

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-04

姓 名:
李越 性 别:

职 务:
博士生导师 职 称:
210008 电子邮件:

李越,男,1966年生,广西桂林市人,现为中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员,博士生导师. 日本地质学会会员,英国沉积学会会员.






论著(*为通讯作者) Publications (*corresponding author)
1.Chen Xu, Zhang Yuandong, Li Yue, 1995: Ordovician Basin analysis of China. In Cooper J. D. et al., (ed.), Ordovician Odyssey: short paper for the Seventh International Symposium, 245-250.
2.李越,陈旭,樊隽轩,1998:志留纪纪宁强组碳酸盐岩台地的时空演变及宁强湾的封闭. 地层学杂志,22(1):16-24.
Li Yue, Chen Xu, Fan Junxuan, 1998: Temporal and spatial distribution of the carbonate platform of the Llandovery Ningqiang Formation (Silurian) with special reference to the closure of the Ningqiang Bay. Journal of Stratigraphy, 22(1): 16-24.
3.李越,陈旭,1998:陕南川北志留系兰多维列统特列奇阶宁强组的生物礁. 沉积学报,16(3):124-131.
Li Yue, Chen Xu, 1998: The reef complexes of Ningqiang Formation, Telychian, Ningqiang- Guangyuan area. Acta Sedimentologica Sinica, 16(3): 124-131.
4.李越,傅启龙,1998:宁强广元地区志留系宁强组灰岩的微相研究. 微体古生物学报,15(3):294-306.
Li Yue, Fu Qilong, 1998: The carbonate microfacies of the Ningqiang Formation, Telychian (Silurian) in the Ningqiang-Guangyuan area. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 15(3): 294-306.
5.李越,袁金良,傅启龙,林天瑞,1998:安徽淮南下寒武统沉积环境及碳酸盐岩微相分析. 地层学杂志,22(4):262-268.
Li Yue, Yuan Jinliang, Fu Qilong, Lin Tianrui, 1998: Environments and carbonate microfacies of Lower Cambrian in Huainan, Anhui. Journal of Stratigraphy, 22(4): 262-268.
6.李越,袁金良,林天瑞,1999:安徽淮南下寒武统的遗迹化石. 古生物学报,38(1):114-124.
Li Yue, Yuan Jinliang, Lin Tianrui, 1999: Lower Cambrian trace fossils from the Mantou Formation of Huainan, Anhui. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 38(1): 114-124.
7.袁金良,李越,1999: 安徽淮南老鹰山下-中寒武统界线及三叶虫动物群. 古生物学报,38(4):407-422.
Yuan Jinliang, Li Yue, 1999: Lowe-Middle Cambrian boundary and trilobite fauna at Laoyingshan Huainan, Anhui. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 38(4): 407-422.
8.傅启龙,周志澄,彭善池,李越,1999:湘西中-上寒武统层型候选剖面沉积特征. 地质科学,34(2): 204-212.
Fu Qilong, Zhou Zhicheng, Peng Shanchi, Li Yue, 1999: Sedimentology of candidate sections for the Middle-Upper Cambrian Boundary stratotype in western Hunan, China. Scientia Geologica Sinica, 34(2): 204-212.
9.袁金良,李越,穆西南,傅启龙,2000:山东张夏期(中寒武世晚期)三叶虫生物地层. 地层学杂志,24(2): 136-143.
Yuan Jinliang, Li Yue, Mu Xinan, Fu Qilong, 2000: Biostratigraphy of trilobites from Changhsia Stage (Late Middle Cambrian) in Shandong. Journal of Stratigraphy, 24(2): 136-143.
10.袁金良,李越,2000:中国石炭纪三叶虫生物地层. 地层学杂志,24(4): 283-289.
Yuan Jinliang, Li Yue, 2000: Biostratigraphy of Carboniferous Trilobites in China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 24(4): 283-289.
11.彭善池,林天瑞,李越,2000:论奥陶纪三叶虫属Reedocalymene Kobayashi, 1951. 古生物学报,39(1): 63-75.
Peng Shanchi, Lin Tianrui, Li Yue, 2000: Notes on Genus Reedocalymene Kobayashi, 1951. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 39(1): 63-75.
12.林天瑞,彭善池,李越,2000:峡东地区庙坡组栉虫类、宝石虫类和斜视虫类三叶虫. 古生物学报,39(2): 205-216.
Lin Tianrui, Peng Shanchi, Li Yue, 2000: Restudy on the trilobites (Asaphids, Nileids and Illaenids) from the Miaopo Formation (Upper Ordovician) in eastern Yangtze Gorges area, western Hubei. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 39(2): 205-216.
13.彭善池,林天瑞,李越,2001:峡东地区庙坡组球节子类及其它多节类三叶虫. 古生物学报,40(1): 1-19.
Peng Shanchi, Lin Tianrui, Li Yue, 2001: Restudy on the trilobites (agnostoids and other polymerids) from the Miaopo Formation, (Upper Ordovician) in eastern Yangtze Gorges area, western Hubei. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 40(1): 1-19.
14.袁金良,赵元龙,李越,2001:掘头虫类三叶虫生物地层. 古生物学报,40(增刊): 143-156.
Yuan Jinliang, Zhao Yuanlong, Li Yue, 2001: Biostratigraphy of oryctocephalid trilobites. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 40(sup.): 143-156.
15.袁金良,赵元龙,李越,2001:掘头虫类三叶虫的分类和系统演化. 古生物学报,40(增刊):214-226.
Yuan Jinliang, Zhao Yuanlong, Li Yue, 2001: Notes on the classification and phylogeny of oryctocephalids (trilobita, arthropoda). Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 40(sup.): 214-226.
16.李越,Kershaw S., 李军,边立曾,章森桂,张俊明,夏凤生,2002:华南奥陶纪生物礁时空分布的控制因素. 地层学杂志,26(1):9-17.
Li Yue, Kershaw S., Li Jun, Bian Lizeng, Zhang Sengui, Zhang Junmin, Xia Fengsheng, 2002: Facts controlling the temporal and spatial distributions of Ordovician reefs in South China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 26(1): 9-17.
17.李越,冯洪真,李军,2002:底栖藻对扬子地台西缘晚奥陶世生态危机的改善作用. 古生物学报,41(2):211-218.
Li Yue, Feng Hongzhen, Li Jun, 2002: Benthic algae in improvement of disaster environment of the Late Ordovician in the west margin of Yangtze Platform. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 41(2): 16-23.
18.李越,穆西南,Kershaw S.,2002:陕南川北志留系宁强组礁相中的微生物岩和钙藻. 微体古生物学报,19(2):170-177.
Li Yue, Mu Xinan, Kershaw S., 2002: Microbilites and calcareous algae from reefal facies of Ningqiang Formation (Telychian, Llandovery, Silurian), S Shaanxi and N Sichuan. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 19(2), 170-177.
19.Li Yue, Kershaw S., Chen Xu, 2002: Biotic structure and morphology of patch reefs from South China (Ningqiang Formation, Telychian, Llandovery, Silurian). Facies, 46: 133-148.
20.许汉奎,李越,2002:南京汤山“白垩纪古溶洞岩层”的年代和成因新认识. 地层学杂志,26(3):216-220.
Xu Hankui, Li Yue, 2002: A new interpretation of the ‘Cretaceous red beds’ from Tangshan Calabash Cave, Nanjing. Journal of Stratigraphy, 26(3): 216-220.
21.袁金良,赵元龙,李越,黄友庄,2002:黔东南早-中寒武世凯里组三叶虫动物群. 1-410,上海科学技术出版社.
Yuan Jinliang, Zhao Yuanlong, Li Yue, Huang Youzhuang, 2002: Trilobite fauna of Kaili Formation (Early-Middle Cambrian), Kaili, Guizhou. 410pp, Shanghai Science Publishing House.
22.Li Yue, Kershaw S., 2003: Reef reconstruction after extinction event of Latest Ordovician in Yangtze Platform, South China. Facies, 48: 269-284.
23.穆西南,严慧君,李越,袁金良,张俊明,2003:华北地台东部中寒武世微生物礁的时空分布. 微体古生物学报,20(3):279-285.
Mu Xinan, Yan Huijun, Li Yue, Yuan Jinliang, Zhang Junmin, 2003: Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Microbial Reefs of Middle Cambrian, Eastern North China Craton. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 19(3): 279-285.
24.许汉奎,李越, 汪永进,穆西南,2003:区域地质. 见:吴汝康,李星学,吴新智等编:南京直立人. 江苏科技出版社,10-19.
Xu Hankui, Li Yue, Wang Yongjin, Mu Xinan, 2003: Regional Geology. In: Wu Rukang, Li Xingxue, Wu Xinzhi et al. (eds.): Homo erectus from Nanjing. Jiangsu Science Publishing House, 10-19.
25.许汉奎,李星学,穆西南,徐钦琦,李越, 汪永进,2003:第四纪地质. 见:吴汝康,李星学,吴新智等编:南京直立人,江苏科技出版社,20-31.
Xu Hankui, Li Xingxue, Mu Xinan, Xu Qinqi, Li Yue, Wang Yongjin, 2003: Quaternary System (Pleistocene Series). In: Wu Rukang, Li Xingxue, Wu Xinzhi et al. (eds.): Homo erectus from Nanjing. Jiangsu Science Publishing House, 20-31.
26.Chen Xu, Rong Jiayu, Li Yue, Boucot A J, 2004: Facies patterns and geography of Yangtze region, South China through the Ordovician and Silurian transition. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, 204(3-4): 353-372.
27.Li Yue, Kershaw S., Mu Xinan, 2004: Ordovician reef systems and settings in South China before the Late Ordovician mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 205(3-4): 235-254.
28.Li Yue, Kershaw S., Chen Xu, 2004: Control of carbonate sedimentation and reef growth in Llandovery sequences on the northwestern margin of Yangtze Platform, South China. Gondwana Research, 7(4): 937-949.
29.李越,2004:华南晚奥陶世至早志留世生物礁的演化历程. 见:戎嘉余,方宗杰编:生物大灭绝与复苏--来自华南古生代和三叠纪的证据. 中国科技大学出版社,207-242.
Li Yue, 2005: Reef evolution during the Late Ordovician to Early Silurian in South China. In: Rong Jiayu, Fang Zongjie (eds.): Mass extinction and recovery --Evidences from the Palaeozoic and Triassic of South China. Publishing House of Chinese University of Science and Technology, Heifei. 207-242.
30.Li Yue, Matsumoto Ryo, Kershaw S., 2005: Sedimentary and biotic evidence of a warm-water enclave in the cooler oceans of the Latest Ordovician glacial phase, Yangtze Platform, South China. The Island Arc, 14(4): 623-635.
31.李越(译),2005:实验沉积学. 见:Jones T.P and Rowe N.P. (Eds.): Fossil Plants and Spores: Modern Techniques (植物化石和孢粉的现代分析技术). 中国科技大学出版社,207-211.
32. 李越(译),2005:古孢相分析. 植物化石和孢粉的现代分析技术. 见:Jones T P and Rowe N P. (Eds.): Fossil Plants and Spores: Modern Techniques (植物化石和孢粉的现代分析技术). 中国科技大学出版社,212-216.
33.李越(译),2005:颗粒的定向和古环境.植物化石和孢粉的现代分析技术. 见:Jones T P and Rowe N P. (Eds.): Fossil Plants and Spores: Modern Techniques (植物化石和孢粉的现代分析技术). 中国科技大学出版社,217-221.
34.Wang Wei, Matsumoto Ryo, Kakuwa Yoshitaka, Mahmudy Gharaie Mohammad Hosein, Li Yue, Kano Akihiro, Matsuda Nilo, Ueno Katsumi, Rahmati Ilkhchi Mahmud, 2005: Isotopic chemostratigraphy of the Permian-Triassic Boundary in Zagros Mountains, Aligoudarz, Iran. Permophiles, 45: 31-38.
35.Li Yue, Sha Jingeng, Wang Qifei, Chen Siwei, 2007: Lacustrine tempestite litho- and biofacies from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation, Beipiao, Western Liaoning, northeast China. Cretaceous Research, Special Issue: Current Research on Cretaceous Lake System in Northeast China, 28: 194-198.
36.李越, 戎嘉余,2007: 黔北志留纪早期枝线贝类介壳层的风暴沉积特征. 科学通报,52(10):1158-1167.
37.Li Yue,Rong Jiayu, 2007: Shell concentrations of Early Silurian virgianid brachiopods in northern Guizhou: Temporal and spatial distribution and tempestite formation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(12): 1680-1691.
38.Li Yue, Kershaw S., 2007: Coral-Stromatoporoid patch reefs, China. In: Vennin E, Aretz M, Boulyain F, Munnecke A, (eds.), Facies from Palaeozoic Reefs and Bioaccumulations. Memoires du Meseum national history naturelle, 195: 141-143.
39.Kershaw S., Li Yue, 2007: Coral-Stromatoporoid-Microbial Bioherms, Wenlock, Silurian, UK. In:Vennin E, Aretz M, Boulyain F, Munnecke A, (eds.), Facies from Palaeozoic Reefs and Bioaccumulations. Memoires du Meseum national history naturelle, 195: 137-139.
40.Kershaw S., Li Yue, Guo Li, 2007: Micritic fabrics define sharp margins of Wenlock patch reefs (middle Silurian) in Gotland and England. In: álvaro J. J, Aretz M., Boulvain F., Munnecke A., Vachard D, Vennin E. Le, (eds), Palaeozoic Reefs and Bioaccumulations: Climatic and Evolutionary Controls. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 275, 87–94.
41.李越,王建坡,沈安江,黄智斌,2007:新疆巴楚中奥陶统上部一间房组瓶筐石礁丘的演化意义. 古生物学报,46(3): 341-348.
Li Yue, Wang Jianpo, Shen Anjiang, Huang Zhibin, 2007: Evolutionary significance of the Calathium reef mound from the Yijianfang Formation, Bachu, Xinjiang. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 46(3): 341-348.
42.Kershaw S., Li Yue, Crasquin-Soleau S., Feng Qinglai, Mu Xinan, Collin P. Y., Reynolds A., 2007: Earliest Triassic microbialites in the South China Block and other areas: controls on their growth and distribution. Facies, 53(3): 409-425.
43.Mu Xinan, Kershaw S., Li Yue, Guo Li, Qi Yuping, Reynolds A., 2007: High-resolution carbon isotope changes in the Permian-Triassic boundary interval, Chongqing, South China; implications for control and growth of earliest Triassic microbialites. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 36: 434-441.
44.李越,王建坡,2007:去戈壁滩边寻找“活化石”生物礁. 生物进化,第2期.
45.李越,2007:黔北--志留纪早期风暴频繁光顾的海区. 生物进化,第3期.
46.李越,2007:龙门洞:与名胜古迹相伴的奥陶系灰泥丘. 生物进化,第4期.
47.李越,王建坡,张园园,顾澄皋,2008:华南奥陶-志留纪之交的碳酸盐岩对古气候事件的诠释. 自然科学进展,18(10):122-128.
Li Yue, Wang Jianpo, Zhang Yuanyuan, Gu Chenggao, 2008: Perspective of carbonates during the Ordovician-Silurian transition in South China: implications of their palaeoclimate response. Progression on Natural Sciences, 18(10): 122-128.
48.蔡习尧,李越*,2008:塔中南坡奥陶系的地层缺失和沉积相变化. 地层学杂志,32(4):353-362.
Cai Xiyao, Li Yue*, 2008: Ordovician lithofacies and lacunae in the southern part of the Central Tarim, Xinjiang. Journal of Stratigraphy, 32(4): 353-362.
49.王建坡,沈安江,蔡习尧,罗友成,李越*,2008:全球奥陶系碳酸盐岩油气藏综述. 地层学杂志,32(4):363-373.
Wang Jianpo, Shen Anjiang, Cai Xiyao, Luo Youcheng, Li Yue*, 2008: A review on the global Ordovician carbonate reservoirs. Journal of Stratigraphy, 32(4): 363-373.
50.Yuan Jinliang, Li Yue, 2008: Non-agnostoids of Changhsian (late Middle Cambrian). In: Zhou Zhiyi, Zhen Yongyi, (eds.), Trilobite record of China. Chapter 5: 108-135.
51.Yuan Jinliang, Li Yue, Zhao Yuanlong. 2008. Non-agnoitoids of early Mid-Cambrian (Maochuangian and Huschuangian). In: Zhou Zhiyi, Zhen Yongyi, (eds.), Trilobite record of China. Chapter 4: 77-107.
52.Yuan Jinliang, Li Yue, 2008: Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian. In: Zhou Zhiyi, Zhen Yongyi, (eds.), Trilobite record of China. Chapter 10: 258-300.
53.杨海军,王建坡,黄智斌,姚小刚,张园园,李越*,2009:塔中隆起上奥陶统良里塔格组生物群以及古生态特征. 古生物学报,48(1):109-122.
Yang Haijun, Wang Jianpo, Huang Zhibin,Yao Xiaogang, Zhang Yuanyuan, Li Yue*, 2009: Biota and palaeoecology of the Lianglitag Formation (Katian, Upper Ordovician), Central Tarim, NW China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 48(1): 109-122.
54.张园园,王建坡,马俊业,姚小刚,王媛媛,李启剑,李越*,2009:礁滩分类以及在岩芯中的识别. 古生物学报,48(1):89-101.
Zhang Yuanyuan, Wang Jianpo, Ma Junye, Yao Xiaogang, Wang Yuanyuan, Li Qijian, Li Yue*, 2009: Classification of reef and bank and its implication for the drilling core. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 48(1): 89-101.
55.李越,黄智斌,王建坡,王志浩,薛耀松,张俊明,张元动,樊隽轩,张园园,2009:新疆巴楚中-上奥陶统牙形刺生物地层和沉积环境. 地层学杂志,33(2):113-122.
Li Yue, Huang Zhibin, Wang Jianpo, Wang Zhihao, Xue Yaosong, Zhang Junming, Zhang Yuandong, Fan Junxuan, 2009: Conodont biostratigraphy and sedimentology of the Mid-Upper Ordovician, Bachu, Xinjiang, NW China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 33(2): 113-122.
56.李启剑,李越*,2009:再谈“有希望的怪物”. 生命科学,21(4):589-592.
Li Qijian, Li Yue*, 2009: Hopeful monsters revisited. Chinese Bulletin of Life Sciences, 21(4): 589-592.
57.王志浩,李越*,王建坡,马俊业,姚小刚,张园园,黄智斌,2009:塔里木中央隆起区上奥陶统的牙形刺. 微体古生物学报,26(2):97-116.
Wang Zhi-hao, Li Yue*, Wang Jianpo, Ma Junye, Yao Xiaogang, Zhang Yuanyuan, Huang Zhibin, 2009: Upper Ordovician conodonts from the Central High, Tarim Block, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 26(2): 97-116.
58.王建坡,李越*,张园园,杨海军,黄智斌,2009:新疆巴楚晚奥陶世礁丘中的蓝菌群落. 微体古生物学报,26(2):139-147.
Wang Jianpo, Li Yue*, Zhang Yuanyuan, Yang Haijun, Huang Zhibin, 2009: Cyanobacteria community from the reef mound of the Lianglitag Formation (Upper Ordovician), Bachu, Xinjiang, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 26(2): 139-147.
59.张丽娟,钟大康,李越*,程明,魏燕萍,2009:塔北隆起侏罗系阳霞组沉积特征. 地层学杂志,33(3):241-248.
Zhang Lijuan, Zhong Dakang, Li Yue*, Cheng Ming, Wei Yanping, 2009: Jurassic fluvial facies in Tabei high, Xinjiang. Journal of Stratigraphy, 33(3): 241-248.
60.Kershaw S., Crasquin S., Collin P. Y., Li Yue, Feng Qinglai, Forel M. B., 2009: Microbialites as disaster forms in anachronistic facies following the end-Permian mass extinction: a discussion. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(6): 809-814.
61.张园园,杨海军,王建坡,黄智斌,李越*,2009:塔里木板块塔中上奥陶统良里塔格组的核形石. 微体古生物学报,26(3):234-242.
Zhang Yuanyuan, Yang Haijun, Wang Jianpo, Huang Zhibin, Li Yue*, 2009: Oncolites from the Lianglitag Formation (Katian, Upper Ordovician), Tazhong, Tarim Block, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 26(3): 234-242.
62.李越,张园园,马俊业,李启剑,王媛媛,2009:生物礁浅说. 见:沙金庚(主编):世纪飞跃――辉煌的中国古生物学,北京:科学出版社,115-119.
Li Yue, Zhang Yuanyuan, Ma Junye, Li Qijian, Wang Yuanyuan, 2009: An elementary introduction on reefs. Beijing: Sciences Press, 115-119.
63.张丽娟,吴金才,王招明,王霞,李越*,程明,李启剑,2010:塔里木轮南油田寒武系坡折带的层序和储层. 地层学杂志,34(1):8-14.
Zhang Lijuan, Wu Jincai, Wang Zhaoming, Wang Xia, Li Yue*, Cheng Ming, Li Qijian, 2010: Stratigraphic sequences and reservoirs along the Cambrian Slope-break belt, Lunnan, Northern Tarim, Xinjiang. Journal of Stratigraphy, 34(1): 8-14.
64.蔡习尧,李越*,钱一雄,李启剑,张园园,2010:塔里木板块巴楚隆起区寒武系盐下勘探潜力分析. 地层学杂志,34(3):283-288.
Cai Xiyao, Qian Yixiong, Li Yue*, Li Qijian,Zhang Yuanyuan,2010:Exploration potential of the Cambrian layers beneath the salt,Bachu High, Tarim Block, NW China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 34(3): 283-288.
65. 戎嘉余,陈 旭,詹仁斌,樊隽轩,王怿,张元动,李越,黄冰,吴荣昌,王光旭,刘建波,2010:贵州桐梓县境南部奥陶系-志留系界线地层新认识. 地层学杂志,34(4):337-348.
Rong Jiayu, Chen Xu, Zhan Renbin, Fan Juanxuan, Wang Yi, Zhang Yuandong, Li Yue, Huang Bing, Wu Rongchang, Wang Guangxu, Liu Jianbo, 2010: New observation on Ordovician-Silurian boundary strata of southern Tongzi County, Northern Guizhou, Southwest China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 34(4): 337-348.
66.蔡习尧,张智礼,李启剑,李越*,2010:宁夏六盘山盆地海参1井上侏罗统-上白垩统的微体化石组合. 微体古生物学报,27(1): 60-66.
Cai Xiyao,Zhang Zhili,Li Qijian,Li Yue*,2010:Microfossil assemblages throughout the Upper Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous sequences from the Well Haican-1, Liupanshan Basin, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 26(4): 60-66.
67.李启剑,李越*, Kershaw S.,张园园,邓小杰,2010:黔北凤岗硐卡拉奥陶系湄潭组中灰岩:典型的暖水相. 微体古生物学报,27(2):150-158.
Li Qijian, Li Yue, Kershaw S., Zhang Yuanyuan, Deng Xiaojie, 2010: “Middle Member limestone” of the Ordovician Meitan Formation in Dongkala, Fenggang, Northern Guizhou, SW China: typical warm marine facies. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 27(2): 150-158.
68.蔡习尧,魏玲,邓小杰,马冬晨,李越*,2010:塔里木“东河砂岩”的沉积相分异和孢子化石新资料. 微体古生物学报,27(3): 193-204.
Cai Xiyao, Wei Ling, Deng Xiaojie, Ma Dongchen, Li Yue*,2010:Facies differentiation and new spore data of the Donghetang Formation in Tarim Block, Xinjiang, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 27(3): 193-204.
69.王冠,杨柳明,张云峰,王振宇,李越*,2010:塔里木盆地东部罗西1井中奥陶统的藻丘. 微体古生物学报,27(4): 35-41.
Wang Guan, Yang Liuming, Zhang Yunfeng, Wang Zhenyu, Li Yue*, 2010: A microbial mound of the Darriwillian (Middle Ordovician) Yijianfang Formation from Well Luoxi 1, eastern Tarim Basin, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 27(4): 35-41.
70. 申银民,李越*,赵乐元,刘永福,孙玉善,李猛,2010:塔中古溶洞见证晚奥陶世抬升幅度. 地质科学,45(2),534-542.
Shen Yinming, Li Yue*, Zhao Leyuan, Liu Yongfu, Sun Yushan, Li Meng, 2010: Paleocave as a proxy for calculating uplift amplitude of the Late Ordovician in central Tarim, Xinjiang, Northwest China. Scientia Geologica Sinica, 45(2): 534-542.
71.蔡习尧,张智礼,李越*,李启剑,马俊业,张园园,姚小刚,2011:礁滩型油气成藏要素和塔中实例浅析. 地层学杂志,35(1):31-40.
Cai Xiyao, Zhang Zhili, Li Yue*, Li Qijian, Ma Junye, Zhang Yuanyuan, Yao Xiaogang, 2011: Reef complex as potential for oil and gas reservoir: method and case from the Tazhong, Tarim Block, NW China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 35(1): 31-40.
72.王冠,张云峰,杨柳明,王振宇,李越*,2011. 塔里木板块古城4井中奥陶统一间房组海进控制的滩. 微体古生物学报,28(1): 137-143.
Wang Guan, Zhang Yunfeng, Yang Liuming, Wang Zhenyu, Li Yue*, 2011. Transgressional bank sequences throughout the Yijianfang Formation (Darriwillian, Middle Ordovician) at the Well Gucheng 4, Tarim Block, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 28(1): 137-143.
73.Zhou Zhicheng, Willems H., Li Yue,Luo Hui, 2011: A well-preserved carbonate tempestite sequence from the Cambrian Gushan Formation, eastern North China Craton. Palaeoworld, 20(1): 1-7.
74.王建坡,李越*,张园园,李启剑,邓小杰,2011:早-中奥陶世瓶筐石礁丘:历史和古生态学. 古生物学报,50(1): 132-140.
Wang Jianpo, Li Yue*, Zhang Yuanyuan, Li Qijian, Deng Xiaojie, 2011: Early-Middle Ordovician Calathium reef mounds: history and palaeoecology. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 50(1): 132-140.
75. 王振宇,张云峰,杨红强,苏东坡,张丽娟,邓小杰,李越*, 2011: 塔里木板块塔中83井—16井区上奥陶统礁滩复合体储层结构. 高校地质学报,17(4):577-585.
Wang Zhenyu, Zhang Yunfeng, Yang Hongqiang, Su Dongpo, Zhang Lijuan, Deng Xiaojie, Li Yue*, 2011: Reservoir structures of the Upper Ordovician Reef Complexes in Tazhong 83-16 Well Area, Tarim Block. Geological Journal of China Universities, 17(4): 577-585.
76. Kershaw S., Crasquin S., Li Yue, Collin P. Y, Forel M. B., Mu Xinan, Baud A., Wang Yongbiao, Xie Shucheng, Maurer F., Guo Li, 2011: Microbialites and global environmental change across the Permian-Triassic boundary: a synthesis. Geobiology, 10: 25-47.
77. 王建坡,邓小杰,王冠,李越*,2012:中国奥陶纪生物礁的类型和造礁生物群的演替. 科学通报,57(11):924-932.
78. Wang Jianpo, Deng Xiaojie, Wang Guan, Li Yue*, 2012: Types and biotic successions of the Ordovician reefs in China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(10): 1160-1168.
79. 李启剑,王媛媛,李越*,马俊业,张园园,邓小杰,蔡习尧,2012:黔北志留系韩家店组泥质对礁滩生长的抑制作用. 古生物学报,51(1):127-136.
Li Qijian, Wang Yuanyuan, Li Yue*, Ma Junye, Zhang Yuanyuan, Deng Xiaojie, Cai Xiyao, 2012: Muddy sediments constrain reef-bank growth in the Hanjiadian Formation, Tongzi, northern Guizhou, SW China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 51(1): 127-136.
80. 陈旭,张元动,李越,樊隽轩,唐鹏,陈清,张园园,2012:塔里木板块及周缘地块奥陶纪黑色岩系的生物地层学对比. 中国科学,42(8): 1173-1181.
81. Chen Xu, Zhang Yuandong, Li Yue, Fan Junxuan, Tang Peng, Chen Qing,Zhang Yuanyuan, 2012: Biostratigraphic correlation of the Ordovician black shales in Tarim Basin and its peripheral regions. Science China (Earth Sciences), 55(8): 1230–1237.
82. 邓小杰,王冠,李越*,2012:黔北桐梓志留系石牛栏组顶部特征指示的海岸线位置.地层学杂志,36(4): 718-722.
Deng Xiaojie, Wang Guan, Li Yue*, 2012: Sedimentary characteristics at the top of the Shihniulan Formation (late Aeronian, Silurian) and their implications for identification of the shoal line in Tongzi, Northern Guizhou. Journal of Stratigraphy, 36(4): 718-722.
83. 戎嘉余,王怿,詹仁斌,唐鹏,黄冰,吴荣昌,王光旭,李越,邓小杰,2012:论桐梓上升――志留纪埃隆晚期黔中古陆北扩的证据. 地层学杂志,36(4): 679-691.
Rong Jiayu, Wang Yi, Zhan Renbin, Huang Bing, Wu Rongchang, Wang Guangxu, Li Yue, Deng Xiaojie, 2012: On the Tongzi Uplift: evidences of northward expansion of Qianzhong Oldland during Aeronian, Llandovery, Silurian. Journal of Stratigraphy, 36(4): 679-691.
84. 蔡习尧,张智礼,邓小杰,钱一雄,王冠,李慧莉,李越*,2012:塔里木古城墟隆起下古生界油气成藏分析. 地层学杂志,36(4): 732-740.
Cai Xiyao, Zhang Zhili, Deng Xiaojie, Qian Yixiong, Wang Guan, Li Huili, Li Yue*, 2012: Configuration of the Lower Paleozoic source and reservoir units in the Guchengxu High, Tarim Block. Journal of Stratigraphy, 36(4): 732-740.
85. 黄智斌,李越*,杜治利,郭峰,朱礼春,陈才,钟端, 2012:塔里木玛扎塔格古董山青石沟剖面石炭系的地层序列. 微体古生物学报,29(4): 358-369.
Huang Zhibin, Li Yue*, Du Zhili, Guo Feng, Zhu Chunli, Chen Cai, Zhong Duan, 2012: Stratigraphic sequences of the Carboniferous at the Qingshigou section, Gudongshan, Mazatage, Tarim. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 29(4): 358-369.
86. Kershaw S., Crasquin S., Li Yue, Collin P. Y., Forel M., 2012: Ocean acidification and the end-Permian mass extinction: to what extent does evidence support hypothesis? Geosciences, 2(4): 221-234.
87. 袁金良,李越,穆西南,朱学剑,林日白,2012: 山东中寒武世中期张夏组(寒武系第三统)三叶虫动物群. 中国古生物志,总号第197册,新乙种35号,北京:科学出版社. 758页,241图版.
Yuan Jinliang, Li Yue, Mu Xinan, Li Jihpai, Zhu Xuejian, 2012: Trilobite fauna of the Changhia Formation (Cambrian Series 3) from Shandong and adjacent area, North China. Palaeontologia Sinica, whole number 197,new series 35, Beijing: Science Press, 758pp with 241 plates.
88. 周志澄, Willems H.,李越,罗辉,2013:华北板块东部寒武系崮山组三叶虫介壳滩和遗迹化石赋存完整的风暴沉积信息. 古生物学报,52(1):107-117.
Zhou Zhicheng, Willems H., Li Yue , Luo Hui, 2013: Discovery of a well-preserved carbonate tempestite sequence of the Gushan Formation (Cambrian), eastern North China Craton and it’s theoretical and practical significance. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 52(1): 107-117.
89. 张智礼,蔡习尧,马璐,李越*,2013:塔里木中央隆起区中2井上奥陶统良里塔格组礁滩沉积相和测井参数. 微体古生物学报,30(1): 17-28.
Zhang Zhili, Cai Xiyao, Ma Lu, Li Yue*, 2013: Sedimentary facies and logging parameters of the Lianglitag Formation (Upper Ordovician) from Well Zhong 2, Central High, Tarim Block, Xinjiang, China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 30(1): 17-28.
90. 张智礼,蔡习尧,张莹,马璐,李越*,2013:松辽盆地晚白垩世介形类古生态学. 微体古生物学报,30(2): 132-144.
Zhang Zhili, Cai Xiyao, Zhang Ying, Ma Lu, Li Yue*, 2013: Palaeoecology of the Upper Cretaceous ostracods from Songliao Basin, Northeast China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 30(2): 132-144.
91. 王建坡,马璐,张园园,王冠,李越*,2013:塔里木板块塔中区上奥陶统良里塔格组的生物礁类型. 微体古生物学报,30(3): 228-238.
Wang Jianpo, Ma Lu, Zhang Yuanyuan, Wang Guan, Li Yue*, 2013: Reef types of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitag Formation in the Central High, Tarim Block, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 30(3): 228-238.
92. 马璐,张智礼,王冠,李越*,2013:塔里木柯坪地层区中-上奥陶统萨尔干组碳酸盐岩微相和古地理. 微体古生物学报,30(4): 344-352.
Ma Lu, Zhang Zhili, Wang Guan, Li Yue*, 2013: Microfacies of the limestones and palaeogeography of the Saergan Formation (Middle-Upper Ordovician), Kalpin Stratigraphic Region, Tarim, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 30(4): 344-352.
93. 申银民,李越*,孙玉善,谭泽金,凌东明,潘振中,程明,2013:塔里木轮南油田三叠系层序与岩性圈闭. 地层学杂志,37(1):25-32.
Shen Yinmin, Li Yue*, Sun Yushan, Tan Zhejin, Ling Dongming, Pan Zhenzhong, Cheng Ming, 2013: Sequence stratigraphy and lithological trap of the Triassic in Lunnan Oil Field, Tarim, NW China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 37(1): 25-32.
94. 申银民,李越*,李猛,刘永福,李启剑,胡太平,董立胜, 2013:巨型膝折带:塔中油田奥陶系沉积的构造控制. 地层学杂志,37(3):297-302.
Shen Yinmin, Li Yue*, Li Meng, Liu Yongfu, Li Qijian, Hu Taiping, Dong Lisheng, 2013: A large kink-band: tectonic controlling factor for the Ordovician sediments in Tazhong Oilfield. Journal of Stratigraphy, 37(3): 297-302.
95. 李越,2013:宝塔组网纹状灰岩——一种特殊的碳酸盐岩沉积. 陈旭,袁训来主编:地层学与古生物学研究生华南野外实习指南. 中国科技大学出版社,235-238.
96. 王建坡,马璐,张园园,王冠,李越*,2013:塔里木板块塔中区上奥陶统良里塔格组的生物礁类型. 微体古生物学报,30(3): 228-238.
Wang Jianpo, Ma Lu, Zhang Yuanyuan, Wang Guan, Li Yue*, 2013: Reef types of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitag Formation in the Central High, Tarim Block, NW China.. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 30(3): 228-238.
97. Li Qiqian, Li Yue*, Kiessling Wolfgang, 2014: Early Ordovician sponge-receptaculitid-microbial buildups in Southeastern Guizhou, South China: an example of metazoan-dominant reefs on platform margin. GFF, 136(1): 157-161.
98. Wang Guan, Li Yue*, Kershaw S., Deng Xiaojie, 2014: Global reef recovery after the end-Ordovician extinction: evidence from the late Aeronian coral-stromatoporoid reefs in South China. GFF, 136(1): 286-289.
99. Zhang Yuanyuan, Li Yue*, Munnecke A, 2014. Biotic structures of the microbial reefs in the Late Ordovician Lianglitag Formation (Bachu, Tarim, NW China). Facies, 60(2): 663-684.
100. 郭群英,李越*,孙雄伟,曾昌民,郭峰,张亮,2014:塔西南白垩纪的岩相古地理. 古地理学报,16(2):169-178.
Guo Qunying, Li Yue*, Sun Xiongwei, Zeng Changmin, Guo Feng, Zhang Liang, 2014: Lithofacies and palaeogeography of the Cretaceous in Northwest Tarim. Journal of Palaeogeography, 16(1): 169-178.
101. 蒋丽平,王建坡,李越*,倪超,2014:皖南石台下奥陶统仑山组的叠层石. 微体古生物学报,31(1): 37-46.
Jiang Liping, Wang Jianpo, Li Yue*, Ni Chao,2014: Stromatolite of the Lower Ordovician Lunshan Formation in Shitai, South Anhui. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 31(1): 37-46.
102. 马璐,王建坡,张园园,王冠,李越*,2014:塔中16井区上奥陶统凯迪阶良里塔格组的沉积相. 微体古生物学报,31(1): 15-26.
Ma Lu, Wang Jiapo, Zhang Yuanyuan, Wang Guan, Li Yue*, 2014: Sedimentary facies of the Lianglitg Formation(Katian, Late Ordovician)in the Well Block Tazhong 16, Central Tarim, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 31(1): 15-26.
103. 马璐,王建坡,张园园,王冠,李越*,2014:塔里木板块塔中区上奥陶统良里塔格组的生物绑结岩. 微体古生物学报,31(2): 154-163.
Ma Lu, Wang Jiapo, Zhang Yuanyuan, Wang Guan, Li Yue*, 2014: Boundstones of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitg Formation in the Central High, Tarim Block, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 31(2): 154-163.
104. 吴庆宽,李越*,周露,李伟,要乐,钟端,2014:塔里木板块西南依格孜牙剖面上泥盆统-下石炭统地层学. 微体古生物学报,31(4): 386-394.
Wu Qingkuan, Li Yue*, Zhou Lu, Li Wei, Yao Le, Zhong Duan, 2014: Biostratigraphy throughout the Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous at the Yigeziya sections, SW Tarim Block. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 31(4): 386-394.
105. 赵莹莹,张园园,倪超,邓小杰,李越*,2014:黔西北桐梓水坝塘下奥陶统桐梓组碳酸盐岩微相. 微体古生物学报,31(4): 409-419.
Zhao Yingying, Zhang Yuanyuan, Ni Chao, Deng Xiaojie, Li Yue*, 2014: Carbonate microfacies of the Lower Ordovician Tungtze Formation at Shuibatang, Tongzi, northwest Guizhou. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 31(4): 409-419.
106. 蔡习尧,王书荣,李越*,赵丽娜,杨玉芳,朱振道,2014:塔里木盆地草湖凹陷白垩系湖相地层. 地层学杂志,38(2):220-226.
Cai Xiyao, Wang Shurong, Li Yue*, Zhao Lina, Yang Yufang, Zhu Zhendao, 2014: Cretaceous lacustrine strata in the Caohu Sag, Tarim Basin, NW China. Journal of Stratigraphy, 38(2): 220-226.
107. 王建坡,李越*,程龙,曾雄伟,王冠,2014:华南板块古生代生物礁及其古地理控制因素. 古生物学报,53(1): 121-131.
Wang Jianpo,Li Yue*,Cheng Long,Zeng Xiongwei, Wang Guan,2014: Paleozoic reefs and their paleogeographic controls in South China Block. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 53(1): 121-131.
108. 要乐,王向东,李越,郄文昆,林巍,2014:黔南惠水下石炭统上司组礁滩灰岩微相. 地质论评,60(6):1381-1392
Yao Le, Wang Xiangdong, Li Yue, Qie Wenkun, Lin Wei, 2014: Microfacies of the reef and bank limestones from the Lower Carboniferous Shangsi Formation in Huishui, South Guizhou. Geological Review, 60(6): 1381-1392.
109. 袁金良,李越,2014:山东枣庄峄城区石榴园寒武系馒头组顶部(徐庄阶)的三叶虫. 古生物学报,53(4):497-526.
Yuan Jinliang, Li Yue, 2014: Trilobite of the uppermost part of the Manto Formation (Hsuchuangian) at the Shiliuyuan, Yicheng District, Zaozhuang City, Shangdong. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 53(4): 497-526.
110. Zhang Yunfeng, Wang Zhenyu, Qu Haizhou, Luo Chunshu, Li Yue, 2014: Sedimentary microtopography in sequence stratigraphic framework of Upper Ordovician and its control over penecontemporaneous karstification, No. I slope break, Tazhong, Tarim block. Journal of Central South University, 21: 735-744.
111. Zhang Yuanyuan, Wang Jianpio, Munneke A., Li Yue, 2015: Seascape of a ramp controlling the facies differentiation of a Late Ordovician reef complex in Bachu, Tarim Block, NW China. Lethaia, 48(4): 509-521.
112. Li Qijian, Li Yue, Wang Jianpo, Kiessling Wolfgang, 2015: Early Ordovician lithistid sponge–Calathium reefs on the Yangtze Platform and their paleoceanographic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 425, 84-96.
113. Li Qijian, Li Yue*, Kiessling W., 2015: The first sphinctozoan-bearing reef from an Ordovician back-arc basin. Facies, 61 (3): 1-9.
114. Li Qijian, Li Yue, Kiessling W., 2015: Allogenic succession in Late Ordovician reefs from southeast China: a response to the Cathaysian orogeny. Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences, 64(1): 68-73.
115. Wang Guangxu, Zhan Renbin, Percival I. G., Huang Bing, Li Yue, Wu Rongchang, 2015: Late Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) carbonate rocks and shelly fossils in Shiqian, northeastern Guizhou, Southwest China. Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 48(3): 241-252.
116. 张园园,王建坡,李越*, 2015: 塔里木塔中油田上奥陶统良里塔格组滩相. 微体古生物学报,32(1): 95-104.
Zhang Yuanyuan, Wang Jiapo, Li Yue*, 2015: Bank facies from the Upper Ordovician Lianglitag Formation in the Central Tarim Oil Field, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 32(2): 78-87.
117. 倪超,邓小杰,李越*,2015:黔东北石阡香树园剖面“龙马溪组”灰岩中的生物多样性. 微体古生物学报,32(1): 105-113.
Ni Chao, Deng Xiaojie, Li Yue*, 2015: Biodiversity of the “Lungmachi Formation” limestones at the Xiangshuyuan section, Shiqian, NE Guizhou. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 32(1): 96-104.
118. 丁奕,李越*,杨芝林,唐 鹏,2015:塔里木柯坪羊吉坎剖面柯坪塔格组下段(上奥陶统)遗迹化石. 古生物学报,54(1): 101-112.
Ding Yi, Li Yue*, Yang Zhilin, Tang Peng, 2015: Ichnofossils from the Lower Member, Kalpintag Formation (Upper Ordovician), Yangjikan, Kalpin, Tarim, NW China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 54(1): 101-112.
119. 毛颖颜,李越*,倪超,2015:黔东北石阡志留系雷家屯组的生物-岩相分异. 微体古生物学报,32(3): 317-328.
Mao Yingyan, Li Yue*, Ni Chao, 2015: Bio- and lithofacies differentiations of the Leijiatun Formation (late Aeronian, Llandovery, Silurian) in Shiqian, NE Guizhou. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 32(3): 317-328.
120. 倪超,李越*,于深洋,2015:黔北志留系石牛栏组松坎段近岸-远岸的相分异. 微体古生物学报,32(4): 430-437.
Ni Chao,Li Yue*, Yu Shenyang, 2015: From near-shoal to off-shoal: facies differentiation of the Songkan Member (Shihniulan Formation, Silurian) in northern Guizhou. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 32(4): 430-437.
121. 蒋丽平,李越*,倪超,张园园,2015:贵州桐梓红花园剖面下奥陶统桐梓组灰岩微相和区域沉积相分异. 微体古生物学报,32(4): 411-418.
Jiang Liping, Li Yue*, Ni Chao, Zhang Yuanyuan, 2015: Microfacies of the Tungtzu Formation at the Honghuayuan section, Tongzi, Guizhou Province with special references on regional depositional differentiations. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 32(4): 411-418.
122. Yao Le, Wang Xiangdong, Lin Wei, Li Yue, Kershaw S., Qie Wenkun, 2016: Middle Visean (Mississippian) coral biostrome in central Guizhou, southwestern China and its palaeoclimatological implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 448: 179-195.
123. Yao Le, Aretz M., Li Yue, Wang Xiangdong, 2016: Gigantoproductid brachiopod storm shell beds in the Mississippian of South China: implications for their paleoenvironmental and paleogeographical significances. Geologica Belgica, Devonian and Carboniferous research: homage to Professor Edouard Poty, 19(1-2): 57-67.
124. 倪超,李越*,邓小杰, 2016:黔东北石阡香树园剖面志留系香树园组生屑滩微相. 微体古生物学报,33(1): 94-104.
Ni Chao, Li Yue*, Deng Xiaojie, 2016: Microfacies of bioclastic banks of the Silurian Xiangshuyuan Formation at the Xiangshuyuan section, Shiqian, NE Guizhou. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 33(1): 94-104.
125. 张敏,张智礼,于深洋,李越*,2016:塔里木西北地区寒武纪初的碳酸盐岩微相和环境指标. 微体古生物学报,33(2): 190-200.
Zhang Min, Zhang Zhili, Yu Shenyang, Li Yue*, 2016. Carbonate microfacies and environmental parameters of the Lower Cambrian at Aksu-Wushi region, NW Tarim, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 33(2): 190-200.
126. 于深洋,李越*,张园园,2016:云南大关志留系龙马溪组灰岩层显示的台缘相特征. 地层学杂志,40(2):162-167.
Yu Shenyang, Li Yue*, Zhang Yuanyuan, 2016: Limestones insert into the shales of the Silurian Lungmachi Formation in Daguan, Yunnan: implication of a platform margin. Journal of Stratigraphy, 40(2): 162-167.
127. 倪超,李越*,于深洋,毛颖颜,2016:黔东北石阡志留纪最早期生物礁的形态学和古生态学. 地质科学,51(3):978-989.
Ni Chao, Li Yue*, Yu Shenyang, Mao Yingyan, 2016: Morphology and palaeoecology of the earliest Silurian reef in Shiqian, Northeast Guizhou. Chinese Journal of Geology, 51(3): 978-989.
128. 杜圣贤,李越*,宋香锁,刘凤臣,陈军,陈诚,2016:山东平邑盆地卞桥组(晚白垩世马斯特里赫特晚期)泉华成因的核形石. 微体古生物学报,33(3): 330-338.
Du Sheng-xian, Li Yue*, Song Xiangsuo, Liu Fengcheng, Chen Jun, Chen Cheng, 2016: Travertine-type oncoids from the Cretaceous Bianqiao Formation (late Maastrichtian) in the Pingyi Basin, Shandong Province, East China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 33(3): 330-338.
129. 杜圣贤,于深洋,宋香锁,刘凤臣,陈军,陈诚,李越*,2016. 山东费县白垩纪末期卞桥组的湖相灰岩. 微体古生物学报,33(4): 444-451.
Du Sheng-xian, Yu Shenyang, Song Xiangsuo, Liu Fengcheng, Chen Jun, Chen Cheng, Li Yue*, 2016. Lacustrine limestones of the Bianqiao Formation (Maastrichtian, latest Cretaceous) from Feixian, Shandong. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 33(4): 444-451.
130. 于深洋,李越*,毛颖颜,2016:宜昌黄花场宜黄1井中奥陶统牯牛潭组上部灰岩的微相. 微体古生物学报,33(4): 452-459.
Yu Shenyang, Li Yue*, Mao Yingyan, 2016: Microfacies of the Kuniutan Formation (Middle Ordovician) limestones from the Well Yihuang 1, Yichang. Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 33(4): 452-459.
131. 邓小杰,王冠,黄勇,张嘉玮,龙胜清,马义波,李越*,2016:黔北桐梓狮溪志留纪埃隆晚期石牛栏段的生物滩相. 贵州地质,33(3): 192-198.
Deng Xiaojie, Wang Gun, Huang Yong, Zhang Jiawei, Long Shengqing, Ma Yibo, Li Yue*, 2017: Bank facies of the Shihniulan Formation (late Aeronian, Llandovery, Silurian) at the Shixi section, Tongzi, northern Guizhou. Guizhou Geology, 33(3): 192-198.
132. Zhang Yuanyuan, Li Qijian, Li Yue, Kiessling W, Wang Jianpo, 2016: Cambrian to Lower Ordovician reefs on the Yangtze Platform, South China Block, and their controlling factors. Facies, 62:17, DOI 10.1007/s10347-016-0466-8
133. Li Qijian, Li Yue*, Kiessling W., 2017: The oldest labechiid stromatoporoids from intraskeletal crypts in lithistid sponge-Calathium reefs. Lethaia, 50: 140-148.
134. Li Yue, Wang Guan, Kershaw S., Yu Shenyang, Ni Chao, 2017: Early Silurian stromatolites in shallow-marine environments of the South China Block (Guizhou Province, China) and their palaeoenvironmental significance. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, SI8_Biosedimentary records, 474: 89-97.
135. Wang Jianpo, Li Yue*, Zhang Yuanyuan, Kershaw S., 2017: A Middle Ordovician Calathium reef complex on the carbonate ramp of NW Tarim Block, NW China; significance for Ordovician reef evolution. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, SI8_Biosedimentary records, 474: 58-65.
136. Li Qijian, Li Yue, Zhang Yuandong, Munnecke A., 2017: Dissecting Calathium– microbial frameworks: the significance of calathids for Middle Ordovician reefs from Tarim, NW China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, SI8_Biosedimentary records, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2016.08.005
137. Zhang Yuanyuan, Li Yue, Wang Guan, Munnecke A., 2017: Windward and leeward margin of the Late Ordovician carbonate platform in the Central Tarim Uplift (NW China). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, SI8_Biosedimentary records, 474: 79-88.
138. Mao Yingyan, Ausich W. I., Li Yue*, Lin Jihpai, Lin Caihua, 2017: New taxa and phyletic evolution of the Aeronian (Llandovery, Silurian) Petalocrinidea (Echinodermata: Crinoidea) in Guizhou, South China Block. Journal of Paleontology, 91(3): 477-492.
139. 邓小杰,王冠,黄勇,代雅然,马义波,龙胜清,张国祥,李越*,2017:黔北桐梓松坎志留系石牛栏组的后生动物礁. 地层学杂志,41(1):39-47.
Deng Xiaojie, Wang Guan, Huang Yong, Dai Yaran, Long Shengqing, Zhang Guoxiang, Li Yue*, 2017: Metazoan reef of the Silurian Shihniulan Formation at the Shiniulan section, Tongzi, northern Guizhou. Journal of Stratigraphy, 41(1): 39-47.
140. 于深洋,毛颖颜,李越*,2017:黔东北志留系印江型香树园组的岩相和生物相. 地层学杂志,41(2):179-184.
Yu Shenyang, Mao Yingyan, Li Yue*, 2017: Sedimentology of the “Yinjiang Type” Xiangshuyuan Formation (Silurian) in NE Guizhou. Journal of Stratigraphy, 41(2): 179-184.
141. 于深洋,李越*,毛颖颜,2017:海水深度制约黔东北志留系香树园组生物礁滩的分布. 微体古生物学报,34(1): 67-76.
Yu Shenyang, Li Yue*, Mao Yingyan, 2017: Distribution of reef complex constrained by deeper marine-floor: evidence from Silurian Xiangshuyuan Formation in NE Guizhou. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 34(1): 67-76.
142. 邓小杰,毛颖颜,黄勇,代雅然,马义波,龙胜清,张国祥,李越*,2017:黔北桐梓志留系石牛栏段近岸相灰岩. 微体古生物学报,34(1): 77-88.
Deng Xiaojie, Mao Yingyan, Huang Yong, Dai Yaran, Long Shengqing, Zhang Guoxiang, Li Yue*, 2017: Limestones of the Silurian Shihniulan Formation from the near-shoal belt in Tongzi, NE Guizhou. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 34(1): 77-88.
143. 于深洋,刘丽静,杨芝林,丁奕,李越*,2018:新疆阿克苏寒武系吾松格尔组造迹行为的单调性. 地质科学,53(2): 765-773.
Yu Shenyang, Liu Lijing, Yang Zhilin, Ding Yi, Li Yue*, 2018: Monotony of the trace-making behavior from the Cambrian Wusonger Formation in Aksu, Southern Xinjiang. Chinese Journal of Geology, 53(2): 765-773.
144. Mao Yingyan, Webster G. D., Ausich W. I., Li Yue, Wang Qiulai, Reich M, 2018: A new crinoid fauna from the Taiyuan Formation (Early Permian) of Henan, North China. Journal of Paleontology, 92: 1066-1080.
145. Yu Shenyang, Chen Qing, Kershaw S, Li Yue*, Li Chao, 2018: Upper Ordovician continuous lithological succession in outer-shelf facies, Yangtze Platform, South China: Facies changes and oceanographic reconstruction up to the Late Ordovician Hirnantian glaciation. Island Arc, DOI: 10.1111/iar.12259
146. 戎嘉余,王怿,詹仁斌,樊隽轩,黄冰,唐鹏,李越,张小乐,吴荣昌,王光旭,魏鑫,2018:中国志留纪综合地层和时间框架。中国科学: 地球科学. 48: 93-114.
147. Rong Jiayu, Wang Yi, Zhan Renbin, Fan Junxuan, Huang Bing, Tang Peng, Li Yue, Zhang Xiaole, Wu Rongchang, Wang Guangxu Wei Xin. 2018. Silurian integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Science China Earth Sciences, 62(1): 89-111.
148. Kershaw S, Tang Hao, Li Yue, Guo Li, 2018. Oxygenation in carbonate microbialites and associated facies after the end-Permian mass extinction: Problems and potential solutions. Journal of Palaeogeography, 7(1): 32-47.
149. Li Qijian, Ernst A, Munnecke A, Yu Shenyang, Li Yue, 2018: Early Silurian (Telychian) bryozoan reefs in the epeiric sea of South China: Are heterotrophic metazoan buildups promoted by internal waves? Sedimentary Geology, 376(15): 50-59.
150. Yu Shenyang, Fang Xiang, Munnecke A, Li Wenjie, Zhen Yongyi, Li Yue, Wang Zhihao, Zhang Yuandong, 2019. First record of Middle Ordovician warm-water carbonates in the Mount Jolmo Lungma area, southern Tibet, China and its paleogeographic implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 530: 136-151.
151. 陈清,唐鹏,燕夔,李越*, 2019:华北板块西缘甘肃平凉上奥陶统平凉组灰岩微相和沉积环境. 微体古生物学报,36(2):. 130-139.
Chen Qing, Tang Peng, Yan Kui, Li Yue*, 2019. Microfacies of limestones and sedimentary environment of the Pingliang Formation in Pingliang, Gansu, western margin of the North China Craton. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 36(2): 130-139.
152. 于深洋,毛颖颜,李启剑,李越*,2019:大息场组—黔东北思南奥陶-志留纪之交的一个新地层单元. 地层学杂志,43(2): 141-149.
Yu Shenyang, Mao Yingyan, Li Qijian, Li Yue*, 2019. Daxichang Formation, a new lithological unit throughout the Ordovician to Silurian transition in Sinan, northeast Guizhou. Journal of Stratigraphy, 43(2): 141-149.
153. Ausich W I., Mao Yingyan, Li Yue, 2019: Fusion or hypertrophy? The unusual arms of the Petalocrinidae (Ordovician-Devonian) crinoidea. Journal of Paleontology, 93(5): 1-5.
154. Mao Yingyan, Kutscher Manfred, Li Yue Reich Mike, 2019. Filling gaps: Devonian echinoids, holothurians, and cyclocystoids (Echinodermata) from China. 10th European Conference on Echinoderms (Moscow, Russia): 16-19.
155. 张园园,王冠,张云峰,李越*,2019. 塔里木板块北部英买力-哈拉哈塘油田中-上奥陶统灰岩的生态单元类型及时空分布。微体古生物学报,36(4):337-350.
Zhang Yuanyuan, Wang Guan, Zhang Yunfeng, Li Yue*, 2019. Ecological types and spatial pattern of the Middle-Upper Ordovician limestones in the Yingmaili-Halahatang Oil Field, northern Tarim Block, NW China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 36(4):337-350.
156. Yu Shenyang, Li Qijian, Kershaw S, Li Yue, Mao Yingyan, Mu Xinan, 2020. Microbial reefs in eastern Yangtze Platform, South China Block: the last golden age of stromatolites in the Ordovician. Facies, 66, DOI:10.1007/s10347-020-0596-x
157. Zhang Xiyang; Zheng Quanfeng, Li Yue, Yang Hongqiang, Zhang Hua, Wang Wenqian, Shen Shuzhong, 2020: Polybessurus-like fossils as key contributors of the Permian-Triassic boundary microbialites in South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109770
158. 李越,2020. 白垩纪的山东平邑盆地-----没有恐龙光顾的湖泊. 生物进化
159. 张园园,李越*,2020. 塔里木板块北部轮南油田中-晚奥陶世之交海进序列的岩相特征. 地层学杂志,44(1): 12-21.
Zhang Yuanyuan, Li Yue*, 2020. Biotic and lithological evidences of transgressional sequences throughout the Middle-Upper Ordovician transition in the Lunnan Oil Field, northern Tarim Block. Journal of Stratigraphy, 44(1): 12-21.
160. 杜圣贤,张园园,李越*,刘凤臣,宋香锁,穆西南,周腾飞,周瑶琪,2020. 山东青岛早白垩世遗迹化石和皱饰构造的指相意义. 地层学杂志,44:
Du Shengxian; Zhang Yuanyuan; Li Yue*; Liu Fengchen, Song Xiangsuo, Mu Xi’nan; Zhou Tengfei;Zhou Yaoqi, 2020. Facies indicators of the ichnofossils and wrinkle structure from the Lower Cretaceous in Qingdao, Shandong. Journal of Stratigraphy, 44:
161. 毛颖颜,方翔,于深洋,宋妍妍,李越*,2020:鄂西奥陶纪庙坡组海林檎Cheirocrinus penniger Eichwald, 1842的发现. 古生物学报, 59:
Mao Yingyan, Fang Xiang, Yu Shenyang, Song Yanyan, Li Yue*, 2020. First record of Cheirocrinus penniger Eichwald, 1842 *Cystoidea) from the Ordovian in west Hubei, China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 59:
Li Yue, Li Jun, Xue Yaosong, 1999: Calcareous algae from Early Llandovery of Shiqian, Guizhou, South China. In: Mu Xinan, Yuan Xunlai, Kershaw S., (eds.): Paper Abstract of Seventh International Algal Meeting, 43-44.
Li Jun, Li Yue, 1999: Planktonic algal microfossils from Early Silurian of northern Guizhou, South China. In: Mu Xinan, Yuan Xunlai, Kershaw S., (eds.): Paper Abstract of Seventh International Algal Meeting, 41.
Mu Xinan, Riding R., Li Yue, Yuan Jinliang, Liang Zhongwei, 1999: Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Changhia Formation (Middle Cambrian), Changqing, Jinan. Field Trip Guild for the 7th International Symposium on Fossil Algae.
Li Yue, Kershaw S., 2000: Reef growth constrained by mud: evidence from the Silurian of South China. Abstract Volume of British Sedimentary Researcher Group 2000 Annual Meeting.
Li Yue, Kershaw S. 2001: Reef-building function of microbia and calcareous algae from Ningqiang Formation, Early Silurian, South China. 4Th Regional Symposium of the International Fossil Algae Association, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 29 August - 5 September 2001, Abstracts, 32-33.
Li Yue, Ryo Matsumoto, 2003: An outline of the reef evolution throughout the Ordovician and Silurian in South China Block. 23th Carbonate Colloquium of Japan, 2003, 26-27.
Li Yue, Matsumoto Ryo,2003: Facies differentiation of the Ordovician reefs in South China.
Yamazaki Hiromi, Matsumoto Ryo, Hosein Gharai, Li Yue, Wang Wei, 2003: The lithology and microfacies of the “cap carbonate” from Doushantuo Formation, Yangtze Gorges area, China.
Yue Li, Matsumoto Ryo, 2004: Sedimentary evolution throughout Ordovician and Silurian from Kelpin area, Northwestern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, NW China. 23th Carbonate Colloquium of Japan, 2003, 26-27.
Nilo Siguehiko Matsuda,Ryo Matsumoto, Nilo Chagas Azambuja Filho, Li Yue, 2005: Cyclic dual dolomitization in the Lower Pennsylvanian intracratonic, Amazon Basin, Brazil.
Nilo Siguehiko Matsuda, Ryo Matsumoto, Nilo Chagas Azambuja Filho, Li Yue, 2005: Cyclic sequences of carbonate, evaporite, and siliciclastic in the Pennsylvanian intracratonic Amazon Basin, Brazil.
Li Yue, Matsumoto Ryo, Kershaw S., 2005. Warm waters in the cooler oceans of the latest Ordovician glacial phase, Yangtze Platform, South China Block. Field Meeting of the Subcommission on Silurian Stratigraphy 2005, Gotland, Sweden, Abstracts.
Li Yue, Sha Jingeng, Jiang Baoyu, 2005: Lacustrine Tempestites Record of Bivalves from the Latest Jurassic Yixian Formation, Beipiao, Western Liaoning. International Symposium on the Jurassic Boundary Events-The first Symposium of the International Geoscience Program IGCP 506. Abstracts: 48-50.
Kershaw S., Li Yue, Crasquin-Soleau S., Feng Qinglai, Collin P. Y and Reynolds A., 2006. Early Triassic microbialites in South China Block. International Palaeontology Congress, Abstract.
Li Yue, Kershaw S., 2006: Biotic structures of the Early Ordovician reefs in South China. 27th International sedimentology Congress, Fukuoka.
李启剑, 李越, 2011:扬子台地边缘下奥陶统红花园组Nuia泥粒状灰岩-颗粒灰岩相的环境指向及其古生态学意义.中国古生物学会第26届学术年会论文摘要集.p.53
Li Qijian, Li Yue, Kiessling W, 2013: Early Ordovician sponge-Calathium-microbial reefs on the Yangtze Platform margin of the South China Block. IGCP 591 Annual Meeting 2013. (Lund, Sweden): 186-187.
Li Qijian, Li Yue, Kiessling W., 2013: Lithistid sponge-Calathium patch reefs on the Yangtze Platform: An Early Ordovician metazoan dominated construction at the dawn of the radiation. Joint conference of the Pal?ontologische Gesellschaft and the Palaeontological Society of China. (G?ttingen, Germany): 100-101.
Li Qijian, Li Yue & Kiessling Wolfgang : Allogenic succession and its environmental controls in Late Ordovician reefs of the Xiazhen Formation at Zhuzhai, southeast China. IGCP 591 Annual Meeting 2014. (Tartu, Estonia).

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