本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-22
Name Xueliang Zhang
Office: Room 307, School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation,Northeastern University
Professional ranks Associate professor
Education PhD.
Birth 1978.11
Telephone +86-
E-mail luckyzxl7788@163.com; zhangxl@mail.neu.edu.cn
Research Fields Vibration theory,Mechanical Dynamics,Dynamics and Vibrations
2017. Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Liaoning Province in China 2016. Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award in China
2016. Natural Sciences Academic Achievement Award in Liaoning Province, China
2014. Excellent Graduate Student of Northeastern University
2012.?“The National Scholarship” sponsored by Education Ministry of China
Xueliang Zhang, Male, was born in 1978. He received his Bachelor's degree from Shan Dong Jiaotong University, China; M.S. and PhD. degree from Northeastern University,China.
He is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, China. His research interests include: Vibration Utilization Engineering, Synchronization Theory in the Vibrating System, Mechanical Dynamics, Coupling Dynamics, Dynamics and Vibrations.
Author of: 20 scientific papers, 11 patents.
Professional Activities:
Reviewer for: Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Nonlinear Dynamics, Shock and Vibration, Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, Mechanism and Machine Theory, and so on.
09/2010---11/2014 PhD., School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning, P.R. China.
09/2008--07/2010 M.Sc., School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning, P.R. China.
09/1998--07/2002 B.Sc., School of Mechanical Engineering, Shan Dong Jiaotong University, Jinan, Shandong, P.R. China.
2015.4——Present, <DesigningTheory of Modern vibrating machines and its applications>, for undergraduate students
Research Fields:
Vibration Utilization Engineering, Synchronization Theory in Vibrating System, Mechanical Dynamics, Coupling Dynamics, Dynamics and Vibrations.
1.? Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Synchronization of three non-identical coupled exciters with the same rotating directions in a far-resonant vibrating system. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332: 2300–2317
2.? Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Experimental investigation on synchronization of three co-rotating non-identical coupled exciters driven by three motors. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333: 2898–2908
3.? Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Vibratory synchronization and coupling dynamic characteristics of multiple unbalanced rotors on a mass-spring rigid base. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2014, 60: 1–8
4. Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Theoretical study on synchronization of two exciters in a nonlinear vibrating system with multiple resonant types. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 85(1): 141–154
5.? Xueliang Zhang*, Xiangxi Kong, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Numerical and experimental study on synchronization of two exciters in a nonlinear vibrating system with multiple resonant types. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 82(1): 987–999
6.? Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Synchronization of three homodromy coupled exciters in a non-resonant vibrating system of plane motion. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2012, 28(5): 1424–1435
7. ?Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Vibratory synchronization transmission of two exciters in a super-resonant vibrating system. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2014, 28(6): 2049–2058
8. ?Xueliang Zhang*, Chunyu Zhao and BangchunWen. Theoretical and experimental study on synchronization of the two homodromy exciters in a non-resonant vibrating system. Shock and Vibration, 2013, 20: 327–340
9. ?Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Theoretical, Numerical and Experimental Study on Synchronization of Three Identical Exciters in a Vibrating System. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 26(4): 746–757
10. ?Xueliang Zhang*, Yunshan Liu, Bangchun Wen and Chunyu Zhao. Synchronization of dual unbalanced rotors in a vibrating system with double resonant types. Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2015, 3 (6): 769–778
11. ?Xueliang Zhang*, Jinlin Xu, Chunyu Zhao and Bangchun Wen. Synchronization of dual homodromy rotors with eccentric masses in a nonlinear vibrating system. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2016, Vol. 40, No. 3, p303-315
12. Xueliang Zhang*, Bangchun Wen, Chunyu Zhao. Vibratory synchronization transmission of a cylindrical roller in a vibrating mechanical system excited by two exciters. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 96: 88-103
13. ?Xiangxi Kong*, Xueliang Zhang, Qinliang Li and Bangchun Wen. Dynamical analysis of vibratory feeder and feeding parts considering interactions by an improved increment harmonic balance method. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015, 229: 1029-1040
14. ?Xiangxi Kong*, Xueliang Zhang, Xiaozhe Chen, Bangchun Wen, Bo Wang. Synchronization analysis and control of three eccentric rotors in a vibrating system using adaptive sliding mode control algorithm. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2016, 72-73: 432–450
15. ?Xiangxi Kong*, Xiaozhe Chen, Jingxin Dou, Xueliang Zhang, Bangchun Wen. Controlled synchronization of two nonidentical homodromy coupling exciters driven by inductor motors in a vibratory system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015, DOI: 10.1177/7557
16.? Chunyu Zhao*, Bangchun Wen and Xueliang Zhang. Synchronization of the four identical unbalanced rotors in a vibrating system of plane motion. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2010, 53: 405–422
17.? Xiaozhe Chen, Xiangxi Kong, Xueliang Zhang, Lingxuan Li, and Bangchun Wen. On the Synchronization of Two Eccentric Rotors with Common Rotational Axis: Theory and Experiment. Shock and Vibration, Volume 2016, Article ID **, 14 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/**
18. ?Bangchun Wen*, Xueliang Zhang* and Jing Jiang. Synchronization theory and experiments on self-synchronous vibrating machine with eccentric mass driven by double rotors. The 9th IFTOMM International Conference of Rotordynamics, Italy, 2014.9.22-2014.9.25
19. Bangchun Wen*, Xueliang Zhang* and Chunyu Zhao, et al. Vibratory synchronization modes and their applications based on a vibrating bedstand with coupled exciters. The 14th IFTOMM World Congress , Taiwan, 2015.10.25-2015.10.30
20. 张学良*, 顾大卫 等. 多机驱动振动同步理论的研究。第六届全国振动利用工程学术会议, 河南·焦作, 2015
21. 张学良*, 崔世举,徐金林等. 三质体四机驱动振动系统的同步理论。第七届全国振动利用工程学术会议, 辽宁·沈阳, 2017
2016/1--2017/12: the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China, No. N
2017/1--2020/12: National Natural Science Foundations of China, No. **
2017/3--2019/3: Postdoctoral Foundations of Northeastern University
Nov. 2014 –present : Associate professor, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, China
Jul. 2002 – Aug. 2008: Mechanical Engineer, Quanzhou of fujian province road construction machinery Corporation
Name Xueliang Zhang
Office: Room 307, School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation,Northeastern University
Professional ranks Associate professor
Education PhD.
Birth 1978.11
Telephone +86-
E-mail luckyzxl7788@163.com; zhangxl@mail.neu.edu.cn
Research Fields Vibration theory,Mechanical Dynamics,Dynamics and Vibrations
2017. Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Liaoning Province in China 2016. Hiwin Doctoral Dissertation Award in China
2016. Natural Sciences Academic Achievement Award in Liaoning Province, China
2014. Excellent Graduate Student of Northeastern University
2012.?“The National Scholarship” sponsored by Education Ministry of China
Xueliang Zhang, Male, was born in 1978. He received his Bachelor's degree from Shan Dong Jiaotong University, China; M.S. and PhD. degree from Northeastern University,China.
He is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, China. His research interests include: Vibration Utilization Engineering, Synchronization Theory in the Vibrating System, Mechanical Dynamics, Coupling Dynamics, Dynamics and Vibrations.
Author of: 20 scientific papers, 11 patents.
Professional Activities:
Reviewer for: Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Nonlinear Dynamics, Shock and Vibration, Journal of Vibration Engineering and Technologies, Mechanism and Machine Theory, and so on.
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