

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-04

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黄迪颖 性 别:

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黄迪颖,男,1975年出生于北京,浙江黄岩人;研究员,博士生导师。1997年毕业于南京大学地球科学系,1997年8月至今在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所工作。历任研究实习员(1997-2000)、助理研究员(2000-2005)、副研究员(2005-2009)、研究员(2009至今)。研究方向为特异埋藏动物群及演化古生物学,主要从事澄江动物群、中生代昆虫化石及其他特异埋藏无脊椎动物化石的研究。2005年1月获法国里昂第一大学博士学位。共发表研究论文240多篇,绝大部分发表在SCI刊物,包括第一作者Nature论文2篇,Nature Ecology & Evolution 1篇,通讯作者PNAS, Nature Communication论文各1篇,第二作者Nature,Science,PNAS论文各1篇。创立了国际古昆虫学会官方刊物《Palaeoentomology》并任主编,担任《Cretaceous Research》顾问委员,《Palaeoworld》编委。2003年获江苏省科技进步一等奖(脊椎动物起源及早期演化;排名第二);获2010年度江苏省十大青年科技之星荣誉称号;获2013年度中国科学院青年科学家奖;获2015年江苏省科学技术奖一等奖(中生代中晚期道虎沟生物群和热河生物群中的昆虫化石;排名第一);获2017年度江苏留学回国先进个人。2012年获得首届江苏省****科学基金和首届国家基金委优秀青年科学基金资助。2014年入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,2016年入选国家****科技创新领军人才,2019年获国家自然科学家基金委****科学基金资助。

1, 昆虫化石
2, 缅甸琥珀
3, 陆相侏罗系
4, 寒武纪大爆发和特异埋藏生物群
5, 蠕虫化石
蠕形动物化石:系统研究了澄江动物群中的蠕形动物,包括形态学、系统分类、行为学、古生态学等;发现了唯一的星虫动物门化石记录,并阐述其形态稳定性;建立曳鳃动物2灭绝新科,并发现五边形排列的咽齿这一重要构造;提供一些现代曳鳃动物的祖先起源于寒武纪,并保持了5亿多年的形态演化稳定性;研究了古蠕虫类的潜穴行为;对美国晚石炭世Mazon Creek的蠕形动物及寒武纪华北地台的蠕虫化石进行研究。
地质历史中昆虫和脊椎动物的关系:我们对寄生虫起源及早期演化了解非常有限。最近的研究发现了中侏罗世(约1.65亿年)与早白垩世(约1.25亿年)的巨型跳蚤,将蚤目的化石记录提前了4000万年以上,并揭示蚤目起源。这些恐龙时代的巨型跳蚤体长可达2厘米以上,它们基本形态的多样性暗示了寄主基本类型的多样性,包括恐龙、翼龙、哺乳动物等。论文在英国《自然》发表后全球上千家媒体进行了报道,包括《Nature》,《Science》,《Nature China》均进行了新闻报道或亮点评述,被《Discover》杂志评为2012年全球100大科学故事之一。多年来Strashila一直被认为是一种类似虱子或跳蚤的寄生虫,寄生于翼龙或带毛恐龙体表。它们形态奇特而不同于任何已知昆虫,一些****甚至为它们建立了一个新目。通过对新化石的分析,推翻了它们是寄生虫的假设,而是现代双翅目一个原始小类群缨翅蚊科的近亲。揭示了昆虫化石中独一无二的幼态持续现象及其独特的水陆空生活习性。论文在英国《自然》发表后被中央电视台“新闻联播”等国内外数百家媒体报道,中央电视科教频道“走近科学”栏目制作了专题片《来自远古的恐怖虫》。对我国中侏罗世道虎沟生物群,早白垩世热河生物群,晚白垩世早期缅甸琥珀中葬甲化石的系统演化及超微构造的功能形态学进行了系统分析,发现葬甲化石触角末端的化学感受器证明它们是迄今最早的大自然清道夫。通过音锉构造的发育与发展,揭示了中生代葬甲的亲代抚育起源及早期演化,同时它们也是目前发现最早的(亚)社会性昆虫。中生代葬甲的形态稳定性揭示了葬甲科可能的食物来源及行为方式的的稳定,从而暗示哺乳动物可能起源与三叠纪晚期。论文发表在《美国科学院院报》后被“Science”等多家媒体报道。
缅甸琥珀研究:在国内率先开展缅甸琥珀研究,取得一系列重要科研进展。如揭示了白垩纪蘑菇多样性及巨须隐翅虫和蘑菇的协同进化关系,发表在Nature Communication。率先研究了长尾蜘蛛,揭示出蜘蛛目在演化中的一个重要中间过渡类型,发表在Nature Ecology & Evolution。


Grants1. Strategic Priority Research Program (B) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences "Earth's Internal Operation Mechanism and Surface Response"-Project 5, Subproject 1: Invertebrates, stratigraphy and taphonomy (3 million RMB).
2. National Key Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology: Special project for deep-field resource exploration and mining "Deep processes and resource effects of major geological events in the Yanshan period"-Project 3, Subproject 1: Accurate age and spatial comparison of the main strata of the Mesozoic in the northern margin of North China (2 million RMB).
3. Outstanding Youth Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China: Mesozoic insects (4 million RMB).

1, 中国科学院B类先导科技专项“地球内部运行机制与表层响应”——课题5:华北克拉通破坏与热河-燕辽生物群演化,2016年7月—2021年6月,第1子课题:无脊椎动物、地层与埋藏学(XDB**),负责人。
2, 科技部国家重点研发计划:深地资源勘查开采专项“燕山期重大地质事件的深部过程与资源效应”——课题6:中国东部燕山期沉积盆地演化与资源效应(2016YFC**),2016年7月—2020年12月,第1子课题:华北北缘中生代主要地层的精确时代和空间对比,负责人。
3, 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目:中生代中晚期叩甲总科昆虫的演化和系统发育(**),2017年1月—2020年12月,主持。

1, Chen Junyuan, Huang Diying, Li Chiawei, 1999: An early Cambrian craniate-like chordate. Nature, 402: 518-522.
2, Chen Junyuan, Huang Diying, 2002: A possible Lower Cambrian chaetognath (arrow worm). Science, 298: 187.
3, Chen Junyuan, Huang Diying, Peng Qingqing, Chi Huimei, Wang Xiuqiang, Feng Man, 2003: The first tunicate from the Early Cambrian of South China. P. N. A. S., 100: 8314-8318.
4, Huang Diying, Chen Junyuan, Vannier J., Saiz Salinas J. I., 2004: Early Cambrian sipunculan worms from southwest China. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 271: 1671-1676.
5, Chen Junyuan, Huang Diying, Bottjor D. 2005: An Early Cambrian problematic fossil: Vetustovermis and its possible affinities. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 272: 2003-2007.
6, Huang Diying, Engel M. S., Cai Chenyang, Wu Hao, Nel A., 2012: Diverse transitional giant fleas from the Mesozoic era of China. Nature, 483: 201-204.
7, Huang Diying, Nel A., Cai Chenyang, Lin Qibin, Engle M. S., 2013: Amphibious flies and paedomorphism in the Jurassic period. Nature, 495: 94-97.
8, Cai Chenyang, Thayer M. K., Engel M. S., Newton A. F, Ortega-Blanco J, Wang Bo, Wang Xiangdong, Huang Diying, 2014:Early origin of parental care in Mesozoic carrion beetles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 111 (39): 14170–14174.
9, Huang, D., Hormiga, G., Cai, C., Su, Y., Yin, Z., Xia, F., Giribet, G., 2018. Origin of spiders and their spinning organs illuminated by mid-Cretaceous amber fossils. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2(4), 623–627.
10, Huang, D., 2019: Jurassic integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Science China – Earth Sciences, 32(1), 223-255. (黄迪颖,2019:中国侏罗纪综合地层和时间框架. 中国科学-地球科学,49(1), 227-256.)
11, 黄迪颖(主编):道虎沟生物群。上海科技出版社,332pp
1. Yin, Z., Parker, J., Cai, C., Huang, D., Li, L., 2018. A new stem bythinine in Cretaceous Burmese amber and early evolution of specialized predatory behavior in pselaphine rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 16(7), 531–541.
2. Cai, C., ?lipiński, A., Leschen, R.A.B., Yin, Z., Zhuo, D., Huang, D., 2018. The first Mesozoic Jacobson's beetle (Coleoptera, Jacobsoniidae) in Cretaceous Burmese amber and biogeographic stasis. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 16(7), 543–550.
3. Huang, D., Hormiga, G., Cai, C., Su, Y., Yin, Z., Xia, F., Giribet, G., 2018. Origin of spiders and their spinning organs illuminated by mid-Cretaceous amber fossils. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2(4), 623–627.
4. Hakim M., Azar S., Maksoud S., Huang Diying, Azar A., 2018: New polymorphic psyllipsocids from Burmese amber (Psocodea: Psyllipsocidae). Cretaceous Research 84, 389–400.
5. Yin, Z., Cai, C., Huang, D., 2018. Last major gap in scydmaenine evolution filled (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Cretaceous Research 84, 62–68.
6. Yin, Z., Cai, C., Huang, D., 2018. New zorapterans (Zoraptera) from Burmese amber suggest higher paleodiversity of the order in tropical forests. Cretaceous Research 84, 168–172.
7. Cai, C., Thayer, M.K., Newton, A.F., Yin, Z., Huang, D., 2018. A new genus of dasycerine rove beetles from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber and its phylogenetic implications (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) Cretaceous Research 84, 431–436.
8. Cai, C., Huang, D., 2018. First fossil thaneroclerid beetle from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Cleroidea: Thanerocleridae). Alcheringa 42(1), 115–119.
9. Engel, M.S., Huang, D., Cai, C., Alqarni, A.S., 2018. A new lineage of braconid wasps in Burmese Cenomanian amber (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). ZooKeys 730, 73–84.
10. Fu, Y., Cai, C., Huang, D., 2018. A new fossil sinoalid species from the Middle Jurassic Daohugou beds (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cercopoidea). Alcheringa 42(1), 94–100.
11. Cai, C., Maier, C.A., Huang, D., 2018. A new riffle beetle in Upper Cretaceous amber from northern Myanmar (Coleoptera: Elmidae). Cretaceous Research 89, 154–159.
12. Cai, C., Huang, D., 2018. First amber inclusion of aglaresid beetle from the Upper Cretaceous of Myanmar (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea). Cretaceous Research 90, 115–119.
13. Yin, Z., Cai, C., Huang, D., 2018. A potentially diverse fauna of springtail-hunting scydmaenines during the late Mesozoic (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae). Cretaceous Research 90, 163–167.
14. Huang, D., Cai, C., Nel, A., 2018. New damsel-dragonflies with “calopterygid”-like wing shape from the Middle Jurassic of China (Odonata: Isophlebioidea: Campterophlebiidae). Geobios 51(3), 181–186.
15. Cai, C., Yin, Z., Huang, D., 2018. A new ripiphorid beetle from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber sheds light on early evolution of the extant subfamily Ripidiinae (Coleoptera: Ripiphoridae). Comptes rendus Palevol 17(6), 351–356.
16. Cai, C., Huang, D., 2018. First Mesozoic water-penny beetles from Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera: Psephenidae). Cretaceous Research 91, 202–207.
17. Yin, Z., Cai, C., Huang, D., Engel, M.S., 2018. Zorotypus dilaticeps sp. nov., a remarkable zorapteran (Zoraptera) in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research 91, 126–130.
18. Cai, C., Escalona, H.E., Li, L., Yin, Z., Huang, D., Engel, M.S., 2018. Beetle pollination of cycads in the Mesozoic. Current Biology 28(17), 2806–2812.
19. Sun, H., Malinky, J. M., Zhu, M., Huang, D., 2018. Palaeobiology of orthothecide hyoliths from the Cambrian Manto Formation of Hebei Province, North China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 63(1), 87-101.
20. Fu, Y., Huang, D., 2018. New fossil genus and species of Sinoalidae (Hemiptera: Cercopoidea) from the Middle to Upper Jurassic deposits in northeastern China. European Journal of Entomology 115, 127-133.
21. Li, X., Huang, D., 2018. A new Cretaceous cockroach with heterogeneous tarsi preserved in Burmese amber (Dictyoptera, Blattodea, Corydiidae). Cretaceous Research 92, 12-17.
22. Li, X., Huang, D., 2018. A new praying mantis from middle Cretaceous Burmese amber exhibits bilateral asymmetry of forefemoral spination (Insecta: Dictyoptera). Cretaceous Research 91, 269-273.
23. Huang, D., Cai, C., Nel, A., 2018. A new damsel-dragonfly of the small family Selenothemistidae from the Late Jurassic of China (Odonata, Isophlebioptera). Journal of Paleontology 92(6), 1049–1053.
24. Liu Z., Huang, D., Cai, C., Wang, X., 2018. The core eudicot boom registered in Myanmar amber. Scientific Reports 8(1), 16765. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-35100-4.
25. Cai, C., Huang, D., Wu, F., Zhao, M., Wang, N., 2018. Tertiary water striders (Hemiptera, Gerromorpha, Gerridae) from the central Tibetan Plateau and their palaeobiogeographic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.12.014
26. Cai, C., Huang, D., 2018. First boganiine beetle in mid-Cretaceous amber from northern Myanmar (Coleoptera: Boganiidae). Proceedings of the Geologists' Association. DOI: 10.1016/j.pgeola.2018.09.004
27. Cai, C., Fu, Y., Huang, D., 2018. A large artematopodid beetle (Coleoptera: Elateroidea: Artematopodidae) from the Early Cretaceous of China and its systematic position. Cretaceous Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2018.10.009
28. 黄迪颖,苏祎桐,李昕然,王向东,2018:北京西山石炭-二叠系蜚蠊类化石的发现兼论北京地区昆虫化石的时代。古生物学报,57(4)474-480
29. 张前旗,李建国,黄迪颖,2018:内蒙古宁城道虎沟中、上侏罗统海房沟组孢粉组合。微体古生物学报,35(2):190-199
30. Huang, D., Fu, Y., Nel A., 2018. The first accurate Mesozoic Gomphidae in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Odonata: Anisoptera). Cretaceous research. DOI:10.1016/j.cretres.2018.11.001
31. Huang, D., Azar, D., Nel, A., 2018. The oldest ‘Megapodagrionidae’ (Odonata, Zygoptera) discovered in the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation, China. Cretaceous Research, 84, 426–430. (SCI)
32. Azar, D., Szwedo, J., Jarzembowski, E., Evenhuis, N., Huang D., 2018. Palaeoentomology: A modern journal for a science dealing with the past. Palaeoentomology, 1 (1), 1–2.
33. Huang, D., Fu, Y., Gao, J., Nel, A., 2018. A new damsel-dragonfly of the small family Selenothemistidae from the earliest Late Jurassic of China (Odonata: Isophlebioptera). Palaeoentomology, 1(1), 37–41.
34. Huang, D., Cai, C., Fu, Y., Su, Y., 2018. The Middle-Late Jurassic Yanliao entomofauna. Palaeoentomology, 1(1), 3–31.
35. Fu, Y., Huang, D., Engle, M.S., 2018. A new species of the extinct family Procercopidae (Hemiptera: Cercopoidea) from the Jurassic of northeastern China. Palaeoentomology, 1(1), 51–57.
36. Hakim, M., Huang, D., Azar, D., 2018. First lepidopsocid from the mid Miocene Dominican amber (Psocodea: Trogiomorpha: Lepidopsocidae). Palaeoentomology, 1(1), 58–64.
37. Mao, Y, Liang, K., Su, Y, Li, J.G, Rao, X, Zhang, H, Xia, F., Fu, Y., Cai, C., Huang, D., 2018. Various amberground marine animals on Burmese amber with discussions on its age. Palaeoentomology, 1(1), 91–103.
38. Hakim, M., Azar, D., Szwedo, J., Brysz, A.M., Huang D., 2018. New paraneopterans (Protopsyllidioidea, Hemiptera) from the mid-Cretaceous amber of northern Myanmar. Cretaceous Research DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2018.12.012
39. Liu, Y., Huang, D., 2018. A large new nemestrinid fly from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation at Liutiaogou, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia, NE China. Cretaceous Research DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cretres.2018.11.018
40. Liao, H., Shen, Y., Huang, D., 2018. Serrated microstructures on carapaces of Eosestheria (Branchiopoda: Diplostraca) in the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota and discussion on the taxonomic value of these structures. Cretaceous Research DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2018.11.023
41. Yin, Z., Zhou, D., Cai, C., Huang, D., Engel, M.S., 2018. Pangusyndicus gen. nov.: a new mid-Cretaceous scydmaenine with reduced antennae and prothoracic gland (Coleoptera, Staphylindiae: Scydmaeninae). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology DOI: 10.1080/**.2018.**
42. Huang, D., Fu, Y., Nel, A., 2019. The first amber stenophlebiid damsel-dragonfly (Odonata, Epiproctophora, Stenophlebiidae) from mid-Cretaceous amber of northern Myanmar. Cretaceous Research 94, 40-44.
43. Su, Y., Cai, C., Huang, D., 2019. Revision of Phryssonotus burmiticus (Diplopoda, Polyxenida, Synxenidae) in mid-Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. Cretaceous Research 93, 216–224.
44. Fu, Y., Cai, C., Huang, D., 2019. First hairy cicadas in mid-Cretaceous amber from northern Myanmar (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Tettigarctidae). Cretaceous Research 93, 285–291.
45. Wegierek, P., Cai, C., Huang, D., 2019. New genera and species of aphids (Hemiptera, Aphidomorpha, Burmitaphididae) in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Cretaceous Research 93, 318–329.
46. Huang, D., 2019: Jurassic integrative stratigraphy and timescale of China. Science China – Earth Sciences, 32(1), 223-255. (黄迪颖,2019:中国侏罗纪综合地层和时间框架. 中国科学-地球科学,49(1), 227-256.)
47. Azar, D., Maksoud, S., Huang, D., Nel, A., 2019. First Lebanese dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata, Aeshnoptera, Cavilabiata) from the Arabo-African mid-Cretaceous paleocontinent. Cretaceous Research, 93, 78-89.

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