基本信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学 航空航天力学与工程 固体力学
个人简介Personal Profile
郝鹏,太原人,教授(破格晋升)/博士生导师,中国科协青年人才托举工程入选者。美国航空航天学会Senior Member、国际结构与多学科优化学会Member、波兰国家科学基金评审专家、教育部科学技术奖励评审专家、国家自然科学基金评审专家、辽宁省力学学会理事、40余个SCI期刊审稿人。2013年博士毕业,2015年破格晋升副教授(当批全校6人),2018年破格晋升教授(当批全校2人)。面向国家重大需求,建立了结构可靠性分析与优化的系列先进方法,应用于国之重器——系列新一代航天装备研制,取得了一定的社会效益。主持装备预研-教育部青年人才项目、首批省优秀青年基金项目、国家基金委面上项目和青年基金、973项目子专题、中国博士后特别资助项目、CALT创新基金等,参加基础加强项目、重大专项、青年973项目等重大项目。发表SCI论文60余篇(一作/通讯45篇),H-index为26,包括AIAA J.(航空航天领域顶级期刊)、Comput. Method Appl. M.(计算力学领域顶级期刊)、Compos. Struct.、Int. J. Solids Struct.等。多次受邀在国内外重要学术会议上作Keynote Lecture。授权国际发明专利6项(美国1项、欧盟1项、日本4项)、国家发明专利20项。相关成果被美国三院院士哈佛大学J.W. Hutchinson教授等著名学者正面引用。部分研究成果被中央电视台、科技日报、大连电视台、新商报等媒体报道。
入选中国科协青年人才托举工程(当批中国力学学会共5人)、兴辽英才-青年拔尖人才、辽宁省百千万人才工程千层次、星海优青计划、星海骨干计划(结题优秀),曾获教育部技术发明一等奖(第三完成人)、Outstanding Young Scientist Award(CJK-OSM7)、辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖、钱令希力学奖青年教师一等奖、大连市专利奖一等奖、大连市青年科技之星、大连市优秀科技成果一等奖、学部教学竞赛一等奖。
课题组坚持从国家重大工程问题中提炼科学问题,为团队研究生提供充分的工程项目训练和出国访学机会,欢迎有梦想有奋劲的青年同学加入我们课题组: haopeng@dlut.edu.cn
教育经历Education Background
工作经历Work Experience
研究方向Research Focus
社会兼职Social Affiliations
基本信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学 航空航天力学与工程 固体力学
当前位置: 郝鹏 >> 科学研究
Dr. Peng Hao is a Professor of Dalian University of Technology. He is currently ISSMO member and AIAA senior member.So far in 2008, his research interests focus on reliability analysis and optimization of aerospace structures. He has publishedover 60 peer-reviewed articles indexed by SCI . Some of his research results have been successfully applied to the practical design of Chinese largest launch vehicle CZ-5.
Research Interests
Reliability analysis
Buckling and instability
Structural optimization
Imperfection sensitivity
Composite structures
Finite element analysis (isogeometric analysis)
Selected Publications
1. Hao P, Wang B, Li G. Surrogate-based optimum design for stiffened shells with adaptive sampling. AIAA Journal, 50(11): 2389-2407, 2012.
2. Hao P, Wang B, Li G, Meng Z, Wang L. Hybrid framework for reliability-based design optimization of imperfect stiffened shells. AIAA Journal, 53(10): 2878-2889, 2015.
3. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Du KF, Niu F. Efficient optimization of cylindrical stiffened shells with reinforced cutouts by curvilinear stiffeners. AIAA Journal, 54(4): 1350-1363, 2016.
4. Hao P, Wang YT, Liu C, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Jiang LL. Hierarchical non-deterministic optimization of curvilinearly stiffened aircraft panel with multi-cutouts. AIAA Journal, 2018.
5. Wang B, Li YW, Hao P, Wang Bin. Free vibration analysis of beam-type structures based on novel reduced-order model. AIAA Journal, 55(9): 3143-3152, 2017.
6. Hao P, Wang YT, Liu C, Wang B. A novel non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization algorithm using enhanced chaos control method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 318: 572-593, 2017.
7. Hao P, Wang YT, Liu XX, Wang B, Li G, Wang LP. An efficient adaptive-loop method for non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 324: 689-711, 2017.
8. Hao P, Yuan XJ, Liu C, Liu HL, Wang B, Li G, Niu F. An integrated framework of exact modeling, isogeometric analysis and optimization for variable-stiffness composite panels. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 339: 205-238, 2018.
9. Hao P, Wang B, Du KF, Li G, Tian K, Sun Y, Ma YL. Imperfection-insensitive design of stiffened conical shells based on perturbation load approach. Composite Structures, 136: 405-413, 2016.
10. Hao P, Wang B, Li G, Tian K, Du KF, Wang XJ, Tang XH. Surrogate-based optimization of stiffened shells including load-carrying capacity and imperfection sensitivity. Thin-Walled Structures, 72(15): 164-174, 2013.
11. Hao P, Wang B, Li G, Meng Z, Tian K, Tang XH. Hybrid optimization of hierarchical stiffened shells based on smeared stiffener method and finite element method. Thin-Walled Structures, 82: 46-54, 2014.
12. Hao P, Wang B, Li G, Meng Z, Tian K, Zeng DJ, Tang XH. Worst Multiple Perturbation Load Approach of stiffened shells with and without cutouts for improved knockdown factors. Thin-Walled Structures, 82: 321-330, 2014.
13. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Du KF, Zhang X. Influence of imperfection distributions for cylindrical stiffened shells with weld lands. Thin-Walled Structures, 93: 177-187, 2015.
14. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Zhang X. Optimization of curvilinearly stiffened panels with single cutout concerning the collapse load. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 16(7), ** (21 pages), 2016.
15. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Du KF, Luan Y. Integrated optimization of hybrid-stiffness stiffened shells based on sub-panel elements. Thin-Walled Structures, 103: 171-182, 2016.
16. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Liu HL, Wang YT, Niu F, Zeng DJ. Simultaneous buckling design of stiffened shells with multiple cutouts. Engineering Optimization, 49(7): 1116-1132, 2017.
17. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Sun Y, Zhou CX. Fast procedure for non-uniform optimum design of stiffened shells under buckling constraint. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 55(4): 1503-1516, 2017.
18. Hao P, Yuan XJ, Liu HL, Wang B, Liu C, Yang DX. Isogeometric buckling analysis of composite variable-stiffness panels. Composite Structures, 165: 192-208, 2017.
19. Hao P, Liu C, Yuan XJ, Wang B, Li G, Zhu TY, Niu F. Buckling optimization of variable-stiffness composite panels based on flow field function. Composite Structures, 181: 240-255, 2017.
20. Hao P, Feng SJ, Zhang K, Li Z, Wang B, Li G. Adaptive gradient-enhanced kriging model for variable-stiffness composite panels using isogeometric analysis. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018.
21. Wang B, Hao P*(corresponding author), Li G, Wang XJ, Tang XH, Luan Y. Generatrix shape optimization of stiffened shells for low imperfection sensitivity. Science China, 57(10): 2012-2019, 2014.
22. Meng Z, Hao P*(corresponding author), Li G, Wang B, Zhang K. Non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization of stiffened shells under buckling constraint. Thin-Walled Structures, 94: 325-333, 2015.
23. Keshtegar B, Hao P*(corresponding author), Wang YT, Li YF. Optimum design of aircraft panels based on adaptive dynamic harmony search. Thin-Walled Structures, 118: 37-45, 2017.
24. Wang B, Tian K, Hao P*(corresponding author), Cai YW, Li YW, Sun Y. Hybrid analysis and optimization of hierarchical stiffened plates based on asymptotic homogenization method. Composite Structures, 132: 136-147, 2015.
25. Wang B, Tian K, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zheng YB, Ma YL, Wang JB. Numerical-based smeared stiffener method for global buckling analysis of grid-stiffened composite cylindrical shells. Composite Structures, 152: 807-815, 2016.
26. Li G, Fang YC, Hao P*(corresponding author), Li ZK. Three-point bending deflection and failure mechanism map of sandwich beams with second-order hierarchical corrugated truss core.Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 19(1): 83-107, 2017.
27. Wang B, Du KF, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zhou CH, Tian K, Xu SS, Ma YL, Zhang X. Numerically and experimentally predicted knockdown factors for stiffened shells under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 109: 13-24, 2016.
28. Wang B, Tian K, Zhou CH, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zheng YB, Ma YL, Wang JB. Grid-pattern optimization framework of novel hierarchical stiffened shells allowing for imperfection sensitivity. Aerospace Science and Technology, 62: 114-121, 2017.
29. Li G, Li ZK, Hao P*(corresponding author), Wang YT, Fang YC. Failure behavior of hierarchical corrugated sandwich structures with second-order core based on Mindlin plate theory. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2017.
30. Wang B, Zhu SY, Hao P*(corresponding author), et al. Buckling of quasi-perfect cylindrical shell under axial compression: a combined experimental and numerical investigation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 130-131(1): 232-247, 2018.
31. Li G, Meng Z, Hao P*(corresponding author), Hu H. A hybrid reliability-based design optimization approach with adaptive chaos control using kriging model. International Journal of Computational Methods, 13(01): **, 2016.
32. Wang B, Tian K, Zhao HX, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zhu TY, Zhang K, Ma YL. Multilevel optimization framework for hierarchical stiffened shells accelerated by adaptive equivalent strategy. Applied Composite Materials, 24(3): 575-592, 2017.
33. Wang B, Hao P, Li G, Fang YC, Wang XJ, Zhang X. Determination of realistic worst imperfection for cylindrical shells using surrogate model. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 48(4): 777-794, 2013.
34. Wang B, Hao P, Li G, Tian K, Du KF, Wang XJ, Zhang X, Tang XH. Two-stage size-layout optimization of axially compressed stiffened panels. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 50(2): 313-327, 2014.
35. Wang B, Hao P, Li G, Zhang JX, Du KF, Tian K, Wang XJ, Tang XH. Optimum design of hierarchical stiffened shells for low imperfection sensitivity. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 30(3): 391-402, 2014.
36. Wang B, Hao P, Du KF, Li G. Knockdown factor based on imperfection sensitivity analysis for stiffened shells. International Journal Aerospace and Lightweight Structure, 2(1): 315–333, 2011.
37. Meng Z, Li G, Wang BP, Hao P. A hybrid chaos control approach of the performance measure functions for reliability-based design. Computers & Structures, 146: 32-43, 2015.
38. Keshtegar B, Hao P, Meng Z. A self-adaptive modified chaos control method for reliability-based design optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2017, 55(1): 63-75.
39. Keshtegar B, Hao P. A hybrid descent mean value for accurate and efficient performance measure approach of reliability-based design optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 336: 237-259, 2018.
40. Keshtegar B, Hao P. A hybrid loop approach using the sufficient descent condition for accurate, robust and efficient reliability-based design optimization. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 138(12), 121401, 2016.
论文成果 More>>
Li Yuwei,Tian Kuo,Hao Peng,Wang Bo,Wu Hao,Wang Bin.Finite element model updating for repeated eigenvalue structures via the reduced-order model using incomplete measured modes[J],Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2020,142
Wang Bo,Du Kaifan,Hao Peng,Tian Kuo,Chao Yuh J.,Jiang Liangliang,Xu Shanshan,Zhang Xi.Experimental validation of cylindrical shells under axial compression for improved knockdown factors[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES,2019,164:37-51
Hao Peng,Liu Xuanxiu,Wang Yu,Liu Dachuan,Wang Bo,Li Gang.Collaborative design of fiber path and shape for complex composite shells based on isogeometric analysis[J],COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2019,354:181-212
Wang Bo,Ma Xiangtao,Hao Peng,Sun Yu,Tian Kuo,Li Gang,Zhang Ke,Jiang Liangliang,Guo Jie.Improved knockdown factors for composite cylindrical shells with delamination and geometric imperfections[J],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2019,163:314-323
Hao Peng,Liu Dachuan,Wang Yu,Liu Xuanxiu,Wang Bo,Li Gang,Feng Shaowei.Design of manufacturable fiber path for variable-stiffness panels based on lamination parameters[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2019,219:158-169
专利 More>>
科研项目 More>>
变刚度复合材料板壳结构的等几何分析与混合可靠性优化, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2017/08/17, 进行
航天变刚度复合材料板壳高效优化设计, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2017/03/23-2017/12/15, 进行
基于精确几何分析的开口曲筋板壳结构非概率可靠度优化, 其他课题, 2015/07/03-2016/12/16, 完成
NURBS曲筋加强型开口薄壁结构设计, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2015/07/30-2016/05/31, 进行
考虑随机缺陷的轴压典型开口曲筋板壳承载机理研究, 国务院其他部门, 2014/04/01-2016/12/16, 完成
开口曲筋板壳的承载机理及其优化研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2014/09/01-2017/12/31, 完成
基本信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学 航空航天力学与工程 固体力学
当前位置: 郝鹏 >> 科学研究 >> 研究领域Dr. Peng Hao is a Professor of Dalian University of Technology. He is currently ISSMO member and AIAA senior member.So far in 2008, his research interests focus on reliability analysis and optimization of aerospace structures. He has publishedover 60 peer-reviewed articles indexed by SCI . Some of his research results have been successfully applied to the practical design of Chinese largest launch vehicle CZ-5.
Research Interests
Reliability analysis
Buckling and instability
Structural optimization
Imperfection sensitivity
Composite structures
Finite element analysis (isogeometric analysis)
Selected Publications
1. Hao P, Wang B, Li G. Surrogate-based optimum design for stiffened shells with adaptive sampling. AIAA Journal, 50(11): 2389-2407, 2012.
2. Hao P, Wang B, Li G, Meng Z, Wang L. Hybrid framework for reliability-based design optimization of imperfect stiffened shells. AIAA Journal, 53(10): 2878-2889, 2015.
3. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Du KF, Niu F. Efficient optimization of cylindrical stiffened shells with reinforced cutouts by curvilinear stiffeners. AIAA Journal, 54(4): 1350-1363, 2016.
4. Hao P, Wang YT, Liu C, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Jiang LL. Hierarchical non-deterministic optimization of curvilinearly stiffened aircraft panel with multi-cutouts. AIAA Journal, 2018.
5. Wang B, Li YW, Hao P, Wang Bin. Free vibration analysis of beam-type structures based on novel reduced-order model. AIAA Journal, 55(9): 3143-3152, 2017.
6. Hao P, Wang YT, Liu C, Wang B. A novel non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization algorithm using enhanced chaos control method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 318: 572-593, 2017.
7. Hao P, Wang YT, Liu XX, Wang B, Li G, Wang LP. An efficient adaptive-loop method for non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 324: 689-711, 2017.
8. Hao P, Yuan XJ, Liu C, Liu HL, Wang B, Li G, Niu F. An integrated framework of exact modeling, isogeometric analysis and optimization for variable-stiffness composite panels. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 339: 205-238, 2018.
9. Hao P, Wang B, Du KF, Li G, Tian K, Sun Y, Ma YL. Imperfection-insensitive design of stiffened conical shells based on perturbation load approach. Composite Structures, 136: 405-413, 2016.
10. Hao P, Wang B, Li G, Tian K, Du KF, Wang XJ, Tang XH. Surrogate-based optimization of stiffened shells including load-carrying capacity and imperfection sensitivity. Thin-Walled Structures, 72(15): 164-174, 2013.
11. Hao P, Wang B, Li G, Meng Z, Tian K, Tang XH. Hybrid optimization of hierarchical stiffened shells based on smeared stiffener method and finite element method. Thin-Walled Structures, 82: 46-54, 2014.
12. Hao P, Wang B, Li G, Meng Z, Tian K, Zeng DJ, Tang XH. Worst Multiple Perturbation Load Approach of stiffened shells with and without cutouts for improved knockdown factors. Thin-Walled Structures, 82: 321-330, 2014.
13. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Du KF, Zhang X. Influence of imperfection distributions for cylindrical stiffened shells with weld lands. Thin-Walled Structures, 93: 177-187, 2015.
14. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Zhang X. Optimization of curvilinearly stiffened panels with single cutout concerning the collapse load. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 16(7), ** (21 pages), 2016.
15. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Du KF, Luan Y. Integrated optimization of hybrid-stiffness stiffened shells based on sub-panel elements. Thin-Walled Structures, 103: 171-182, 2016.
16. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Liu HL, Wang YT, Niu F, Zeng DJ. Simultaneous buckling design of stiffened shells with multiple cutouts. Engineering Optimization, 49(7): 1116-1132, 2017.
17. Hao P, Wang B, Tian K, Li G, Sun Y, Zhou CX. Fast procedure for non-uniform optimum design of stiffened shells under buckling constraint. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 55(4): 1503-1516, 2017.
18. Hao P, Yuan XJ, Liu HL, Wang B, Liu C, Yang DX. Isogeometric buckling analysis of composite variable-stiffness panels. Composite Structures, 165: 192-208, 2017.
19. Hao P, Liu C, Yuan XJ, Wang B, Li G, Zhu TY, Niu F. Buckling optimization of variable-stiffness composite panels based on flow field function. Composite Structures, 181: 240-255, 2017.
20. Hao P, Feng SJ, Zhang K, Li Z, Wang B, Li G. Adaptive gradient-enhanced kriging model for variable-stiffness composite panels using isogeometric analysis. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2018.
21. Wang B, Hao P*(corresponding author), Li G, Wang XJ, Tang XH, Luan Y. Generatrix shape optimization of stiffened shells for low imperfection sensitivity. Science China, 57(10): 2012-2019, 2014.
22. Meng Z, Hao P*(corresponding author), Li G, Wang B, Zhang K. Non-probabilistic reliability-based design optimization of stiffened shells under buckling constraint. Thin-Walled Structures, 94: 325-333, 2015.
23. Keshtegar B, Hao P*(corresponding author), Wang YT, Li YF. Optimum design of aircraft panels based on adaptive dynamic harmony search. Thin-Walled Structures, 118: 37-45, 2017.
24. Wang B, Tian K, Hao P*(corresponding author), Cai YW, Li YW, Sun Y. Hybrid analysis and optimization of hierarchical stiffened plates based on asymptotic homogenization method. Composite Structures, 132: 136-147, 2015.
25. Wang B, Tian K, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zheng YB, Ma YL, Wang JB. Numerical-based smeared stiffener method for global buckling analysis of grid-stiffened composite cylindrical shells. Composite Structures, 152: 807-815, 2016.
26. Li G, Fang YC, Hao P*(corresponding author), Li ZK. Three-point bending deflection and failure mechanism map of sandwich beams with second-order hierarchical corrugated truss core.Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 19(1): 83-107, 2017.
27. Wang B, Du KF, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zhou CH, Tian K, Xu SS, Ma YL, Zhang X. Numerically and experimentally predicted knockdown factors for stiffened shells under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 109: 13-24, 2016.
28. Wang B, Tian K, Zhou CH, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zheng YB, Ma YL, Wang JB. Grid-pattern optimization framework of novel hierarchical stiffened shells allowing for imperfection sensitivity. Aerospace Science and Technology, 62: 114-121, 2017.
29. Li G, Li ZK, Hao P*(corresponding author), Wang YT, Fang YC. Failure behavior of hierarchical corrugated sandwich structures with second-order core based on Mindlin plate theory. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 2017.
30. Wang B, Zhu SY, Hao P*(corresponding author), et al. Buckling of quasi-perfect cylindrical shell under axial compression: a combined experimental and numerical investigation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 130-131(1): 232-247, 2018.
31. Li G, Meng Z, Hao P*(corresponding author), Hu H. A hybrid reliability-based design optimization approach with adaptive chaos control using kriging model. International Journal of Computational Methods, 13(01): **, 2016.
32. Wang B, Tian K, Zhao HX, Hao P*(corresponding author), Zhu TY, Zhang K, Ma YL. Multilevel optimization framework for hierarchical stiffened shells accelerated by adaptive equivalent strategy. Applied Composite Materials, 24(3): 575-592, 2017.
33. Wang B, Hao P, Li G, Fang YC, Wang XJ, Zhang X. Determination of realistic worst imperfection for cylindrical shells using surrogate model. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 48(4): 777-794, 2013.
34. Wang B, Hao P, Li G, Tian K, Du KF, Wang XJ, Zhang X, Tang XH. Two-stage size-layout optimization of axially compressed stiffened panels. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 50(2): 313-327, 2014.
35. Wang B, Hao P, Li G, Zhang JX, Du KF, Tian K, Wang XJ, Tang XH. Optimum design of hierarchical stiffened shells for low imperfection sensitivity. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 30(3): 391-402, 2014.
36. Wang B, Hao P, Du KF, Li G. Knockdown factor based on imperfection sensitivity analysis for stiffened shells. International Journal Aerospace and Lightweight Structure, 2(1): 315–333, 2011.
37. Meng Z, Li G, Wang BP, Hao P. A hybrid chaos control approach of the performance measure functions for reliability-based design. Computers & Structures, 146: 32-43, 2015.
38. Keshtegar B, Hao P, Meng Z. A self-adaptive modified chaos control method for reliability-based design optimization. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2017, 55(1): 63-75.
39. Keshtegar B, Hao P. A hybrid descent mean value for accurate and efficient performance measure approach of reliability-based design optimization. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 336: 237-259, 2018.
40. Keshtegar B, Hao P. A hybrid loop approach using the sufficient descent condition for accurate, robust and efficient reliability-based design optimization. ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 138(12), 121401, 2016.
基本信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学 航空航天力学与工程 固体力学
当前位置: 郝鹏 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果[1]Li Yuwei,Tian Kuo,Hao Peng,Wang Bo,Wu Hao,Wang Bin.Finite element model updating for repeated eigenvalue structures via the reduced-order model using incomplete measured modes[J],Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2020,142
[3]Wang Bo,Du Kaifan,Hao Peng,Tian Kuo,Chao Yuh J.,Jiang Liangliang,Xu Shanshan,Zhang Xi.Experimental validation of cylindrical shells under axial compression for improved knockdown factors[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES,2019,164:37-51
[4]Hao Peng,Liu Xuanxiu,Wang Yu,Liu Dachuan,Wang Bo,Li Gang.Collaborative design of fiber path and shape for complex composite shells based on isogeometric analysis[J],COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2019,354:181-212
[5]Wang Bo,Ma Xiangtao,Hao Peng,Sun Yu,Tian Kuo,Li Gang,Zhang Ke,Jiang Liangliang,Guo Jie.Improved knockdown factors for composite cylindrical shells with delamination and geometric imperfections[J],COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING,2019,163:314-323
[6]Hao Peng,Liu Dachuan,Wang Yu,Liu Xuanxiu,Wang Bo,Li Gang,Feng Shaowei.Design of manufacturable fiber path for variable-stiffness panels based on lamination parameters[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2019,219:158-169
[8]Hao Peng,Wang Yutian,Ma Rui,Liu Hongliang,Wang Bo,Li Gang.A new reliability-based design optimization framework using isogeometric analysis[J],COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2019,345:476-501
[9]Hao Peng,Ma Rui,Wang Yutian,Feng Shaowei,Wang Bo,Li Gang,Xing Hanzheng,Yang Fan.An augmented step size adjustment method for the performance measure approach: Toward general structural reliability-based design optimization[J],STRUCTURAL SAFETY,2019,80:32-45
[10]Hao Peng,Liu Chen,Liu Xuanxiu,Yuan Xiaojie,Wang Bo,Li Gang,Dong Manhong,Chen Liang.Isogeometric analysis and design of variable-stiffness aircraft panels with multiple cutouts by level set method[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2018,206:888-902
[11]Tian Kuo,Wang Bo,Zhang Ke,Zhang Jiaxin,Hao Peng,Wu Ying.Tailoring the optimal load-carrying efficiency of hierarchical stiffened shells by competitive sampling[J],THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES,2018,133:216-225
[12]Liu Hongliang,Yang Dixiong,Hao Peng,Zhu Xuefeng.Isogeometric analysis based topology optimization design with global stress constraint[J],COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING,2018,342:625-652
[13]Tian Kuo,Wang Bo,Hao Peng,Waas Anthony M..A high-fidelity approximate model for determining lower-bound buckling loads for stiffened shells[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES,2018,148(,SI):14-23
[14]Zhou Caihua,Ming Shizhao,Xia Chaoxiang,Wang Bo,Bi Xiangjun,Hao Peng,Ren Mingfa.The energy absorption of rectangular and slotted windowed tubes under axial crushing[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES,2018,141:89-100
[15]Li Gang,Li Zhaokai,Hao Peng,Wang Yutian,Fang Yaochu.Failure behavior of hierarchical corrugated sandwich structures with second-order core based on Mindlin plate theory[J],JOURNAL OF SANDWICH STRUCTURES & MATERIALS,2019,21(2):552-579
[16]Hao Peng,Wang Yutian,Liu Chen,Wang Bo,Tian Kuo,Li Gang,Wang Qun,Jiang Liangliang.Hierarchical Nondeterministic Optimization of Curvilinearly Stiffened Panel with Multicutouts[J],AIAA JOURNAL,2018,56(10):4180-4194
[17]Hao Peng,Wang Yutian,Liu Chen,Wang Bo,Tian Kuo,Li Gang,Wang Qun,Jiang Liangliang.Hierarchical nondeterministic optimization of curvilinearly stiffened aircraft panel with multicutouts[J],AIAA Journal,2018,56:4180-4194
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基本信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学 航空航天力学与工程 固体力学
当前位置: 郝鹏 >> 科学研究 >> 专利一种基于对称组合式空气弹簧的质量调谐阻尼器
Method for determining reduction factor of bearing capacity of axial load cylindrical shell structure
基本信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学 航空航天力学与工程 固体力学
当前位置: 郝鹏 >> 科学研究 >> 著作成果理论力学(数字化课程)
基本信息Personal Information
学科:工程力学 航空航天力学与工程 固体力学
当前位置: 郝鹏 >> 科学研究 >> 科研项目变刚度复合材料板壳结构的等几何分析与混合可靠性优化, 国家自然科学基金, 2017/08/17, 进行
航天变刚度复合材料板壳高效优化设计, 2017/03/23-2017/12/15, 进行
基于精确几何分析的开口曲筋板壳结构非概率可靠度优化, 中国博士后科学基金, 2015/07/03-2016/12/16, 完成
NURBS曲筋加强型开口薄壁结构设计, 2015/07/30-2016/05/31, 进行
考虑随机缺陷的轴压典型开口曲筋板壳承载机理研究, 中国博士后科学基金, 2014/04/01-2016/12/16, 完成
开口曲筋板壳的承载机理及其优化研究, 国家自然科学基金, 2014/09/01-2017/12/31, 完成
复合材料贮箱仿真分析优化技术研究, KGJ基础科研, 2016/10/01, 进行
近断层强震作用下建筑结构减震优化设计及试验验证, 一般纵向, 2017/12/15, 进行
疲劳关键部位寿命对比试验, 2017/11/15-2019/12/31, 进行
大开口垂直壁板承载能力试验, 2015/12/30-2016/12/31, 进行
计及缺陷敏感性的网格加筋筒壳结构轻量化设计理论与方法, 973 计划项目, 2013/12/31, 进行
原理性曲筋板壳的快速布局设计与实验研究, 大连市青年科技之星项目, 2018/01/01, 进行