

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-04

1. 先进辨识的控制策略研究及其应用,天津大学出版社,2012年12月.
2. 多无人机编队协同指挥控制技术研究,北京工业大学出版社,2017年4月.
3. Research on multi UAVs formation detection and its extensions in control theory,冶金工业出版社,2021年出版
4. Finite sample properties of virtual feedback tuning with two degrees of freedom controllers [J], ISA Transactions, 2020, SCI检索, EI检索.
5. Optimal input signal design for multi UAVs formation anomaly detection [J], ISA Transactions, 2020, SCI检索, EI检索.
6. Stealth identification strategy for closed loop system structure [J], International Journal of Systems Science, 2020, SCI检索, EI检索.
7. Adjustable scaling parameter for state of charge estimation for Lithium-ion batteries using iterative multiple UKFs[J], Mathematical problems in engineering, 2020, SCI检索, EI检索.
8. Combining instrumental variable and covariance matching for aircraft flutter model identificaiton [J], Shock and Vibration, 2019, SCI检索, EI检索.
9. Zonotope parameter identification algorithm for virtual reference feedback tuning control [J], International Journal of Systems Science, 2019, SCI检索, EI检索.
10. Application of interval predictor model into robust model predictive control [J], International Journal of Systems Science, 2019, SCI检索, EI检索.
11. Finite sample properties of virtual reference feedback tuning control, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2018 ,31(3): 664-676. SCI检索, EI检索.
12. Adaptive direct data driven control scheme for unknown plant [J], International Journal of Innovative, Computing ,Information and Control, 2020, EI检索.
13. Combining recursive projection and dynamic programming technique in multiUAVs formation anomaly detection [J], International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control, 2019, EI检索.
14. Combining projection algorithm and scenario approach for virtual reference feedback tuning control [J], International Journal of Innovative, Computing ,Information and Control, 2019,EI检索.
15. Stability analysis for nonlinear closed loop system structure [J], Systems Science & Control Engineering, 2020, SCI检索, EI检索.
16. Zonotope parameter identification for piecewise affine model [J], Systems Science & Control Engineering, 2020, SCI检索, EI检索.
17. Recursive identification of piecewise affine Hammerstein models[J], International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 2018,11(2):234-253.EI检索.
18. Model structure validation for closed-loop system identification[J], International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control 2017, 27(4): 323-331.EI检索.
19. Plug and play robust distributed control with ellipsoidal parametric uncertainty system[J],Journal of Control Science and Engineering , Volume 2016,Article ID **.EI检索.
20. Interior Point Algorithm for Multi-UAVs Formation Autonomous Reconfiguration[J],Journal of Control Science and Engineering ,Volume 2016,Article ID 389603.EI检索.
21. Finite model order asymptotic analysis in wiener system identification[J], International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control 2016,26(1): 32-41.EI检索.
1. 基于数据驱动的压电陶瓷非线性辨识及控制技术研究,江西省教育厅,2016,1-2016,12,4万元
2. 数据驱动下动态网络系统的一致性辨识策略研究,江西省教育厅,2017,1-2017,12,4万元
3. 无人直升机超机动飞行模态辨识与控制技术研究,江西省科技厅,2015,1-2016,12,6万元
4. 舰载无人直升机舰面起降先进控制技术研究,景德镇科技局,2016,1-2017,12,2万元
5. 虚拟参考反馈校正控制及其在高精度伺服跟踪转台中的应用研究》,江西省科技厅,2020,1-2021,12,6万元

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