

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-22

姓? ?? 名: 张庆灵
性 ? ? 别: 男

出生日期: 1956年12月*日
工作单位: 东北大学
职 ? ??务: 教授、博士生导师、系统科学研究所所长

学 ??? 位: 博士
学术方向: 生物建模与控制论、微分代数系统、矩阵理论与应用、网络控制系统
电 ??? 话: 86-024-8367 1336(603)
传 ??? 真: 86-024-8368 9929
电子邮箱: qlzhang@mail.neu.edu.cn ; qlzhangneu1@163.com
通信地址: 沈阳市和平区文化路3号巷11号东北大学系统科学研究所
邮 ??? 编: 110819

Personal Information:

Name: Zhang Qingling
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Dec, 1956
Workplace: Northeastern University
Current Positions: Professor, Institute of Systems Science, Northeastern University.
Director, Institute of Systems Science, Northeastern University.
Supervisor of Ph D students, Northeastern University.
Degree: Ph D
Research Interests: Biomodeling and Biocybernetics, Differential and Algebraic Systems, Matrix Theory and Applications,
Networked Control Systems
Tel: 86-024-8367 1336(603)
Fax: 86-024-8368 9929
E-mail: qlzhang@mail.neu.edu.cn ; qlzhangneu1@163.com
Address: Institute of Systems Science, Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning110819, China

张庆灵,男,现任东北大学系统科学研究所所长,教授,博士生导师。1995年在东北大学获博士学位。1997年在西北工业大学航空宇航技术博士后流动站出站。之后在东北大学任教。在此期间,多次在香港、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、美国和加拿大等国家和地区讲学、学术交流与合作科研。任教育部数学与统计教学指导委员会委员、中国生物数学学会理事、辽宁省生物数学学会理事长和辽宁省数学会理事长;International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences 亚洲区域主编,Advances in Information and Systems Science 主编,Mathematics Review 评论员,ISRN Applied Mathematics 编委;《生物数学学报》副主编、《控制与决策》编委和《东北大学学报》编委。学科方向为运筹学与控制论以及系统科学。研究领域涉及微分代数系统、网络控制系统、生物数学与信息学等。出版专著教材10余部;在国内外学术界发表论文680多篇,三大检索600多篇次,他引1700多篇次。曾获国务院政府特殊津贴、中国高校自然科学奖一等奖、第11届中国图书奖、教育部自然科学奖一等奖、辽宁省自然科学奖一等奖、二等奖、辽宁省优秀科技工作者、沈阳市优秀科技工作者、辽宁省普通高校中青年学科带头人、辽宁省百千万人才工程百人层次和辽宁省优秀博士学位论文指导教师等奖励。培养博士后11名;博士51名;硕士67名;访问学者8名。


1995年 于东北大学自控系 获得博士学位
1985年 于东北工学院(现更名为东北大学)数学系 获得硕士学位
1982年 于东北工学院(现更名为东北大学)数学系 获得学士学位

Ph.D., Control Theory and Control Engineering, Northeastern University, 1995
M.S., Applied Mathematics, Northeastern University, 1985
B.S., Applied Mathematics, Northeastern University, 1982


2006年12月至今: 东北大学系统科学研究所教授、博导、所长

Feb, 1982-Aug, 1983:Practice Assistant, Department of Basic Courses, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology

Dec, 1985-June, 1987:Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Northeastern University
July, 1987-Sep, 1992:Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Northeastern University

Oct, 1992-May, 1997:Associate Professor, Research Director, Department of Mathematics, Northeastern University

Apr, 1995-Apr, 1997:Postdoctoral, Aerospace Technology Postdoctorate, Northwestern Polytechnical University
June, 1997-Nov, 2006:Professor, Supervisor of PhD students, Dean, College of Sciences, Northeastern University
Dec, 2006-now:Professor, Supervisor of PhD students, Director, Institute of Systems Science, Northeastern University

1. 辽宁省人民政府学位委员会第五届学科评议组成员,2010-
Member of the Fifth Subject Review Group of Academic Degree Committee of The People’s Government of Liaoning Provice since 2010.

2. 中国教育部数学与统计教学指导委员会委员,2001-2010
Advisory Teaching Committee Member of The National Ministry of Education, China, 2001-2010.

3. 中国数学、物理学、力学高新技术交叉研究学会副理事长,2003-
Vice Chairman of The National Association of Mathematics, Physics, Mechanism and High Technology since 2003.

4. 中国生物数学学会理事, 2008-
Member of The National Association of Biomathematics since 2008

5. 全国数学建模竞赛辽宁赛区学术委员会主任, 2006-
Director of The National Mathematical Contest in Modeling Division of Academic Committee of Liaoning since 2006.

6. 辽宁省数学会理事长,2009-
Chairman of The Liaoning Association of Mathematics since 2009.

7. 辽宁省生物数学学会理事长,2008-
Chairman of The Liaoning Association of Biomathematics since 2008.

8. 沈阳市政府科学和技术指导委员会委员,2005-
Advisory Science and Technology Committee Member of The Shenyang Government since 2005.

9.国内9所大学客座教授, 1998-
Guest Professor in 9 Domestic Universities since 1998

10. 第一届国际信息与系统科学会议最佳论文奖,中国秦皇岛,2006
Best Paper Award of The first International Conference on Information and Systems Science, Qinghuangdao City, China, 2006.

11. 辽宁省自然科学成果一等奖(排序第一),2006
Rank 1, Natural Science Outcome Award in Liaoning Province, 2006.

12. 辽宁省自然科学成果二等奖(排序第二),2006
Rank 2, Natural Science Outcome Award in Liaoning Province, 2006.

13. 东北大学教学成果二等奖(排序第一),2006
Rank 2, Teaching Prize in Northeastern University, 2006.

14 Distinguished Lecturer in Scientific Computing and Mathematic Modeling Series, Canada, 2004.

15. 第三届焦善庆MMPH研究奖(个人),中国数学物理学力学高新技术交叉研究学会,2004
The 3rd Jiao Shanqing Prize for Research, The National Association of Mathematics, Physics, Mechanism and High Technology, 2004.

16. 教育部中国高校自然科学奖一等奖(排序第二),2001
Rank 1, Nature Science Prize in Chinese Universities, The National Ministry of Education, 2001.

17. 辽宁省自然科学奖一等奖(排序第二),2009
Rank 1, Natural Science Prize by Liaoning Provincial Government, 2001.

18. 辽宁省自然科学奖二等奖(排序第一),2001
Rank 2, Natural Science Prize by Liaoning Provincial Government, 2001.

19. 国务院政府特殊津贴(个人),1998
Special Award by The Chinese National Government for Contributions, 1998.

20. 第11届中国图书奖(独立),1998
The National Best book Award to Author, 1998.

21. 东北大学科研先进工作者,1995-1997
Advanced Research worker Award in Northeastern University, 1995-1997.

22. 东北大学中青年骨干教师,1993-1994
Key Teacher Prize in Northeastern University, 1993-1994.

23. 辽宁省科学与技术学会优秀论文二等奖,1992
Best Paper Award of Liaoning Association of Science and Technology, 1992.

24. 辽宁省数学会年会大会报告优秀论文奖,1992
Best Paper Award of Liaoning Association of Mathematics, 1992.

25. 辽宁省青年科研先进工作者,1992
Advanced Research Worker Prize in Liaoning Province, 1992.

26. 辽宁省优秀论文二等奖,1991
Best Paper Award of Liaoning Association of Science and Technology, 1991.

27. 辽宁省科学与技术学会优秀论文二等奖,1991
Best Paper Award of Liaoning Association of Science and Technology, 1991.

28. 东北大学教学优秀奖,1999
Teaching Prize in Northeastern University, 1991.

29. 东北大学优秀教师,1990
Best Teacher in Northeastern University, 1990.

30. 东北大学科研先进工作者,1990
Advanced Research Worker Prize in Liaoning Province, 1990.

31. 教育部科技发展中心主办:科技论文在线优秀学者:张庆灵, 2004-
Best Scholar of? http://www.paper.edu.cn/scolar_excellence.php, 2004-

1. Advances in Information and Systems Science 主编, 2006-
Managing Editor of Advances in Information and Systems Science since 2006.

2. International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences 亚洲区域主编,2005-
Area Editor of International Journal of Information and Systems Science since 2005.

3. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems 特刊 Series A: Mathematical Analysis 客座主编,2004
Guest Editor of Special Issue of Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis, 2004.

4. Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems 特刊 Series B: Applications & Algorithms 客座主编,2005
Guest Editor of Special Issue of Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 2005.

5. International Journal of Information and Systems?Science 特刊客座主编,2005
Guest Editor of Special Issue of International Journal of Information and Systems?Science, 2005.

6. International Journal of Information and Systems?Science 特刊客座主编,2008
Guest Editor of Special Issue of International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2008.

7. 《东北大学学报》特刊客座主编,2007
Guest Editor of Special Issue of Journal of Northeastern University, 2007.

8. 《控制与决策》编委, 2000-
Associate Editor of Journal of Control and Decision since 2000

9. 《东北大学学报》编委, 1998-
Associate Editor of Journal of Northeastern University since 1998

10. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, Systems and Control Letters, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, IET Control Theory and Applications等十余种期刊审稿人
Reviewer for over 10 Journals including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Automatica, Systems and Control Letters, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, IET Control Theory and Applications, et al.

Member of Conference Program Committees:
1. 分析计算与控制国际会议主席,2002,沈阳
General Chairman of The International Symposium on Analysis Computing and Control, Shenyang, China, 2002.

2. 控制优化与系统复杂性国际会议主席,2004,沈阳
General Chairman of The International Symposium on Control Optimization and System Complexity, Shenyang, China, 2004.

3. 社会,经济和生物系统的复杂性分析与控制国际会议主席,2004,沈阳
General Chairman of The International Symposium on Complexity Analysis and Control for Social, Economical and Biological Systems, Shenyang, China, 2004

4. 中国数学物理学力学高新技术交叉研究学会执行主席,2004,秦皇岛
Chairman of Chinese Conference on Mathematics Physics Mechanism and High Technology, Qinghuangdao, China, 2004.

5. 中国数学物理学力学高新技术交叉研究学会年会副主席,2006,武夷山
Vice Chairman of Chinese Conference on Mathematics Physics Mechanism and High Technology, Wuyishan, China, 2004.

6. 信息与系统科学第一届国际会议副主席,2006,秦皇岛
Vice Chairman of The first International Conference on Information and Systems Science, Qinghuangdao, China, 2006.

7. 矩阵理论与应用国际会议组织委员,2006,美国Nova东南大学
Member of The 2nd International Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Florida, USA, 2006.

8. 东北、华北大学数学论坛执行主席,2005,沈阳
Chairman of North Universities Symposium on Mathematics, Shenyang, China, 2005.

9. 航空航天导航与制导国际会议程序委员,2005,哈尔滨
Member of The International Conference on Aviation Space Flight and Guidance, Haerbin, China, 2005.

10. 东北三省大学数学论坛主席,2006,沈阳
Chairman of Northeast Universities Symposium on Mathematics, Shenyang, China, 2006.

11. 中国控制与决策会议程序委员,2006,天津
Member of The Chinese Conference on Control and Decision, Tianjin, China, 2006.

12. 中国控制与决策会议程序委员,2007,无锡
Member of The Chinese Conference on Control and Decision, Wuxi, China, 2007.

13. Program Committee Member of The 30th Scientific and Professional Conference with Foreign Participants, 2006

14. 脉冲动力系统国际会议程序委员,2007,南宁
Member of The 3rd International Conference on Impulsive and Dynamic Systems, Nanning, China, 2007.


1.Principal Investigator, Robust Analysis and Control for uncertain Descriptor Dissipative Systems, The National Nature Science of Foundation, China, 2010.
2.Principal Investigator, Robust Control for Descriptor Systems with uncertainty in Derivative Matrix, The National Nature Science of Foundation, China, 2006.
3.Principal Investigator, Derivative Control for Descriptor Systems, The 985 Project of the National Ministry of Education, China, 2007.
4.Principal Investigator, Robust Controllability for Uncertain Descriptor systems, The national Ministry of Education, China, 2007.
5.Principal Investigator, Stability of Power Systems Described by Differential and algebraic Equations, The Nature Science of Foundation of Liaoning Province, China, 2006.
6.Investigator, Networked Control Systems in Descriptor Forms, The Nature Science of Foundation of Liaoning Province, China, 2006.
7.Investigator, Biological Circumstance and Control for Siping Grass, The Nature Science of Foundation of Siping City Government, China, 2006.
8.Principal Investigator, Excellent University Teacher Foundation, Liaoning Government, China, 2002.
9.Principal Investigator, Information Systems for Hospital of Anshan City, China, 2004.
10.Principal Investigator, Dynamic Economic Systems, The Nature Science of Foundation of Liaoning Province, China, 2002.
11.Principal Investigator, Information Systems for Lingyuan Company of Steel and Iron, China, 2002.
12.Theory and Application of Descriptor Systems based on One or Two Order Information, Key Teacher Foundation of The National Ministry of Education, China, 2000.
13.Principal Investigator, Model Reduction, Golden Research Scholarship, Australia, 2000.
14.Investigator, Unifyling Approach to Descriptor Systems, Sydney University Research Foundation, Australia, 1999.
15.Principal Investigator, H-∞ Control for Descriptor Systems, The Nature Science of Foundation of Liaoning Province, China, 1998.
16.Principal Investigator, Robust Analysis and Control for Large Scale Descriptor Systems with Uncertainty, The National Nature Science of Foundation, China, 1996.
17.Principal Investigator, Lyapunov and Riccati Equations, Open Foundation for Academic Sinica of China, China, 1996.
18.Principal Investigator, Decentralized Control for Large Scale Descriptor Systems, Post Doctor Foundation of China, China, 1996.
19.Robust Control and Simulation for Descriptor Systems, The Nature Science of Foundation of Liaoning Province, China, 1996.
20.Investigator, Robust Pole Assignment of Descriptor Systems, Hong Kong University Research Foundation, Hong Kong, 1997.
21.Principal Investigator, Decentralized Structure and Related Control for Large Scale Descriptor Systems, The National Ministry of Metallurgy, China, 1993.
22.Investigator, Study of Decentralized Large Scale Descriptor Systems, The National Nature Science Foundation of China, China, 1988.

本科生: 控制理论基础、最优控制、高等数学、线性代数、专业概论

研究生: 分散控制、广义系统、控制理论中的数学问题、现代控制理论、专业科技英语等

Main Courses
For Undergraduate Students: Control Theory, Optimal Control Theory, Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra,
Probability Theory

For Graduate Students: Decentralized Contorl, Singular Systems, Mathematical Problems in Control Theory
? Modern Control Theory, Scientific English, etc.

Qingling Zhang, Decentralized and Robust Control for Large Scale Descriptor Systems, Northwestern Polytechnic University Press, Xi'an, 1997.

2.邢? 伟,张庆灵,相关稳定性问题研究及广义系统优化控制,东北大学出版社,2001
Wei Xing, Qingling Zhang, Optimal Control and related to stability for Descriptor Systems, Northeastern University Press, Shenyang, 2001.

Qingling Zhang, Dongmei Yang, Analysis and Control for Uncertain Descriptor Systems, Northeastern University Press, Shenyang, 2003.

Qingling Zhang, Xiaoming Su, Instruction to Calculus (I), Tianjin University Press, Tianjun, 2003.

Qingling Zhang, Chongyuan Xie, Instruction to Calculus (II), Tianjin University Press, Tianjun, 2003.

Dongmei Yang, Qingling Zhang, Bo Yao, Descriptor Systems, Science Press, 2004.

Xiaoming SU, Qingling Zhang, Periodic Time Varying Descriptor Systems, Science Press, 2006.

8.杨? 帆,张庆灵,广义系统鲁棒优化控制,吉林科学技术出版社,2006
Fan Yang, Qingling Zhang, Robust Optimal Control for Descriptor Systems, Jilin Science and Technology Press, Changchun, 2006.

Xuefeng Zhang, Qingling Zhang, Basic Textbook of Control Theory, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, in press

Shanqing Jiao, Yuanhong Yu, Qingling Zhang, Special Issue on Mathematics, Physics, Mechanism and High Technology, Xinan Jiaotong University Press, Xi'an, 2004.

11.张庆灵(客座主编,Qingling Zhang), International Journal of Information and Systems Science, vol.1, no3-4, 2006
Qingling Zhang, Guest Editor of International Journal of Information and Systems?Science, vol.1, no3-4, 2006.

Qingling Zhang, Xuefeng Zhang, Ding Zhai, Control Theory (National Planed Textbook), Higher Education Press, 2008.

Qingling Zhang, Zhanzhi Qiu, Networked Control Systems (National Planed Textbook), Science Press, Beijing, 2007.

Qingling Zhang, Baoyan Zhu, Matrix Analysis, Higher Education Press, Beijing, in Press.

Qingling Zhang, et al., Control Theory and Applications for Descriptor Systems, Graduate School of Northeastern University, in Press.

Qingling Zhang, et al., Analysis and Control for Networked Control Systems, Science Press, Beijing, in Press.

17.Qingling Zhang, Guest Editor, Special Issue on Complex Systems, Control and Optimization, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, vol.1, no3-4, 2005.

18.Qingling Zhang, Guest Editor, Special Issue on Matrix Analysis and Applications,?? International Journal of Information and Systems Science, vol.4, no 1, 2008.

19. Jinkuan Wang, Qingling Zhang, Shuhua Zhang, Information, Optimizations and Systems Control in Engineering, Special Issue on Advances in Information and Systems Science, vol.2, 2007.

20.Qingling Zhang, Guest Editor, Special Issue on Computing, Analysis and Control, ??Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A: Mathematical Analysis, vol.11, no.5-6, 2005.

21.Qingling Zhang, Guest Editor, Special Issue on Complex Systems, Control and Optimization, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications and Algorithm, vol.12b, 2005.

1. Adaptive control of singular Markovian jump systems with uncertain switchings, IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 1766–73, 2015.
2. Bounded real lemmas for positive descriptor systems, Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 352, no. 1, pp. 346–68, 2015.
3. Finite-time fuzzy stabilisation and control for nonlinear descriptor systems with non-zero initial state, International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 364–76, 2015.
4. Finite-time H-infinity control for singular Markovian jump systems with partly unknown transition rates, Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 254, pp. 106–125, 2015.
5. Finite-time H control for a class of discrete-time switched singular time-delay systems subject to actuator saturation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 261, pp. 264–83, 2015.
6. Complex Dynamics in a Singular Delayed Bioeconomic Model with and without Stochastic Fluctuation, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, p. 302494, 2015.
7. Fuzzy stochastic optimal guaranteed cost control of bio-economic singular markovian jump systems, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 2512–21, 2015.
8. H-infinity Control, Analysis & Design of Singular Markovian Jump Systems, 2015.
9. H-infinity filtering for a class of singular biological systems, Control Theory & Applications Iet, vol. 9, pp. 2047–2055, 2015.
10. H control for discrete-time singular Markovian jump systems based on the novel bounded real lemma, International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 63–75, 2015.
11. H control via dynamic output feedback for positive systems with multiple delays, IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 9, no. 17, pp. 2574–80,2015.
12. H filtering for a class of singular biological systems, IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 9, no. 13, pp. 2047–55, 2015.
13. H filtering for stochastic singular fuzzy systems with time-varying delay, Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 215–28, 2015.
14. H filtering for time-delayed singular Markovian jump systems with time-varying switching: a quantized method, Signal Processing, vol. 109, pp. 14–24, 2015.
15. Memory dissipative control for singular T–S fuzzy time-varying delay systems under actuator saturation, Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 352, no. 10, pp. 3947–3970, 2015.
16. Memoryless variable structure control for affine nonlinear systems using only output information, International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, vol. 25, 2015.
17. Exponential stability of stochastic singular delay systems with general Markovian switchings, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 25, no. 17, pp. 3478–3494, Nov. 2015.
18. H-infinity control via dynamic output feedback for positive systems with multiple delays, IET Control Theory and Applications, vol. 9, no. 17, pp. 2574–2580, Nov. 2015.
19. Output strictly passive control of uncertain singular neutral systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, p. 591854 (12 pp.), 2015.
20. Positive observer design for discrete-time positive system with missing data in output, Neurocomputing, vol. 168, pp. 427–34, 2015.
21. Optimal Investment Strategy on Advertisement in Duopoly, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 625–636, Apr. 2015.
22. Robust normalization and guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain singular Markovian jump systems via hybrid impulsive control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 987–1006, 2015.
23. Stabilisation of descriptor Markovian jump systems with partially unknown transition probabilities, International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 218–26, 2015.
24. Stabilisation of Discrete-Time Piecewise Homogeneous Markov Jump Linear System with Imperfect Transition Probabilities, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, p. 720353 (14 pp.), 2015.
25. Stabilization of continuous-time randomly switched systems via the LMI approach, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 266, pp. 527–38, Sep. 2015.
26. Stabilization of discrete-time singular Markovian jump repeated vector nonlinear systems, International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, 2015.
27. Stabilization of singular Markovian jump systems with time-varying switchings, Information Sciences, vol. 297, pp. 254–70, 2015.
28. Stochastic stability and stabilization of discrete-time singular Markovian jump systems with partially unknown transition probabilities, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 1423–37, 2015.
29. Delay-Dependent Robust FilteringforNetworkedControlSystemswithPolytopicUncertainties, InternationalJournalof InnovativeComputing InformationandControl, 2010, vol. 6(11): 4857-4868.
30. H-infinityControlforDiscrete-TimeSingularlyPerturbedSystemswithTwoMarkovProcesses, JournaloftheFranklinInstitute-engineering and Applied Mathematics,2010, vol. 347(5): 836-847.
31. NovelStabilityAnalysisforRecurrentNeuralNetworkswithMultipleDelaysviaLineIntegral-TypeL-KFunctional, IEEETransactionson Neural Networks, 2010, vol. 21(11): 1710-1718.
32. PDObserverDesignforDescriptorSystems:AnLMIApproach, InternationalJournalofControlAutomationandSystems,2010, vol. 8(4): 735-740.
33. RobustDelay-range-dependentStabilizationforMarkovianJumpSystemswithMode-dependentTimeDelaysandNonlinearities, OptimalControl Applications&Methods, 2010, vol. 31(3): 249-264.
34. AnImprovedH-infinityStabilizationConditionforSingularTime-DelaySystems, InternationalJournalofInnovativeComputingInformation andControl, 2010, vol. 6(5): 2025-2034.
35. H-infinityControlforDiscrete-TimeSingularlyPerturbedSystemswithDistributionalProperties, InternationalJournalofInnovativeComputing InformationandControl, 2010, vol. 6(4): 1781-1791.
36. Delay-dependentPassivityCriterionforDiscrete-TimeDelayedStandardNeuralNetworkModel, Neurocomputing, 2010,vol. 73(7-9): 1384-1393.
37. RobustnessAnalysisofDescriptorSystemswithParameterUncertainties, InternationalJournalofControlAutomationandSystems, 2010, vol.8(2): 204-209.
38. OnPassivityAnalysisforStochasticNeuralNetworkswithIntervalTime-VaryingDelay,Neurocomputing, 2010, vol. 73(4-6):795-801.
39. RobustH-infinityControlforUncertainDescriptorSystemsbyProportional-DerivativeStateFeedback, InternationalJournalofControl, 2010, vol. 83(1) :89-96.
40. PartiallyMode-DependentH-infinityFilteringforDiscrete-TimeMarkovianJumpSystemswithPartlyUnknownTransitionProbabilities, Signal Processing, 2010, vol. 90(2): 548-556.
41. ANovelExtendedTsypkinCriterionforDiscrete-TimeDescriptorSystemswithFerromagneticHysteresisNonlinearPhysicalPhenomenon, ChinesePhysicsB, 2010, vol. 19(12): 120512.
42. ExponentialStabilityandL2-gainAnalysisforaClassofFaultySystems, InternationalJournalofSystemsScience,2010, vol. 42(3): 377-387.
43. Non-FragileGuaranteedCostControlforUncertainNeutralLarge-ScaleInterconnectedSystems, JournalofSystemsEngineeringand Electronics, 2010, vol. 21(4):635-642.
44. Delay-DependentRobustH-InfinityControlforUncertainDescriptorSystemswithMultipleStateDelays, OptimalControl Applications & Methods, 2010, vol. 31(4):375-387.
45. RobustDelay-Range-DependentStabilizationforMarkovianJumpSystemswithMode-DependentTimeDelaysandNonlinearities, Optimal Control Applications & Methods, 2010, vol. 31(3) :249-264.
46. AnImprovedH-infinityStabilizationConditionforSingularTime-DelaySystems, InternationalJournalofInnovativeComputing Information andControl, 2010, vol. 6(5):2025-2034.
47. Delay-DependentPassivityCriterionforDiscrete-TimeDelayedStandardNeuralNetworkModel,Neurocomputing, 2010, vol. 73(7-9): 1384-1393.
48. RobustnessAnalysisofDescriptorSystemswithParameterUncertainties, InternationalJournalofControlAutomationandSystems, 2010, vol.8(2):204-209.
49. Bifurcations of A Class of Singular Biological Economic Models, Chaos Solition and Fractals, 2009, vol. 40(3): 1309-1318.
50. Delay-dependent robust stability for Hopfield neural networks of neutral-type, Neutral Computing, 2009, vol. 72(10-12): 2609-2617.
51. Fault-tolerant H∞ Filter Design of a Class of Switched Systems with Sensor Failures, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2009, vol. 5(11): 3827-3838.
52. Design of Reduced-order H∞ Filtering for Markovian Jump Systems with Mode-dependent Time Delays, Signal Processing, 2009, vol. 89(2): 187-196.
53. On the Quadratic Stability of Descriptor Systems with Uncertainties in the Derivative Matrix, International Journal of Systems Science, 2009, vol. 40(7): 695–702.
54. Strongly Absolute Stability of Lur'e Descriptor Systems: Popov-type Criteria, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2009, vol. 19(7): 786-806.
55. Robust Passive Control for Uncertain Time-Delay Singular Systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 2009, vol. 56(3): 653-663..
56. Delay Dependent Stabilization of Uncertain Singular Systems with Multiple State Delays, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2008.
57. Delay Dependent Robust H-inf Control for Uncertain Singular Systems with Multiple State Delays, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2008.
58. Delay-dependent Robust Stabilization for a Class of Uncertain Singular Delay Systems, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2008.
59. Decentralized Fuzzy Model Reference H-inf Tracking Control Design for Nonlinear Interconnected Systems with Time-Delay, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2008.
60. Decentralized H-infinity Control for Singular Systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 2008.
61. Design of Reduced-order H_infinity Filtering for Markovian Jump Systems with Mode_Dependent Time Delays, International Journal of Signal Processing, 2008.
62. Stabilization of T-S Fuzzy Systems: An SOS Approach, International Journal of Innovative, Computing, Information and Control, 2008, vol. 4(9): 2273-2283.
63. Passivity and Optimal Control of Descriptor Biological Complex Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2008, vol. 53(1): 122-125.
64. Robust Stabilization of Nonlinear Time-Delay Interconnected Systems via Decentralized Fuzzy Control, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control,2008, vol. 4(7): 1567-1582.
65. The Stability of Discrete Circle-linked Systems, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2008, vol. 4(1): 114-123.
66. Existence and Global Asymptotic Stability of Positive Periodic Solution in Competitive Systems with feedback Controls, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2008, vol. 4(1): 136-141.
67. A New Tool to Express Genome Structural Features, Genomics, 2008 (Accepted).
68. Admissible Conditions of Fuzzy Descriptor Systems based on Lyapunov Function Approach, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2008, vol.4(1): 219-232.
69. Practical Stability Analysis and Synthesis of Linear Descriptor Systems with Disturbances, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2008, vol. 5(2): 138-144.
70. Strongly Absolute Stability Problem of Descriptor Systems: Circle Criterion, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2008, vol. 345(5): 437-451.
71. Bifurcation and Control in A Differential Algebraic Prey-predator Model with Stage Structure for Predator, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2008, vol. 18(10): 3159-3168.
72. The Stability Criterions for Fuzzy Descriptor Systems with Time Delay, Control and Intelligent Systems, 2007, vol. 35(3): 223-227.
73. Lur'e Lyapunov Functions and Absolute Stability Criteria for Lur'e Systems with Multiple Nonlinearities, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2007, vol. 17(9): 829-841.
74. Generalized Absolute Stability Analysis and Synthesis for Lur'e Type Descriptor Systems, IET Control Theory and Application, 2007, vol. 1(3): 617-623.
75. Strongly Absolute Stability Problem of Descriptor Systems, Informatica, 2007, vol. 18(2): 305-320.
76. Positive Realness and Absolute Stability Problem of Descriptor Systems, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 2007, vol. 54(5): 1142-1149.
77. Strongly Absolute Stability of Lur'e Type Descriptor Systems, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series A: Mathematical Analysis, 2007, vol. 14(3): 345-361.
78. Strongly Absolute Stability of Lur'e Type Differential-Algebraic Systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2007, vol. 336(1): 188-204.
79. Stability of descriptor systems with sector and slope restricted nonlinearities, International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences, 2007, vol. 3(4): 693-707.
80. The Solution to Matrix Equation AX+XTC=B, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2007, vol. 344(8): 1056-1062.
81. The Structures of EI Algebras Generated by Information Attributes, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 2007, vol. 3(3-4): 341-355.
82. Robust Stability for A Class of Networked Control Systems based on State Observer, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2007, vol. 2(4): 594-603.
83. Supply Chain Coordination under Disruption, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2007, vol. 2(4): 604-612.
84. The Assignment of Zero Dynamics for a Nonlinear Singular Systems, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2007, vol. 2(4): 632-640.
85. Rough Set Theory in Generalized Information Systems, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2007, vol. 3(4): 651-662.
86. A Remark on Model Reduction for Singular Systems, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2007, vol. 28(4): 301-308.
87. Dynamical Behaviors and Chaos Control in A Discrete Functional Response Model, Chaos Solition and Fractals, 2007, vol. 34: 1318-1327.
88. Practical Stability of Descriptor Systems with Time Delays in Terms of Two Measurements, Journal of The Franklin Institute, 2006, vol. 343(6): 635-646.
89. Practical Stability of Closed-loop Descriptor Systems, International Journal of Systems Science, 2006, vol. 37(14): 1059-1067.
90. Mixed Optimization Approach to Model Approximation of Descriptor Systems,Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2006, vol. 131(2): 265-280.
91. Robust Controllability for Linear Uncertain Descriptor Systems, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2006, vol. 414(2-3): 632-651.
92. A Remark on Model Reduction for Singular Systems Via Covariance Approximation, Optimal Control Applications and Applications, 2006, vol. 27(5): 293-298.
93. The Stability of linear Descriptor Systems, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2006, vol. 2(3): 362-374.
94. The Dynamical Characteristic of A Funcational Response Model with Constant Harvest, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2006, vol. 2(1): 99-106.
95. Decentralized Output Feedback Robust Control for A Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Circle-linked Large-scale Composit Systems, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2006, vol. 2(1): 20-30.
96. Eigenvalue Inequalities for Matrix Product, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2006, vol. 51(9): 1506-1509.
97. Stabilization of A kind of Prey-Predator Model with Holling Functional Response, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 2006, vol. 19: 436-440.
98. LMI-Based Reliable H-inf Filter with Sensor Failure, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 2006, vol. 2(4): 737-748.
99. Controllability and Quadratic Stability, Quadratic Stabilization of Discrete-time Interval Systems - An LMI Approach, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 2006, vol. 23(4): 413–431.
100. H∞ filtering for descriptor systems. International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2006, vol. 4 (6): 697-704.
101. Robust Input-Output Energy Decoupling for Uncertain Singular Systems, International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2005, vol. 1: 37-42.
102. Sufficient conditions on the controllability of interval systems, Dynamics of Continuous, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 2005, vol. 12b-suppl.: 226-237.
103. Robust Reliable H-infinity Filtering Against Sensor Failures, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B Applications & Algorithms, 2005, vol. 12 b-suppl. : 316–324.
104. Practical Stability of Descriptor Systems, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Ser. B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, vol. 12 b-suppl. : 44-57.
105. Fuzzy Identification of Systems Based on AFS Fuzzy Logic, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Ser. B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, vol.12 b-suppl. : 90-102.
106. Decentralized Robust Guaranteed Cost Controller Desigh for Uncertain T-S Fuzzy Descriptor Interconnected Systems, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Ser. B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, vol. 12 b-suppl. : 172-185.
107. Analysis of Stabilization and Admissibility for Periodically Time-varying Descriptor Systems, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Ser. B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, vol. 12 b-suppl. : 238-250.
108. Analysis and Optimazation on Endocrine Disruptor Multi-compartment Models of Complex Control Systems, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Ser. B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, vol. 12 b-suppl. : 295–303.
109. Optimal Guaranteed Cost Observer-based Control of Uncertain Singular Time-delay Systems, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Ser. B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, vol. 12 b-suppl. : 397-411.
110. Observer-based H-2 based Suboptimal Control for Descriptor Systems, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Ser. B-Applications & Algorithms, 2005, vol. 12 b-suppl. : 186-197.
111. Decentralized Robust guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain T-S Fuzzy Interconnected Systems with Time Delays, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1(1): 73-88.
112. Optimal Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Singular systems with time-delayed in state, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1(3-4): 244-252.
113. H infinity Observer for Descriptor Systems: A LMI Design Method, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1(3-4): 293-301.
114. Stability Analysis for Discrete T-S Fuzzy Systems, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1(3-4): 339-346.
115. Integrity Controller Design for Descriptor Systems, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1(3-4): 355-363.
116. Dissipation Control of a n-Species Food Chain Systems, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1(3-4): 428-440.
117. Practical Stabilization and Controllability of Descriptor Systems, International Journal of Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1(3-4): 454-464.
118. Predator-prey System with Hollinhg-II Functional Response, Advances in Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1: 144-152.
119. Dissipative Control for A Class of Nonlinear Systems, Advances in Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1: 122-127.
120. Decentralized Robust Control for The Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With Input Saturation, Advances in Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1: 138-143.
121. Conditions for Nonlinear Fuzzy Time Delay Systems, Advances in Information and Systems Science, 2005, vol. 1: 160-167.
122. Approaches to Quadratic Stability Conditions and H infinity Control Designs for T-S Fuzzy Systems , IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2003, vol. 11(6): 830-839
123. Robust Guaranteed Cost Control for a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Neutral Time-Delay System, Advances in Modeling and Analysis C, 2004, vol. 59(1-2): 59-73.
124. H infinity Suboptimal Model Reduction for Singular Systems, International Journal of Control, 2004, vol. 77(11): 992-1000.
125. Model Reduction for Singular Systems Via Covariance Approximation, Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2004, vol. 25(6): 263-278.
126. Passive Control for Linear Singular Systems, Advances in Modelling and Analysis C, 2004, vol. 59(3-4): 53-68.
127. H-infinity Dynamic Feedback Control for Fuzzy Systems, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 2004, 2 : 866-873.
128. The Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Based on AFS Fuzzy Logic, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A-Mathematical Ananlysis, 2004, vol. 11 (5-6): 787-796.
129. Linearizing Approach to Decentralized Controllability, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A-Mathematical Analysis, 2004, vol. 11 (5-6): 797-807.
130. Infinite Controllability and Infinite Observability of Generalized Dynamical Systems, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A-Mathematical Analysis, 2004, vol. 11 (5-6): 825-834.
131. Machine Scheduling Problems with A Linearizing Efforts, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A-Mathematical Analysis, 2004, vol. 11 (5-6): 741-750.
132. New Approaches to H-infinity-control for T-S Fuzzy Descriptor Systems Via LMI, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 2004, vol. 11 (1-2): 153-164.
133. Controllability of Interval Systems and Descriptor Interval Systems, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 2004, vol. 11 (1-2): 165-180.
134. Induction Control of A Three-species Food Chain System, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 2004, vol. 11 (1-2): 201-212.
135. Robust Quadratic Stability and Stabilization with Integrity for Uncertain Discrete Singular systems, Facta, University: Series: Mechanical Engineering, 2004, vol. 2(1): 25-34.
136. Optimal Impulsive Harvesting for Fish Populations, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2003, vol. 16(4): 466- 474.
137. Approaches to Quadratic Stability Conditions and H-infinity Control Designs for T-S Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2003, vol. 11 (6): 830-839.
138. On Lyapunov Theorems for Descriptor Systems, Dynamics of Continue Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 2003, vol. 10 (5): 709-725.
139. New Approaches to H-infinity Controller Designs Based on Fuzzy Observers for T-S Fuzzy Systems Via LMI, Automatica, 2003, vol. 39 (9): 1571-1582.
140. A Lyapunov Approach to Analysis of Discrete Singular Systems, Systems & Control Letters, 2002, vol. 45, 237-247.
141. Robust Elimination of Impulse of Descriptor Systems, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Applications & Algorithms, 2002, vol. 9: 13-27.
142. On Some Practical Aspects of Linear Singular Control Theory Application, Facta, University: Series: Mechanical Engineering, 2002, vol. 1(9):1161-1185.
143. Lyapunov and Non-lyapunov stability of Linear Discrete Time Delay Systems, Facta, University: Series: Mechanical Engineering, 2002, vol. 1(9): 1147-1160.
144. Some Geometric Properties of Lyapunov Equation and LTI System, Automatica, 2001, vol. 37(2): 313-316.
145. Optimal Model Reduction of Discrete-time Descriptor Systems, International Journal of System Science, 2001, vol. 32(5): 575-583.
146. A Trace Bound for A Generalized Square Matrix Product, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2000, vol. 45 (8): 1563- 1565.
147. New Lyapunov and Riccati Equations for Discrete Time Descriptor Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1999, vol. 44(11): 2134-2139.
148. State Observer for Interconnected Descriptor Systems, Advances in Modeling and Analysis, 1997, vol .49(2): 41-48.
149. Analysis of Descriptor Systems By Means of Polynomial Method, Advances in Modeling and Simulation, 1992, vol. 28(4): 23-34.
150. Impulsive Fixed Modes in Descriptor Systems, Advances in Modeling and Simulation, 1992, vol. 28(4): 13-21.
151. On Generalized Decentralized Fixed Modes in Descriptor Systems, Systems & Control Letters, 1990, vol. 15(4): 295-301.
152. Comments on `Controllability of Descriptor Systems', International Journal of Control, 1989, vol. 49(5): 1437-1438.
153. Further Comments on `Controllability of Descriptor Systems', International Journal of Control, 1989, vol. 50(6): 2645-2646.

1. Research Associate, Hong Kong University, July, 1996 - February, 1997.

2. Senior Research Associate, Hong Kong University, December, 1997 - June, 1998.

3. Senior Research Associate, Sydney University, Australia, August-October, 1999.

4. Gelden Senior Research Fellow, West Australia University, Australia, January - October, 2001.

5. Visiting Scholar, Niigata University, Japan, June, 2002.

6. Visiting Scholar, Okita University, Japan; 2004.

7. Visiting Scholar, Seoul National University, Cheju University, Korea, 2004.

8. Visiting Professor, Alberta University, Lakehead University, Canada, May, 2004.

Invited Presentations since 1997:

1. Generalized Lyapunov Equations, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1997.

2. Singular Value Assignment and Its Application, Hong Kong University,1998.

3. Discrete Lyapunov Equations, Sydney University, Australia, 1999.

4. H-infinity Sub-optimal Model Reduction for Singular Systems,West Australia University, 2001.

5. Stability of Algebraic and Differential Systems, Seoul National University, Seoul , Korea, 2002.

6. Stability of algebraic and differential systems, Pohand University of Science and Technology, Korea, 2002.

7. Stability of algebraic and differential systems, Kyungpook National University, Korea, 2002.

8. Brief introduction to Systems Science, Alberta University, Canada, 2004.

9. Stability for T-S Descriptor Systems, Lakehead University, Canada,2004.

10. Brief Introduction to Descriptor Systems, Winsor University,2004.

11. A new Lyapunov equations for singular systems with uncertainty, Haerbin Institute of Technology, 2005.

12. Stability of Descriptor systems, Dalian University of Science and Technology, Dalian, China,2005.

13. Optimal Control for Generalized Economic Systems, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, May 2006.

14. Progress on Study of Stability for Descriptor Systems, Liaoning University of Science and Technology, Anshan, China,2000.

15. Introduction to Operator Research and Cybernetics, Liaoning University of Science and Technology, Anshan, China, 2006.

16. Advance in Stability for Descriptor Systems, Dalian University, Dalian, China, 2004.

17. Optimal Control for Generalized Economic Systems, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, China, 2006.

18. How to Develop Science in University, Liaoning Polytechnical University, Fuxin, China, 2006.

19. Mathematics in University, Bohai University, Jinzhou, China, 2003.

20. Survey of Descriptor Systems, Shenyang University of Technology, Shenyang, China, 2000.

21. Direct Introduction of Stability, Logistics University, Xuzhou, China, 2000.

22. Optimal Control for Generalized Economic Systems, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 2006.

23. Survey of Biomathematics: Different Approaches, The National Conference on Mathematics, Physics, Mechanism and High Technology, Wuyishan, China, 2006.

24. Descriptor Systems, Centre South University, Changsha, China, July 2007.

25. Control Theory and Application for Descriptor Systems, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China, July 2007.

26. Introduction to Information and Computing, Shenyang Agriculture University, Shenyang, China, June 2007.

27. Biocybernetics for Descriptor Systems, Shenyang Engineering Institute, Shenyang, China, August 2007

28. A new Lyapunov equation for singular systems with uncertainty, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, May 2004.

29. Optimal Control for Generalized Economic Systems, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, May 2006.

30. Absolute Stability for Descriptor Systems, International Conference on Impulsive and Dynamic Systems, (Invited Speaker), Nanning, China, July 2007.

31. Modeling and robust stability of networked control systems with packet disordering and long delay, Chinese University of Hong Kong, May 2008.

32. Optimal Control for Generalized Economic Systems, Dalian Nationality University, June 2008.

33. Optimal Control for Generalized Economic Systems, Dalian Jiaotong University, June 2008.

34. Introduction to Reform and Teaching, Liaoning Universities Conference, 2008.

姓? ?? 名: 张庆灵
性 ? ? 别: 男

出生日期: 1956年12月*日
工作单位: 东北大学
职 ? ??务: 教授、博士生导师、系统科学研究所所长

学 ??? 位: 博士
学术方向: 生物建模与控制论、微分代数系统、矩阵理论与应用、网络控制系统
电 ??? 话: 86-024-8367 1336(603)
传 ??? 真: 86-024-8368 9929
电子邮箱: qlzhang@mail.neu.edu.cn ; qlzhangneu1@163.com
通信地址: 沈阳市和平区文化路3号巷11号东北大学系统科学研究所
邮 ??? 编: 110819

Personal Information:

Name: Zhang Qingling
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: Dec, 1956
Workplace: Northeastern University
Current Positions: Professor, Institute of Systems Science, Northeastern University.
Director, Institute of Systems Science, Northeastern University.
Supervisor of Ph D students, Northeastern University.
Degree: Ph D
Research Interests: Biomodeling and Biocybernetics, Differential and Algebraic Systems, Matrix Theory and Applications,
Networked Control Systems
Tel: 86-024-8367 1336(603)
Fax: 86-024-8368 9929
E-mail: qlzhang@mail.neu.edu.cn ; qlzhangneu1@163.com
Address: Institute of Systems Science, Northeastern University, Shenyang, Liaoning110819, China

张庆灵,男,现任东北大学系统科学研究所所长,教授,博士生导师。1995年在东北大学获博士学位。1997年在西北工业大学航空宇航技术博士后流动站出站。之后在东北大学任教。在此期间,多次在香港、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、美国和加拿大等国家和地区讲学、学术交流与合作科研。任教育部数学与统计教学指导委员会委员、中国生物数学学会理事、辽宁省生物数学学会理事长和辽宁省数学会理事长;International Journal of Information and Systems Sciences 亚洲区域主编,Advances in Information and Systems Science 主编,Mathematics Review 评论员,ISRN Applied Mathematics 编委;《生物数学学报》副主编、《控制与决策》编委和《东北大学学报》编委。学科方向为运筹学与控制论以及系统科学。研究领域涉及微分代数系统、网络控制系统、生物数学与信息学等。出版专著教材10余部;在国内外学术界发表论文680多篇,三大检索600多篇次,他引1700多篇次。曾获国务院政府特殊津贴、中国高校自然科学奖一等奖、第11届中国图书奖、教育部自然科学奖一等奖、辽宁省自然科学奖一等奖、二等奖、辽宁省优秀科技工作者、沈阳市优秀科技工作者、辽宁省普通高校中青年学科带头人、辽宁省百千万人才工程百人层次和辽宁省优秀博士学位论文指导教师等奖励。培养博士后11名;博士51名;硕士67名;访问学者8名。

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