本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-22
姓名: 庄艳歆
工作单位: 材料电磁过程研究(EPM)教育部重点实验室
职称: 教授
学历: 工学博士
办公地址: 东北大学EPM重点实验室306室
邮寄地址: 沈阳市和平区文化路3巷11号,东北大学314信箱
邮政编码: 110819
办公电话: +86-
传真: +86-
电子邮箱: yxzhuang@epm.neu.edu.cn
1992.09-1995.07:中国科学院金属研究所,冶金物理化学专业,工学硕士1995.09-1998.07:中国科学院金属研究所,金属材料及热处理专业,工学博士1998.08-2000.04:中国科学院物理研究所, 凝聚态物理,博士后
2000.05-2002.01:丹麦技术大学物理系, 研究助理
2002.04-2003.10:丹麦技术大学光通讯材料中心(COM), 客座研究员
2002.12-2003.10:丹麦Micro Managed Photons (MMP) 公司,工程师
2003.11-2008.02:丹麦技术大学微米和纳米技术系, 助理教授
2007.05 - 至 今:东北大学材料电磁过程研究教育部重点实验室,教授
2009年:辽宁省“百千万人才工程 ”千人层次人选
姓名: 庄艳歆
工作单位: 材料电磁过程研究(EPM)教育部重点实验室
职称: 教授
学历: 工学博士
办公地址: 东北大学EPM重点实验室306室
邮寄地址: 沈阳市和平区文化路3巷11号,东北大学314信箱
邮政编码: 110819
办公电话: +86-
传真: +86-
电子邮箱: yxzhuang@epm.neu.edu.cn
1992.09-1995.07:中国科学院金属研究所,冶金物理化学专业,工学硕士1995.09-1998.07:中国科学院金属研究所,金属材料及热处理专业,工学博士1998.08-2000.04:中国科学院物理研究所, 凝聚态物理,博士后
2000.05-2002.01:丹麦技术大学物理系, 研究助理
2002.04-2003.10:丹麦技术大学光通讯材料中心(COM), 客座研究员
2002.12-2003.10:丹麦Micro Managed Photons (MMP) 公司,工程师
2003.11-2008.02:丹麦技术大学微米和纳米技术系, 助理教授
2007.05 - 至 今:东北大学材料电磁过程研究教育部重点实验室,教授
2009年:辽宁省“百千万人才工程 ”千人层次人选
目前主要研究方向 1.块体非晶合金及高熵合金的制备、性能及应用研究
2. 强磁场材料科学 3. 太阳能多晶硅的制备 4. 自组装分子膜及自组装技术
4. 国家科技支撑计划
5. 中央高校基本科研业务费
瑞典JJCC AB—Suitable surface modification of silicon-compounds used in Microsystems(2008-2010)
丹麦国家研究委员会—Stiction control of MEMS materials and devices(2006-2008)
欧盟—Process for hydrophobization of surfaces (2003-2006)
欧盟IST-IICCO—Photonics Integrated Circuits using Photonic Crystal Optics(2002-2004)
丹麦国家研究委员会—Crystallization kinetics in bulk metallic glasses (2000-2002)
截止2014年3月1日,在包括国际知名的Langmuir, Appl.Phys. Lett.,?J. Appl. Phys., Phys. Rev. B, Eruophys. Lett., Opt. Lett., Opt. Express, J. Microelectromechan.S., J. Micromech. Microeng., Tribol. Lett., J.Vac.Sci. Technol. A, Scripta Mater., Mater. Sci. Eng.A,中国科学等在内的多种国内外刊物和国内外学术会议上发表了80余篇研究论文,其中41篇为国际SCI研究论文,发表的论文被SCI期刊累计引用620余次,H指数为14。
邢鹏飞, 庄艳歆, 吴文远, 涂赣峰,李峰. 一种高温冶金法制备太阳能级多晶硅的工艺. 中国: 授权号ZL1.1, 2009-12-16. 郭菁,邢鹏飞,庄艳歆,任存治,涂赣峰. 由单晶硅和多晶硅切割废料中回收硅和碳化硅的方法. 中国: 申请号2.5, 2010-09-15. 邢鹏飞, 涂赣峰, 庄艳歆, 吴文远, 孙树臣, 高波, 边雪. 用碳热还原法制备钛硅铝合金的方法. 中国:授权号ZL2.9, 2008-06-16,授权公告日2010.04.14.
Y. X. Zhuang, H.D. Xue, Z.Y. Chen, Z.Y. Hu, and J.C. He, Effect of Annealing treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of FeCoNiCuAl high entropy alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A 572, 30-35 (2013). Y. X. Zhuang,W.J. Liu, Z.Y. Chen, H.D. Xue, and J.C. He, Effect of Elemental Interaction on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of FeCoNiCuAl alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A 556, 395-399 (2012). Y. X. Zhuang,Weijie Liu, Pengfei Xing, Fei Wang, and Jicheng He, Effect of Co element on microstructure and mechanical properties of FeCoxNiCuAl alloys, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.) 25, 124-130 (2012). Y. X. Zhuang,T.F. Duan, and H.Y. Shi, Calorimetric study of non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Zr60Cu20Al10Ni10 bulk metallic glasses, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509, 9019-9025 (2011). Y. X. Zhuang, P.F. Xing, T.F. Duan, ?H.Y. Shi, ?and J. C. He, Kinetic study on the non-isothermal crystallization of Gd53Al24Co20Zr3 bulk metallic glasses, Journal of Rare Earths 29(8), 793- 797(2011). Y. X. Zhuang, J. Chen, P.W. Wang, and J. C. He, Effect of Ni on the formation and thermal behavior of NdAlCo metallic glasses, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.) 24(4), 281-286 (2011). Y. X. Zhuang, P.F. Xing, H.Y. Shi, ?J. Chen, P.W. Wang, ?and J. C. He, On the heating rate dependence of crystallization temperatures of metallic glasses, Journal of Applied physics 108(3), 033515 (2010). Y.X. Zhuang, J. Chen, W. J. Liu, and J. C. He, Effect of high magnetic field on crystallization of Zr46.75Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni10Be27.5 bulk metallic glass,Journal of alloys and compounds 504S, S256-S259 (2010) P.F. Xing,Y.X. Zhuang,G.F. Tu,J. Guo. High temperature dephosphorization behavior of monazite concentrate with charred coal. Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 20(12), 2392-2396 (2010) P.F. Xing, B. Gao, Y.X. Zhuang, K.H. Liu, G.F. Tu. Effect of erbium on properties and microstructure of Al-Si eutectic alloy. J. Rare Earths, 28(6): 927-930 (2010). Y.X. Zhuang, O. Hansen, Correlation between Effective Dispersive and Polar Surface Energies in Heterogeneous Self-Assembled Monolayer Coatings, Langmuir 25(10), 5437-5441 (2009). Y.X. Zhuang, O. Hansen, J.C. HE, Growth and Properties of Self-assembled monolayer on Metals, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 152, 012029(2009). Y. X. Zhuang, O. Hansen, T. Knieling, C. Wang, P. Romback, W. Lang, W. Benecke, Markus Kehlenbeck, and J. Koblitz, Vapor Phase Self-assembled monolayers for anti-stiction applications in MEMS. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 16(6), 1451-1460 (2007). Y. X. Zhuang, O. Hansen, T. Knieling, C. Wang, P. Romback, W. Lang, W. Benecke, Markus Kehlenbeck, and J. Koblitz, Thermal stability of vapour phase deposited self-assembled monolayers for MEMS anti-stiction. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 16, 2259-2264 (2006). Y. X. Zhuang, and A. Menon, On the stiction of MEMS materials. Tribology letters, 19 (2), 111-117 (2005). Y. X. Zhuang, and A. K. Menon, Wettability and thermal stability of fluorocarbon films deposited by deep reactive ion etching, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 23 (3), 434-439, (2005). L.F Frandsen, P. I Borel, Y. X. Zhuang, A. Harp?th, M. Thorhauge, M. Kristensen, W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, R. Baets, V. Wiaux, J. Wouters, S. Beckx, Ultra Low loss 3 dB Photonic Crystal Waveguides splitter, optics letter 29 (14), 1623-1625 (2004). Y.X. Zhuang, L.H: Frandsen, A. Harp?th, M. Thorhauge, M. Kristensen, P.I. Borel, W. Bogaerts, and R. Baets. Wavelength tuning of photonic crystal waveguides fabricated using 248-nm deep UV lithography,OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series 95B, 274-276 (2004). P. F. Xing, Y. X. Zhuang, W. H. Wang, L. Gerward, J. Z. Jiang, and C. Lathe, Glass transition, crystallization kinetics and pressure effect on crystallization of ZrNbCuNiBe bulk metallic glass, Journal of Applied Physics 91, 4956-4960 (2002). Y. X. Zhuang, J. Z. Jiang, and Z. G. Lin, M. Mezouar, and W. Crichton, Evidence of Eutectic Crystallization and Transient Nucleation in Al89La6Ni5 Amorphous Alloy, Applied Physics Letters, 79(6), 743-745 (2001). Y. X. Zhuang, X. M. Zhang, L. H. Zhu and Z. Q. Hu, Eutectic Spacing and Faults of Directionally Solidified Al-Al3Ni Eutectic, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2, 37-39 (2001). Y. X. Zhuang, S. S. Yi, and W. H. Wang, Electric-Field-Enhanced Crystallization of Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 Bulk Metallic Glass, Materials Transactions, 42, 583-586 (2001). J. Z. Jiang, Y. X. Zhuang, H. Rasmussen, J. Saida, and A. Inoue, Formation of quasicrytals and Amorphous-to-quasicrystalline phase transfromation kinetics in Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu7.5Ag10 metallic glass under pressure, Physical Review B 64, 094208/1-10, (2001). J. Z. Jiang, Y. X. Zhuang, H. Rasmussen, N. Nishiyama, A. Inoue, and C. Lathe, Crsytallization of Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 bulk glass under pressure, Europhysics Letters 54, 182-186 (2001).. Y. X. Zhuang, L. Gerward, J. Z. Jiang, J. S. Olsen, Y. Zhang, and W. H. Wang, Crystallization of Bulk Zr48Nb8Cu14Ni12Be18 Metallic Glass, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. V644, L5.2.1-L5.2.6 (2001). Y. X. Zhuang, J. Z. Jiang, T. J. Zhou, H. Rasmussen, L. Gerward, M. Mezouar, W. Crichton, and A. Inoue, Pressure Effect on Al89La6Ni5 Amorphous alloy Crystallization, Applied Physics Letters, 77, 4133-4135 (2000). Y. X. Zhuang, W. H. Wang, Effect of Relaxation on Glass Transition and Crystallization of ZrTiCuNiBe Bulk Metallic Glass, Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 8209-8211 (2000).. 庄艳歆,赵德乾,张勇,潘明祥,汪卫华,锆基大块非晶合金玻璃转变和晶化的动力学效应, 中国科学A,30(5), 445 (2000) . 赵德乾,庄艳歆,张勇,潘明祥,吴光恒,孟丽琴,汪卫华,ZrTiCuNiBeFe大块非晶合金及非晶基纳米复合材料的形成及其应用,金属学报,36(3), 329-333(2000). Y. X. Zhuang, W. H. Wang, Y. Zhang, M. X. Pan, D. Q. Zhao, Crystallization Kinetics and Glass Transition of Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10-xFexBe22.5 Bulk Metallic Glasses, Applied Physics Letters 75, 2392-2394 (1999). X.M Zhang, Y. X. Zhuang, L.H. Zhu, Q.Q. Liu, H. C. Yang and Z. M. Tang, Influence of Surface Tension effects on Solidification of Alloys in Space and On ground, Advances in Space Research 24, 1267-1271 (1999). 庄艳歆,张修睦,朱丽红,胡壮麒, 控制参数对Al-Al3Ni共晶合金间距的影响,金属学报,35 (4), 353 -356(1999). 庄艳歆,张修睦,朱丽红,胡壮麒,生长速度对Al-Al3Ni定向共晶微观组织的影响,材料研究学报,13(3), 282 (1999). 庄艳歆,冼爱平,王仪康,张修睦,胡壮麒,粗真空条件下锡基钎料与Sialon陶瓷的润湿和连接,金属学报, 32, 735-741(1996).
研究生课程 《化工热力学II》
Prof. Dr. Yan-Xin Zhuang
Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (Ministry of Education),
Northeastern University
P. O. Box 314, No.3-11, Wenhua Road, Heping District, Shenyang, 110819, P. R. China
Tel: 86-
Fax: 86-
Email: yxzhuang@epm.neu.edu.cn
Website: http: //faculty.neu.edu.cn/epm/yxzhuang/
Education and Employments
1988.09-1992.07:Department of Nonferrous Metallurgy, Northeastern Univieristy, P.R. China, B.Sc. Degree in Metallurgy
1992.09-1995.07:Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science,M.Sc. Degree in Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy1995.09-1998.07:Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Science, Ph. D. Degree in Materials Science and Engineering1998.08-2000.04:Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Postdoctoral researcher.2000.05-2002.01:Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, Research Assistant 2002.04-2003.10:COM Research Center, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, Guest Researcher
2002.12-2003.10:Micro Managed Photons (MMP) A/S, Denmark, Development Engineer/Mask Designer
2003.11-2008.02:Department of Micro and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark , Assistant Professor
2007.05 up to now:Key Laboratory of EPM ,Northeastern University, P.R. China, Professor
Research Interests
Formation, crystallization, properties and application of metallic glasses.
Preparation, properties and application of high entropy alloys.
Phase transformation under a high magnetic feild.
Fundmental in preparing Solar-grade silicon using metallurgy.
Self-assembled monolayer and self-assembled techniques.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Y. X. Zhuang, H.D. Xue, Z.Y. Chen, Z.Y. Hu, and J.C. He, Effect of Annealing treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of FeCoNiCuAl high entropy alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A 572, 30-35 (2013). Y. X. Zhuang,W.J. Liu, Z.Y. Chen, H.D. Xue, and J.C. He, Effect of Elemental Interaction on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of FeCoNiCuAl alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A 556, 395-399 (2012). Y. X. Zhuang,Weijie Liu, Pengfei Xing, Fei Wang, and Jicheng He, Effect of Co element on microstructure and mechanical properties of FeCoxNiCuAl alloys, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.) 25, 124-130 (2012). Y. X. Zhuang,T.F. Duan, and H.Y. Shi, Calorimetric study of non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of Zr60Cu20Al10Ni10 bulk metallic glasses, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509, 9019-9025 (2011). Y. X. Zhuang, P.F. Xing, T.F. Duan, ?H.Y. Shi, ?and J. C. He, Kinetic study on the non-isothermal crystallization of Gd53Al24Co20Zr3 bulk metallic glasses, Journal of Rare Earths 29(8), 793- 797(2011). Y. X. Zhuang, J. Chen, P.W. Wang, and J. C. He, Effect of Ni on the formation and thermal behavior of NdAlCo metallic glasses, Acta Metall. Sin. (Engl. Lett.) 24(4), 281-286 (2011). Y. X. Zhuang, P.F. Xing, H.Y. Shi, ?J. Chen, P.W. Wang, ?and J. C. He, On the heating rate dependence of crystallization temperatures of metallic glasses, Journal of Applied physics 108(3), 033515 (2010). Y.X. Zhuang, J. Chen, W. J. Liu, and J. C. He, Effect of high magnetic field on crystallization of Zr46.75Ti8.25Cu7.5Ni10Be27.5 bulk metallic glass,Journal of alloys and compounds 504S, S256-S259 (2010) P.F. Xing,Y.X. Zhuang,G.F. Tu,J. Guo. High temperature dephosphorization behavior of monazite concentrate with charred coal. Transaction of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 20(12), 2392-2396 (2010) P.F. Xing, B. Gao, Y.X. Zhuang, K.H. Liu, G.F. Tu. Effect of erbium on properties and microstructure of Al-Si eutectic alloy. J. Rare Earths, 28(6): 927-930 (2010). Y.X. Zhuang, O. Hansen, Correlation between Effective Dispersive and Polar Surface Energies in Heterogeneous Self-Assembled Monolayer Coatings, Langmuir 25(10), 5437-5441 (2009). Y.X. Zhuang, O. Hansen, J.C. HE, Growth and Properties of Self-assembled monolayer on Metals, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 152, 012029(2009). Y. X. Zhuang, O. Hansen, T. Knieling, C. Wang, P. Romback, W. Lang, W. Benecke, Markus Kehlenbeck, and J. Koblitz, Vapor Phase Self-assembled monolayers for anti-stiction applications in MEMS. Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 16(6), 1451-1460 (2007). Y. X. Zhuang, O. Hansen, T. Knieling, C. Wang, P. Romback, W. Lang, W. Benecke, Markus Kehlenbeck, and J. Koblitz, Thermal stability of vapour phase deposited self-assembled monolayers for MEMS anti-stiction. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 16, 2259-2264 (2006). Y. X. Zhuang, and A. Menon, On the stiction of MEMS materials. Tribology letters, 19 (2), 111-117 (2005). Y. X. Zhuang, and A. K. Menon, Wettability and thermal stability of fluorocarbon films deposited by deep reactive ion etching, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 23 (3), 434-439, (2005). L.F Frandsen, P. I Borel, Y. X. Zhuang, A. Harp?th, M. Thorhauge, M. Kristensen, W. Bogaerts, P. Dumon, R. Baets, V. Wiaux, J. Wouters, S. Beckx, Ultra Low loss 3 dB Photonic Crystal Waveguides splitter, optics letter 29 (14), 1623-1625 (2004). Y.X. Zhuang, L.H: Frandsen, A. Harp?th, M. Thorhauge, M. Kristensen, P.I. Borel, W. Bogaerts, and R. Baets. Wavelength tuning of photonic crystal waveguides fabricated using 248-nm deep UV lithography,OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series 95B, 274-276 (2004). P. F. Xing, Y. X. Zhuang, W. H. Wang, L. Gerward, J. Z. Jiang, and C. Lathe, Glass transition, crystallization kinetics and pressure effect on crystallization of ZrNbCuNiBe bulk metallic glass, Journal of Applied Physics 91, 4956-4960 (2002). Y. X. Zhuang, J. Z. Jiang, and Z. G. Lin, M. Mezouar, and W. Crichton, Evidence of Eutectic Crystallization and Transient Nucleation in Al89La6Ni5 Amorphous Alloy, Applied Physics Letters, 79(6), 743-745 (2001). Y. X. Zhuang, X. M. Zhang, L. H. Zhu and Z. Q. Hu, Eutectic Spacing and Faults of Directionally Solidified Al-Al3Ni Eutectic, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2, 37-39 (2001). Y. X. Zhuang, S. S. Yi, and W. H. Wang, Electric-Field-Enhanced Crystallization of Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 Bulk Metallic Glass, Materials Transactions, 42, 583-586 (2001). J. Z. Jiang, Y. X. Zhuang, H. Rasmussen, J. Saida, and A. Inoue, Formation of quasicrytals and Amorphous-to-quasicrystalline phase transfromation kinetics in Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu7.5Ag10 metallic glass under pressure, Physical Review B 64, 094208/1-10, (2001). J. Z. Jiang, Y. X. Zhuang, H. Rasmussen, N. Nishiyama, A. Inoue, and C. Lathe, Crsytallization of Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 bulk glass under pressure, Europhysics Letters 54, 182-186 (2001).. Y. X. Zhuang, L. Gerward, J. Z. Jiang, J. S. Olsen, Y. Zhang, and W. H. Wang, Crystallization of Bulk Zr48Nb8Cu14Ni12Be18 Metallic Glass, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. V644, L5.2.1-L5.2.6 (2001). Y. X. Zhuang, J. Z. Jiang, T. J. Zhou, H. Rasmussen, L. Gerward, M. Mezouar, W. Crichton, and A. Inoue, Pressure Effect on Al89La6Ni5 Amorphous alloy Crystallization, Applied Physics Letters, 77, 4133-4135 (2000). Y. X. Zhuang, W. H. Wang, Effect of Relaxation on Glass Transition and Crystallization of ZrTiCuNiBe Bulk Metallic Glass, Journal of Applied Physics, 87, 8209-8211 (2000).. Y. X. Zhuang, W. H. Wang, Y. Zhang, M. X. Pan, D. Q. Zhao, Crystallization Kinetics and Glass Transition of Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10-xFexBe22.5 Bulk Metallic Glasses, Applied Physics Letters 75, 2392-2394 (1999). X.M Zhang, Y. X. Zhuang, L.H. Zhu, Q.Q. Liu, H. C. Yang and Z. M. Tang, Influence of Surface Tension effects on Solidification of Alloys in Space and On ground, Advances in Space Research 24, 1267-1271 (1999).