

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-04

姓 名:
沙金庚 性 别:

职 务:
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210008 电子邮件:

  1973.09–1977.02 南京大学地质系古生物学和地层学大学生
  1978.09–1981.10 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所古生物学和地层学硕士研究生
  1986.09–1989.09 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所、英国伦敦自然历史博物馆古生物学和地层学博士研究生(中英合培)
  1977.02–1982.04 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所实习研究员
  1982.05–1992.02 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所助理研究员
  1992.03–1994.06 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所副研究员
  1994.07–今 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员
  2005.08–今 南京大学地球科学与工程学院兼职教授
  2000.05–2013.11 全国地层委员会副秘书长
  2001.05–2009.10 中国古生物学会理事长
  2002.12–今 国际地层委员会侏罗系分会选举委员
  2005.04–2010.04 国际地球科学计划IGCP506项目(海相与非海相侏罗系:全球对比和重大地质事件)主席
  2008.08–今 国际地层委员会侏罗系分会副主席
  2008.08–2013.02 欧洲地质遗产保护协会《地质遗产(Geoheritage)》编委
  2008.08–今 波兰国际侏罗系分会杂志《侏罗系(Volumina Jurassica)》编委和顾问
  2008.09–今 美国《新墨西哥自然历史和科学博物馆通报(Bulletin of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science)》编委(副主编)
  2014.04? 国际地球科学计划IGCP 632项目(大陆侏罗纪危机:湖泊生态系统内的重要灭绝事件和环境变迁)主席



  1986.09 黑龙江省东部中生代含煤地层及找煤方向的研究.黑龙江省科学技术进步二等奖.主要参加者.
  1992. 青海玉树地区泥盆纪-三叠纪地层和古生物.青海省科学技术进步三等奖(所内档案有记录,但不见奖励证书).主要参加者.
  1993.10 中国古生态学.中国科学院自然科学三等奖(编号:69).主要参加者.
  1999.10 青海可可西里地区地质、环境与生物多样性.中国科学院自然科学二等奖(编号: 99Z–2–005–5).排名第5.
  2001.11 黑龙江东部晚期中生代雏蛤类和类三角蚌类(双壳类)的古生物学研究.中国科学院自然科学二等奖(编号:2001Z–2–008–1).独立获奖者.
  1997.12 中国科学院野外工作先进个人.中国科学院.
  1998.04 第三届江苏省优秀科技工作者.江苏省科学技术协会.
  1999.04 政府特殊津贴.中华人民共和国国务院(编号:(98)**). 
  2001.12 江苏省有突出贡献的中青年专家.江苏省人民政府(编号:(2000)077).
  2005.01 全国优秀科技工作者.中国科学技术协会.
  2006.04 江苏省先进工作者.江苏省人民政府(编号:305).
  2008.02 在1999年?2008年担任所级领导期间,为中国科技事业,为院、所改革和发展做出了重要贡献.中国科学院党组(第55号).
  2009.06 全国野外科技工作先进个人.中华人民共和国科学技术部.


  Gu Z, W., Sha J. G., Li Z. S.& Yu J. S., 1984. Occurrence of marine Jurassic bivalves in eastern northeastern China and its significance on the non-marine Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in east and central Asia. -In: Academia Sinica (ed.) Development in Geoscience. Contribution to 27th International Geological Congress, 1984, Moscow: 111-118; Beijing (Science Press).
  顾知微、陈金华、沙金庚,1984. 黑龙江东部侏罗纪和白垩纪双壳类的初步研究. - 见:黑龙江省中生代含煤地层研究队(主编)黑龙江东部中、上侏罗统与下白垩统化石(下册):49-220;哈尔滨(黑龙江科学技术出版社).
  沙金庚、袁福盛,1985. 黑龙江饶河东安镇组的Buchia化石群. - 古生物学报24(6):651-662.
  顾知微、沙金庚、李子舜、于菁珊,1987. 海相侏罗纪双壳类在中国东北地区东部的产出与其对亚洲中东部非海相侏罗、白垩系分界研究的意义. - 古生物学报26(1):1-7.
  顾知微、沙金庚,1989. 闽西Plicatounio (Plicatounio) naktongensis个体成长中的一些变化. - 见:中国古生物学会,中国石油学会,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所,浙江石油地质勘探局(主编)中国南方白垩系会议论文集:133-147;南京(南京大学出版社).
  孙革、沙金庚、王义刚、袁福盛、朴太原,1989. 黑龙江饶河东安镇侏罗–白垩系界线及Buchia新知. - 古生物学报28(5):579-597.
  沙金庚,1990. 黑龙江东部Aucellina(双壳类)的发现. - 地层学杂志14(3):226-230.
  沙金庚,1990.福建宁化禾口盆地早白垩世禾口组的褶珠蚌化石—兼论Plicatounionidae的分类. - 古生物学报29(4):472-489.
  沙金庚、陈楚震、祁良志,1990. 青海玉树地区中、晚三叠世双壳类. - 见:青海地质科学研究所,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所(主编)青海玉树地区泥盆纪–三叠纪地层和古生物(上册):133-234;南京(南京大学出版社).
  陈国隆、陈楚震、白美骞、陈煊传、祁良志、李炳有、王骊军、何国雄、沙金庚、董得源、王志浩、袁金良,1990. 青海玉树地区三叠系及生物群. - 见:青海地质科学研究所,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所(主编)青海玉树地区泥盆纪–三叠纪地层和古生物(上册):1-58;南京(南京大学出版社).
  沙金庚、陈楚震、祁良志,1991. 青海玉树南部晚古生代双壳类. - 见:青海地质科学研究所,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所(主编)青海玉树地区泥盆纪–三叠纪地层和古生物(下册):135-161;南京(南京大学出版社).
  陈国隆、白美骞、祁良志、李炳有、董得源、何国雄、王志浩、沙金庚、袁金良,1991. 青海玉树地区泥盆、石炭系及生物群. -见:青海地质科学研究所,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所(主编)青海玉树地区泥盆纪–三叠纪地层和古生物(下册):1-20;南京(南京大学出版社).
  沙金庚,1991. 对黑龙江东部龙爪沟群和鸡西群时代的不同认识. -地质学报65(4):376-383.
  Sha J. G., 1991. Larval shell of Aucellina and its ecological, biogeographical and classificatory significance. - In: Jin Yugan, Wang Jungeng & Xu Shanhong (eds.) Palaeoecology of China 1: 249-265; Nanjing (Nanjing University Press).
  Sha J. G., 1991. Fossils and palaeoenvironment of Hoh Xil region. – Chinese Journal of Arid Land Research 4 (3): 215-221; New York (Allerton Press, Inc.).
  沙金庚、张遴信、罗辉、徐珊红、鲍惠铭,1992. 论可可西里晚古生代裂谷的消亡时代. - 微体古生物学报9(2):177-182.
  沙金庚,1992.福建宁化禾口盆地早白垩世禾口组的Pisidiidae化石. - 古生物学报31(3):304-312.
  Sha J. G., 1992. Ontogenetic variations of the Early Cretaceous non-marine bivalve Trigonioides (T.) heilongjiangensis and the concept of fossil species. - Pal?ontologische Zeitschrift 66 (3/4): 241-264.
  沙金庚,1992. 论AucellinaBuchia的区别. - 地质论评38(2):131-139.
  沙金庚,1992. 黑龙江东部的BuchiaAucellina层. - 地层学杂志16(1):41-48.
  Sha J. G., 1992. A different opinion on the Geological age of the Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups of eastern Heilongjiang, China. - Acta Geologica Sinica 5 (2): 209-218.
  沙金庚,1993. 福建禾口盆地早白垩世禾口组的类三角蚌—兼论Trigonioididae的分类. - 古生物学报32(3):285-302.
  边千滔、沙金庚、郑祥身,1993. 西金乌兰晚二叠–早三叠世石英砂岩及其大地构造意义. - 地质科学28(4):327-335.
  Sha J. G.& Fürsich, F. T., 1993. Biostratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous bivalves Buchia and Aucellina of eastern Heilongjiang, northeastern China. - Geological Magazine 130 (4): 533-542.
  Sha J. G.& Fürsich, F. T., 1993. Bivalve faunas of eastern Heilongjiang, northeastern China. I. Non-marine Bivalvia of the Xiachengzi Formation (Lower Cretaceous). - Beringeria 8: 139-187.
  Sha J. G.& Fürsich, F. T., 1994. Bivalve faunas of eastern Heilongjiang, northeastern China. II. The Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous buchiid fauna. - Beringeria 12: 3-93.
  Sha J. G., Fürsich, F. T. & Grant-Mackie, J. A., 1994. A revised Early Cretaceous age for the Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups of eastern Heilongjiang, China, previously considered Jurassic: Palaeogeographic implications. - Newsletters on Stratigraphy 31 (2): 101-114.
  沙金庚,1994. 化石. - 见:武素功、杜泽泉、温景春、李炳元(主编)青藏高原腹地—可可西里综合科学考察:20-21;上海(上海科学技术出版社).
  沙金庚,1995. 前言. - 见:沙金庚(主编)青海可可西里地区古生物:III-VIII, 141-142;北京(科学出版社).
  张以弗、沙金庚,1995. 地层概述. - 见:沙金庚(主编)青海可可西里地区古生物:1-9,142;北京(科学出版社).
  沙金庚,1995. 双壳类. - 见:沙金庚(主编)青海可可西里地区古生物:82-116,149-151;北京(科学出版社).
  沙金庚,1995. 黑龙江东部下城子组类三角蚌的复合模化石及其形态和沉积学意义. - 古生物学报34(5):602-610.
  Sha J. G.& Grant-Mackie, J. A., 1996. Late Permian to Miocene bivalve assemblages from Hohxil, Qinghai–Xizang Plateau, China. – Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 26 (4): 429-455.
  Sha, J. G., 1996. Antitropicality of the Mesozoic bivalves. - In: Pang Zhonghe, Zhang Jindong & Sun Jianhong (eds.) Advance in solid earth sciences: 90-98; Beijing (Science Press).
  边千滔、郑祥身、李红生、沙金庚,1997. 青海可可西里地区蛇绿岩的时代及形成环境. - 地质科学28 (4):327?335.
  Sha J. G., Fürsich, F. T., Smith, P. L. & Wang L. J., 1998. Jurassic Palaeotaxodonta, Pteriomorphia and Isofilibranchia (Bivalvia) of the main ridge of the Tanggula Mountains, Qinghai–Xizang Plateau. - Beringeria 21: 3-55.
  沙金庚,1998. 青海可可西里地区的古生物特征及其古地理学意义. -古生物学报37(1):85-96.
  Sha J. G.& Fürsich, F. T., 1999. Palaeotethys Ocean closed before Capitanian times in Hohxil area (W China): New data on the temporal extend of the Palaeotethys. - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Pal?ontologie (7): 440-448.
  沙金庚,1999. 一个非常重要的修订—评“中国黑龙江省东部早白垩世双壳类”. - 古生物学报38 (3):403-406.
  沙金庚,1999. 中国双壳类古生物学研究近百年来的发展. - 江苏地质23 (1):1-9.
  Sha J. G., 2000. Biogeographic relations of the Jurassic Pectinoida and Ostreoida (Bivalvia) between Tanggula and other areas. - Earth Science Frontiers 7 (Suppl.): 139-141.
  沙金庚、蔡华伟,2000. 青藏高原腹地古生物学研究新进展. - 见:中国科学院综合计划局(主编)创新者的报告5(沙金庚、朱敏(主编)古生物学研究成果专集):211-224;北京(科学出版社).
  沙金庚、蔡华伟、顾知微、姜宝玉,2000. 龙爪沟群和鸡西群双壳类化石群的时代. - 见:第三届全国地层会议论文集编辑委员会(主编)第三届全国地层会议论文集:265-269;北京(地质出版社).
  孙东立、沙金庚、何国雄、杨群、何承全、章炳高、潘华璋,2000. 海相侏罗系. - 见:中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所(主编)中国地层研究二十年(1979-1999):283-308;合肥(中国科学技术大学出版社).
  文世宣、沙金庚、章炳高、蔡华伟,2000. 海相白垩系. - 见:中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所(主编)中国地层研究二十年(1979-1999):329-346;合肥(中国科学技术大学出版社).
  沙金庚, 2001. 沧海桑田长江源——古生物化石讲述的故事. - 科学53(5): 20-22, 封底.
  沙金庚, 2001. 唐古拉牡蛎类的分布模式. - 中国科学(D辑)31(增刊):97-103.
  Sha J. G., 2001. Distribution patterns of the Jurassic ostreids (Bivalvia) from Tanggula of China. - Science in China (Series D) 44 (Supp.): 112-120.
  沙金庚, 2001.西班牙通道形成于赫塘期: 双壳类化石证据. - 科学通报46(21):1821-1824.
  Sha J. G., 2002. Hispanic Corridor formed as early as Hettangian: On the basis of bivalve fossils.- Chinese Science Bulletin 47 (5): 414-417.
  Sha J. G., Cai H. W., He C. Q., Gu Z. W., Jiang J. H., Yin D. S., Zhao X. F., Liu Z. X.& Jiang B. Y., 2002. Studies on the Early Cretaceous Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups of eastern Heilongjiang, northeast China, and their bearing on the age of supposedly Jurassic strata in eastern Asia. - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (2): 141-150.
  沙金庚,2002. 古老而充满活力的古生物学. - 科学54(1):43-46.
  Sha J. G., Smith, P. L. & Fürsich, F. T., 2002. New Jurassic Ostreoida (Bivalvia) from China (Tanggula Mountains, Qinghai–Xizang Plateau) and their paleobiogeographic context. - Journal of Paleontology 76(3): 431-446.
  沙金庚,2002.黑龙江东部早白垩世生物地层学研究的主要进展. - 地学前缘(中国地质大学,北京)9(3):95-101.
  沙金庚,2002.黑龙江东部晚期中生代雏蛤类和类三角蚌类(双壳类)的古生物学研究. - 见:中国科学技术协会,国家自然科学基金委员会(主编)科学发展蓝皮书,2002卷:349-351;北京(中国科学技术出版社).
  沙金庚,2003.中生代海相双壳类(软体动物)的漂浮与假漂浮. - 古生物学报42(3):408-416.
  姚华舟、沙金庚、段其发、牛志军、曾波夫、张仁杰,2003. 长江源区伟蛤科(双壳类)一新属:雀莫错伟齿蛤 (Quemocuomegalodon). - 古生物学报42 (3):393-407.
  Sha J. G., Matsukawa, M., Cai H. W., Jiang B. Y., Ito, M., He Chengquan & Gu Zhiwei, 2003. The Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous of eastern Heilongjiang, northeast China: Stratigraphy and regional basin history. – Cretaceous Research 24 (6): 715-728.
  Jiang B. Y., Cai H. W.& Sha J. G., 2004. Early Cretaceous Aucellina (Bivalvia) from the Dajiashan area, northeastern China. - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 23: 365-371.
  Yin J. R., Yao H. Z.& Sha J. G., 2004. First record of the Early Jurassic Lupherella fauna (Bivalvia) in eastern Guangdong, southeast China. – New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics 47: 321-326.
  沙金庚、姜宝玉, 2004. 新疆准噶尔盆地陆相下、中侏罗统各阶特征. -黑龙江科技学院14 (3): 137-139, 144.
  Sha J. G., Johnson, A. L. A. & Fürsich, F. T., 2004. From deep-sea to high mountain ranges: Palaeogeographic and biotic changes in Hohxil, the source area of the Yangtze River (Tibet Plateau) since the Late Palaeozoic. – Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Pal?ontologie 233 (2): 169-195.
  丁林,杨经绥,万晓樵、沙金庚,张建新,李海兵,2004. 碰撞前后古地理格局演化及其新证据. - 见: 郑度、姚檀东等著,青藏高原隆升与环境效应:3-13;北京(科学出版社).
  沙金庚, 2005. 中国侏罗纪年代地层学研究的现状. - 地层学杂志29(2):124-129.
  Sha J. G., Lin L., Zhu L. D., Pang Y. C., Fu X. G.& Wang X. L., 2005. Distribution pattern of Late Triassic Pergamidia (Bivalovia) and its significance. - Geo-Temas 8: 189- 191.
  沙金庚、王启飞、卢辉楠,2005. 前言. - 见:沙金庚、王启飞、卢辉楠(主编)青藏高原羌塘盆地古生物学与地层学丛书. 羌塘盆地微体古生物:i-iii;北京(科学出版社).
  Sha J. G., Lin L., Chen S. W.& Matsukawa, M., 2006. Some Lower Cretaceous nonmarine bivalves from fluvio-lacustrine deposits bearing dinosaurs in Mongolia and northeastern China. - Cretaceous Research 27 (2):262-278.
  Sha J. G., Morton, N., Wang Y. D., Olsen, P., Pieńkowski, G., Wimbledon, W. A. P. & Riccardi, A., 2006. Preface. Marine and non-marine Jurassic: Boundary events and correlation. - Progress in Natural Science 16(Special Issue) (Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation): I-VI.
  Sha J. G., Chen S. W., Cai H. W., Jiang B. Y., Yao X. G., Pan Y. H.g, Wang J. P., Zhu Y. H.& He C. Q., 2006. Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in northeastern China: placement based on buchiid bivalves and dinoflagellate cysts. - Progress in Natural Science 16(Special Issue) (Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation): 39-49.
  Kemkin, Igor’ V. &*Sha J. G., 2006. Main Jurassic geological events along the eastern Paleo-Asian continental margin. - Progress in Natural Science 16(Special Issue) (Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation): 68-89.
  Shi X. Y., Sha J. G.& Deng S. H., 2006. The Jurassic system of China – Main characteristics and recent advances in research. - Progress in Natural Science 16(Special Issue) (Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation): 90-107.
  Meesook, A., *Sha J. G., Saengsrichan, W. & Teeraungsigul, N., 2006 Lithostratigraphy and faunal aspects of marine Jurassic rocks in Thailand. - Progress in Natural Science 16(Special Issue) (Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation): 119-152.
  Meesook, A., *Sha J. G., Teerarungsigul, N. & Poonpun, S., 2006. Non-marine Jurassic rocks of Thailand: A summary. - Progress in Natural Science 16(Special Issue) (Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation): 153-162.
  Pandey, D. K., *Sha J. G.& Choudhary, S., 2006. Depositional environments of Bathonian sediments from the Jaisalmer Basin, Rajasthan, western India. - Progress in Natural Science 16(Special Issue) (Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation): 163-175.
  Pandey, D. K., *Sha J. G.& Choudhary, S., 2006. Depositional history of the early part of the Jurassic succession on the Rajasthan Shelf, western India. - Progress in Natural Science 16(Special Issue) (Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation): 176-185.
  Khuc Vu, Huyen Dang Tran &*Sha J. G., 2006. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the marine Jurassic in Vietnam. - Progress in Natural Science 16(Special Issue) (Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation): 186-193.
  Wignall, P.B., Hallam, A., Newton, R.J., Sha J. G., Reeves, E., Mattioli E. & Crowley, S., 2006. An eastern Tethyan (Tibetan) record of the Early Jurassic (Toarcian) mass extinction event. - Geobiology 4: 179-190.
  Jiang B. Y.& Sha J. G., 2006. Late Mesozoic stratigraphy in western Liaoning, China: A review. - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 28: 205-217.
  Sha J. G., 2007. Cretaceous trigonioidid (non-marine Bivalvia) assemblages and biostratigraphy in Asia with special remarks on the classification of Trigonioidacea. - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 29: 62-83.
  Sha J. G., 2007. Current research on Cretaceous lake systems in northeast China. – Cretaceous Research 28 (2): 143-145.
  Sha J. G., 2007. Cretaceous stratigraphy of northeast China: non-marine and marine correlation. - Cretaceous Research 28 (2): 146-170.
  Jiang B. Y.& Sha J. G., 2007. Preliminary analysis of the depositional environments of the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation in the Sihetun area, western Liaoning, China. - Cretaceous Research 28 (2): 183-193.
  Jiang B. Y., Sha J. G.&Cai H. W., 2007. Early Cretaceous nonmarine bivalve assemblages from the Jehol Group in western Liaoning, northeast China. - Cretaceous Research 28 (2): 199-214.
  Li Y., Sha J. G., Wang Q. F., Chen S. W., 2007. Lacustrine tempestite litho- and biofacies in the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation, Beipiao, western Liaoning, northeast China. - Cretaceous Research 28 (2): 194-198.
  Lin L., Zhu L. D., Pang Y. C.& *Sha J. G., 2007. A new genus of Pergamidiidae (Bivalvia) from the Late Triassic of the Changtai–Gacun area, eastern Qinghai–Xizang Plateau, China. - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 30: 108-112.
  Sha J. G., Yao X. G., Hirano, H., Pan Y. H., Zhang X. L.& Wang Y. Q., 2007. Correlation amongst the Lower Cretaceous Longzhaogou, Jixi, and Jehol groups in northeastern China: a review. - Beringeria 37: 189-202.
  Johnson, A.L.A., Liquorish, M.N. & Sha J. G., 2007. Variation in growth-rate and form of a Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) oyster in England, and its environmental implications. - Plaeontology 50: 1155-1173.
  Fürsich, F.T., Sha J. G., Jiang B. Y.& Pan Y. H., 2007. High resolution palaeoecological and taphonomic analysis of Early Cretaceous lake biota, western Liaoning (NE-China). - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 253: 434-457.
  Yao H. Z., Zhang R. J., Pojeta, J., Sha J. G., Wang J. X., 2007. Late Triassic Megalodontids (Bivalvia) from the headwaters of the Yangtze River, Qinghai Province, west China. - Journal of Paleontology 81 (6): 1327-1347.
  泮燕红,沙金庚,2007. 均时作用—一个常见但不易识别的埋葬学现象. - 古生物学报46(4):493-502.
  Nguyen, X.K. & Sha J. G., 2007. Outlines on stratigraphy of the Jurassic non-marine red beds in the North Viet Nam and adjacent areas. - Journal of Geology, Series B. 30: 13-21.
  Sha J. G., Hirano, H., Yao X. G.& Pan Y. H., 2008. Late Mesozoic transgressions of eastern Heilongjiang and their significance in tectonics, and coal and oil accumulation in northeastern China. - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 263: 119-130.
  Hautmann, M. Stiller, F., Cai H. W.& Sha J. G., 2008. Extinction-recovery pattern of level-bottom faunas across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary in Tibet: Implications for potential killing mechanisms. - Palaios 23: 711-718.
  张晓林,沙金庚,刘静,2008. 四醚膜类脂物的古温标—TEX86. - 古生物学报47(4): 498-505.
  姜宝玉、程显胜、邓胜徽、沙金庚,2008. 中国陆相中侏罗统头屯河阶综合研究报告. -见:第三届全国地层委员会(主编)中国主要断代地层建阶研究报告(2001~2005):115?119; 北京(地质出版社).
  姜宝玉、程显胜、邓胜徽、沙金庚,2008. 中国陆相中侏罗统西山窑阶综合研究报告. -见:第三届全国地层委员会(主编)中国主要断代地层建阶研究报告(2001~2005):120?125; 北京(地质出版社).
  姜宝玉、程显胜、邓胜徽、沙金庚,2008. 中国陆相中侏罗统三工河阶综合研究报告. -见:第三届全国地层委员会(主编)中国主要断代地层建阶研究报告(2001~2005):126?130; 北京(地质出版社).
  姜宝玉、程显胜、邓胜徽、沙金庚,2008. 中国陆相中侏罗统八道湾阶综合研究报告. -见:第三届全国地层委员会(主编)中国主要断代地层建阶研究报告(2001~2005):131?137; 北京(地质出版社).
  Guo S. X., Sha J. G., Bian L. Z.& Qiu Y. L., 2009. Male spike strobiles with Gnetum affinity from the Early Cretaceous in western Liaoning, northeast China. - Journal of Systematic and Evolution 47 (2): 93-102.
  Zakharov, Y. D., *Sha J. G., Popov, A. M., Safronov, P. P., Shaorochova, S. A., Volynets, E. B., Biakov, A. S., Burago, V. I., Zimina, V. G. & Konovalova, I. V., 2009. Permian to earliest Cretaceous Climatic oscillations in the eastern Asian continental margin (Sikhote–Alin area), as indicated by fossils and isotope data. - GFF 131: 25-47.
  Saengsrichan, W., *Sha J. G., Meesook A. & Hisada, K. J., 2009. Lithostratigraphy and petrography of marine Jurassic rocks in the Mae Sot area, TakProvince, western Thailand: Implications for depositional environment and tectonics. - GFF 131: 83-103.
  Pan Y. H.& Sha J. G., 2009. Middle Jurassic unionids (non-marine Bivalvia) from the Shiwandashan Basin, southern China, with special emphasis on Cuneopsis Simposon. - GFF 131: 183-194.
  王亚琼,沙金庚,2009. 介形类的形态学及其环境、功能和分类学意义. - 微体古生物学报26(3): 283-290.
  泮燕红,沙金庚,2009. 对“中白垩世(Albian–Santonian)热带大西洋表层海水温度记录”的评述. - 地层学杂志33(2):193-197.
  Fang Z. J., Chen J. H., Chen C. Z., Sha J. G., Lan X.& Wen S. X., 2009. Supraspecific Taxa of the Bivalvia first named, decribed, and published in China (1927?2007). - The University of Kansa Paleontological Contributions. New Series 17: 157 pp.
  Sha J. G., 2009. Preface—Jurassic of China and environs: Stratigraphy, basin history, and paleoenvironment. - Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 52 (12): 1871-1872.
  Sha J. G., Wang J. P., Kirilova, G., Pan Y. H., Cai H. W., Wang Y. Q., Yao X. G.& Peng B., 2009. Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Sanjiang-Middle Amur basin: Non-marine and marine correlation. - Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 52 (12): 1873-1889.
  Pandey, D. K., Fürsich, F. T. &*Sha J. G., 2009. Interbasinal marker intervals—A case study from the Jurassic basins of Kachchh and Jaisalmer, western India. - Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 52 (12): 1924-1931.
  Shu L. S., Wang Y., Sha J. G., Jiang S. Y., Yu J. H. & Wang Y. B., 2009. Jurassic sedimentary features and tectonic settings of southeastern China. - Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 52 (12): 1969-1978.
  Meesook, A., *Sha J. G., Yamee, C., Saengsrichan,W., 2009. Faunal associations, Paleoecology and paleoenvironment of marine Jurassic rocks in the Mae Sot, Phop Phra and Umphang areas, western Thailand. - Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 52 (12): 2001-2023.
  Mitta, V. & *Sha J. G., 2009. Late Jurassic ammonite evolution and paleoenvironment of the Russian Platform. - Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 52 (12): 2024-2028.
  沙金庚,2009. 双壳纲. 见: 中国大百科全书编写委员会(主编)中国大百科全书(第二版). 第20卷. -北京(中国大百科全书出版社),20–517–519.
  Sha J. G., 2010. Historical distribution patterns of trigonioidids (non-marine Cretaceous bivalves) in Asia and their palaeogeographic significance. - Proceedings of the Royal Society B (2010) 277: 277-283.
  Scott, R.W., Wan X. Q., Sha J. G.& Wen S. X., 2010. Rudists of Tibet and Tarim Basin, China: Significance to Requieniidae phylogeny. - Journal of Paleontology 84 (3): 444?465.
  沙金庚,泮燕红,王亚琼,詹仁斌,张元动,张海春,王向东,袁文伟,蔡华伟,牟林,王博,林巍,彭博,2010. 宏体无脊椎动物古生物学. - 见:中国科学技术协会(主编)古生物学科学发展报告(2009?2010):83?95, 196?198;北京(中国科学技术出版社).
  Sha J. G., Xu D. Y., Yao X. G., Pan Y. H., Wang Y. Q., Zhang X. L., Peng B., 2010. Astronomical calibrated Time Intevals for the non-marine Badaowan Formation, Lower Jurassic in Haojiagou of ür?mqi City, western China. - Earth Science Frontiers 17 (Special Issue): 22?23.
  Sha J. G., Peng B., Wan X. Q.& Scott, R., 2010. Potential marine and non-marine Jurassic?Cretaceous boundaries in China: A review. - Earth Science Frontiers 17 (Special Issue): 26?27.
  Olsen, P. E., Kent, D. V., Geissmanjohn, W., Bachmann, G., Blakey, R. C., Gehrels, G., Irmis, R. B., Kuerschner, W., Molina-Garza, R., Mundil, R. & Sha J. G., 2010. The Colorado Plateau Coting Project (CPCP): 100 million years of Earth System history. - Earth Science Frontiers 17 (Special Issue): 55?60.
  Pandey, D. K., *Sha J. G., Choudhary, S., Bahadur, T., Swami, N. & Bairwa, A. K., 2010. A review of the Jurassic stratigraphy of the Jaisalmer Basin, western Rajasthan, India: An implication on biostratigraphy. - Earth Science Frontiers 17 (Special Issue): 102?106.
  Munt, M., Todd, J. & Sha J. G., 2010. Gastropod faunas of the lower Lias of Dorset, southern England. - Earth Science Frontiers 17 (Special Issue): 213?214.
  Pandey, D. K., Sha J. G.& Choudhary, S., 2010. Sedimentary cycles in the Callovian-Oxfordian of the Jaisalmer Basin, Rajasthan, western India. - Volumina Jurassica 8: 131?162.
  Newton, R. J., Reeves, E. P., Kafousia, N., Wignall, P. B., Bottrell, S. H. & Sha J. G., 2011. Lower marine sulfate concentrations and the isolation of the European epicontinental sea during the Early Jurassic. - Geology. 39 (1): 7?10.
  Jiang B. Y., Fürsich, F. T., Sha J. G., Wang B., Niu & Y. Z., 2011. Early Cretaceous volcanism and its impact on fossil preservation in Western Liaoning, NE China.-Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 302: 255?269.
  Sha J. G., Vajda, V., Pan Y. H., Larsson, L., Yao X. G., Zhang X. L., Wang Y. Q., Cheng X. S., Jiang B. Y., Deng S. H., Chen S. W.& Peng B., 2011. Stratigraphy of the Triassic?Jurassic boundary successions of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin, northwestern China. - Acta Geologica Sinica 85 (2): 421?436.
  王亚琼,沙金庚,彭博,饶馨,2011. Ilyocypris bradyi的轮廓分析.- 微体古生物学报28(1):119–126.
  Mitta, V. V. & Sha J. G., 2011. Ammonite distribution across the Jurassic?Cretaceous boundary in central Russia. -Paleontological Journal (4): 26?34. [In Russian with English abstract.]
  Mitta, V. V. & Sha J. G., 2011. Ammonite distribution across the Jurassic?Cretaceous boundary in central Russia. -Paleontological Journal 45 (4): 379–389. [English Version.]
  Plasencia, P., Martinerz-Pérez, C. & Sha J. G., 2011. Conodontos alrededor del límite Pérmico/Triásioc con especial atención a la familia Spathognathodontidae. - In: Pérez-García A., Gascó, F., Gasulla, J. M. & Escaso, F. (eds.) Viajando a Mundos Pretéritos. Morella (Ajuntament). pp. 307?313.
  Lin L., Zhu L. D., Pang Y. C., Sha J. G., Fürsich, F. T., Fu X. G.& Wang X. L., 2011. Late Triassic bivalves associated with a hydrothermal vent system in the Yidun Island Arc (SW China) of the eastern Tethys. - Science China: Earth Sciences 54: 1864?1870.
  Pan Y. H., Sha J. G., Fürsich, F. T., Wang Y. Q., Zhang X. L.& Yao X. G., 2012. Dynamics of the lacustrine fauna from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, China: implications of volcanic and climatic factors. - Lethaia 45:299?314.
  Pan Y. H., *Sha J. G.& Yao X. G., 2012. Taphonomy of Early Cretaceous freshwater bivalve concentrations from the Sihetun area, western Liaoning, NE China. - Cretaceious Research 34: 94?106.
  Zhang X. L.&*Sha J. G., 2012. Sedimentary laminations in the lacustrine Jianshangou Bed of the Yixian Formation at Sihetun, western Liaoning, China. - Cretaceous Research 36: 96?105.
  Sha J. G.& Lucas, S. J., 2012. Non-marine Cretaceous chronology and correlation. - Journal of Stratigraphy 36 (2): 137?152. [In English with Chinese Abstract.]
  Sha J. G., Pan Y. H., Wang Y. Q., Zhang X. L.& Rao X., 2012. Non-marine and marine stratigraphic correlation of Early Cretaceous deposits in NE China, SE Korea and SW Japan, non-marine molluscan biochronology, and palaeogeographic implications. - Journal of Stratigraphy 36 (2): 357?381. [In English with Chinese Abstract.]
  Sha J. G., Meesook, A. & Nguyen, X. K., 2012. Non-marine Cretaceous bivalve stratigraphy of Thailand, Southern Lao PDR and central Vietnam. - Journal of Stratigraphy 36 (2): 382?399. [In English with Chinese Abstract.]
  Munt, M. C., Delvene, G. & Sha J. G., 2012. Review of the Cretaceous non-marine Mollusca and therir stratigraphical distribution in Europe. - Journal of Stratigraphy 36 (2): 314?323. [In English with Chinese Abstract.]
  Wang Y. Q., Sha J. G., Pan Y. H., Zhang X. L.& Rao X., 2012. Non-marine Cretaceous ostracod assemblages in China: a preliminary review. - Journal of Stratigraphy36 (2): 289?299. [In English with Chinese Abstract.]
  Sha J. G., 2012. A comparison of Aucellina between Argentina and NE China: Relationships of bipolar bivalves. - Revue de Paléobiologie11 (Spec.): 399?407.
  Sha J. G.& Hirano, H., 2012. A revised Barremian?Aptian age for the Mitarai Formation (lower Tetori Group, Makito area of central Japan), previously considered Middle Jurassic?earliest Cretaceous. - Episodes 35 (3): 431?437.
  Martínez-Pérez, C., Plasencia, P., Jones, D., Kolar-Jurkovsek, T., Sha J. G.., Botella H. & Donoghue, P.C.J., 2012. Implicaciones funcionales de la evolución de la plataforma en conodontos. - In: Liao, J.C., Gámez Vintaned, J.A., Valenzuela-Ríos, J.I. & García-Forner, A. (eds.) Homenaje a Guillem Colom Casasnovas (1900-1993). Valéncia (Universitat de Valéncia), ISBN 978-84-370-8893-5, 83-85.
  Plasencia, P., Máquez-aliaga, A., Sha J. G., 2012. Triassic conodonts: a database. - In: Liao, J.C., Gámez Vintaned, J.A., Valenzuela-Ríos, J.I. & García-Forner, A. (eds.) Homenaje a Guillem Colom Casasnovas (1900-1993). Valéncia (Universitat de Valéncia), ISBN 978-84-370-8893-5, 95-98.
  Yao H. Z., Zhang R. J., Sha J. G., Wang J. X., Niu Z. J.& Duan Q. F., 2012. The Norian megalodontid fauna in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, western China. - Science China (Earth Sciences) 55 (10): 1620–1626.
  饶馨、沙金庚、泮燕红、蔡华伟,2012.藏南岗巴地区晚白垩世宗山组Burnonia及其功能形态学研究. - 古生物学报51(4):491?501.
  沙金庚、泮燕红、姚小刚、王亚琼、程显胜、张晓林、邓胜徽、姜宝玉,2012.中国陆相侏罗系底界界线层型及区域对比研究. - 见:第三届全国地层委员会(主编)中国主要断代地层建阶研究报告(2006~2009):148?159; 北京(地质出版社).
  Pandey, D. K., Choudhary, S,, Bahadur, T., Swami, N., Poonia, D., Sha J. G., 2012. A review of the Lower – lowermost Upper Jurassic facies and stratigraphy of the Jaisalmer Basin, western Rajasthan, India. - Volumina Jurassica X: 61–82.
  Wang Y. Q., Sha J. G.& Pan Y. H., 2013. Revision of Cypridea (non-marine Ostracoda) from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation of the Beipiao?Yixian Basin in western Liaoning, northeast China. - Cretaceous Research 40: 102?109.
  Plasencia, P., Máquez-aliaga, A., Sha J. G., 2013. A database of Triassic conodonts from a comprehensive revision of literature. - Spanish Journal of Palaeontology28 (2): 217-228.
  Fernandez-Lopez, S. R. & Sha J. G., 2013. Invertebrate palaeontology and sequence stratigraphy: complementary methods and evidence to explain the geological record. Ciências da Terra (UNL) 18: 85?88.
  Pan Y. H., Sha J. G., Zhou Z. H. & Fürsich, F. T., 2013. The Jehol Biota: Definition and distribution of exceptionally preserved relicts of a continental Early Cretaceous ecosystem. - Cretaceous Research 44: 30?38.
  Pan Y. H., Sha J. G., Wang Y. Q., Zhang X. L., Yao X. G., Peng B.& Rao X., 2013. The brackish-water bivalve Waagenoperna from the Lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation of the Junggar Basin and its palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic significance. - Geoscience Frontiers 4: 95?103.
  沙金庚,2013. 亚洲东部非海相与海相早白垩世地层的对比和古地理意义. –地层学杂志37 (4): 576?578.
  沙金庚,2013. 中生界. –见:陈旭、袁训来(主编):地层学与古生物学研究生华南野外实习指南:36?43;合肥(中国科学技术大学出版社).
  沙金庚,2013. 新生界. –见:陈旭、袁训来(主编):地层学与古生物学研究生华南野外实习指南:44?46;合肥(中国科学技术大学出版社).
  王立全、沙金庚、王强、高锐、侯增谦、潘桂棠、李建国、郑远川、饶馨、赵俊猛、金胜、贺日政、卢占武、张洪双,2014. 青藏高原基础地质调查研究. – 见:中国科学技术协会(主编),中国青藏高原研究会(编著)青藏高原研究学科发展报告:39?68, 270?271;北京(中国科学技术出版社).
  Sha J. G., Rao X., Cai H. W., Pan Y. H.& WangY. Q., 2014. Pan-tropical distribution of the Jurassic ostreid bivalves. – Palaeoworld 23: 155?161.
  Pan Y. H., Hu S. X., Sha J. G., Zhang Q. Y., Wang Y. Q., Zhou C. Y., Wen W., Huang J. Y. & Xie T., 2014.Early Triassic bivalves from the Feixianguan Formation in Xingyi, Guizhouand the Ximatang Formation in Qiubei, Yunnan (southern China). – Palaeoworld 23: 1143?154.
  Sha J. G., Rao X., Pan Y. H., Wang Y. Q.& Cai H. W., 2014.196. Sha Jingeng, Rao Xin, Pan Yanhong, Wang Yaqiong & Cai Huawei, 2014. Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy of eastern Asia: Nonmarine and marine correlations; - In: Rocha,R., Pais,J., Kullberg, J. C. & Finney,S. (eds.) STRATI 2013.Springer Geology. First International Congress on StratigraphyAt the Cutting Edge of Stratigraphy: 587?590. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-04364-7_113, Switzerland (Springer International Publishing Switzerland).
  彭博、沙金庚、蔡华伟、李建国、张晓林、王亚琼、饶馨, 2014. 西藏岗巴察且拉剖面阿普特阶?阿尔布阶界线附近的菊石生物地层. - 地层学杂志38(3): .(印刷中)
  Iba, Y., Sano, S. I., Rao X., Fuchs, D., Chen T. E., Weis, R. & Sha J. G., 2014. Early Jurassic belemnites from theGondwana margin of the Southern Hemisphere –Sinemurian record from South Tibet. – Gondwana Research . (电子版已发表)
  Mart?nez-P_erez, C., Plasencia, P., Jones, D., Kolar-Jurkovsek, T., Sha J. G., Botella, H. & Donoghue, P.C.J., 2014. There is no general model for occlusal kinematics in conodonts. – Lethaia : , DOI: 10.1111/let.12080. (电子版已发表)
  沙金庚(主编),1995. 青海可可西里地区古生物:177 + X页;北京(科学出版社).
  沙金庚、朱敏(主编),2000. 古生物学研究成果专集. - 见:中国科学院综合计划局(编)创新者的报告 5:236页;北京(科学出版社).
  沙金庚、王启飞、卢辉楠(主编),2005. 青藏高原羌塘盆地古生物学与地层学丛书. 羌塘盆地微体古生物:292 + v页;北京(科学出版社).
  Sha J. G., Wang Y. D.& Turner, S. (eds.), 2006. Marine and non-marine Jurassic:Boundary events and correlation. - Progress in Natural Science 16(Special Issue): 322 + VI pp.; Beijing (Science in China Press).
  Sha J. G. (ed.), 2007. Current research on Cretaceous lake systems in northeast China. - Cretaceous Research 28 (2):143-362 pp.; Dorset (Henry Ling).
  Sha J. G. (ed.), 2009. Jurassic of China and environs: Stratigraphy, basin history, and paleoenvironment. - Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 52 (12): 1871-2046.
  沙金庚(主编),2009. 纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年. 世纪飞跃——辉煌的中国古生物学:392 + VII页;北京(科学出版社).
  Sha J. G., Wan X. Q., Pan Y. H.& Wang Y. D. (eds.), 2010.Short papers for the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System. Marine and no-marine Jurassic. - Earth Science Frontiers 17 (Special Issue): 1?412.
  Sha J. G., Shi X. Y., Zhou Z. H.& Wang Y. D. (eds.), 2010. Contributions to the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System. Outline of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Systems in Western Liaoning, NE China. - 84 pp. (English version), 85 pp. (Chinese version); Hefei (University of Sciences & Technology of China Press).
  Sha J. G., Shi X. Y., Zhou Z. H.& Wang Y. D. (eds.), 2010. Contributions to the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System. The Jurassic System of northern Xinjiang, China. - 279 pp. (English version), 219 pp. (Chinese version); Hefei (University of Sciences & Technology of China Press).
  Sha J. G., Shi X. Y., Zhou Z. H.& Wang Y. D. (eds.), 2010. Contributions to the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System. The Terrestrial Triassic and Jurassic Systems in the Sichuan Basin, China. - 216 pp. (English version), 178 pp. (Chinese version); Hefei (University of Sciences & Technology of China Press).
  Sha J. G., Shi X. Y., Zhou Z. H.& Wang Y. D. (eds.), 2010. Contributions to the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System. The Jurassic System of Thailand. - 125 pp. (English version); Hefei (University of Sciences & Technology of China Press).
  Meesook, A. & Sha J. G., 2010. The Jurassic System of Thailand. - 125 pp. (English version); Hefei (University of Sciences & Technology of China Press).
  Sha J. G.& Lucas, S. J. (eds.), 2012. Non-marine Cretaceous biostratigraphy and biochronology. - Journal of Stratigraphy 36 (2): 137?550. [In English with Chinese Abstract.]
  姚华舟、张仁杰、沙金庚、王建雄、牛志军、段其发,2014. 中国西部地区晚三叠世伟齿蛤类及其分类演化:87 + viii. 北京(科学出版社).
  沙金庚,1991. 难忘的历程—可可西里考察小记. - 化石4:14-15,23,封底.
  沙金庚,1991. 可可西里(无人区)落入眼底. - 江苏科技报月末版(9月28日):第3版.
  沙金庚、宋之耀,1991. 可可西里化石. - 民族画报11:18-19.
  沙金庚,1992. 可可西里无人区(摄影加解说). -旅游天地2:封2.
  沙金庚,1992. 神秘的死亡地带—可可西里. - 旅游天地3:8-11.
  沙金庚,1992. 可可西里考察中的车队. - 科坛文明天地2:封3.
  沙金庚,2000. 突出特色发扬优势攀登古生物科学高峰. - 科学时报2000年5月9日第2版;中国基础科学2-3:62-65.
  沙金庚,2000. 古老而充满活力的学科--——古生物学. - 见:中国科学院综合计划局(主编)创新者的报告5(沙金庚、朱敏(主编)古生物学研究成果专集):1-11;北京(科学出版社).
  沙金庚, 2001.求真求实争创世界一流. - 科学时报,2001年12月24日,2版.
  沙金庚,2003.遭遇野牦牛. - 见:中国青藏高原研究会(主编)追寻青藏的梦:152-159;石家庄(河北科学技术出版社).
  沙金庚,2006. 国家基础科学人才培养基金对古生物学人才培养的促进作用. - 中国科学基金20(6):342?344.
  沙金庚,2009. 走向世界的中国古生物学. - 见:沙金庚(主编)纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年. 世纪飞跃——辉煌的中国古生物学:i-vii;北京(科学出版社).
  沙金庚,2009. 沧海桑田长江源——古生物化石讲述的故事. - 见:沙金庚(主编)纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年. 世纪飞跃——辉煌的中国古生物学:376-385;北京(科学出版
  沙金庚1990. 讨论系统发育和多样性演化的随机模式. - :见:戎嘉余、方宗杰、吴同甲(主编)理论古生物学论文集:390-392;南京(南京大学出版社).
  沙金庚,1991. 白垩纪的气候. - 地层学杂志15(2):159-160.
  穆西南、沙金庚,2000.序. - 见:中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所(主编)中国地层研究二十年(1979-1999):1-2;合肥(中国科学技术大学出版社).
  沙金庚,2001.序. - 见:杨群(主编)中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所科学论著目录:i-ii;合肥(中国科学技术大学出版社).
  沙金庚,2002.序. - 古生物学报41(1):i-ii.
  沙金庚,2007, 2010. 序. - 见:《李星学文集》编辑组(编)李星学文集(2007),《顾知微文集》编辑组(编)顾知微文集(2010):i;合肥(中国科学技术大学出版社).
  Sha J. G., 2010. Preface―Short papers for the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System― Marine and non-marine Jurassic. - Earth Science Frontiers 17 (Special Issue): i.
  Sha J. G., Shi X. Y., Zhou Z. H.& Wang Y. D., 2010. Preface. - In : Sha J. G., Shi X. Y., Zhou Z. H.& Wang Y. D. (eds.) Contributions to the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System. Outline of the Jurassic and Cretaceous Systems in Western Liaoning, NE China. The Jurassic System of northern Xinjiang, China. The Terrestrial Triassic and Jurassic Systems in the Sichuan Basin, China. The Jurassic System of Thailand. Hefei (University of Sciences & Technology of China Press). i?ii (in both English and Chinese).
  Sha J. G., 1991. A revised Cretaceous age for Longzhaogou and Jixi Groups of eastern Heilongjiang, China, originally considered as Jurassic. - Abstracts of International Symposium on Origin, Sedimentation and Tectonics of Late Mesozoic to Early Cenozoic Sedimentary Basin at the Eastern Margin of the Asian Continent. Fukuoka, Japan, 1991: 46; Fukuoka.
  Sha J. G., 1993. Autecology and preservation of the Early Cretaceous non-marine bivalve Trigonioides from northeast China. - Premier Congress Europeen de Paleontologie, Lyon, 7-9 juillet 1993: 118; Lyon (Presentation).
  Sha J. G., 1998. Amazing environmental changes: Palaeogeographic evolution of Hohxil, Qinghai–Xizang Plateau. - International Symposium on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, Formation, Evolution and Sustainable development, Xining, China, July 21st-24th, 1998: 38; Xining (Presentation).
  沙金庚,1999. 唐古拉山主脊侏罗纪牡蛎类的古生物地理学. - 中国古生物学会第20届学术年会论文摘要集:154-155(口头报告).
  顾知微、蔡华伟、沙金庚、姜宝玉,1999. 黑龙江东部龙爪沟群和鸡西群研究新进展. -中国古生物学会第20届学术论文摘要集:3-4(口头报告).
  Sha J. G., Johnson, A. L. A., Cai H. W. & Fürsich, F. T., 2001. From deep-sea to high mountain ranges: The palaeogeographic evolution of the source of the Yangtze River (Tibet Plateau) since the Late Palaeozoic. - The 3rd Two Coasts-Three Regions & World Chinese Conference on Geological Sciences. Hong Kong. Dec. 19-22, 2001: 553(Presentation).
  Sha J. G., 2002. Historical distribution of the Jurassic Pectinoida and Ostreoida from the main ridge of the Tanggula Mountains, China: Biogeographic relations and importance of Hispanic Corridor and trans-Pacific migration. - Abstracts. The 4th World Chinese Conference on Geological Sciences. May 22-24, 2002: 34. Nanjing(Presentation).
  Sha J. G., 2002. Pedal retractor scar of Trigonoidacea (non-marine Late Mesozoic Bivalvia) and its classificatory and functional significance. - IPC2002 (First International Palaeontological Congress), Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts 68: 143. July 6-10, 2002,Sydney (Presentation, formally published).
  Sha J. G., Yang Q., Sun D. L., Cai H. W., Jiang B. Y., He G. X., He C. Q., Zhang B. G., Pan H. Z., Li J. G. & Cheng J. H., 2002. Marine Jurassic fossil assemblages from China. - In: Luca Martire (ed.) Abstracts and program. 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System. September 16-19, 2002: 175. Mondello, Sicily, Italy.
  Sha J. G., Smith P. L., Cai H. W. & Jiang B. Y., 2002. Palaeogeography of the Jurassic ostreids (Bivalvia) of northern Tibet, China. - In: Luca Martire (ed.) Abstracts and program of 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System. September 16-19, 2002: 176. Mondello, Sicily, Italy (Presentation).
  沙金庚,2003. 中生代海相双壳类(软体动物)的漂浮与假漂浮. - 中国古生物学会第22届学术年会论文摘要集:63. 2003年4月;成都(口头报告).
  沙金庚,2003. 黑龙江东部晚期中生代雏蛤类和类三角蚌类(双壳类)的古生物学研究. - 中国古生物学会第22届学术年会论文摘要集:168-170。2003年4月;成都(口头报告).
  Sha J. G., 2003. Palaeontology of Trigonioidacea (non-marine Cretaceous Bivalvia). - The 5th Symposium of IGCP 434, 8-10 December 2003: 3-4. Kalasin, Thailand (Keynote).
  Sha J. G., 2004. Palaeoclimatical significance of the tropical and bipolar distribution patterns of the Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous bivalves. - 32th IGC Florence 2004. Scientific Sessions: abstracts (part 1): 821 (Presentation).
  Sha J. G.& Jiang B. Y., 2004. Potential nonmarine Triassic/Jurassic boundary in Xinjiang, northwestern China. - 32th IGC Florence 2004. Scientific Sessions: abstracts (part 2): 1138 (Presentation).
  Sha J. G., 2004. Cretaceous sea level changes in northeastern China and their significance. - The Sixth Symposium of IGCP 434, 2-9 November 2004: 100-101. Ha Noi, Viet Nam (Keynote).
  姚华舟、沙金庚、张仁杰,2005. 关于晚三叠世伟齿蛤类NeomegalodonGümbel, 1862. 中国古生物学会第九届全国会员代表大会暨中国古生物学会第二十三次学术年会论文摘要集: 27-28. 2005年4月;常州.
  沙金庚,2005. 机遇生物化石的判别标志及地层和古生态学意义. - 中国古生物学会第九届全国会员代表大会暨中国古生物学会第二十三次学术年会论文摘要集: 60. 2005年4月;常州(口头报告).
  刘本林、沙金庚,2005. 关于地球水陆变迁的一种假说. 中国古生物学会第九届全国会员代表大会暨中国古生物学会第二十三次学术年会论文摘要集: 68-69. 2005年4月22-28日;常州.
  Sha J. G. & Wang Y. D. (eds.), 2005. International Symposium on the Jurassic boundary events. -The First Symposium of the International Geoscience Program IGCP 506. Abstracts. 120 pp. Nanjing.
  Sha J. G., Pan-tropical distribution of some bivalves in Jurassic and its palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic significance. - In: Sha J. G.& Wang Y. D. (eds.) International Symposium on the Jurassic boundary events―The First Symposium of the International Geoscience Program IGCP 506. Abstracts. November 1?4, 2005: 74. Nanjing, China (Keynote).
  Sha J. G., Chen S. W., Cai H. W., Jiang B. Y., Pan Y. H., Yao X. G., 2005. Potentional Jurassic?Cretaceous boundary in northeastern China. - In: Sha J. G.& Wang Y. D. (eds.) International Symposium on the Jurassic boundary events―The First Symposium of the International Geoscience Program IGCP 506. Abstracts. November 1?4, 2005: 75. Nanjing, China (Presentation).
  Hautmann, M., Frank Stiller, Cai H. W. & Sha J. G., 2005. An unusual post-extinction bivalve fauna from the Triassic?Jurassic transition near Germing, souther Tibet―a preliminary report. - In: Sha J. G. & Wang Y. D. (eds.) International Symposium on the Jurassic boundary events―The First Symposium of the International Geoscience Program IGCP 506. Abstracts. November 1?4, 2005: 19?22. Nanjing, China (Presentation).
  Li Y., Sha J. G. & Jiang B. Y., 2005. Lacustrine tempestites record of bivalves from the latest Jurassic, Yixian Formation, Beipiao, Western Liaoning. - In: Sha J. G.& Wang Y. D. (eds.) International Symposium on the Jurassic boundary events―The First Symposium of the International Geoscience Program IGCP 506. Abstracts. November 1?4, 2005: 48?50. Nanjing, China.
  Pandey, D.K., Sha J. G., Fürsich, F. T. & Choudhary, S., 2005. Depositionla Environment of Bathonian sediments of the Jaisalmer Basin, Rajasthan, western India. - In: Sha J. G.& Wang Y. D. (eds.) International Symposium on the Jurassic boundary events―The First Symposium of the International Geoscience Program IGCP 506. Abstracts. November 1?4, 2005: 66?68. Nanjing, China (Presentation).
  Eagle, M.K. & Sha J. G., 2006. Occurrence of Chariocrinus (Articulata: Isocrinina) in the Palaeotethyan Hohxil region, Qinghai, Tibet, the People’s Republic of China. - In: Yang Q., Wang Y. D.& Weldon, E.A. (eds.) Ancient life and modern approaches. Abstracts of the 2nd International Palaeontological Congress June 17-21, 2006, Beijing, China: 418-419; Hefei (University of Science and Technology of China Press) ((Presentation, formally published).
  Johnson, A. L. A., Liquorish, M. N. & Sha, J. G., 2006. Variation in growth-rate and form of the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) oyster Praeexogyra hebridica in England, and its wider palaeoenvironmental implications. - In: Yang Q., Wang Y. D.& Weldon, E. A. (eds.) Ancient life and modern approaches. Abstracts of the 2nd International Palaeontological Congress June 17-21, 2006, Beijing, China: 421-422; Hefei (University of Science and Technology of China Press) (Presentation, formally published).
  Pan Y. H.& Sha J. G., 2006. Jurassic unioid Bivalvia from Viet Nam: scenario for palaeogeographic relations between northern Viet Nam and southern China. - In: Yang Q., Wang Y. D.& Weldon, E. A. (eds.) Ancient life and modern approaches. Abstracts of the 2nd International Palaeontological Congress June 17-21, 2006, Beijing, China: 424; Hefei (University of Science and Technology of China Press) (Presentation, formally published).
  Sha J. G., Chen S. W., Cai H. W., Jiang B. Y., Yao X. G., Pan Y. H., Wang J. P., Zhu Y. H. & He C. Q., 2006. Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in northeastern China: placement based on buchiid bivalves and dinoflagellate cysts. -In: Yang Q., Wang Y. D.& Weldon, E.A. (eds.) Ancient life and modern approaches. Abstracts of the 2nd International Palaeontological Congress June 17-21, 2006, Beijing, China: 424-425; Hefei (University of Science and Technology of China Press) (Keynote, formally published).
  Sha J. G.& Hirano, H., 2007. From rift/ocean basin to high frigid plateau: Evolution of the source area of the Yangtze River. - Abstracts with Programs. The 156th regular meeting. The Palaeontological Society of Japan. February 2-4, 2007: 10. Tokushima, Tokushima Pref., Japan (Specially Invited Presentation).
  Sha J. G.& Hirano, H., 2007. Stratigraphy near the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary of northeastern China: The age of the Jehol Group. - Abstract of the International Geological Correlation Programme 506 – Jurassic Marine: Non-marine–marine Correlation. University of Bristol 4-8 July, 2007 (Presentation).
  沙金庚,2007. 中国东北地区侏罗–白垩系界线:海相与非海相对比. - 中国古生物学会第24届学术年会论文摘要集:51-52. 中国古生物学会第24届学术年会. 2007年9月14-17日; 中国山东平邑(大会报告).
  Sha J. G., Cai H. W., Pan Y. H., Wang Y. Q., Zhang X. L. & Yao X. G., 2008. Jurassic system of Qinghai–Xizang Plateau, China. - Abstract volume. The 5th International Symposium of IGCP 506 on: Marine and non-marine Jurassic: global correlation and major geological events: 75. Tunisia (Hammamet), March 28-31, 2008(Keynote).
  Jiang B. Y., Sha J. G. & Pan Y. H., 2008. Some Early Jurassic non-marine bivalves from the southern Junggar Basin, NW China. - Abstract volume. The 5th International Symposium of IGCP 506 on: Marine and non-marine Jurassic: global correlation and major geological events: 71. Tunisia (Hammamet), March 28-31, 2008 (Presentation).
  Sha J. G., Cai H. W., Pan Y. H., Wen S. X.., Lan X., Zhang X. L. & Yao X. G., 2008. Distribution pattern of Cretaceous rudists in western China and its tectonic significance. - Actracts. 8th International Congress on Rudists. Cretaceous Rudists and Carbonate Platforms: 25-26. Izmir, Turkey, June 23-25, 2008 (Presentation).
  Scott, R.W., Wan X. Q., Sha J. G. & Wen S. X., 2008 Rudists of Tibet and Tarim Basin: Biostratigraphic and biogeographic significance. - Actracts. Eighth Internationak Congress on Rudists. Cretaceous Rudists and Carbonate Platforms: 24. Izmir, Turkey, June 23-25, 2008 (Presentation).
  Sha J. G., 2008. Marine and terrestrial Jurassic system of China. - Abstract of the 33rd International Geological Congress. HPF-09 Marine and non-marine Jurassic; Global correlation and major geological events. Oslo, Aug 6-14, 2008 (Keynote).
  Zakharov, Y. & Sha J. G., 2008. Permian to Jurassic oscillations in the Eastern Asian continental margin: Palaeontological and isotope evidences. - Abstract of the 33rd International Geological Congress. HPF-09 Marine and non-marine Jurassic; Global correlation and major geological events. Oslo, Aug 6-14, 2008 (Presentation).
  Liu B. L.& Sha J. G., 2008. A hydrosphere spending hypothesis of the Earth hydrosphere in the geological age. - Abstract of the 33rd International Geological Congress. OSP-01 General contributions to marine geoscience & paleoceanography. Oslo, Aug 6-14, 2008.
  Sha J. G., 2009. Cretaceous stratigraphy and geography of northeast China. - In: Hart, M. B. ed. 8th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System. Abstract Volume: 142. University of Plymouth, 6th–12th September 2009 (Presentation, formally published).
  Sha J. G., 2009. Historical distribution patterns of trigonioidids (non-marine Cretaceous bivalves) in Asia and their palaeogeographic significance. – In: Buscalioni, á. D. & Martínez, M. F. eds. 10th International Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota. Abstracts: 47–48. Teruel, 17–19 September, 2009 (Presentation, formally published).
  沙金庚,蔡华伟,泮燕红,姚小刚,王亚琼,张晓林,彭博,饶馨,2009. 中国东北地区晚中生代的海侵及其构造、聚煤和成油意义. –中国古生物学会第十次全国会员代表大会暨第25届学术年会——纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年,论文摘要:185?186. 2009年10月,南京(口头报告).
  徐道一,沙金庚,王亚琼,张晓林, 2009. 新疆乌鲁木齐市郝家沟剖面八道湾组的天文地层研究. –中国古生物学会第十次全国会员代表大会暨第25届学术年会——纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年,论文摘要:171?172. 2009年10月,南京(口头报告).
  王亚琼,沙金庚,张晓林,彭博,饶馨,2009. 辽西义县组金刚山层介形类化石及其沉积微相. –中国古生物学会第十次全国会员代表大会暨第25届学术年会——纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年,论文摘要:185. 2009年10月,南京(口头报告).
  张晓林,沙金庚,姚小刚,泮燕红,王亚琼,彭博,饶馨,2009. 辽西四合屯珍惜化石层的微量元素地球化学特征及其古环境指示意义. - 中国古生物学会第十次全国会员代表大会暨第25届学术年会——纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年,论文摘要:191. 2009年10月,南京.
  泮燕红,沙金庚,2009. 辽西北票四合屯地区古湖泊动物群落的动态变化及受控因素. - 中国古生物学会第十次全国会员代表大会暨第25届学术年会——纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年,论文摘要:220?222. 2009年10月,南京(口头报告).
  泮燕红,沙金庚,2009. Elliptical Fourier轮廓分析结合传统形态测量法研究Sphaerium anderssoni的个体发育. - 中国古生物学会第十次全国会员代表大会暨第25届学术年会——纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年,论文摘要:222?223. 2009年10月,南京(口头报告).
  Sha J. G., 2010. Classification, stratigraphy, palaeontology and palaeobiogeography of Trigonioidacea (non-marine Cretaceous Bivalvia). - Abstracts of International Palaeontological Congress 3. London June 28?July 3, 2010: 351 (Presentation).
  Sha J. G., 2010. Potential non-marine Triassic?Jurassic and Jurassic?Cretaceous boundaries in China. - In: Comunicationes del V Congreso del Jurassico de Espa?a. Museo del Jurásioc de Asturias (MUJA), Colunga, 8?11 de septiembre de 2010 (Ruiz-Ome?aca, J.I., Pi?uela, L. & García-Ramos, Eds.). Museo del Jurásico de Asturias, Colunga: 149 (Presentation, formally published).
  Sha J. G., 2010. On marine and non-marine Jurassic correlation: A case study in China. - In: Goevents, Geological Heritage, and the Role of the IGCP (Lamolda, M. A., Díaz, E., Moreno, G.J., Maurrasse, F.J-M.R., Meléndez, G., Paul, C.R.C. & Tovar, F.J.R. (eds.). Caravaca 15th?18th September, 2010: 80. Ayuntamiento de Caravaca de la Cruz, Spain(Keynote, formally published).
  Sha J. G., Olsen, P. E., Pan Y. H., Yao X. G., Wang Y. Q., Zhang X. L., Peng B. & Rao X., 2011. Response in Mesozoic lake systems in northeast China and eastern Inner Mongolia to destruction of northern China Craton. - International Conference on Craton Formation and Destruction. Schedule & Abstracts: 97. April 25?29, 2011, Beijing, China (Post).
  Sha J. G., 2011. Bipolar and pantropical distribution patterns of the Jurassic and Cretaceous bivalves and their palaeoclimatological, palaeogeographical and stratigraphical significance. - 6th Symposium of the International Geoscience Program IGCP507 (Paleoclimates of the Cretaceous in Asia and their global correlation): 7–8. Augest 15–21, 2011, Beijing, China (Keynote).
  沙金庚, 2011. 侏罗纪和白垩纪两极和泛赤道分布双壳类的扩散机制和地层学意义. - 中国古生物学会第26届学术年会. 论文摘要: 160–161. 2011年10月21–23日, 贵州关岭(主题报告).
  泮燕红, 沙金庚, 姚小刚, 王亚琼, 张晓林, 饶馨, 彭博, 2011. 辽西四合屯早白垩世双壳类富集层的埋葬学分析.- 中国古生物学会第26届学术年会. 论文摘要: 172–173. 2011年10月21–23日, 贵州关岭(口头报告).
  张晓林, 沙金庚, 2011. 辽西四合屯早白垩世义县组尖山沟层的湖湘沉积纹层研究.- 中国古生物学会第26届学术年会. 论文摘要: 173. 2011年10月21–23日, 贵州关岭(口头报告).
  饶馨, 沙金庚, 泮燕红, 王亚琼, 张晓林, 彭博, 2011. 西藏岗巴Campanian–Maastrichtian期固着蛤化石群及其古地理意义.- 中国古生物学会第26届学术年会. 论文摘要: 180. 2011年10月21–23日, 贵州关岭(口头报告).
  王亚琼, 沙金庚, 泮燕红, 张晓林, 彭博, 2011. 中国非海相白垩纪介形类化石组合.- 中国古生物学会第26届学术年会. 论文摘要: 182. 2011年10月21–23日, 贵州关岭.
  王亚琼, 沙金庚, 泮燕红, 张晓林, 饶馨, 2011. 形态学分析在介形类系统分类中的应用. –中国古生物学会第26届学术年会. 论文摘要: 256–257. 2011年10月21–23日, 贵州关岭(口头报告).
  沙金庚, 2011. 中国西部固着蛤的分布模式及其构造和潜在的油藏预测意义. -中国青藏高原研究会2011年学术年会. 论文摘要: 41. 2011年11月28日12月2日, 海南三亚 (大会报告)
  Sha J. G., 2012. A comparison of Aucellina between Argentina and NE China: Relationships of bipolar bivalves. Abstract of the 34th International Geologica Congress (IGC): . Brisbane, Aug. 5?10, 2012 (Presentation).
  Sha J. G., 2012. Lower Cretaceous correlation in East Asia: Palaeogeographic implications. - In: Huh, M, Kim, H. J. & Park, J. Y. (eds.) Abstracts of The 11th Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems: 049?052. Aug. 15?18, 2012, Gwangju, Korea (Keynote).
  Sha J. G.&Hirano, H., 2012. A revised Barremian?Aptian age for the Mitarai Formation of the lower Tetori Group in the Makito area of central Japan, previously considered Middle Jurassic?earliest Cretaceous, based on the comparison of bivalve fauna. - In: Huh, M, Kim, H. J. & Park, J. Y. (eds.) Abstracts of The 11th Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems: 141?142. Aug. 15?18, 2012, Gwangju, Korea (Presentation).
  Sha J. G., 2012. Non-marine Triassic?Jurassic and Hettangian?Sinemurian boundaries of the southern margin of Junggar Basin, northwest China; Palaeoenvironmental implications. - In: Huh, M, Kim, H. J. & Park, J. Y. (eds.) Abstracts of The 11th Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems: 155?157. Aug. 15?18, 2012, Gwangju, Korea (Presentation).
  Wang Y. Q., Sha J. G. & Pan Y. H., 2012. Early Cretaceou Cypridea (non-marine Ostracoda) from Beipiao?Yixian basin in western Liaoning, northeast China. - In: Huh, M, Kim, H. J. & Park, J. Y. (eds.) Abstracts of The 11th Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems: 301?302. Aug. 15?18, 2012, Gwangju, Korea (Post).
  Sha J. G., Rao X., Pan Y. H., Wang Y. Q. & Cai H. W., 2013. Early Cretaceous stratigraphy of eastern Asia: non-marine and marine correlation. - Ciências da Terra. Volume Especial VII: 95. 1st International Congress on Stratigraphy—Strati 2013. July 1?7, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal (Presentation, formally published).
  Rao X., Skelton, P. W., Sha J. G. & Cai H. W., 2014. Rudists from the Langshan Formation, northern Tibet. – Pons, J. M. & Vicens, E. (eds.) Scientific Program and Abstracts of Tenth International Congress on Rudist Bivalves Bellaterra: 26?27. June 22?27, 2014, Barcelona, Spain(Presentation).
  Sha J. G. & Rao X., 2014. Major drifting progresses of Indian Plate: Based on historical distribution of bivalvesrudists and Aucellina in Neotethys. - Pons, J. M. & Vicens, E. (eds.) Scientific Program and Abstracts of Tenth International Congress on Rudist Bivalves Bellaterra: 30?31. June 22?27, 2014, Barcelona, Spain(Presentation).
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  沙金庚,1981. 福建宁化禾口盆地早白垩世非海相双壳类—兼论TrigonioidesPlicatounio的铰齿构造. -中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所硕士论文:218页.
  Sha J. G., 1989. Buchiid and trigonioidid faunas of eastern Heilongjiang, northeast China. - Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica Ph. D. Thesis: 535 pp.

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