

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-04

姓 名:
袁训来 性 别:

职 务:
现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室主任 职 称:
210008 电子邮件:

1999-2000:Organismic & Evol. Biology, Harvard University,访问****
1995-1996:Department of Geology, University Of Montreal,访问****




1. 国家自然科学基金“新元古代陡山沱期后生植物多样性及动物化石的研究”(2000.01-2002.12)
2. 中国科学院知识创新重大方向性项目“新元古代雪球事件前后生物演化及环境背景”(2000-2003)
3. 973科技部国家重点基础研究“重大地史时期生物的起源、辐射、灭绝和复苏”子课题“多细胞生物的早期演化、后生动物的起源及其环境条件”(2000-2005)
4. 科技部国际科技合作重点项目“多细胞生物的早期演化、后生动物的起源及其环境条件”(2003-2008)
5. 973科技部国家重点基础研究“重大地史时期生物的起源、辐射、灭绝和复苏”子课题“多细胞生物的早期演化、后生动物的起源及其环境条件”(2006-2010)
6. 国家****基金“元古代真核生物的演化”(2007.01-2010.12)
7. 国家自然科学基金“山西五台地区太古代与元古代过渡地层微体化石研究”(2005.01-2007.12)
8. 中国科学院知识创新重要方向性项目“华北地台晚太古代至古元古代化石生物学和古环境探索”(2009-2011)
9. 中石化前瞻性基础研究课题“中国新元古代海相地层研究”(2007-2009)
10. 中国科学院、国家外国专家局创新团队国际合作伙伴计划《关键地史时期生态系统的演变、崩溃和重建》子课题“新元古代大冰期前后生态系统的崩溃和重建”(2007-2012)
11. 国家基金委重点项目“埃迪卡拉纪蓝田生物群研究”(2012.01-2016.12)
12. 中国科学院重点部署项目“多细胞生物起源与早期演化”(2011-2015)
13. 科技部973项目“从雪球事件到寒武纪大爆发:距今6亿年前后的生物与环境演变”子课题“多细胞生物起源和早期演化”(2013.01-2017.12)
14. 中科院项目“蓝田生物群”研究(2013-2015)
15. 中科院前沿重点项目,“三峡埃迪卡拉生物群”研究(2016-2020)
16. 中科院专项B“关键地史时期生物与环境演变过程及其机制”子课题“埃迪卡拉纪真核生物的辐射和环境”(2019-2023)
17. 基金委创新群体“多细胞生物起源和早期演化”(2020-2024)

1.Zhang Yun and Yuan Xunlai, 1992: New data on multicellular thallophyte and fragments of cellular tissues from Late Proterozoic phosphate rocks, South China. Lethaia, 25:1-18. Pl.10, Appendix 1.
2.袁训来,王启飞,张昀,1993. 贵州瓮安磷矿晚前寒武纪陡山沱期的藻类化石群. 微体古生物学报,10(4),409-420.
3.陈孟莪,萧宗正,袁训来,1994. 晚震旦世的特种生物群落--庙河生物群新知. 古生物学报,33(40),391-403.
4.袁训来,李军,陈孟莪,1995. 晚前寒武纪后生植物的发展及其化石证据. 古生物学报,34(1),90-102.
5.Chen Menge, Xiao Zongzheng and Yuan Xunlai, 1995. A great diversification of macroscopic algae in Neoproterozoic. Scientia Geologica, 4(3), 295-308.
6.张昀,袁训来,1995. 元古宙末多细胞红藻有性生殖结构的发现. 中国科学(B辑),25(7),749-754.
7.尹磊明,袁训来,1996. 中国南方震旦纪--早寒武世含磷地层中的微体浮游植物化石. 叶连俊主编《生物有机质成矿作用》,63-72. 海洋出版社,北京.
8.Yin Leiming and Yuan Xunlai, 1996: Neoproterozoic fossil records of algae and organic-walled microphytoplankton in China, and their implications. In: Pang Z., Zhang J., and Sun J., (eds.) Advances in solid Earth sciences. 132-136. Science Press, Beijing.
9.Yin Leiming and Yuan Xunlai, 1996. Microphytoplanktonic fossils of the Sinian-Early Cambrian phosphorite deposits in the Yangtze Plateform. In Ye L. (ed.) Aspects of Biomineralization, 51-65. Seismological Press, Beijing.
10.Zhang Yun and Yuan Xunlai, 1996. Sexual reproductive structures of Latest Proterozoic multicellular rhodophytes (red algae) from South China. Science in China (Series C), 39(1), 28-39.
11.Yuan Xunlai and Hofmann H. J., 1998. New microfossils from the Neoproterozoic (Sinian) Doushantuo Formation, Wengan, Guizhou Province, southwestern China. Alcheringa, 22(3), 189-222.
12.Xiao Shuhai, Knoll A. H. and Yuan Xunlai, 1998. Morphological reconstruction of Miaohephyton bifurcatum, a possible brown alga from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, South China. Journal of Paleontology, 72(6), 1072-1086.
13.周传明,袁训来,薛耀松,1998. 贵州瓮安磷矿陡山沱期假化石的研究. 《微体古生物学报》,15(4),380-384.
14.Zhang Yun, Yuan Xunlai and Yin Leiming, 1998. Interpreting Late Precambrian Microfossils. Science, 282(5395), 1783.
15.袁训来,1999. 新元古代陡山沱期瓮安生物群研究简况. 《微体古生物学报》,16(3),281-286.
16.袁训来,周传明,1999. 瓮安生物群. 江苏省科学技术协会编,科技进步与学科发展—迎接21世纪挑战. 301-304页.
17.Yuan Xunlai, Li Jun and Cao Ruiji, 1999. A diverse metaphyte assemblage from the Neoproterozoic black shales of South China. Lethaia, 32, 143-155.
18.袁训来,周传明,1999. 新元古代磷酸盐化微化石. 江苏地质,23(4),202-208.
19.Xiao Shuhai, Yuan Xunlai, Knoll A. H., 2000. Eumetazoan Fossils in Terminal Proterozoic Phosphorites? PNAS, 97(25), 13684-13689.
20.Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, Li Jun, Yin Leiming, and Cao Ruiji, 2001. Pyritized chuarids with excystment structures from the late Neoproterozoic Lantian Formation in Anhui, South China. Precambrian Research, 107(3-4), 253-263.
21.周传明,燕夔,胡杰,肖书海,鲍惠铭,袁训来等,2001. 皖南新元古代两期冰期事件. 地层学杂志,25(4),247-258.
22.袁训来,2000. 地球生命起源的假说. 徐均涛主编,中学生探索丛书—《进化长河-古生物》. 江苏科学技术出版社,1-6页.
23.袁训来,2000. 地球曾经是一个“雪球”吗?徐均涛主编,中学生探索丛书—《进化长河-古生物》. 江苏科学技术出版社,12-16页.
24.尹磊明,曹瑞骥,袁训来,王宗哲,2001. 上前寒武系. 周志毅主编,《塔里木盆地各纪地层》,科学出版社,1-11.
25.林焕令,陈挺恩,袁金良,袁文伟,张允白,袁训来,章森桂,2001. 寒武系. 周志毅主编,《塔里木盆地各纪地层》,科学出版社,12-38.
26.尹磊明,肖书海,袁训来,2001. 对贵州瓮安陡山沱磷块岩中针状结构物的新认识. 科学通报,46(12),1031-1036.
27.曹瑞骥,袁训来,肖书海,2001. 论锥叠层石群(Conophyton)的形态发生──对苏北新元古代九顶山组一个似锥叠层石的剖析. 古生物学报,40(3),318-329.
28.Xiao Shuhai, Yuan Xunlai, Steiner M., and Knoll A. H., 2002. Macroscopic carbonaceous compressions in a terminal Proterozoic shale: A systematic reassessment of the Miaohe Biota, South China. Journal of Paleontology, 76(2), 347-376.
29.袁训来,肖书海,尹磊明,Knoll A. H.,周传明,穆西南,2002. 陡山沱期生物群:早期动物辐射前夕的生命. 171页,中国科技大学出版社,合肥.
30.Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, 2002. Phosphatized biotas from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation on the Yangtze Platform. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(22), 1918-1924.
31.Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, Parsley R. L., Zhou Chuanming, Chen Zhe, Hu Jie, 2002. Towering sponges in an Early Cambrian Lagersta¨tte: Disparity between nonbilaterian and bilaterian epifaunal tierers at the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian transition. Geology, 30(4), 363-366.
32.袁训来,姚锦仙,2002. 性起源、性分化和地球早期生物的多样性. 《科学》,54(5),24-26.
33.Xiao Shuhai, Hu Jie, Yuan Xunlai, Parsley R. L., and Cao Ruiji, 2005. Articulated sponges from the Lower Cambrian Hetang Formation in southern Anhui, South China: Their age and implications for the early evolution of sponges. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 220, 89-117.
34.Xiao Shuhai, Bao Huiming, Wang Haifeng, Kaufman A. J., Zhou Chuanming, Li Guoxiang, Yuan Xunlai, Ling Hongfei, 2004, The Neoproterozoic Quruqtagh Group in eastern Chinese Tianshan: evidence for a post-Marinoan glaciation. Precambrian Research, 130, 1-26.
35.尹磊明,边立曾,袁训来,2003. 山西中元古代汝阳群分枝管状藻体和显微环螺旋加厚管体的发现. 中国科学(D),33(8),769-774.
36.Xiao Shuhai, Knoll A. H., Yuan Xunlai and Pueschel C. M., 2004. Phosphatized multicellular algae in the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation, China, and the early evolution of florideophyte red algae. American Journal of Botany, 91, 214-227.
37.Cao Ruiji, Yuan Xunlai and Mu Xi’nan, 2003. Brief History and Current Status of Stromatolite Study in China. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 19(4), 5-14.
38.Yin Leiming, Yuan Xunlai, 2003. A review of eukaryotic fossils in the late Mesoproterozoic Ruyang Group in Shanxi, Chin. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 19(4), 39-46.
39.Mu Xi’nan, Yuan Xunlai, 2003. Introduction of Fossil algae and Stromatolites. Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica, 19(4), 1-4.
40.Bao Huiming, Thiemens M. H., Loope D. B., Yuan Xunlai, 2003. Sulfate oxygen-17 anomaly in an Oligocene ash bed in mid-North America: Was it the dry fogs? Geophysical Research Letters, 30(16), 1843.
41.Zhou Chuanming, Tucker R., Xiao Shuhai, Peng Zhanxiong, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, 2004. New constraints on the ages of Neoproterozoic glaciations in south China. Geology, 32(5): 437-440.
42.Cao Ruiji and Yuan Xunlai, 2003. Pre-Sinian biostratigraphy of China. In: Zhang et al. eds. Biostratigraph of China. 1-30. Science Press, Beijing.
43.Yin Leiming and Yuan Xunlai, 2003. Sinian biostratigraphy of China. In: Zhang et al. eds. Biostratigraphy of China. 31-54. Science Press, Beijing.
44.Chen Zhe, Hu Jie, Zhou Chuanming, Xiao Shuhai, Yuan Xunlai, 2004. Sponge assemblage from early Cambrian Hetang Formation, southern Anhui. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49(15), 1625-1628.
45.Yin Leiming, Bian Lizeng, Yuan Xunlai, 2004. Discovery of branched tubular algae and microscopic tubes with annular-helical thickening from the Mesoproterozoic Ruyang Group of Shanxi, North China. Science in China (Ser. D), 47(10), 880-885.
46.Hua Hong, Chen Zhe, Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, Zhang Luyi, 2005. Skeletogenesis and asexual reproduction in the earliest biomineralizing animal Cloudina. Geology, 33(4), 277-280.
47.周传明,袁训来,肖书海,陈哲,薛耀松,2004. 湖北保康陡山沱磷酸盐化微体化石组合. 微体古生物学报,21(4),349-366.
48.Yao Jinxian, Xiao Shuhai, Yin Leiming, Li Guoxiang and Yuan Xunlai, 2005. Basal Cambrian microfossils from the Yurtus and Xishanblaq formations (Tarim, north-west China): Systematic revision and biostratigraphic correlation of Micrhystridium-like acritarchs from China. Paleontology, 48(4), 687-708.
49.Xiao Shuhai, Hu Jie, Yuan Xunlai, Parsley R. L., Cao Ruiji, 2005. Articulated sponges from the Lower Cambrian Hetang Formation in southern Anhui, South China: their age and implications for the early evolution of sponges. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 220, 89-117。
50.周忠和,骆永明,董云社,袁训来,高星,2005. 浅谈我国地球环境与生命过程研究中的一些科学问题. 科学通报,50(2),195-200.
51.Xiao Shuhai,Shen Bing,Zhou Chuanming, Xie Guwei, Yuan Xunlai,2005. A uniquely preserved Ediacaran fossil with direct evidence for a quilted bodyplan. PNAS, 102(29), 10227-10232.
52.Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, Taylor T. N., 2005. Lichen-like symbiosis 600 million years ago. Science, 308, 1017-1020.
53.Meng Fanwei, Zhou Chuanming, Chen Zhilin, Yuan Xunlai, 2005. The oldest known dinoflagellates: morphological and molecular evidence from Mesoproterozoic rocks at Yongji, Shanxi Province. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(12), 1230-1234.
54.Yin Leiming, Yuan Xunlai, Meng Fanwei and Hu Jie, 2005. Protists of the upper Mesoproterozoic Ruyang Group in Shanxi Province, China. Precambrian Research, 141, 29-66.
55.Hagadorn1J. W., Xiao Shuhai, Donoghue P. C. J., Bengtson S., Gostling N. J., Pawlowska M., Raff E. C., Raff R. A., Turner F. R., Yin Chongyu, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, McFeely M. B., Stampanoni M., Nealson K. H., 2006. Cellular and Subcellular Structure of Neoproterozoic Animal Embryos. Science, 314, 291-294.
56.Xiao Shuhai, Hagadorn J. W., Zhou Chauming, Yuan Xunlai, 2007. Rare helical spheroidal fossils from the Neoproterozoic Doushantuo lagerst?tte: Ediacaran animal embryos come of age? Geology, 35, 115-118.
57.袁训来,肖书海,周传明,2006. 新元古代陡山沱期真核生物的辐射. 戎嘉余(主编):《生物的起源、辐射与多样性演变-华夏化石记录的启示》. 北京,科学出版社,13-27.
58.曹瑞骥,袁训来,2006. 《叠层石》. 合肥,中国科技大学出版社. 383页.
59.Yin Leiming, Zhu Maoyan, Knoll A. H., Yuan Xunlai, Zhang Junming and Hu Jie,2007. Doushantuo embryos preserved inside diapause egg cysts. Nature, 445, 198-201
60.Xiao Shuhai, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, 2007. Undressing and redressing Ediacaran embryos. Nature 445, 198-201.
61.Zhou Chuanming, Xie Guwei, Mcfadden K., Xiao Shuhai and Yuan Xunlai, 2007. The diversification and extinction of Doushantuo-Pertatataka acritarchs in South China: causes and biostratigraphic significance. Geological Journal, 42, 229-262.
62.Hua Hong, Chen Zhe and Yuan Xunlai, 2007. The advent of mineralized skeletons in Neoproterozoic Metazoa—new fossil evidence from the Gaojiashan Fauna. Geological Journal, 42, 263-279.
63.Dong Lin, Xiao Shuhai, Shen Bing, Yuan Xunlai, Yan Xianqin, Peng Yongbo, 2008. Restudy of the worm-like carbonaceous compression fossils Protoarenicola, Pararenicola, and Sinosabellidites from early Neoproterozoic successions in North China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 258, 138-161.
64.Yin Leiming, Yuan Xunlai, 2007. Radiation of Meso-Neoproterozoic and early Cambrian protists inferred from the microfossil record of China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 254, 350-361.
65.James D. S., Yin Leiming, Robert J. B., Kaufman A. J., Meng Fanwei, Hu Jie, Shen Bing, Yuan Xunlai, Bao Huiming and Xiao Shuhai, 2007. Ultrastructural and Geochemical Characterization of Archean–Paleoproterozoic Graphite Particles: Implications for Recognizing Traces of Life in Highly Metamorphosed Rocks. Astrobiology, 7(4), 684-704.
66.严贤勤,孟凡巍,袁训来,2006. 徐淮地区新元古代九顶山组燧石结核的地球化学特征. 微体古生物学报,23(3),295-302.
67.袁训来,2007. 话说六亿年前的动物胚胎化石. 生物进化,1,16-19.
68.彭永波,王丹,袁训来,2007. 长城系串岭沟组球形疑源类的超微结构. 微体古生物学报,24(2),194-204.
69.孟凡巍,袁训来等,2007. 同步辐射X射线荧光微探针技术测定太古宇条带状硅铁建造中硅质条待鸡包裹体的微量元素. 岩石学报,23(09),2079-2084.
70.Kathleen A. M., Huang Jing, Chu Xuelei, Jiang Ganqing, Kaufman A. J., Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai and Xiao Shuhai, 2008. Pulsed oxidation and biological evolution in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation. PNAS, 105(9), 3197-3202.
71.尹磊明,周传明,袁训来,2008. 湖北宜昌埃迪卡拉系陡山沱组天柱山乱囊胞—Tianzhushania的新认识. 古生物学报,47(2),129-140.
72.Peng Yongbo, Bao Huiming, Yuan Xunlai, 2009. New morphological observations for Paleoproterozoic acritarchs from the Chuanlinggou Formation, North China. Precambrian Research, 168, 223-232.
73.Xu Bei, Xiao Shuhai, Zou Haibo, Chen Yan, Li Zhengxiang , Song Biao, Liu Dunyi, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, 2009. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb age constraints on Neoproterozoic Quruqtagh diamictites in NW China. Precambrian Research, 168, 247-258.
74.袁训来,王丹,肖书海,2009. 新元古代陡山沱期的动物. 古生物学报,48(3),375-389.
75.曹瑞骥,袁训来,2009. 中国叠层石研究进展. 古生物学报,48(3),314-321.
76.Shen Bing, Xiao Shuhai, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, 2009. Yangtziramulus zhangi new genus and species, a carbonate-hosted Ediacaran macrofossil from the Dengying Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area, South China. Journal of Paleontology, 83, 575-587.
77.Shen Bing, Xiao Shuhai, Zhou Chuanming, Kaufman A. J., Yuan Xunlai, 2010. Carbon and sulfur isotope chemostratigraphy of the Neoproterozoic Quanji Group of the Chaidam Basin, NW China: Basin stratification in the aftermath of an Ediacaran glaciation postdating the Shuram event? Precambrian Research, 177, 241-252.
78.Zhou Chuanming, Bao Huiming, Peng Yongbo, Yuan Xunlai, 2010. Timing the deposition of 17O-depleted barite at the aftermath of Nantuo glacial meltdown in South China. Geology, 38, 903-906.
79.华洪,陈哲,袁训来,肖书海,蔡耀平,2010. 陕南伊迪卡拉纪末期的瓶状化石—可能最早的有孔虫化石. 中国科学,D辑,40(9),1105-1114.
80.Gong Miao, Zhou Chuanming, Yin Leiming, Yuan Xunlai and Wang Chunzhao, 2010. Cell wall ultrastructures of the Proterozoic acritarch Leiosphaeridia asperata and their implications for biological affinity. Science in China Series D, 53(12), 1750-1755.
81.Meng Fanwei, Ni Pei, Schiffbauerc J. D., Yuan Xunlai, Zhou Chuanming, Wang Yigang, Xia Maolong, 2011. Ediacaran seawater temperature: evidence from inclusions of Sinian halite. Precambrian Research, 184 (1-4), 63-69.
82.Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Xiao Shuhai, Zhou Chuanming, Hua Hong, 2011. An early Ediacaran assemblage of macroscopic and morphologically differentiated eukaryotes. Nature, 470, 390-393.
83.Peng Yongbo, Bao Huiming, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, 2011. 17O-depleted barite from two Marinoan cap dolostone sections, South China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305, 21-31.
84.Shen Bing, Xiao Shuhai, Bao Huiming, Kaufman A. J., Zhou Chuanming and Yuan Xunlai, 2011. Carbon and sulfur isotope evidence for a strong depth gradient and oceanic oxidation after the Ediacaran Hankalchough glaciation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75, 1357-1373.
85.Wang Xin, Yuan Xunlai, Zhou Chuanming, Du Kaihe and Gong Miao, 2011. Anatomy and plant affinity of Chuaria. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56, 1256-1261.
86.Hua Hong, Chen Zhe; Yuan Xunlai, Xiao ShuHai and Cai YaoPing, 2010. The earliest Foraminifera from southern Shaanxi, China. Science China Earth Sciences, 53 (12), 1756-1764.
87.Yin Leiming, Wang Dan, Yuan Xunlai, Zhou Chuanming, 2011. Diverse small spinose acritarchs from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China. Palaeoworld, 20, 279-289.
88.Kong Fanfan, Yuan Xunlai and Zhou Chuanming, 2011. Paleoproterozoic glaciation: Evidence from carbon isotope record of the Hutuo Group, Wutai Mountain area of Shanxi Province, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56, 2922-2930.
89.Xiao Shuhai, Knoll A. H., Schiffbauer J. D., Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, 2012. Comment on “Fossilized Nuclei and Germination Structures Identify Ediacaran ‘Animal Embryos’ as Encysting Protists”. Science, 335, 1169a-c.
90.Zhou Chuanming, Jiang Shaoyong, Xiao Shuhai, Chen Zhe and Yuan Xunlai, 2012. Rare earth elements and carbon isotope geochemistry of the Doushantuo Formation in South China: Implication for middle Ediacaran shallow marine redox conditions. Chinese science bulletin, 57(16), 1998-2006.
91.Wang Wei, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Xiao Shuhai, 2012. A pronounced negative δ13C excursion in an Ediacaran succession of western Yangtze Platform: A possible equivalent to the Shuram event and its implication for chemostratigraphic correlation in South China. Gondwana Research, 22, 1091-1101.
92.Chen Zhe, Zhou Chuanming, Meyer M., Xiang Ke, Schiffbauerd J. D., Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, 2013. Trace fossil evidence for Ediacaran bilaterian animals with complex behaviors. Precambrian Research, 224, 690-701
93.Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Xiao Shuhai, Wan Bin, Guan Chengguo, Wang Wei, Zhou Chuanming and Hua Hong, 2013. The Lantian biota: A new window onto the origin and early evolution of multicellular organisms. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58, 701-707.
94.Peng Yongbo, Bao Huiming, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, Luo Taiyi, 2013. Oxygen isotope composition of meltwater of a Neoproterozoic glaciation in South China. Geology, 41, 367-370.
95.Xiao Shuhai, Droser M., Gehling J. G., Hughes I. V., Wan Bin, Chen Zhe and Yuan Xunlai, 2013. Affirming life aquatic for the Ediacara biota in China and Australia. Geology, 41(10), 1095-1098.
96.Pang Ke, Tang Qing, Schiffbauer J. D., Yao Jinxian, Yuan Xunlai, Wan Bin, Chen Lei, Ou Zhiji and Xiao Shuhai, 2013. The nature and origin of nucleus-like intracellular inclusions in Paleoproterozoic eukaryote microfossils. Geobiology, 11, 499-510.
97.Tang Qing, Pang Ke, Xiao Shuhai, Yuan Xunlai, Ou Zhiji, Wan Bin, 2013. Organic-walled microfossils from the early Neoproterozoic Liulaobei Formation in the Huainan region of North China and their biostratigraphic significance. Precambrian Research, 236, 157-181.
98.Wan Bin, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Guan Chengguo, Pang Ke, Tang Qing and Rao Xin, 2013. Quantitative Analysis of Flabellophyton from the Ediacaran Lantian Biota, South China: Application of Geometric Morphometrics in Precambrian Fossil Research. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 87(4), 905- 915.
99.Chen Zhe, Zhou Chuanming, Meyer M., Xiang Ke, Schiffbauerd J. D., Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, 2013. Reply to comment on “Trace fossil evidence for Ediacaran bilaterian animals with complex behaviors”. Precambrian Research, 231, 386-387.
100.王伟,蔡耀平,关成国,万斌,陈哲,周传明,袁训来,2013. 华南埃迪卡拉纪化石保存方式及其时空分布. 古生物学报,52(1),68-79.
101.陈旭,袁训来,主编(教材),2013. 地层学与古生物学研究生:华南野外实习指南. 合肥,中国科学技术大学出版社. 358页,56万字.
102.Chen Zhe, Zhou Chuanming, Xiao Shuhai, Wang Wei, Guan Chengguo, Hua Hong and Yuan Xunlai, 2014. New Ediacara fossils preserved in marine limestone and their ecological implications. Scientific Reports, 4, 4180; DOI:10.1038/srep04180.
103.Cai Yaoping, Hua Hong, Schiffbauer J. D., Sun Bo, Yuan Xunlai, 2014. Tube growth patterns and microbial mat-related lifestyles in the Ediacaran fossil Cloudina, Gaojiashan Lagerst?tte, South China. Gondwana Research, 25(3), 1008-1018.
104.J. P. Botting,袁训来,林日白,2014. 早期海绵的四辐射对称性. 科学通报,59,1-4.
105.Guan Chengguo, Zhou Chuanming, Wang Wei, Wan Bin, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, 2014. Fluctuation of shelf basin redox conditions in the early Ediacaran: Evidence from Lantian Formation black shales in South China. Precambrian Research, 245, 1-12.
106.Tenger Borjigin, Yin Leiming, Bian Lizeng, Yuan Xunlai, Zhou Chuanming, Meng Fanwei, Xie Xiaomin and Bao Fang, 2014. Nano-Scale Spheroids and Fossils from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation in China. The Open Paleontology Journal, 5, 1-9.
107.Xiao Shuhai, Zhou Chuanming, Liu Pengju, Wang Dan and Yuan Xunlai, 2014. Phosphatized acanthomorphic acritarchs and related microfossils from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at Weng’an (South China) and their implications for biostratigraphic correlation. Journal of Paleontology, 88(1), 1-67.
108.Wang Wei, Zhou Chuanming, Guan Chengguo, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Wan Bin, 2014. An integrated carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotopic studies of the Lantian Formation in South China with implications for the Shuram anomaly. Chemical Geology, 373, 10-26.
109.Chen Lei, Xiao Shuhai, Pang Ke, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, 2014. Cell differentiation and germ-soma separation in Ediacaran animal embryo-like fossils. Nature, 516, 238-242.
110.Wan Bin, Xiao Shuhai, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Pang Ke, Tang Qing, Guan Chengguo, Maisano J. A., 2014. Orbisiana linearis from the early Ediacaran Lantian Formation of South China and its taphonomic and ecological implications. Precambrian Research, 255, 266-275.
111.Peng Yongbo, Bao Huiming, Pratt L. M., Kaufman A. J., Jiang Ganqing, Boyd D., Wang Qinxian, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, and Loyd S., 2014. Widespread Contamination of Carbonate-Associated Sulfate by Present-day Secondary Atmospheric Sulfate: Evidence from Triple Oxygen Isotopes. Geology, 42(9), 815-818.
112.Xiao Shuhai, Shen Bing, Tang Qing, Kaufman A. J., Yuan Xunlai, Li Jianhua, Qian Maiping, 2014. Biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic constraints on the age of early Neoproterozoic carbonate successions in North China. Precambrian Research, 246, 208-225.
113.Xiao Shuhai, Muscente A.D., Chen Lei, Zhou Chuanming, Schiffbauer J. D., Wood A., Polys N. F. and Yuan Xunlai, 2014. The Weng’an biota and the Ediacaran radiation of multicellular eukaryotes. National Science Review, 1, 498-520.
114.Meyer M., Xiao Shuhai, Gill B., Schiffbauer J., Chen Zhe, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, 2014. Interactions between Ediacaran animals and microbial mats: Insights from Lamonte trevallis, a new trace fossil fromthe Dengying Formation of South China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 396, 62-74.
115.Wang Wei, Guan Chengguo, Zhou Chuanming, Wan Bin, Tang Qing, Chen Xiang, Chen Zhe, Yuan Xunlai, 2014. Exceptional preservation of macrofossils from the Ediacaran Lantian and Miaohe biotas. Palaios, 29(3), 129-136.
116.Tang Qing, Pang Ke, Yuan Xunlai, Wan Bin, Xiao Shuhai, 2015. Organic-walled microfossils from the Tonian Gouhou Formation, Huaibei region, North China Craton, and their biostratigraphic implications. Precambrian Research, 266, 296-318.
117.Pang Ke, Tang Qing, Yuan Xunlai, Wan Bin, Xiao Shuhai, 2015. A biomechanical analysis of the early eukaryotic fossil Valeria and new occurrence of organic-walled microfossils from the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic Ruyang Group. Palaeoworld, 24(3), 251-262.
118.Cai Yaoping, Xiao Shuhai, Hua Hong, Yuan Xunlai, 2015. New material of the biomineralizing tubular fossil Sinotubulites from the late Ediacaran Dengying Formation, South China. Precambrian Research, 261, 12-24.
119.Chen Lei, Xiao Shuhai, Pang Ke, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, 2015. Are the new Ediacaran Doushantuo embryo-like fossils early metazoans? A reply. Palaeoworld, 25(1), 132-134.
120.Zhang Huaqiao, Xiao Shuhai, Liu Yunhuan, Yuan Xunlai, Wan Bin, Muscente A. D., Shao Tiequan, Gong Hao and Cao Guohua, 2015. Armored kinorhynch-like scalidophoran animals from the early Cambrian. Scientific Reports, 5, 16521. Doi: 10.1038/srep16521
121.袁训来,万斌,关成国,陈哲,周传明,肖书海,王伟, 庞科,唐卿,华洪,2016. 《蓝田生物群》. 上海科学技术出版社, 上海. 2016年1月出版,135页.
122.Zeng Jian, Jia Wanglu, Peng Ping’an, Guan Chengguo, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Shasha, Yu Chiling, 2016. Composition and pore characteristics of black shales from the Ediacaran Lantian Formation in the Yangtze Block, South China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 76, 246-261.
123.Wan Bin, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Guan Chengguo, Pang Ke, Tang Qing et al., 2016. Systematic description of putative animal fossil from the early Ediacaran Lantian Formation of South China. Palaeontology, 59(4), 515-532.
124.Tang Qing, Pang Ke, Yuan Xunlai and Xiao Shuhai, 2017. Electron microscopy reveals evidence for simple multicellularity in the Proterozoic fossil Chuaria. Geology, 45(1), 75-78.
125.Wang Wei, Guan Chengguo, Zhou Chuanming, Peng Yongbo, Pratt L. M., Chen Xiang, Chen Lei, Chen Zhe, Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, 2017. Integrated carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen isotope chemostratigraphy of the Ediacaran Lantian Formation in South China: Spatial gradient, ocean redox oscillation, and fossil distribution. Geobiology, 15(4), 552-571.
126.Guan Chengguo, Wang Wei, Zhou Chuanming, Muscente A. D., Wan Bin, Chen Xiang, Yuan Xunlai, Chen Zhe, Ouyang Qing, 2017. Controls on fossil pyritization: Redox conditions, sedimentary organic matter content, and Chuaria preservation in the Ediacaran Lantian Biota. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 474, 26-35.
127.Pang Ke, Tang Qing, Chen Lei, Wan Bin, Niu Changtai, Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, 2018. Nitrogen-fixing heterocystous cyanobacteria in the Tonian Period. Current Biology, 28(4), 616-622.
128.Chen Zhe, Chen Xiang, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai and Xiao Shuhai, 2018. Late Ediacaran trackways produced by bilaterian animals with paired appendages. Science Advances, 4(6), eaao6691.
129.陈翔,袁训来,周传明,陈哲,2018. 湖北三峡地区埃迪卡拉系灯影组“蝌蚪状”遗迹化石. 古生物学报,57(1),1-10.
130.Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, Xiao Shuhai, Chen Zhe, Hua Hong, 2019. Ediacaran integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Science China Earth Sciences, 62(1), 7-24.
131.戎嘉余主编,袁训来,詹仁斌,邓涛副主编,2018. 《生物演化与环境》(教材),421页. 中国科技大学出版社,合肥.
132.Tang Qing, Hu Jie, Xie Guwei, Yuan Xunlai, Wan Bin, Zhou Chuanming, Dong Xu, Cao Guohua, Lieberman B. S., Leys S. P. and Xiao Shuhai, 2019. A problematic animal fossil from the early Cambrian Hetang Formation, South China. Journal of Paleontology, doi: 10.1017/jpa.2019.26.
133.Wan Bin, Tang Qing, Pang Ke, Wang Xiaopeng, Bao Zhian, Meng Fanwei, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai, Hua Hong, Xiao Shuhai, 2019. Repositioning the Great Unconformity at the southeastern margin of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 324, 1-17.
134.Xiao Shuhai*, Chen Zhe, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai*, 2019. Surfing in and on microbial mats: Oxygen-related behavior of a terminal Ediacaran bilaterian animal. Geology, doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/G46474.1
135.Tang Qing, Wan Bin, Yuan Xunlai, Muscente A. D., Xiao Shuhai, 2019. Spiculogenesis and biomineralization in early sponge animals. Nature Communications, 10, 3348.
136.Chen Zhe, Zhou Chuanming, Yuan Xunlai*, Shuhai Xiao*, 2019. Death march of a segmented and trilobate bilaterian elucidates early animal evolution. Nature, 573, 412-415.
137.王霄鹏,袁训来,2019. 远古世界的分子窗口. 科学通报,64(22),2279-2284.
138.袁训来,2019. 《震旦生命》. 中国科学技术大学出版社,合肥. 12.2万字.
139.Shuhai Xiao*, Zhe Chen, Chuanming Zhou, Xunlai Yuan*, 2019: Surfing in and on microbial mats: Oxygen-related behavior of a terminal Ediacaran bilaterian animal. Geology doi: https://doi.org/10.1130/G46474.1
140.Qing Tang, Ke Pang, Xunlai Yuan and Shuhai Xiao, 2020: A one-billion-year-old multicellular chlorophyte. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4: 543-549. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-020-1122-9

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