

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-04

出生年月:1977年7 月
[1] J.H. Su*, B. Chen, H. Qiao and Z.Y. Liu, “Caging a Novel Object using Multi-task Learning Method,” Neurocomputing, Vol. 351, pp.146-155, 2019. (SCI index)
[2] J.H. Su*, B. Chen, C.K. Liu, X. Yang, H. Qiao, “Integrated thermal assembly using hierarchical kernel regression method,” Advanced Robotics, Vol.33, Issue 22, pp. 1194-1208, 2019. (SCI index)
[3] J.H. Su*, H. Qiao, C.K. Liu,Y.B. Song and A.L. Yang,“Grasping Objects: The relationship between the cage and form-closure grasp”, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Vol.24, Iss:3, pp.84-96, 2017. (SCI index)
[4] J.H. Su*, R. Li, H. Qiao, J. Xu, Q.L. Ai, “Study on Six-Dimensional Dual Peg-in-hole Insertion by the Decomposition Method,” Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 44, Iss. 6, pp. 730-740, 2017. (SCI index,)
[5] J.H. Su*, Z.Y. Liu, H. Qiao, C.K. Liu, "Pose-estimation and reorientation of pistons for robotic bin-picking&quot", Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 43 Iss: 1, pp.22-32, 2016. (SCI index)
[6] J.H. Su*, H. Qiao, Z.C. Ou and Z.Y. Liu, Vision-based Caging Grasps of Polyhedron-like Workpieces with a Binary Industrial Gripper, IEEE Trans. on ASE, Vol. 12, Issue: 3, pp. 1033-1046, 2015 (SCI index)
[7] J.H. Su*, E.H. Cao, and H. Qiao, Optimization of fixture layouts of glass laser optics using multiple kernel regression, Applied Optics, Vol. 53, Iss. 14, pp. 2988-2997, 2014. (SCI index)
[8] J.H. Su*, Z.C. Ou and H. Qiao, "Form-closure caging grasps of polygons with a parallel-jaw gripper," Robotica, 33(6):1-18, 2014. (SCI index)
[9] J.H. Su*, H. Qiao and C.K. Liu, Z.C. Ou, “A new insertion strategy for a peg in an unfixed-hole of the piston-rod assembly,” Int. J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.59, pp.1211-1225, 2012. (SCI index)
[10]J.H.Su*, H. Qiao, Z.C. Ou, Y.R. Zhang, “Sensor-less insertion strategy for an eccentric peg in a hole of the crankshaft and bearing assembly,” Assembly Automation, Vol. 32 No.1, pp.86 - 99, 2012. (SCI index)
[11]C.K. Liu, H. Qiao,J.H. Su, Vision-Based 3-D Grasping of 3-D Objects With a Simple 2-D Gripper”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Vol. 44., No. 5, pp. 605-620, 2014. (SCI index)
[12]Z.C. Ou and P. Wang,J.H. Su, H. Qiao,Sub-pattern bilinear model and its application in pose estimation of work-pieces,Neurocomputing, Vol. 83, pp.176-187, 2012. (SCI index)
[13]H. Qiao, M. Wang,J.H. Su, S.X Jia, and R. Li,The Concept of Attractive Region in Environment and Its Application in High-Precision Tasks with Low-Precision Systems, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol.20, Issue: 5, pp. 2311- 2327, 2015 (SCI index)
[14]R.Chen, J.Xu, H.P. Chen,J.H. Su, Z.H Zhang and K. Chen, “Accurate calibration method for camera andprojector in fringe patterns measurement system,” Applied Optics, Vol. 55, No. 16 , 2016. (SCI index,)
[15]C. Li, Z.Y. Liu, X. Yang, H. Qiao andJ.H. Su, “Stitching Contaminated Image”, Neurocomputing, Vol.214, No.19 2016: 829-836. (SCI index)
[16]X. Yang, Z.Y. Liu, H. Qiao,J.H. Su, “Probabilistic Hypergraph Matching Based on Affinity Tensor Updating,” Neurocomputing, 269: 142-147, 2017. (SCI index)
[17]X. Yang, Z.Y. Liu,J.H. Su, D.X. Ji, A.Y. Zang, H. Huang, “Graph Based Registration and Blending for Undersea Image Stitching,”, Robotica, Vol.38 No.3, pp.396-409, 2020. (SCI index)
[18]F.Y. Zhang, Z.Y. Liu, F.Z. Xiong,J.H. Su, Hong Qiao, “A Weighted Aggregation Graph Neural Network for Robot Skill Learning”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2020. (SCI index)
[1] 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,面向大尺寸、高精密光学元件装配的人-机器人协作方法研究,项目编号:**,直接经费65万,起止日期:2019.1-2021.12,主持。
[2] 国防科工局稳定支持科研项目,空间操控的智能感知及迁移学习方法,项目编号:HTKJ2019KL502013,2019.4-2020.12,国拨经费20万,主持。
[3] 北京市面上基金,移动装配机器人的动作学习和工件抓取方法研究,项目编号:**,国拨经费20万,起止日期:2018.1-2020.12,主持。
[4] 山东省重大科技创新工程项目,高性能灵巧作业机器人研制及行业应用示范,项目编号:2019JZZY010430, 2019-2021,国拨经费60万,子课题负责人。
[5] 工业机器人关节减速器生产线,“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项,项目编号:2014ZX**-03,国拨经费176.98万,起止日期:2014.1-2018.12,子课题负责人。
[6] 面向汽车智能制造的机器人高精度定位和装配关键技术研究,北京市面上基金,项目编号:**,国拨经费18万,起止日期:2014.1-2016.6,主持。
[7] 国家自然科学基金委青年科学基金,编号**,大型易损坏物体的高精度装配策略研究—基于视觉与高维环境约束融合方法,2012.1-2014.12,24万,主持。
[1] 北京市科学技术一等奖,具有复杂环境感知和学习能力、可实现高精度操作的智能机器人技术,2012年,排名第2
[2] 北京市科学技术二等奖,工业机器人高精度装配关键技术研究及应用,2015年,排名第2
[3] 发明专利,一种视觉引导下的光学玻璃安装装置及安装方法,ZL6.9
[4] 发明专利,基于工业机器人的发动机活塞、活塞销和连杆装配方法及装置,ZL5.4
[5] 发明专利,涡旋式空调压缩机的轴承-曲柄轴智能压装方法及系统,ZL 2.0

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