

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-04

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王伟铭 性 别:

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Wang Weiming*, Li Chunhai, Shu Junwu, Chen Wei, 2019. Changes of vegetation in southern China. Science China, Earth Sciences, 62(8): 1316-1328 (*通讯作者)
王伟铭*, 李春海, 舒军武, 陈炜, 2019. 中国南方植被的变化. 中国科学: 地球科学, 49(8): 1308-1320 (*通讯作者)
Zhang Shu-Qin, Wang Wei-Ming*, Sun Ge, Wang Pu-Jun, Gao You-Feng, Yang Tao, Chen Chong-Yang, Wang Yan-Quan, 2019. Late Cenozoic palynofloras revealing significant environment and climate changes in Changbai Mountain area, NE China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 261: 1-10 (*通讯作者)
Zheng Daran, Shi Gongle, Hemming Sidney R., Zhang Haichun, Wang Weiming, Wang Bo, Chang Su-Chin, 2019. Age constraints on a Neogene tropical rainforest in China and its relation to the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 518: 82-88
Wang Weiming, 2018. Rice. In Sandra L. Lòpez Varela (ed.): The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1-4. DOI: 10.1002/30.saseas0508
Lai Yang-Jun, Li Shu-JIe, Wang Weiming*, 2018. Evolutionary trends in leaf morphology and biogeography of Altingiaceae based on fossil evidence. Palaeoworld, 27: 415-422(*通讯作者)
Yang Yi, Wang Wei-Ming*, Shu Jun-Wu, Chen Wei, 2018. Miocene palynoflora from Shengxian Formation, Zhejiang Province, southeast China and its palaeovegetational and palaeoenvironmental implications. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 259: 185-197 (*通讯作者)
Li Jianyong, Dodson John, Yan Hong, Wang Weiming*, Innes B. James, Zong Yongqiang, Zhang Xiaojian, Xu Qinghai, Ni Jian, Lu Fengyan, 2018. Quantitative Holocene climatic reconstructions for the lower Yangtze region of China. Climate Dynamics, 50: 1101-1113(*通讯作者)
刘丰豪, 胡建芳, 王伟铭, 童晓宁, 黄 超, 廖伟森, 2018. 8.0 ka BP以来长江中下游南漪湖沉积记录的正构 烷烃及其单体碳同位素组成特征和古气候意义. 地球化学,47(1):89-101
梁钰莹,李冬玲,沙龙滨,舒军武,王伟铭, 2018. 浙江湘湖早-中全新世的硅藻记录及沉积环境演变. 第四纪研究,38(4):842-853
Meng Yuting, Wang Weiming*, Hu Jianfang, Zhang Jixiao, Lai Yangjun, 2017. Vegetation and climate change of the last 30,000 years in Leizhou Peninsula,South China, inferred from pollen records of Huguangyan Maar Lake sediment. Boreas, 46: 525-540(*通讯作者)
Wang Weiming*, Cheng Yennien, Shan Hsiyin, 2017. Miocene palynoflora and its climatic significance in Penghu Islands, Taiwan. In: Yang Qun et al. (eds.). Critical Intervals in Earth History: Palaeobiological Innovations. Abstract Volume of the 2nd Joint Conference of the Palaeontological Society of China and the Pal?ontogische Gesellschaft. Hefei: University of Science and Technology of China Press, 366-368(*通讯作者)
Kern K. Andrea, Kovar-Eder Johanna, Stachura-Suchoples Katarzyna, Wang Wei-Ming, Wang Pujun, 2016. Radiometric dating re-evaluating the paleoenvironment and paleoclimate around the Plio–Pleistocene boundary in NE China (Changbai Mountains). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 224(2): 134-145.
Zhou Xiaodan, Xu Hankui, Wang Weiming(兼英译), Sun Daliang, Tao Kuiyuan, 2016. Nanjing Yuhua Pebble. London: Xanadu Publishing LTD, 1-187.
周晓丹,许汉奎,王伟铭,孙大亮、陶奎元,2016. 南京雨花石. 江苏凤凰科学技术出版社,江苏凤凰美术出版社,1-182.
吴燕妮,李冬玲,沙龙滨,舒军武,王伟铭,徐晓群,2016.浙江白马湖地区硅藻记录的早中全新世海平面上升事件. 古生物学报,55(4):495-507.  
王伟铭,陈耿娇,廖卫,2015. 广西南宁盆地渐新世孢粉植物群及其古环境意义. 第四纪研究, 35(3):650-659
王伟铭,张继效,2015. 孢粉分析. In: 大理白族自治州文物管理所,云南省文物考古研究所,剑川县文物管理所编. 剑川象鼻洞旧石器遗址研究. 北京:文物出版社,16-19
王伟铭,2015. 第四纪:人类演化的环境历史. 科学世界,12:8-9 (科普论文)
王伟铭,周晓丹,邵家骥,孙大亮,张祥云,蒋青,2014. 南京附近晚新生代砂砾层和含化石雨花石研究. 地层学杂志,38(4):425-432
Jacques M. B. Frederic,Shi Gongle,Li Haomin, Wang Weiming*,2014. An early-middle Eocene Antarctic summer monsoon: Evidence of 'fossil climates'. Gondwana Research, 25: 1422–1428 (*通讯作者)
孟玉婷,王伟铭*,李保华,丁金龙,2014. 长江三角洲锦溪地区全新世气候适宜期孢粉组合及其环境意义. 古生物学报,53(2):201-209(*通讯作者)
张继效,王伟铭*,高峰, 2014. 云南剑川象鼻洞遗址孢粉组合和古环境分析. 地球科学与环境学报, 36(4):134-142(*通讯作者)
郭启梅,李保华,王伟铭,蓝琇,丁金龙,2014. 昆山白莲湖牡蛎层年代及古环境初探. 微体古生物学报,31(2):147-153
李春海,陈杰,王伟铭,2014. 上海松江广富林遗址的孢粉记录. In:上海博物馆编. 广富林考古发掘与学术研究论文集. 上海:上海古籍出版社,290-298
Wang Wei-Ming, Zhou Zhe-Kun, 2013. Neogene climate evolution in Eastern Eurasia with special reference to floral changes under the influence of monsoon. Palaeoworld, 22(3-4): 73-76
Wang Wei-Ming, Shu Jun-Wu, 2013. Cenozoic xeromorphic vegetation in China and its spatial and temporal development in connection with global changes. Palaeoworld, 22(3-4): 86-92
Wang Wei-Ming, Zhou Zhe-Kun (eds.), 2013. Neogene climate evolution in Eastern Eurasia. Palaeoworld, 22(3-4): 73-168
Jacques M. B. Frederic,Shi Gongle,Wang Weiming*,2013. Neogene zonal vegetation of China and the evolution of the winter monsoon. Bulletin of Geosciences, 88(1): 175-193 (*通讯作者)
Shu Jun-Wu, Wang Wei-Ming*, 2013. A Miocene pollen flora from the petroliferous deposits in the Bohai Bay Basin, North China, and its palaeoclimatic and stratigraphic significance. Palaeoworld, 22(3-4): 109-118 (*通讯作者)
王伟铭,周晓丹,2013. 南京附近晚新生代砂砾层和雨花石. In: 陈旭,袁训来 (主编). 地层学与古生物学研究生华南野外实习指南. 合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社,46-49
王伟铭,毛方园,2013. 生长和形态. In: 樊隽轩,詹仁斌等 (译). 古生物学原理 (第三版). 北京:科学出版社,28-53(译文)
Wang Wei-Ming,Shu Jun-Wu, 2013. Environmental and cultural dynamics since latest Pleistocene in Southeast China. In: Reitner J., Yang Qun, Wang Yongdong, Reich M. (Eds.), Palaeobiology and Geobiology of Fossil Lagerst?tten through Earth History. Abstracts: A Joint Conference of the “Pal?ntologische Gesellschaft” and the “Palaeontological Society of China”. G?ttingen: Universit?tsdrucke G?ttingen, 178-179 (分会场口头报告摘要)
王伟铭,2013. 台湾澎湖列岛新近纪火山岩系的分布及其沉积夹层的生物地层学意义. 地层学杂志,37(4):570(第四届全国地层会议论文摘要)
王伟铭,李建国,毛礼米,2012. 欧亚大陆新近纪气候演化(NECLIME)研究进展与展望. 古生物学报, 51( 4): 502-507
Chen Wei, Wang Wei-Ming, 2012. Middle-Late Holocene vegetation history and environment changes revealed by pollen analysis of a core at Qingdao of Shandong Province, East China. Quaternary International, 254: 68-72
Yi Sangheon, Wang Wei-Ming, Takahara Hikaru, 2012. Holocene vegetation dynamics and human impact: Agricultural activities and rice cultivation in East Asia II. Quaternary International, 254: 1-2
Shu Jun-wu, Wang Wei-ming,2012. A unique Middle Pleistocene beech (Fagus)-rich deciduous broad-leaved forest in the Yangtze Delta Plain, East China: Its climatic and stratigraphic implication. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 56: 180-190
Shu Jun-Wu, Wang Wei-Ming, Jiang Le-Ping, 2012. Did alder (Alnus) fires trigger rice cultivation in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, East China? Palaeoworld, 21: 69–73
周晓丹, 许汉奎, 王伟铭, 孙大亮, 陶奎元, 2012. 远古的奇观——南京雨花石. 江苏科学技术出版社,1-127(科普专著)
Yi Sangheon, Wang Wei-Ming, Takahara Hikaru (eds.), 2012. Holocene vegetation dynamics and human impact: Agricultural activities and rice cultivation in East Asia II. Quaternary International, 254(1): 1-158
Wang Wei-Ming, Li Jian-Guo (eds.), 2012. Program and abstracts, NECLIME Symposium, Nanjing, China, May 27-29. Nanjing: Oranizing Committee, 1-52
Wang Wei-Ming, 2012. Practical palynology, broad promises and limitations. Abstracts: IPC/IOPC 2012. Japanese Journal of Palynology, 58(Special Issue): 252-253(大会特邀主题报告摘要)
Wang Wei-Ming, Shu Jun-Wu, 2012. Environmental and cultural dynamics, recent development in study on natural background of prehistorical agriculture in Southeast China. Abstracts: IPC/IOPC 2012. Japanese Journal of Palynology, 58(Special Issue): 252-253(分会场口头报告摘要)
Shu Jun-wu, Takahara Hikaru, Wang Wei-Ming, Sasaki Naoko, Jiang Le-Ping, Hase Yoshitaka, 2012. Contrasting human’s role in Holocene vegetation history in the lower Yangtze River, east China and Aso Caldera, southwest Japan: evidence from pollen, phytolith and charcoal data. Abstracts: IPC/IOPC 2012. Japanese Journal of Palynology, 58(Special Issue): 214(分会场口头报告摘要)
王伟铭,2011. 中国新近纪植被和环境研究中的几个问题讨论. 第四纪研究,31(4): 589-596
王伟铭,舒军武,丁金龙,陈炜,2011. 绰墩遗址的孢粉植物群与古环境研究. In: 丁金龙(主编).昆山绰墩遗址. 北京:文物出版社, 343-355
王伟铭,2011. 中国稻作农业溯源. 大自然,2:76-81(科普论文)
Jacques M.B.Frédéric, Su Tao, Spicer A.Robert, Xing Yaowu, Huang Yongjiang, Wang Weiming*, Zhou Zhekun, 2011. Leaf physiognomy and climate: Are monsoon systems different? Global and Planetary Change, 76:56-62(*通讯作者)
Jacques MB Frédéric, Shi Gongle, Wang Weiming*, 2011. Reconstruction of Neogene zonal vegetation in South China using the Integrated Plant Record (IPR) analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 307: 272-284(*通讯作者)
Wang Wei-Ming, 2011. Monsoon climate: different development and influence on the Late Cenozoic floras in Japan and East China. 12tth Annuall NECLIME Meettiing, Program and Abstracts. Anuarul Institutului Geologic Al Romaniei (Special Issue): 41 (国际会议论文摘要)
徐汉奎,王伟铭,2011. 鬼斧神工——澎湖列岛柱状火山岩奇观. 大众科学, 3: 18-19(科普论文)
毛礼米,王伟铭,舒军武,杨小丽,2011. 长江三角洲地区全新世蕨类孢子与藻类——以奉贤DY03钻孔的产出类型为例. 古生物学报,50(2):154-165
邢立达, 杰瑞德 D 哈里斯,杰勒德 D 杰尔林斯基, 王伟铭, 王智勇, 李大庆, 2011. 中国四川盆地南缘白垩纪中期的非鸟兽脚类行迹. 古生物学报, 50( 4) : 470- 480
Wang Wei-Ming, Ding Jin-Long, Shu Jun-Wu, Chen Wei, 2010. Exploration of early rice farming in China. Quaternary International, 227: 22-28
王伟铭,舒军武,陈 炜,丁金龙,2010. 长江三角洲地区全新世环境变化与人类活动的影响. 第四纪研究,30(2):233-244
王伟铭,欧阳舒、郑卓、朱怀诚,2010. 孢粉学. In: 中国古生物学会(编著). 古生物学学科发展报告. 北京:中国科学技术出版社,131-139, 203-206
Shu Junwu, Wang Weiming, Jiang Leping, Takahara Hikaru, 2010. Early Neolithic vegetation history, fire regime and human activity at Kuahuqiao, Zhejiang Province, East China: a new and improved insight. Quaternary International, 227: 10-21
Yi Sangheon, Wang Wei-Ming, Takahara Hikaru, 2010. Holocene vegetation dynamics and human impact, I: Agricultural activities and rice cultivation in East Asia. Quaternary International, 227: 1-2
舒军武, 王希华, 秦际威, 王伟铭, 2010. 浙江宁波天童山国家森林公园表土花粉初步分析. 微体古生物学报, 27(3): 253-262
周晓丹, 王伟铭,2010. 走进南京地质博物馆. 生物进化, 3: 55-58, 封2, 3(科普论文)
Yi Sangheon, Wang Wei-Ming, Takahara Hikaru (eds.), 2010. Holocene vegetation dynamics and human impact, I: Agricultural activities and rice cultivation in East Asia. Quaternary International, 227(1): 1-80
王伟铭,邓涛,2009. 新近系谢家阶层型剖面的孢粉植物群及其意义. 古生物学报,48(1): 1-8
王伟铭,舒军武,邓涛,2009. 中国新近纪孢粉植物群的区域定位与环境响应. 古生物学报,48(2): 175-184
王伟铭,2009. 中国孢粉学发展的契机与抉择. 古生物学报,48(2):290-292
王伟铭,2009. 中国孢粉学的研究进展与展望. 古生物学报,48(3):338-346
王伟铭,2009. 麦塞尔化石遗址寻绎. 生物进化,2:46-51(科普论文)
王伟铭,尹崇玉,郑卓,万传彪,李建国(编辑),2009. 中国古生物学会孢粉学分会成立三十周年纪念论文集。古生物学报,48(2):139-292
王伟铭,朱怀诚,2009. 孢粉和植硅体. 见:古生物学名词审定委员会:古生物名词(第二版). 北京:科学出版社,122-129
Chen Wei, Wang Wei-Ming*, Dai Xue-Rong, 2009. Holocene vegetation history with implication of human impact in the lake Chaohu area, Anhui Province, East China. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 18: 137-146 (*通讯作者)
Fang Aimin, Liu Xiaohan, Wang Weiming, Huang Feixin, Yu Lianjun, 2009. Cenozoic terrestrial palynological assemblages in the glacial erratics from the Grove Mountains, east Antarctica. Progress in Natural Science, 19(7): 851-859.
周山富,周荔青,王伟铭,吴聿元,杨学英,2009. 江苏白垩系及其被子植物花粉和演化。杭州:浙江大学出版社,1-470; 图板1-64
李泉,吕厚远,王伟铭,2009. 国际植硅体命名法规(International Code for Phytolith Nomenclature 1.0)的介绍与讨论. 古生物学报,48(1):131-138
李建国,王伟铭,2009. 春华秋实,友谊花开—第12届国际孢粉学大会及中国代表团活动侧记. 微体古生物学报,26(1):92-95
舒军武,毛方园,王伟铭,王元青,2009. 内蒙古中部四子王旗荒漠草原过渡带表土花粉分析. 微体古生物学报,26(4):373-381
王伟铭, 2008. 吐鲁番沙漠植物园侧记. 生物进化, 2: 48-51(科普论文)
王伟铭, 2008. 水杉的故事. 生物进化, 4: 44-48(科普论文)
Shu Jun-Wu, Wang Wei-Ming, Leopold Estella B., Wang Jin-Shan, Yin De-Shun, 2008. Pollen stratigraphy of coal-bearing deposits in the Neogene Jidong Basin, Heilongjiang Province, NE China: insights on the palaeoenvironment and ages. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 148: 163-183
Wang Wei-Ming, Shu Jun-Wu, Ding Jin-Long, Chen Wei,2008. Early agriculture, Holocene vegetation history and human environmental interactions in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, East China. Terra Nostra, 2008/2(IPC/IOPC Abstract Volume): 301(分会场口头报告摘要)
Shu Jun-Wu, Wang Wei-Ming, Jiang Le-Ping,2008. Neolithic rice agriculture and Holocene vegetation history: a case study in the inner hilly lowlands of the lower Yangtze, East China. Terra Nostra, 2008/2(IPC/IOPC Abstract Volume): 256(分会场口头报告摘要)
舒军武, 王伟铭, 陈 晔, 2008. 太湖平原西北部全新世以来沉积环境演变. 地层学杂志, 32(2): 146-152
宋之琛,王伟铭,毛方园,2008. 依据孢粉资料探讨我国西北地区第三纪时期的干旱化及其与季风的关系. 古生物学报., 47(3): 265-272
邓涛,王伟铭,岳乐平,2008. 中国陆相新近系山旺阶和保德阶综合研究报告.《中国主要断代地层建阶研究报告》,北京:地质出版社, 13-31
邓涛,王伟铭,岳乐平,2008. 中国陆相新近系谢家阶综合研究报告.《中国主要断代地层建阶研究报告》,北京:地质出版社, 32-40
伊奈治行,齊藤毅,川瀬基弘,王偉銘,2007. 岐阜県南部の下部中新統中村層から産したLiquidambar (フウ属,マンサク科)の葉,果実および花粉化石.地質学雑誌,113(10): 542-545
王伟铭,房迎山,2007. 洞穴剖面黏土样品孢粉分析。In:房迎山,董为等(主编). 南京驼子洞早更新世哺乳动物群. 北京:科学出版社,162-164
王伟铭,房迎山,2007. 古植被与古气候探讨。In 房迎山,董为等(主编). 南京驼子洞早更新世哺乳动物群. 北京:科学出版社,168-170
王伟铭,2007. 丘园植物世界巡礼. 生物进化,3:58-60(科普论文)
Wang Wei-Ming, 2007. Erratum to “Correlation of pollen sequences in the Neogene palynofloristic regions of China” [Palaeoworld 15(1) (2006) 77–99]. Palaeoworld , 16 (4) : 329
Wang Wei-Ming, 2007. Neogene vegetation and environment in North China——Progress in research and prospect. In: Sun G, Mosbrugger V, Sun YW, Bruch A (eds.). Proceedings of Int’l Symposium for Sino-German Cooperation on Geology and Environmental Changes in Northern China. Urumqi, China, 33-36
Wang Wei-Ming, Zhou Xiao-Dan, Yu Zi-Ye, Yang Hao. 2007. Phytoliths in laterite reveal climate cycles in the Pleistocene lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Quaternary International, 167-168 (Supplement): 439(XVII INQUA 大会分会场口头报告摘要)
舒军武,王伟铭,尹德顺,王金山,2007. 黑龙江鸡东盆地中中新世湖盆演化和植被变化研究. 地层学杂志,31(3): 247-254
舒军武,王伟铭,陈炜, 2007. 太湖平原西北部全新世以来植被与环境变化. 微体古生物学报, 24(2): 210-221
舒军武,王伟铭,王爱根,2007. 江苏宜兴龙池山表土孢粉的初步研究. 古生物学报,46(3): 340-346
Shu Jun-Wu, Wei-Ming Wang, 2007. Holocene vegetation history, climate changes and human-environment interactions in the Yangtze River Delta, East China. Quaternary International, 167-168 (Supplement): 382-383(XVII INQUA 大会分会场口头报告)
Wust R., Rieley J., Page S., van der Kaars S., Wang Wei-Ming, Jacobsen G, Smith A., 2007. Peatland evolution in southeast Asia during the last 35,000 cal years: implications for evaluating their carbon storage potential. Proceedings of The International Symposium and Workshop on Tropical Peatland, Yogyakarta, 27-29 August 2007, EU CARBOPEAT and RESTORPEAT Partnership, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia and University of Leicester, United Kingdom, 25-40
Wang Wei-Ming, 2006. Correlation of pollen sequences in the Neogene palynofloristic regions of China. Palaeoworld, 15: 77-99
王伟铭,陈炜,舒军武,2006. 中国新生代典型旱生被子植物的演化与发展. In:戎嘉余(主编),方宗杰,周忠和,詹仁斌,王向东,袁训来(副主编). 生物的起源、辐射与多样性演变——华夏化石记录的启示. 北京:科学出版社,769-781,955-957
刘金陵,王伟铭,2006. 再论南京直立人和北京直立人的年代与环境. 古生物学报,45(3): 410-415
邓涛,王伟铭,岳乐平, 2006. 中国陆相中新统谢家阶. 地层学杂志, 30(4): 315-322
李春海,陈杰,王伟铭,2006. 上海松江广富林遗址的孢粉记录. 微体古生物学报23(2): 175-181
Charreau J., Gilder S., Chen Yan, Dominguez, S., Avouac, J., Sen, S., Jolivet, M., Li Yongan, Wang Weiming, 2006. Magnetostratigraphy of the Yaha section, Tarim Bsin (China): 11 Ma acceleration in erosion and uplift of the Tian Shan mountains. Geology, 34(3): 181-184
胡东生,张华京,徐 冰,张国伟,李世杰,彭渤,王伟铭,陈诗越,徐士进,田新洪, 2006. 青藏高原湖泊动态变化的地球卫星遥感监测及地球动力学分析. 中国工程科学, 8(5): 33-44
王伟铭,邓涛,2005. 新近系研究进展简介. 地层学杂志,29(2): 104-108
宋之琛,王伟铭,黄翡,2005. 中国椴粉属Tiliaepollenites花粉的植物关系及其意义. 古生物学报, 44(1): 36-43
Song Zhichen, Wang Weiming, Huang Fei, 2005. Occurrence of Jiangsupollis from Upper Cretaceous of North Eastern India and its significance. Palaeobotanist, 54: 79-85
Fang Aimin, Jiu Xiaohan, Wang Weiming, Li Xiaoli, Yu Liangjun, Huang Feixin, 2005. Preliminary study on the spore-pollen assemblages found in the Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in Grove M ountains,east Antarctica and its climatic implications. Chinese Journal of Polar Science, 16(1): 23-32
Charreau J., Chen Y., Gilderb S., Dominguez S., Avouacd J.-P., Sene S., Sun Dongjiang, Li Yongan, Wang Wei-Ming, 2005. Magnetostratigraphy and rock magnetism of the Neogene Kuitun He section (northwest China): implications Late Cenozoic uplift of the Tianshan mountains. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 230: 177– 192
王伟铭, 李建国, 2005. 中国古生物学会孢粉学分会第七届会员代表大会暨七届一次学术年会在广东中山大学召开. 古生物学报, 44(4): 598(会议报道)
王伟铭,舒军武,2005. 《Fossil Plants and Spores: modern techniques》(eds., Jones, T.P. & Rowe, N.P., 1999, Geological Society, London) 一书的第八部分—古气候学,共6章. 中国科学技术大学出版社,257-290(译文)
Wang Wei-Ming, 2004. On the origin and development of Artemisia (Asteraceae) in the geological past. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 145: 331-336
Wang Wei-Ming and Harley M. M., 2004. The Miocene genus Fupingopollenites: comparisons with ultrastructure and pseudocolpi in modern pollen. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 131: 117-145
王伟铭,舒军武,2004. 云南曲靖盆地晚新生代孢粉植物群. 古生物学报, 43(2): 254-261
王伟铭, 舒军武, 陈炜, 2004. 第四系重新定义的有关建议. 地层学杂志, 28(4): 319-320
Liu Jinling, Wang Weiming, 2004. Homo erectus pekinensis’ age and environment—with discussion on the relationship among Homo erectus from Beijing, Nanjing and Chenjiawo. Science in China Ser. D Earth Sciences, 47(1): 68-77
刘金陵,王伟铭, 2004. 关于华南地区末次冰盛期植被类型的讨论. 第四纪研究, 24(2): 213-216
Song Zhi-chen, Wang Wei-ming and Huang Fei, 2004. Fossil pollen records of extant Angiosperms in China. The Botanical Review, 70(4): 425-458
邓涛,王伟铭,邱占祥,岳乐平,张云翔, 2004. 新近系保德阶建阶研究新进展. 地层学杂志, 28(1): 41-47
方爱民, 刘小汉, 王伟铭, 俞良军, 李潇丽, 黄费新, 2004. 东南极格罗夫山地区新生代冰碛岩(物)中孢粉的发现及其意义. 第四纪研究,23(6):245-253
王伟铭、刘金陵、周晓丹,2003. 南京直立人洞穴沉积的植硅体气候指数研究. 科学通报,48(11):1205-1208
Wang Weiming, Liu Jinling and Zhou Xiaodan, 2003. Climate indexes of phytoliths from Homo erectus’ cave deposits in Nanjing. Chinese Science Bulletin 48(18): 2005-2009
Wang Wei-Ming, 2003. An exquisite atlas on pollen morphology of Umbelliferae in China. Grana 42(4): 255
Wang Wei-Ming, 2003. 2002 annual meeting of Palynological Society of China held in Hefei. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 42(1): 148 (会议报道)
王伟铭,陈耿娇,陈运发,邝国敦,2003. 广西宁明盆地第三纪孢粉植物群及其地层意义. 地层学杂志27(4): 324-327
邓涛,王伟铭,岳乐平,2003. 中国新近系山旺阶建阶研究新进展. 古脊椎动物学报41(4): 314-323。
刘金陵,王伟铭,2003. 北京直立人的时代与环境—兼论北京、南京和陈家窝直立人之间的关系. 中国科学(D), 33(5): 425-432
Liu Geng-Wu, Wang Wei-Ming, Ouyang Shu, Sun Xiang-Jun (eds.), 2003. Proceedings of 10th International Palynological Congress, Nanjing, China, June 24-30, 2000 (2). Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 42(1): 1-149.
王伟铭,李经荣,王京东,贺振健, 2002. 山东章丘上新世巴漏河组和更新统孢粉植物群. 古生物学报 41(1): 72-76
王伟铭, 2002. 早古近纪气候与生物群国际研讨会在怀俄明州召开. 古生物学报 41(3): 469 (会议报道)
周晓丹,王伟铭,2002. 全球上新统-更新统界线层型剖面和点位介绍. 地层学杂志,26(2): 156-159
Liu Gengwu, Leopold E.B., Liu Yun, Wang Weiming, Yu Ziye, Tong Guobang, 2002. Palynological record of Pliocene climate events in North China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 119 (3-4): 335-340
吕厚远,贾继伟,王伟铭,王永吉,廖淦标,2002. “植硅体”含义和禾本科植硅体的分类. 微体古生物学报,19(4): 389-396
郑祥民,赵健,周立旻,王伟铭,2002. 东海嵊山岛风尘黄土中的植物硅酸体与环境研究. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 22(1): 25-30
童国榜,贾秀梅, 郑绵平,袁鹤然,刘俊英,王伟铭,2002. 江汉盆地始新世中、晚期气候变化周期性的孢粉学证据. 地球学报,23(2): 159-164
Tong Guobang, Liu Zhiming, Zheng Mianping, Wang Weiming, 2002. Primary study on quantitative reconstruction of Middle-Late Eocene climate In Jianghan Basin. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 13(3): 252-259
童国榜,刘志明, 郑绵平,袁鹤然,刘俊英,王伟铭,李月丛,2002. 江汉盆地始新世中、晚期古气侯定量重建初探. 地球科学,27(4): 446-451
Liu Geng-Wu, Wang Wei-Ming, Ouyang Shu, Sun Xiang-Jun (eds.), 2002. Proceedings of 10th International Palynological Congress, Nanjing, China, June 24-30, 2000 (1). Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 41(4): 471-610
王伟铭,刘金陵,2002. 植硅体. 见:吴汝康,李星学等编著,南京直立人与生活环境. 南京:江苏科学技术出版社,153-162;223-224;242-243;296-297
刘金陵,王伟铭,黄翡,2002. 孢子花粉. 见:吴汝康,李星学等编著. 南京直立人. 南京:江苏科学技术出版社,137-153;222-223;240-241;289-296
刘金陵,王伟铭, 2002. 地质时代和环境. 见:吴汝康,李星学等编著. 南京直立人与生活环境. 南京:江苏科学技术出版社,162-167;297-301
山野井徹,王偉銘,本田康夫,阿子島功,湯沢洋一郎,鈴木雅宏,檀原徹,長澤一雄,小野寺忠男,2001. 山形県米沢市の堀立川遊水地に現れた地層. 第四紀研究,40(5): 415-421
Wang Wei-ming, 2001. Recent advance in Palynology. Episodes, 24(1): 45-47
Wang Wei-Ming, Saito T., Nakagawa T.,2001. Palynostratigraphy and climatic implications of Neogene deposits in the Himi area of Toyama Prefecture, central Japan. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 117(4): 281-295
Wang Wei-Ming, Huang Fei, Saito T., 2001. Prospects for phytolith study on Quaternary laterite in South China. In: Meunier JD and Colin F. (eds.), Phytoliths: Applications in Earth Science and Human History. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema Publishers, 371-378.
王伟铭,2001. 第三届国际植硅石研究会议在布鲁塞尔召开(2000年8月21-25日,比利时). 微体古生物学报,18(1): 34 (会议报道)
王伟铭,2001. 第十届国际孢粉学大会在中国南京举行. 古生物学报,40(1): 151
周山富,王伟铭, 2001. 江苏句容白垩纪葛村组花粉一新属及其地史分布. 古生物学报,40(4): 457-462
周晓丹,王伟铭 (编译),2001. 全球始新统-渐新统界线层型简介. 地层学杂志,25(4): 312-314
童国榜,郑绵平,王伟铭,袁鹤然,刘俊英,沈振枢,2001. 广西百色盆地始新世孢粉组合与环境. 地层学杂志,25(4): 273-278
童国榜,郑绵平,袁鹤然,刘俊英,李月丛,王伟铭,2001. 江汉盆地始新世中、晚期孢粉组合特征及其环境意义. 地球学报,22(1): 73-78
Wang Weiming. 2000. An affinity survey of fossil pollen Fupingopollenites Liu. In: Song Zhichen (ed.), Palynofloras and Palynomorphs of China. Hefei: Press of University of Science and Technology of China, 130-137
Wang Wei-Ming, Ouyang Shu, Sun Xiangjun, Yu Ge (eds.). 2000. Abstract, 10th International Palynological Congress. Nanjing: Organizing Committee, 10th IPC, 1-212(国际会议论文摘要集编辑)
Saito, T., Wang Wei-Ming, Nakagawa, T., 2000. Cathaya (Pinaceae) pollen from Mio-Pliocene sediments in the Himi area, central Japan. Grana, 39: 288-293
Liu Jinling, Li Xingxue, Mu Xinan, Xu Hankui, Zhong Shilan, Huang Fei, Wang Weiming, Xu Qinqi. 2000. Further remarks on the environmental background of Nanjing Man. In: Song Zhichen (ed.), Palynofloras and Palynomorphs of China. Hefei: Press of University of Science and Technology of China, 167-173
郑祥民,赵健,周立旻,王伟铭,2000. 东海嵊山岛风尘黄土地层的植物硅酸体研究. 福建地质, 15(3): 4-7
Wang Wei-Ming, Zhou Xiao-Dan. 1999. Biotic changes in some areas of East Asia ? associated responses to Neogene evolution of Pacific Ocean gateways. In: Nishimura S., Tsuchi R. (eds.), Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Pacific Neogene stratigraphy and IGCP-355. Kyoto: Kyoto Institute of Natural History, 6-14
Liu Gengwu, Leopold E. B., Liu Yun, Wang Weiming, Yu Ziye, Tong Guobang. 1999. Preliminary study on Middle Pliocene pollen flora of Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, North China. Palaeoworld, 12: 51-63
王伟铭. 1999. 被子植物具沟类花粉. 见:宋之琛等编著. 中国孢粉化石(第一卷): 晚白垩世和第三纪孢粉. 北京: 科学出版社, 277-362, 图版81-100
王伟铭. 1999. 晚第三纪孢粉植物群. 见:宋之琛等编著. 中国孢粉化石(第一卷): 晚白垩世和第三纪孢粉. 北京: 科学出版社, 763-773
黄翡, 王伟铭. 1999. 龙虬庄遗址的孢粉与植硅石分析. 见: 龙虬庄遗址考古队编著, 龙虬庄—江淮东部新石器时代遗址发掘报告. 北京: 科学出版社, 402-409
Wang Wei-Ming. 1998. Paleoclimatic implications of Quaternary laterite in South China. In Schranz N. (ed.): 1st IGBP PAGES Open Science Meeting: Past Global Changes and their Significance for the Future. London: University of London, 131-132
Liu Yu-Sheng, Wang Wei-Ming, Momohara A. 1998. China’s beech forests in the pre-Quaternary. Mitt. Mus. Nat. Kd. Berl., Geowiss. Reihe, 1: 151-166.
黄翡, 王伟铭, 李民昌. 1998. 苏州草鞋山遗址新石器时代以来的植硅石研究. 微体古生物学报,15(1): 79-84
王伟铭, 虞子冶, 杨浩. 1997. 江西星子县第四纪红土层的植硅石和孢粉研究及意义. 微体古生物学报, 14(1): 41-48
Wang Wei-Ming. 1996. On the origin and development of steppe vegetation in China. Palaeobotanist, 45, 447-456
Wang Wei-Ming. 1996. Cenozoic palynostratigraphic zones and their climatic implication of the East China Sea. Proceedings of International Symposium on Petroleum Geology in the East China Sea. Shanghai: Press of Tongji University, 38-48
Wang Wei-Ming, Yamanoi T. 1996. New data on Miocene pollen floras of the Oga Peninsula, Northeast Honshu of Japan, with comparison to those of Northern China. Japanese Journal of Palynology, 42(1): 1-13
王伟铭. 1996. 云南开远小龙潭盆地晚第三纪孢粉植物群. 植物学报, 38(9): 743-748
王伟铭. 1996. 华北地区晚第三纪孢粉植物群的变化序列和环境事件 ?钻孔和露头剖面的综合研究。博士后研究工作报告(9). 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所, 1-118
李民昌, 王富葆, 黄翡, 王伟铭. 1996. 苏州市草鞋山遗址新石器时代稻作农业的自然背景分析. シンボジウム稻作起源を探る—中国·草鞋山遗迹におけゐ古代水田稻作—. 宫崎: 日本文化财科学会とシンボジウム稻作起源を探る实行委员会, 50-53
王伟铭. 1995. 太平洋地区晚第三纪事件的时空分布—IGCP-246的主要成果和启示. 地球科学进展, 10(6): 562-566
王伟铭. 1995. 第四纪地层学. 刘全根, 孙成权主编, 地球科学新学科新概念集成. 北京: 地震出版社, 253-255
王伟铭. 1995. 第四纪孢粉. 沙金庚主编: 可可西里地区综合科学考察报告(二), 青海可可西里地区的古生物. 北京: 科学出版社, 16-23, 145-146, 158-159
Wang Wei-Ming. 1994. Paleofloristic and paleoclimatic implications of Neogene palynofloras in China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 82(3/4): 239-250
Song Zhi-Chen and Wang Wei-Ming. 1994. Neogene flora and its environment in Northeast Asia. In: R.Tsuchi (Ed.), Pacific Neogene Events in Time and Space. Shisuoka: Secretariat IGCP-246, 27-43
Wang Weiming, 1993. Upper Eocene palynoflora from south Guangxi and its bearing on environment. Chinese Science Bulletin, 38(21): 1803-1805
王伟铭. 1993. 广西西南上始新统孢粉植物群及其环境意义. 科学通报, 38(19): 1783-1785
Yamanoi T., Wang Wei-Ming, Li Jing-Rong. 1993. A Middle Miocene pollen flora of Core CB-20, southwest end of Bohai Sea. Japanese Journal of Palynology, 39(2): 103-111
王伟铭. 1992. 中国南方晚第三纪孢粉植物群的变迁. 微体古生物学报, 9(1): 81-95
Wang Weiming. 1991. Some major external effects on the successional processes of Cenozoic vegetation in China. In: Jin Yu-Gan et al. (Eds.), Palaeoecology of China (1). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 281-299
Tang Lingyu, Wang Weiming. 1991. Quaternary stratigraphy and paleontology in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Excursion Guidebook XIV of XIII INQUA. Hefei: Press of University of Science and Technology of China, 1-25
王伟铭. 1990. 中国北方晚第三纪孢粉植物群的综合分析与气候对比. 见: 环境地球化学与健康(4)—中国环境的地球化学记录与环境变化学术讨论会论文集. 贵阳: 贵州科技出版社. 100-103
王伟铭. 1990. 内蒙古中新世通古尔组孢粉组合及其环境意义. 植物学报, 32(11): 901-904
王伟铭, 张大华. 1990. 内蒙古商都-化德盆地第三纪孢粉组合—兼论中国草原植被的形成. 微体古生物学报, 7(3): 239-252
王伟铭. 1990. 中国新生代植被生境与晚第三纪孢粉学的研究. 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所博士学位论文,1-167
王伟铭. 1989. 广西都安瑶族自治县雅龙乡中新世孢粉组合. 古生物学报, 28(6): 786-802
Lin Qi-Bin, Wang Wei-Ming. 1988. Excursion guide to Shanwang Area, Linju County, Shandong. Abstract and Excursion Volume, IGCP-246 International Symposium on Pacific Neogene Continental and Marine Events. Nanjing, 113-123
王伟铭. 1989. 广西都安瑶族自治县雅龙乡中新世孢粉研究. 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所硕士学位论文,1-112
王开发, 蒋辉, 郑卓, 章永昌, 王伟铭. 1985. 浙江天台、新昌、嵊县地区玄武岩沉积夹层的孢粉、硅藻组合. 地层学杂志,9(1): 28-34
宋之琛, 关学婷, 李增瑞, 郑亚惠, 王伟铭, 胡仲衡. 1985. 东海陆架盆地龙井构造带新生代孢粉学的研究. 合肥: 安徽科学技术出版社, 1-209
王伟铭. 1982. 浙江晚第三纪嵊县组孢粉组合及其地质意义. 同济大学海洋地质系学士学位论文,1-38

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