

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-04

姓 名:
黄冰 性 别:

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210008 电子邮件:

黄冰,男,1979年生,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员,博士生导师。2008年毕业于中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所,获博士学位。2012年作为高级访问****赴英国Durham大学合作研究。主要从事奥陶纪末生物大灭绝事件及其后相关宏演化过程,志留纪腕足动物系统分类、古生态学及古生物地理学等研究工作。现任国际地层委员会志留系分会选举委员,《古生物学报》副主编。曾获得Alwyn Williams Fund资助。曾任第七届国际腕足动物大会秘书长,及国际地学计划IGCP 591项目2014年度专题研讨会秘书长。迄今发表论著80余篇册,其中第一作者35篇册,专著一部(通讯作者),编著三部(第一、第二及第三作者各一部)。




主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目1项(NO.**; 2015-2018);

Huang Bing, Li Rongyu. 2020. The repaired durophagous scar in the shell of a lingulid brachiopod immediately after the end Ordovician mass extinction. Alcheringa, doi.org/10.1080/**.2020.**
Huang Bing, Harper D.A.T., Zhou Hanghang, Rong Jiayu. 2020c. From shallow to deep-water: an ecological study of the Hirnantia brachiopod Fauna (Late Ordovician) and its global implications. Lethaia, doi.org/10.1111/LET.12360
Huang Bing, Rong Jiayu, Harper D.A.T., Zhou Hanghang. 2020b. A nearshore Hirnantian brachiopod fauna from South China and its ecological significance. Journal of Paleontology, 94(2), 2020, p. 239–254
Huang Bing, Zhou Hanghang, Harper D.A.T., Zhan Renbin, Zhang Xiaole, Chen Di, Rong Jiayu. 2020a. A latest Ordovician Hirnantia brachiopod fauna from western Yunnan, Southwest China and its paleobiogeographic significance. Palaeoworld, 29: 31–46.
Huang Bing, Harper, D.A.T., Zhou Hanghang, Zhan Renbin, Wang Yi, Tang Peng, Ma Junye, Wang Guangxu, Chen Di, Zhang Yuchen, Luan Xiaocong and Rong Jiayu. 2019. A new Cathaysiorthis (Brachiopoda) fauna from the lower Llandovery of eastern Qinling, China. Papers in Palaeontology. 5(3): 537-557.
Huang Bing, Jin Jisuo, Rong Jiayu. 2018. Post-extinction diversification patterns of brachiopods in the early-middle Llandovery, Silurian. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 493: 11-19.(SCI)
Huang Bing, Harper D A T, Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin. 2017. Brachiopod faunas after the end Ordovician mass extinction from South China: Testing ecological change through a major taxonomic crisis. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 138 (2017) 502–514. (SCI)
黄冰, 王怿, 唐鹏, 魏鑫, 张小乐, 王光旭, 吴荣昌, 张雨晨, 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余. 2017. 湖北西部建始地区志留系秀山组顶部地层新观察. 地层学杂志, 41(4):375-385.[Huang Bing, Wang Yi, Tang Peng, Wei Xin, Zhang Xiaole, Wang Guangxu, Wu Rongchang, Zhang Yuchen, Zhan Renbin, Rong Jiayu. 2017. On the uppermost Xiushan Formation (Llandovery, Silurian) at Jianshi area, Hubei Province.Journal of Stratigraphy, 41(4): 375-385.]
Huang Bing, Baarli B.G., Zhan Renbin, Rong Jiayu. 2016. A new early Silurian brachiopod genus, Thulatrypa, from Norway and South China, and its palaeobiogeographical significance, Alcheringa, 40:83-97. (SCI)
Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin, Wang Guangxu. 2016. Recovery brachiopod associations from the lower Silurian of South China and their paleoecological implications. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 53(7): 674-679. (SCI)
黄冰. 2015. 志留纪华夏正形贝动物群丰度模型研究及其意义—兼浅介R语言的古生态学应用. 古生物学报, 54(4):472-480. [Huang Bing. 2015. Species-abundance models for the Cathaysiorthis Fauna (Silurian Brachiopods) and its significance, with an application of R in palaeoecology. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 54(4):472-480. (in Chinese with English abstract)]
Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin, Wang Guangxu. 2015. Recovery brachiopod associations from late Rhuddanian in South China and its ecological significance. Permophiles, number 61 (Supp. 1): 44-47.
Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin. 2014. Species-abundance models for brachiopods across the Ordovician–Silurian boundary of South China. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 63, 4, 240-243. (SCI)
Huang Bing, Harper D A T, Zhan Renbin. 2014, Test of sampling sufficiency in palaeontology. GFF. 36(1): 105-109. (SCI)
Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin, Wang Guangxu. 2014. Brachiopod associations from late Rhuddanian in South China and their bathymetric significance. IGCP project 591 Field Workshop 2014 Extended Summary, 57-60.
黄冰, 戎嘉余, 詹仁斌. 2014. “复活分子”在穿越生物大灭绝过程中的实质是什么?古生物学报, 53(2):135–145. [Huang Bing, Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin. 2014. Essence of Lazarus taxa across mass extinction. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 53(2): 135–145.(in Chinese with English abstract) ]
Huang Bing, Harper D A T, 2013. Ontogenic study of the brachiopod Dicoelosia by geometric morphometrics and morphing techniques. Lethaia 46, 308-316.(SCI)
黄冰, Harper D A T, Hammer O. 2013. 定量古生物学软件PAST及其常用功能.古生物学报, 52(2): 161–181. [Huang Bing, Harper D A T, Hammer O, 2013. Intorductioin to PAST, a comprehensive statistics software package for paleontological data analysis. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 52(2): 161–181.(in Chinese with English abstract) ]
Huang Bing, Rong Jiayu, Harper D A T. 2013. A new survivor species of Dicoelosia (brachiopoda) from Rhuddanian (Silurian) shallower-water biofacies in South China. Journal of Paleontology, 87 (2), 232-242. (SCI)
黄冰. 2012. 浅谈稀疏标准化方法(Rarefaction)及其在群落多样性研究中的应用. 古生物学报, 51(2):56–64. [Huang Bing, 2012. Rarefaction and its application to the study of diversity of palaeocomunities. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 51(2): 56–64.(in Chinese with English abstract) ]
Huang Bing, Rong Jiayu, Cocks L R M. 2012. Global palaeobiogeographical patterns in brachiopods from survival to recovery after the end-Ordovician mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 317-318, 196–205.(SCI)
黄冰. 2012. 古生物学研究中的采样问题及多样性估计方法——以华夏正形贝动物群为例. 古生物学报, 51(4):436–444. [Huang Bing, 2012. Sampling in palaeontology and a method for estimating underlying diversity—an example of the Cathaysiorthis brachiopod fauna. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 51(4): 436–444.(in Chinese with English abstract) ]
黄冰. 2011. 简论相似性测度的选择一一以奥陶纪末大灭绝后全球腕足动物古地理为例.古生物学报, 50(3):304–320. [Huang Bing, 2011. Preliminary discussion on similarity measures with an example of Rhuddanian global brachiopod palaeobiogeography. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 50(3): 304–320.(in Chinese with English abstract) ]
黄冰, 戎嘉余, 王怿. 2011. 黔西赫章志留纪晚期小莱采贝动物群的发现及其古地理意义. 古地理学报, 13(1):30–36. [Huang Bing, Rong Jiayu, Wang Yi, 2011. Discovery of Retziella Fauna (Late Silurian brachiopod) From Hezhang in western Guizhou and its palaeogeographic significance. Journal of Palaeogeography. 13(1): 30–36. (in Chinese with English abstract)]
Huang Bing, Rong Jiayu. 2010. Statistically differentiating Katastrophomena from Strophomena (Ordovician-Silurian strophomenid brachiopods). Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, 39, 245–259.
Huang Bing, Harper D A T, Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin. 2010. Can the Lilliput Effect be detected in the brachiopod faunas of South China following the terminal Ordovician mass extinction? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 285, 277–286. (SCI)
黄冰. 2010. “判别分析”在修正奥陶-志留系腕足动物劣扭月贝属(Katastrophomena)中的应用. 古生物学报, 49(2):196–209. [Huang Bing, 2010. The application of discriminant analysis in a study of Ordovician-Silurian brachiopod genus Katastrophomena. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 49(2): 196–209.(in Chinese with English abstract) ]
Huang Bing, Harper D A T, Rong Jiayu, Zhan Renbin. 2009. Does "Lilliput Effect" of brachiopod exist in South China after the late Ordovician mass extinction? Rendiconti della Società Paleontologica Italiana, 3(3): 299–300.
黄冰, 戎嘉余. 2009. 生物灭绝事件——地球生命之树的新陈代谢. 见:沙金庚, 主编:世纪飞跃:辉煌的中国古生物学. 北京:科学出版社, p. 96–105.
黄冰, 2008. 华南奥陶纪末大灭绝后腕足动物是否存在“小型化效应”? 古生物学报, 第47卷, 第2期, 203–213. [Huang Bing.2008. Does “Lilliput effect” of brachiopods exist in south China after the late Ordovician mass extinction ? Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 47(2):203—213. (in Chinese with English abstract).]
黄冰. 2007. 系统古生物研究中的统计新方法初探-以浙赣边区志留纪初期雕正形贝属为例. 古生物学报, 46(3): 278–292. [Huang Bing, 2007. Primary exploration of new statistical methods in systematic palaeontology—Example of early Silurian glyptorthis from the Zhejiang-Jiangxi border area. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 46(3): 278–292. (in Chinese with English abstract) ]
戎嘉余, 黄冰. 2019. 华南奥陶纪末生物大灭绝的肇端标志—腕足动物稀少贝组合(Manosia Assemblage)及其穿时分布. 地质学报, 93(3): 509-527. [Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing. 2019. An indicator of the onset of the end Ordovician mass extinction in South China: the Manosia brachiopod assemblage and its diachronous distribution. Acta Geologica Sinica, 93(3): 509—527]
张雨晨,黄冰,詹仁斌,Sproat D. Colin,周航行,2019,生长标度——腕足动物异速生长研究中的定量指标:古生物学报,v. 58,p. 122-129 [Zhang, Y., Huang, B., Zhan, R., Sproat, C.D., and Zhou, H., 2019a, Growth Metric— A quantitative index for brachiopod allometry research: Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, v. 58, p. 122–129. [in Chinese with English abstract]
周航行, 黄冰. 2018. 云南曲靖志留系关底组腕足类无洞贝Atrypoidea foxi Jones居群分析. 古生物学报, 57(1): 52-65. [Zhou Hang-hang, Huang Bing. 2018. Population analysis of the Silurian brachiopod Atrypoidea foxi Jones From Qujing, Yunna Province. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 57(1): 52-65. (in Chinese with English abstract)]
吴荣昌, 黄冰, 王光旭, 魏鑫, 詹仁斌, 唐鹏, 栾晓聪, 张雨晨. 2018. 鄂西北竹溪地区志留系竹溪组. 地层学杂志, 42(3): 243-256.[Wu Rongchang, Huang Bing, Wang Guangxu, Wei Xin, Zhan Renbin, Tang Peng, Luan Xiaocong, Zhang Yuchen. 2018. The Silurian Zhuxi Formation in the Zhuxi Area, Northwestern Hubei Province. Journal of Stratigraphy, 42(3): 243-256]
Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin, Fu Lipu. 2017. Silurian Brachiopod Genera on Type Species of China. In: Rong J.Y., Jin Y.G., Shen S.Z., Zhan R.B. (eds), Phanerozoic Brachiopod Genera of China. Beijing: Science Press, 247-343.
唐鹏, 黄冰, 吴荣昌, 樊隽轩, 燕夔, 王光旭, 刘建波, 王怿, 詹仁斌, 戎嘉余. 2017.论上扬子区上奥陶统大渡河组.地层学杂志, 41(2): 119-133. [Tang Peng, Huang Bing, Wu Rongchang, Fan Junxuan, Yan Kui, Wang Guangxu, Liu Jianbo, Wang Yi, Zhan Renbin, Rong Jiayu. 2017. On the upper Ordovician Daduhe Formation of the upper Yangtze Region. Journal of Stratigraphy, 41(2): 119-133]
樊隽轩, 黄冰, 泮燕红, 史宇坤, 陈中阳 等. 2016. 定量古生物学及重要名词释义. 古生物学报, 2016(2): 220-243. [Fan Junxuan, Huang Bing, Pan Yanhong, Shi Yukun, Chen Zhongyang et al. 2016. Quantitative paleobiology and explanations of its key parameters. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 2016(2): 220-243]
Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing, Wang Guangxu, Jin Jisuo, Liang Yan, Wang Yi, Zhang Yuandong, Li Rongyu, Liu Jianbo, Wu Rongchang. 2014. Discovery of the late Middle Ordovician Saucrorthis fauna (Brachiopoda) from the Sibumasu palaeoplate, western Yunnan, SW China. GFF. 136(1): 320–326.
戎嘉余, 黄冰. 2014. 生物大灭绝研究三十年. 中国科学, 44(3): 377–404 [Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing. 2014. Study of Mass Extinction over the past thirty years: A synopsis (in Chinese). Scientia Sinica Terrae, 44(3): 377–404]
Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin, Harper, D A T. 2013. Latest Ordovician and earliest Silurian brachiopods succeeding the Hirnantia fauna in South-east China. Special papers in Palaeontology, vol. 90, 1-142pp. SCI
Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing, Liang Yan, Jin Jisuo. 2013. Pulse of the Early Ordovician brachiopod radiation in South China. Proceedings of the 3rd IGCP 591 Annual Meeting. 350-353.
唐鹏, 黄冰, 王成源 等. 2010. 四川广元志留系Ludlow统的再研究兼论车家坝组的含义. 地层学杂志, 34(3): 241–253. [Tang Peng, Huang Bing, Wang Chenguan, et al. 2010. Restudy and definition of the Ludlow Chejianba formation of the Guangyuan area, Sichuan province. Journal of Stratigraphy, 34(3): 241-253. (in Chinese with English abstract) ]
Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin, Harper D A T. 2008. Latest Ordovician brachiopod and trilobite assemblage from Yuhang, northern Zhejiang, East China: A window on Hirnantian deep-water benthos. Historical Biology. 20(2): 137–148.
戎嘉余, 黄冰, 詹仁斌, Harper D A T. 2008. 华东志留纪最早期的华夏正形贝动物群及其宏演化意义. 古生物学报, 47(2): 141–167. [Huang Bing, 2008.The earliest Silurian Cathaysiorthis Fauna (Brachiopods) of east China and its evolutionary significance. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 47(2): 141–167. (in Chinese with English abstract) ]
Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing. 2007. Differential abundance of four genera of early Rhuddanian brachiopods in east China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 46 (suppl.): 407–415. (in Engilish with Chinese Summary).
Rong Jiayu, Huang Bing, Zhan Renbin, Harper, D A T, 2013. Latest Ordovician and earliest Silurian brachiopods succeeding the Hirnantia fauna in South-east China. Special papers in Palaeontology, vol. 90, 1-142pp. (SCI)
Huang Bing and Shen Shuzhong (eds). 2015. The Brachiopod World, abstracts for IBC 7. Permophiles, number 61 (Supp. 1). 132 pp.
Zhan Renbin and Huang Bing (eds). 2014. IGCP 591 Field Workshop 2014, Kunming China, 12-21 August 2014, Extended Summary. Nanjing, Nanjing University Press. 246 pp.
Shu-Zhong Shen, Ren-Bin Zhan and Bing Huang (eds). 2016. The Brachiopod World. Palaeoworld. Volume 25, Issue 4. 465-684.

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