(852) 2948 7543
(852) 2948 7160
Research Areas
Learning and Teaching of Chinese Characters
Phenomenography and Variation Theory
Designing Technologyfor Learning
Selected Funded Projects
Programme Leader, Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers – Foundation Course, SCOLAR tender.
Programme Leader, Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers – Extended Course, SCOLAR tender.
Programme Leader, Chinese Language Enhancement Programme for Kindergarten Teachers, SCOLAR tender.
Programme Coordinator, Professional Development Programme on Catering for Students with Diverse Needs in Kindergartens. EDB tender.
A visit to the preschools and educational institutions in Yunnan, China for exploration of research and teacher development collaboration.
Principal Investigator, Children’s writing of Chinese characters at their teachers’ dictation.
Orthographic Awareness in Learning Chinese Characters
Creating a Community of Practice with ICT: An Internet Based Initiative
The School-based Curriculum of Learning Chinese for Non-chinese Speaking Students (NCS): Construction and Implementation. 非華裔學童學中文之校本課程:設計與實踐
Chinese Characters Learning Software Package for South Asian Learner.
Second Generation Dragonwise Chinese Learning System: Web Construction, Teacher Development & Learning Materials Creation Project
A Computer-assisted Learning System for Chinese Vocabulary Acquisition
A Multimedia Software Package for the Teaching and Learning of Chinese Characters and Words
Selected Outputs
Journal Publications
Refereed Journal Article
Lam, H.C. (2019). Revisiting variation affordance: Applying variation theory in the design of educational software. Interactive Learning Environments. DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1668812
Ng, C.S.M., Chai, W., Fok, H.K., Chan, S.P., Lam, H.C., & Chung, K.K.H. (2019). Building preschool teachers’ capacity for teaching Chinese to ethnic minority children in Hong Kong: A qualitative study. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 41(3), 284-305. DOI: 10.1080/10901027.2019.1638852
Lam, H.C. (2019). The phenomenography tradition in the study of classroom teaching. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 42(5), 513-524. DOI: 10.1080/1743727X.2018.1518417
Lam, H.C. (2017). Using phenomenography to investigate the enacted object of learning in teaching activities: The case of teaching Chinese characters in Hong Kong preschools. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 61(2), 169-186. DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2015.1119728
Lam, H.C. (2016). An investigation of preschool teachers’ ways of seeing action research using phenomenography. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 15(2), 147-162. DOI: 10.1007/s10671-015-9187-y
Lam, H. C. (2015). Designing teaching based on learners’ ways of seeing the object of learning.e-FLT – Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 12(suppl. 1), 332-345.
Lam, H.C. (2015, June). An exploratory study on Primary 3 student writing of Chinese characters at their teachers’ dictation.Journal of Educational Research and Development, 11(2), 33-60. (In translation: 林浩昌(2015)。探索小學三年級生默書時寫字的表現。教育研究與發展期刊,第11卷2期,33-60。)
Lam, H.C. (2014). Different ways that preschool teachers taught children to write Chinese characters in Hong Kong classrooms.Educational Research Journal, 29(1 & 2), 41-67.
林浩昌 (2014)。學前認讀字詞評估方式:現象圖析學分析。師大學報:語言與文學類,第59卷2期,105-134。DOI: 10.6210/JNTNULL.2014.59(2).05 (In translation: Lam, H.C. (2014). Different ways of assessing the recognition of Chinese characters in preschools: A phenomenographic analysis.Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature, 59(2), 105-134.)
Lam, H.C. (2014). Elaborating the concepts of part and whole in variation theory: The case of learning Chinese characters.Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 58(3), 337-360, DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2012.732604.
Lam, H.C. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2013). Awareness of orthographic structure in children’s learning of Chinese characters.Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, 21(3), 83-111. (In translation: 林浩昌、徐碧美(2013)。學童對於漢字結構的覺識能力。當代教育研究季刊,第21卷3期,83-111)
Lam, H.C. & Tsui, A.B.M. (2013). Drawing on the variation theory to enhance students’ learning of Chinese characters.Instructional Science, 41(5), 955-974. DOI: 10.1007/s11251-013-9264-7.
Lam, H.C. (2013). On generalization and variation theory.Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 57(4), 343-356. DOI:10.1080/00313831.2012.656277
林浩昌 (2012)。學前字、詞教學:現象圖析學分析。華語文教學研究,9(3),47-73。(In translation: Lam, H.C. (2012). A phenomenographic study on the learning and teaching of Chinese characters in preschools.Journal of Chinese Language Teaching, 9(3), 47-73.)
Lam, H.C. (2011). Critical analysis of the various ways of teaching Chinese characters. e-FLT – Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 8(1), 57-70.
林浩昌 (2010)。幼教研究方法重要概念學習清。香港幼兒學報,9(2),79-87。(In translation: A checklist for learning the important concepts in early childhood research methods. Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 9(2), 79-87.)
Lam, H. C. (2008). An exploratory study of the various ways that children read and write unknown Chinese characters. Journal of Basic Education, 17(1), 73-97.
Lam, H.C., Ki, W.W., Chung, A.L.S., Ko, P.Y., Lai, A.C.Y., Lai, S.M.S., Chou, P.W.Y. & Lau, E.C.C. (2004), Designing learning objects that afford learners the experience of important variations in Chinese characters, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20(2), 114-123. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2004.00071.x
Ki, W.W., Tse, S.K., Shum, M.S.K. & Lam, H.C. (2003). The introduction of a computerised network to support educational change in Hong Kong. Education and Information Technologies, 8(2), 147-164.
Ki, W.W., Lam, H.C., Chung, A.L.S., Tse, S.K., Ko, P.Y., Lau, C.C., Chou, W.Y., Lai, C.Y. & Lai, M.S. (2003). Structural awareness, variation theory, and ICT support. L1: Educational Studies in Language and Literature, Special Issue: ICT and the Transformation of the L1 Curriculum: Implications for Teacher Educators, 3(1-2), 53-78.
Chung, A.L.S., Ki, W.W., Lam, H.C., Ko, P.Y., Chou, P.W.Y., Lau, E.C.C., Lai, A.C.Y. & Lai, S.M.S. (2003). Teacher participation and empowerment: a critical process in developing ICT curriculum materials and classroom practice. Information Technology, Education and Society, 4(1), 39-54.
Lam, H.C., Ki, W.W., Law, N., Chung, A.L.S., Ko, P.Y., Ho, A.H.S. & Pun, S.W. (2001). Designing CALL for learning Chinese characters. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17(1), 115-128. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2729.2001.00164.x
Lam, H.C., Ki, W.W., Chung, A.L.S. & Ko, P.Y. (2000). Experience in designing databases for learning Chinese characters. International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, 13(4), 351-375.
鐘嶺崇、高寶玉、羅陸慧英、祁永華、 林浩昌 (1998) ,香港小學生漢字筆順研究,課程論壇,7(2),84-97 。
Law, N., Ki, W.W., Chung, A.L.S., Ko, P.Y. and Lam, H.C. (1998). Children's stroke sequence errors in writing Chinese characters. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 10(3-5), 267-292. Also in C.K. Leong & K. Tamaoka (Eds.), Cognitive processing of the Chinese and the Japanese languages (pp. 113-138). Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.
Lam, H.C., Pun, K.H., Leung, S.T., Tse, S.K. and Ki, W.W. (1993). Computer-Assisted-Learning for Learning Chinese Characters. Communications of COLIPS: An International Journal of Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society, 3(1), 31-44.
Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Chapter in an edited book
2020 林浩昌(2020)。大同小異:辨識漢字不同處,香港:牛津大學出版社。
祁永華、劉仲池、林浩昌、吳柏基 (2012). 如何透過電腦學習軟件幫助少數族裔學生建立中文字的觀念。載於叢鐵華、岑紹基、祁永華、張群英(編輯),香港少數族裔學生學習中文的研究:理念、挑戢與實踐(第143-157頁)。香港:香港大學出版社。
Lam, H.C. (2010). Orthographic awareness. In F. Marton, S.K. Tse, and W.M. Cheung (Eds.), On the Learning of Chinese (pp. 53-74). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
鍾嶺崇、祁永華、林浩昌、巢偉儀 (編輯) (2003)。電腦輔助中文識字:課堂實例。香港:香港大學教育學院現龍發展小組。
Conference Papers
Refereed Conference Paper
Lau, S.T. & Lam, H. C. (2019, July). The study on the teaching of Chinese course for children with picture book. Presentation in the Fifth International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, 26-27 July 2019, Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lam, H.C. (2019, Feb). The phenomenography of Chinese characters: children’s and teachers’ ways of seeing and their implications to teaching. Invited seminar by Division of Chinese Language & Literature, Faculty of Education and Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lam, H.C. (2018, Dec). Enhancing awareness of linguistic contrast and variation in Chinese characters for teachers. Invited presentation in the Asia-Pacific Symposium for the Teaching of Asian Languages, The Eighth CLS International Conference Learning in and beyond the classroom: Motivation, identity and autonomy in foreign language education, 6-8 December 2018, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Lam, H.C. & Fung, S.W.S. (2017, Dec). Teaching Chinese for children, cultural responsiveness, and Non-Chinese speaking children. Presentation in the ECE theatre of the Learning & Teaching Expo 2017, 13-15 December 2017, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong.
Lam, H.C. (2017, Feb). Qualitative difference in children’s learning of Chinese characters. Presentation in Annual Conference of Association for Reading and Writing in Asia, 24-25 February 2017, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lam, H.C. (2016, Dec). Engaging teachers in identifying learners’ ways of seeing for improving their teaching of Chinese characters and words. Invited presentation in the Asia-Pacific Symposium for the Teaching of Asian Languages, The Seventh CLS International Conference: Learning in and beyond the classroom: Ubiquity in foreign language education, 1-3 December 2016, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Lam, H.C. (2016, Aug). Using phenomenography to study enacted object of learning: The case of teaching children to recognize Chinese characters. Extended abstract presented in EARLI SIG 9 Phenomenography and Variation Theory Conference Different horizons: setting directions for phenomenographic research, 24-26 August 2016, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
林浩昌(2016, 4月)。幼兒怎樣看學習內容?以字詞教學為例。Lam, H.C. (2016, Apr). How do children see the object of learning? An example sharing on teaching Chinese characters and words. Invited presentation in the conference Revisiting Kindergarten Education: Succession of its Values and Practices, 23 April 2016, Munsang College, Hong Kong. Also in the Conference Proceedings of Revisiting Kindergarten Education: Succession of its Values and Practices (pp. 65-66). Hong Kong: Munsang College.
Lam, H.C. (2014). Learning Chinese characters, phenomenography, and Dragonwise projects. Invited presentation in the Asia-Pacific Symposium for the Teaching of Asian Languages, The Sixth CLS International Conference, 4-6 December 2014, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Ki, W.W., Cheung, W.M., Ng, E., Lau, E., Wong, S., Pang, M.F., Lam, H.C., & Marton, F. (2014). Open software to enhance learners’ discernment and connection of features of Chinese characters. Paper presented in International Conference – When East Meets West: The Teaching and Learning of Reading and Writing in the Multilingual and Multicultural Context, 13-14 June 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Ki, W.W., Lau, E., Ng, E., & Lam, H.C. (2014). Software to enhance tone learning by intonation language speakers through variation. Powerpoint presented in International Conference – When East Meets West: The Teaching and Learning of Reading and Writing in the Multilingual and Multicultural Context, 13-14 June 2014, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lam, H.C. (2012). On generalization and variation theory. Extended abstract presented in EARLI SIG 9 Phenomenography and Variation Theory Conference, 27-28 August 2012, University of Jonkoping, Sweden.
(In translation, Lam, H.C. (2009, May). Children’s different ways of reading and writing unknown Chinese characters. Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Education (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academic Conference 2009 Early Childhood Profession, Quality and Excellence: The Management of Early Childhood Curriculum and Nursery School (pp. 345-356), Taipei: Graduate Institute of Early Childhood Education, National Chengchi University.)
Lam, H.C. (2006). How Children Read and Write Unknown Characters? Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Chinese Literacy Education (ICCLE), Apr 23-25, 2006, Beijing, China.
Lam, H.C., Ki, W.W., Chung, A.L.S. and the Dragonwise Team (2004). Bringing Students’ Learning Experience to Designing Instruction of Chinese Characters, D.B. Xu & P. Zhang (eds.), in the Proceedings of the Third International Conference & Workshops on Technology and Chinese Language Teaching (pp. 138-141), May 28-30, 2004, Columbia University, New York.
Lam, H.C. & Ki, W.W. (2003). An Observational Study on How Learners Go About Using an Online Database for Improving the Writing of Chinese, In the Proceedings of ICCE 2003 (International Conference on Computers in Education) , Dec 2-5, 2003, Hong Kong.
鍾嶺崇、 林浩昌、祁永華、高寶玉、巢偉儀 (2001) 。〈樂在詞中〉 ─ 「智趣」型多媒體詞語學習系統。刊於第二屆全球華文網路教育研討會論文集,第 251-254 頁,台灣, 2001 年 12 月 21-24 日。
林浩昌 、祁永華、羅陸慧英、鍾嶺崇、高寶玉、何巧嬋、潘世榮 (2000) 。根據漢字部件原理,設計電腦輔助漢字學習軟件。刊於第四屆全球華人教育資訊科技大會會議論文集,卷一,第 55-63 頁,新加坡, 2000 年 5 月 29-31 日。 (In translation, H.C. Lam, W.W. Ki, N. Law, A.L.S. Chung, P.Y. Ko, A.H.S. Ho and S.W. Pun (2000). The Design of CALL software for Learning Chinese Characters. In the Proceedings of the 4th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, Volume 1, pp. 55-63, May 29-31, 2000, Singapore.)
祁永華、謝錫金、岑紹基、 林浩昌、黃志堅 (2000) 。有效運用電腦網絡支援教育變革。第四屆全球華人教育資訊科技大會布貼,新加坡, 2000 年 5 月 29-31 日。 (In translation, W.W. Ki, S.K. Tse, M.S.K. Shum, H.C. Lam and C.K. Wong (2000). A Network To Support Educational Changes. Poster of the 4th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, May 29-31, 2000, Singapore.)
謝錫金、岑紹基、祁永華、 林浩昌、黃志堅 (2000) 。建立網站推廣中文作為教學語言及發展優質教學。刊於第一屆全球華文網路教育研討會會議實錄與論文集,第 61-75 頁,台北, 1999 年 5 月 22-24 日。再刊於香港語言教育論文集:後殖民地時期的發展,李楚成、練美兒、曾慧瓊編輯,香港語言學學會,第 131-147 頁。 (In translation, S.K. Tse, M.S.K. Shum, W.W. Ki, H.C. Lam and C.K. Wong (1999). Building Teacher Network to Promote Chinese as the Medium of Instruction and to Develop Quality Education. In the Proceedings of first International Conference on Internet Chinese Education, pp. 61-75, Taiwan, May 22-24, 1999.)
林浩昌 、祁永華、羅陸慧英 (1997) 。多媒體電腦在幫助學童學習漢字上的應用。摘要刊登於,計算機教育應用與教育革新, ’97 全球華人計算機教育應用大會論文集 ,李克東、何克抗主編,北京師範大學出版社, 1997 ,頁 488 。
Lam, H.C. , Chang, C.S., Leung, K.S. and Chen, T.C. (1993). A Computer Graphics Aided Lecture Presentation System. In proceedings of 1993 International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE). Taiwan, Dec 1993.
謝錫金、祁永華、 林浩昌、潘國雄、梁小天 (1992) 。電腦輔助中文教學:識字教學。第二屆中文科課程教法研討會, 1992 年 6 月,香港大學。刊於語文教學面面觀,香港中文教育學會編,香港文化教育出版社有限公司, 1994 ,頁 231-239 。
Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials
Computer Software / System
Chinese character software learning package for South Asian learners 南亞裔學生漢字學習軟件套 , 2006
Web-based Learning and Teaching Support (WLTS), 2002
Dragonwise Series Websites 現龍系列網站中文字詞學習系統 - 教師協作交流計劃 , 2002,http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dtn
第二代現龍系列網站 , 2001,http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dragon2
《樂在詞中》網站 , 2000,http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk
母語教學教師支援中心網站http://www.cmi.hku.hk, 1998 – 2003
現龍系列 《漢字學習系統》光碟與配合教材
《漢》 HAN - Computer assisted learning for learning Chinese characters, 1991
Published Teaching Materials
Chinese character software learning package for South Asian learners 南亞裔學生漢字學習軟件套, 2006
Web-based Learning and Teaching Support (WLTS), 2002
Dragonwise Series Websites 現龍系列網站 中文字詞學習系統-教師協作交流計劃, 2002,http://www.dragonwise.hku.hk/dtn
《文字國》 , 2000
《現龍漢字資料庫及互動練習》 , 1999
母語教學教師支援中心網站http://www.cmi.hku.hk,1998 – 2003
《漢》HAN - Computer assisted learning for learning Chinese characters, 1991
《小兔子找食物》 , 1988
《童歌字趣》 , 1988
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