 110819
1992.09-1995.03:东北大学 热能工程专业,工学硕士
1995.03-2001.03:东北大学 热能工程专业,工学博士
2002.04-2004.07:东北大学 冶金工程博士后站,博士后
2009.01-2009.12:法国巴黎矿大(Ecole des MINES ParisTech) 材料成型中心 凝固过程组织与性能研究室,访问学者
2015.01- 至今: 东北大学材料电磁过程研究教育部重点实验室,教授