

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-02-06

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PhD Warwick

Research Areas
Language, literacy and literature education
Drama pedagogy
Qualitative research
Selected Funded Projects
External Research Grants
2019 Ploughing drama education for innovating the preschool curriculum and pedagogy in Hong Kong (2019). HKD$ 314,208.5; The Eight Matching Grant of the University Grants Committee, Principal Investigator, in progress.

2018-21 Ploughing drama education for innovating the preschool curriculum and pedagogy in Hong Kong (2018-21). HKD$ 1,256,300; Research Donation, D.H. Chen Foundation, Principal Investigator; in progress.

2017-18 A School-Based Project of Using Drama for Curriculum Enhancement (2017-2018). HKD$ 148,600; Quality Education Fund, HKSAR; Principal Investigator, Co-investigator: Ng Mei Lee, Yeung Ka Yee Karen. Education University of Hong Kong HSBC Early Childhood Learning Centre; completed.

2015-17 The Glocalisation of Drama Education in Early Childhood Education: the Cases of Taiwan and Hong Kong (2015-17). TWD$ 1,235,500; General Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan; Co-investigator, Principal Investigator: Professor Lin Mei-Chun (National University of Tainan); completed.

2013 A School, Theatre and University Partnership in Integrating Drama into Preschool Curriculum (2013-15); HKD$ 1,338,000; Commissioned Research, Hong Kong Theatre Repertory, Principal Investigator; completed.

2009-10 An Audience Research on The Insect Play (《昆蟲世界》劇場教育節目觀眾研究計劃) (2009-10); HKD$ 4,000; Collaborative research with Chung Ying Theatre Company(中英劇團); Principal Investigator; completed.

Internal Grants
in progress Construction of Chinese childhoods in participatory children’s theatre. HKD$ 80,000, Support to GRF/ECS Proposal Rated 3.5, RDO, Principal Investigator (In progress).

in progress Construction of Chinese childhoods in participatory children’s theatre. HKD$ 20,000, Departmental Funding support to conduct pilot study and develop the GRF/ECS proposal, Principal Investigator

2019-22 Development of Creative Thinking Skills: Engagement of Teachers and Students in Learning, Assessment and Collection of Evidence. HKD 400,000, Establishment of Community of Practice for 2019/20-21/22 of EDUHK, Co-coordinator, Principal Coordinator: Tam Cheung On, Chan Kit Wa Anita, Cheng Chi Keung Eric, Rogers, John, Other Co-investigators, Chan Yiu Ming Gordon, He Yang, Leung Chi Hin Michael, Liu Hoi Yee Rowena, Ng Tsui San Teresa, Vass, Vilmos (In progress).

2020-21 Arts and Creativity in Hong Kong Kindergartens: Towards ‘Glocal’ Pedagogies, HKD$ 600,000, Departmental Research Cluster Grant (2020-21), Co-investigator, Principal Investigator: Bautista Alfredo, Other Co-investigators, Wong Kit-Mei and Siu Tik Sze Carrey (In progress).

2019-20 Integration of board games in early childhood teaching and learning, HKD$ 50,000; Innovative Teaching (Beyond e-Learning) of FEHD Support Grant (2019-20), Project Leader; Member, Ng Mei Lee, Sam Cheung and Serena Fung (In progress).

2017-18 Using Multisensory Drama for Teaching Children with Diverse Needs, HKD$ 50,000; Innovative Teaching (Beyond e-Learning) of FEHD Support Grant (2017-18), Project Leader; Member, Lai Yuk Ching Eva (Completed).

2016-17 Using Drama Education as an Innovative Pedagogy in Higher Education, HKD$ 49, 875; Innovative Teaching (Beyond e-Learning) of FEHD Support Grant (2016-17); EDUHK; Project Leader; Members, Pauline Chan Po Lin Pauline, Lau Yi Hung Eva, Lai Yuk Ching Eva, Ng Mei Lee and Tam Mei Ngan Tammy (Completed).

2012-13 The teaching of performance activities of Hong Kong Kindergarten Teachers (2012-13); HKD$ 30,000; Start-up Research Grant, HKIED; Chief Investigator (Completed).

2011-13 Framing and reframing Language Experience Approach: A self-study of enhancing Hong Kong kindergarten teachers’ literacy instruction (2011-2013); HKD$ 50,000; Departmental Research Grant, HKIED; Chief Investigator (Completed).

2009-11 An Ethnographic Study of the Children’s Communication in Social Dramatic Play (2009-11); HKD$ 81,816; Internal Research Grant, HKIED; Chief Investigator (Completed).

2008-09 A Pilot Study of the Emergence of Children’s Multiliteracies in Dramatic-play Corner (2008-9); HKD$ 13,300; Small Scale Research Grant; Chief Investigator (Completed).

Selected Outputs
Journal Publications
Refereed Journal Article

Accepted Tam, Po-Chi (Accepted). Artistic transfiguration: Drama education as a method of post-COVID-19 education. The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia.

2020 Tam, Po-Chi (2020). ‘Now I send you the rays of the sun’: A drama project to rebuild post-COVID-19 resilience for teachers and children in Hong Kong. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance doi.org/10.1080/13569783.2020.1816816

2020 Tam, Po-chi (2020). Editorial: The lines of flight, transgression and connectability of drama, The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 9, 1-3.

2018 Lin, Mei-Chun & Tam, Po Chi (2018). The glocalization of early childhood drama education in Taiwan & Hong Kong: A study of dialogic video ethnography (臺灣與香港幼兒戲劇教育全球在地化──視像人種誌對話硏究), Curriculum & Instruction Quarterly (課程與教學季刊)[1],2(13),1-28.

2018 Tam, Po Chi. (2018). Teacher as Fool: A study of the teacher’s power in the carnivalesque practice of drama education, Pedagogy, Culture & Society[1]. 26(2), 283-300.

2017 Tam, Po Chi (2017). Editorial: Drama participation and children’s rights.The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 7, 1-4.

2017 Tam, Po Chi. (2017). Integrating Conventions Approach with picture books: The approaches, practices and challenges of early childhood drama education in Hong Kong (繪本融合戲劇習式方法:香港幼兒教育實踐戲劇教育的模式、狀況與挑戰), Research in Arts Education (藝術教育研究)[1], 34, 65-91.

2016 Tam, Po-chi (2016). Editorial: Exploring Asian drama/theatre education: From transculturation, localization to Asia as Method.The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 6(1), 1-5.

2016 Tam, Po-Chi (2016). Children’s creative understanding of drama education: A Bakhtinian perspective.Thinking Skills and Creativity, 20, 29-39.

2016 Chung, Y. H. & Tam, P. C. (2015). A multi-case study of using drama education for enhancing parent-child communication (戲劇教育加強親子溝通之多個案究), Research in Drama Education & Theatre Studies (戲劇教育與劇場研究期刊), 5, 83-114.

2014 Tam, Po-chi. (2014). The quest for glocalisation of drama education: a case study in training Hong Kong early childhood teachers (尋繹戲劇教育全球在地化之道:香港幼兒教育教師培訓個案研究), Research in Arts Education (藝術教育研究). 27, 1-26.

2013 Tam, Po-chi (2013). Editorial: Glocalisation of drama education: A glimpse from Hong Kong perspective.The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 4(1), 1-7.

2013 Tam, P. C. & Wong, K. M. (2013). ‘Teaching’ children to play theatre games: A collaborative inquiry with a student teacher (‘教’幼兒玩劇場遊戲:與實習教師之協同探究), The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia, 4(1), 65-82.

2013 Wang, Wan-Jung, Tam Po-Chi, Kim, Byoung-Joo & Kok, Heng-Leun (2013). New imaginings and actions of Drama Education and Applied Theatre in NIE4 in Asia.Research in Drama Education, 18(1), 79-93.

2013 Tam, P. C. (2012). A self-study of using Paper Bag Princess and Drama-in-Education for teaching critical reading: Crafting and re-crafting drama conventions (以繪本《紙袋公主》結合教育戲劇實踐批判閱讀教學之自我研究:陶造與再陶造戲劇慣例的運用), Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly (當代教育研究)[1], 20 (4), 85-120.


Tam, Po Chi (2012). Children's bricolage under the gaze of teachers in sociodramatic play.Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research, 20(2), 244-259.


Wang, Wan-Jung, Tam, Po-chi, Kim, B. J. and Kok, H, L. (forthcoming). New imaginings and actions of Drama Education and Applied Theatre in NIE4 in Asia, Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance (SSCI).


Wong, P. S. & Tam, P. C. (2011). A comparative study of the effects of story reading and storytelling on the reading performance of young children (比較讀故事和說故事對幼兒閱讀表現的影響). Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood, 10, 25-31.


Tam, P. C. (2010). A case study of the aesthetic responses of young theatre audience: The Insect Play (青少年觀眾的審美回應:以《昆蟲世界》作個案研究). Research in Arts Education (Taiwan SSCI, HSCI core), 20, 67-92.


Tam, Po-chi (2010). Appropriating drama pedagogy: Learning from the local practices in Hong Kong. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 18(3), 309-329.


Tam, Po-chi (2010). The implications of Carnival theory for interpreting drama pedagogy. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance (SSCI), 15(2), 175-192.

Non-refereed Articles in Professional Publication

2019 Tam, P. C. (2019). Using picture books to nurture the wisdom of children (繪本培養智慧小孩). Hong Kong Public Libraries Newsletter, 109 (Nov), 10. https://app4.rthk.hk/special/15minsreading/article.php?id=149

2018/19 Tam, P. C. (2018/9). Thinking outside the box with drama education (突破框框的戲劇教育). EDUHK Early Childhood Education Newsletter, 2, 1.

2016/17 Tam, P. C. (2016/7). Drama-in-Education supports children to rehearse ideas and affects (戲劇教育幫助幼兒預演意念和情感). EDUHK Early Childhood Education Newsletter, 3, 3.

2016 Tam, P. C. (2016). Drama education: the fun to experience, explore and create picture books (戲劇教育:給幼兒體驗、探索與創作繪本的樂趣), In Cheung, K. Y. (Ed.). It is beneficial to play: a collection of exemplary practices of integrating drama into preschool education (戲有益─戲劇融入學前教育教案結集) (pp.15-20). Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Theatre Repertory.


謝錫金, 祁永華, 岑紹基, 鄺偉良, 譚寶芝 (2002). 《母語教學施行情況調查報告》. 香港: 香港大學出版社.

Scholarly Books, Monographs and Chapters
Research book or monograph


Tse, S. K., Ki, W. W., Tam, P. C., Shum, M., & Kwan, S. N. (2003). Project Learning and Assessment (專題研習與評量). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.


Wong, S. H., Szeto, S. Y., Ng, L. C. & Tam, P. C. (1996) Ten Famous Ci Poets in Jin & Yuan Dynasty (金元十家詞選). Shanxi: Tai Bai Wen Yi Publisher.

Chapter in an edited book

2018 Tam, P. C. (2018). Neither a borrower nor a lender be? Better to question how to borrow: An exploration of Asia as Method in teaching drama-in-education in Hong Kong, In Kennedy, K.J. & Lee, J. Chi-kin (Eds.). Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia (450-463). London: Taylor & Francis.

2017 Tam, Po Chi. (2017). A Hong Kong version of early Chinese literacy education: A Sinophone perspective, In Li, Minyi, Fox, J., & Grieshaber, S. (Eds.). Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Early Childhood Education in the Asia-Pacific Region (82-102), Singapore: Springer.


Tam, P. C. (2015). Chinese language education in Hong Kong early childhood education: Current development and future challenges (香港幼兒語文教學的發展狀況、挑戰與方向), In Tse, S. K., Lee, M. and Chan, S. P. (Eds.), Early childhood literacy: Effective Chinese language acquisition and teaching (幼兒綜合高效識字:中文讀寫的理論與實踐) (pp.3-19). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.


Tam, P. C. (2005). Variations in Drama-in-Education (教育戲劇中的變易). In Ki, W. W., Tse, S. K., Shum, M. S. K. (Eds.), The theory of variation and the space of learning (pp.66-77). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.


Tam, P. C. (2004). How to use drama-in-education to promote student response in poetry lesson (教育戲劇如何促進讀者回應──以一次詩歌教學為例). In C. S. S. Leung & S. C. Wong (Eds.), Current studies on reading research and the teaching of reading (pp. 81-99). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Reading Association.


Tam, P. C. (2003). A problem solving approach to the design of Chinese grammar online course (網上漢語文語法解難自學教程設計探討). In Tse, S. k., Ki, W. W. & Shum, S. K. (Eds.), Network for Chinese Language Education: Research, Development and Classroom Usage. (pp. 292-302). Guangzoug: GuangDong Higher Education Publisher.

Conference Papers
Refereed Conference Paper

2019 Tam, Po-chi and Lin, Mei-chun (2019). Glocalising drama education in Hong Kong and Taiwan: An Asia-as-Method approach. Paper presented at the 9th International Drama in Education Research Institute, Critical Research Unit in Applied Theatre, University of Auckland, 2-9 July, New Zealand.

2016 Tam, Po-chi and Po Leung Kuk Cheung Poon Mei Yee Kindergarten (2016). After partnership project: The conditions necessary for sustainable development of drama education in school (伙伴計劃以後:校本戲劇教育持續發展的要素), Poster presented at the Conference for Research in Early Childhood Education, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, 12 May, Hong Kong.

2015 Tam, Po-chi (2015). Children’s creative understanding of drama education: A Bakhtinian perspective, Paper presented at the 8th International Drama in Education Research Institute: Open Culture in the Asian Century- Reimagining Drama Education, the National Institute of Education, 30 June- 5 July, Singapore.

2015 Tam, Po-chi (2015). Methodological issues of using draw-and-tell method to investigate children’s drama learning experiences. Paper presented at The 6th International Art in Early Childhood Conference: Art: Home, Schools, Communities, the Hong Kong Institute of Education, 11-13 June, Hong Kong.

2013 Tam, Po-chi. (2013). Troubling Chinese empathy with drama-in-education, Paper presented at the 8th World Congress of the International Drama/Theatre and Education Association, The International Drama/Theatre and Education Association, 8-13 July, Paris.

2013 Tam, Po-chi. (2013). Redesigning language experience approach for enhancing the vocabulary instruction in Hong Kong kindergartens. Paper presented at the Early Childhood and Society in Rome and Hong Kong, Joint Seminar organized by the Department of Human Studies of the Lumsa University and Department of Early childhood Education of the Hong Kong Institute of Education, 15-18 April, Rome.

2012 Tam, P. C., Zhang, Y. and Lam, H. C. (2012). Enhancing the teaching of performance tasks in kindergartens via learning study in Hong Kong. A paper presented at The World Association of Lesson Studies International Conference 2012, the National Institute of Education, 28-30 November, Singapore.


Tam, Po-chi (2012, June). Children's creative resistance in sociodramatic play: A discourse analysis approach. Discourse and Society: Transforming Scholarship - Setting a New Agenda for Research and Teaching in Language Studies, Kuala Lumper.


Tam, P. C. (2011). Crafting and recrafting drama-in-education for critical change: A self-study of teaching gender to primary school children in Hong Kong (運用教育戲劇與香港小學生探討性別議題的自我研究:尋繹教育戲劇作批判教育的技藝). Paper presented at the International Conference of Drama Education, Application and Research ─ Forming the Asian Perspective, 11-13, October, Tainan, Taiwan.


Tam, P. C. (2010). An exploratory study of the practice of drama activities in Hong Kong kindergartens. Paper presented at the 26th OMEP World Congress, 11-13, August, Goteborg, Sweden.


Tam, P. C. (2009). Unicorn or Rhinoceros? How do teachers make sense of drama pedagogy? Paper presented at the World Conference 2009 on Drama and Education in Chinese Communities, 19-21 Dec., Hong Kong.


Tam, P. C. (2009). Rhetoric and reality: Teaching artists’ experiences and views of the arts partnership in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on the Arts in Society, 28-31 July, Venice, Italy.


Tam, P. C. (2009). The Hong Kong’s experience of borrowing drama pedagogy from the West. Paper presented at the 3rd Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference 2009, 1-3 June, Singapore.


Tam, P. C. (2009). Children’s resistance to language socialization: An ethnographic study of a Hong Kong kindergarten role-play corner (Tam, P. C. (2009). An investigation of the development of drama education in Kong Hong early childhood education (戲劇教育在香港幼兒教育的發展狀況). Invited speaker and panelist of the 3rd International Symposium of Educational Culture, National Ping Tung Educational University, 15-16 May, Taiwan.


Tam, P. C. (2008). The emergence and the functions of popular text in Chinese language classroom using drama pedagogy. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Popular Culture and Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 11-13 December, Hong Kong.


Tam, P. C. (2008). A classroom discourse analysis of pupils’ participation in literacy learning with drama pedagogy (藉課室言談探討戲劇教學、學生參與和讀寫能力的關係). In the proceedings of the International Conference of Drama-in-Education and Applied Theatre (pp.133-146), Taipei: National Taiwan University.


Tam, P.C. & Chou, S.Y. (2007). The Potential Role of Drama in Visual Art Learning. Workshop in the InSEA Asia Regional Congress Aug. 20 - 23, 2007, Seoul, Korea.


Tam, P.C. (2007). Using Drama as Pedagogy in a Year-four Chinese Lesson - a Carnivalesque Perspective. Paper presented in the IDEA 2007 6th Congress for International Drama / Theatre and Education Association, July 16 - 22, Hong Kong.


Tam, P.C. (2006). A Case Study of Using Drama to Structure Teaching of Genre in a Carnivalistic Way. Paper presented in the UNESCO World Conference on Arts Education Building Creative Capacity for the 21st Century , Mar. 6 - 9, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal.


謝錫金, 譚寶芝 (2005). 《以讀者為本的傳意理論》. 第八屆現代應用文國際研討會宣讀論文, 四川, 2005年8月11至15日.


Tam, P.C. & Siu, C.Y. Joanne (2004). How does Drama Promote Literacy, Focusing on Reading, for Both Chinese and English? Workshop in The 18th International language in Education Conference (ILEC), Dec. 16 - 18, 2004, Hong Kong.


譚寶芝 (2004). 《利用繪本發展孩子的多元讀寫能力》. 第十八屆國際語文教育研討會 (ILEC) 宣讀論文, 香港, 2004年12月16至18日.


譚寶芝 (2003). 《教育劇埸的閱讀策略》. 香港閱讀學會2003年學術研討會宣讀論文, 香港, 2003年6月22日.

Creative & Literary Works, Reports and Published Teaching Materials
Research Reports

2020 Tam, P.C. (2020). Ploughing drama education for innovating the preschool curriculum and pedagogy in Hong Kong (Stage two to three).

2019 Tam, P.C. (2019). Ploughing drama education for innovating the preschool curriculum and pedagogy in Hong Kong (Stage one).

2015 Tam, P.C. (2015). A Report on a School, Theatre and University Partnership in Integrating Drama into Preschool Curriculum.


Tam, P. C. (2010). A Report on the Aesthetic Responses of Young Theatre Audience: The Insect Play. Hong Kong: Chung Ying Theatre Company.


Tse, S. k., Ki, W. W., Shum, S. K., Kwong, W. L. & Tam, P. C. (2002) Survey Report on Need Assessment of Teachers Using Chinese as a Medium of Instruction 2001-2002 (母語教學施行情況調查報告). Hong Kong: Center for Supporting Teachers Using Chinese as a Medium of Instruction. (http://www.cmi.hku.hk/ref/Survey/cmi/Report_2002_7July_supRev6_FINO_Cover.pdf)

Published Teaching Materials


中文進修閣 (2000 - 2003)

Selected Output Categories
Article for newspaper and journal


Tam, P. C. (2008). What mode of literacy does drama pedagogy teach? (戲劇教學如何影響學生參與和讀寫能力發展), Drama and Education Professional Magazine, 2, 2-8.


Tam, P. C. (2003, October). Drama-in-education: an affective approach to reading (審美閱讀策略──以教育戲劇為例), Language Education, 3-7.

Keynote and invited speaker

2019 Invited Speaker. Using picture books to raise our children with wisdom, paper presented at Paired Reading Talks 2019: A Key to Unlock Wisdom, Hong Kong Public Libraries, 12th October 2019, Hong Kong.

2019 Invited Speaker. A school-theatre company-university drama partnership for curriculum innovation in Hong Kong kindergartens. Paper presented at Early Childhood Education Theatre, Learning and Teaching Expo 2019, Hong Kong Education City, 11th December 2019, Hong Kong.

2019 Invited Speaker. Why we need drama education? : Teacher and curriculum perspectives (為甚麼要學教育戲劇:教師和課程視角) Knowledge Transfer Seminar, The Department of Early Childhood Education, EDUHK, 23 March, 2019.

2019 Invited Guest Speaker. Doing case study and ethnography for DTE thesis projects in Community, Master of Fine Arts (Drama and Theatre Education), the School of Drama, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 14 March, 2019.

2016 Invited Speaker. The Design and instruction of Process Drama. The International Conference on Drama Education for Young Children 2016. The Beijing Normal University (Zhuhai), 24-26 November, 2016, Zhuhai, China.

2015 Invited plenary session chair: Practitioner craftsmanship and mentorship of theatre/drama education, TEFO Conference 2015 on Drama Education, Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum, 1-3 May, 2015.

2014 Keynote:Teaching training with Drama Education: Locality and Craftsmanship (戲劇教育教師培養中的本土特質與匠人精神). The International Conference on Drama Education for Young Children, National Nanjing Normal University, 8-10 June, 2014, Nanjing.

2014 Invited speaker: Drama education and Asian traditions of Education, Asia-Pacific Drama Education Conference 2014, Hong Kong Institute of Education, 2-3 May, 2014.

2012 Invited workshop presentation: Global stories and Drama-in-Education, International Week, ‘Window to the World 2012’, Department of Early Childhood Education, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, 15-19 October, 2012, Oslo, Norway.

2012 Invited poster presentation: Teaching preschoolers to play: A reflection on teaching theatre games (‘教’幼兒玩遊戲:一次實踐劇場遊戲的反思), Ten Years of Regional Leadership: Vision and Prospects 2012 International Conference of Drama Education and Application, Department of Drama Creation and Application, National University of Tainan, 26-28 October, 2012, Tainan, Taiwan.


Organising committee members of The 8th O.M.E.P. (Hong Kong) International Conference 2011.

2009 Invited paper presentation: Children’s resistance to language socialization: An ethnographic study of a Hong Kong kindergarten role-play corner (幼兒對扮演遊戲的順從與抵抗), The 3rd International Symposium of Educational Culture: Children/ Literature/ Drama/ Scaffolding Children’s Learning through Drama, Department of Early Children Education, National Ping Tung Education University, 15-16 May, 2009, Ping Tung, Taiwan.

2009 Invited panelist: An investigation of the development of drama education in Kong Hong early childhood education (戲劇教育在香港幼兒教育的發展狀況), The 3rd International Symposium of Educational Culture: Children/ Literature/ Drama/ Scaffolding Children’s Learning through Drama, Department of Early Children Education, National Ping Tung Education University, 15-16 May, 2009, Ping Tung, Taiwan.


Invited speaker of the ‘Symposium on the Use of Drama as Pedagogy in Chinese Language Education: Taiwan’s Experience’, TEFO, 14th March, 2009.


Academic committee members of the World Conference 2009 on Drama and Education in Chinese Communities organised by Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum


Organising committee members of The 7th O.M.E.P. (Hong Kong) International Conference 2008.

High Level Public or Professional Services (2014-2020)
2020-21 Member (2020/21),Assessment Working Group of the Chief Executive's Award for Teaching Excellence (Arts Education), Education Bureau and Quality Education Fund, HKSAR.

2020 External Reviewer (2020-), Research & Development Projects, Standing Committee on Language Education and Research(SCOLAR), HKSAR


Member (2019-2020), Core Group(s) for the Kindergarten (KG) Resource Centre, Education Bureau, HKSAR.

2018 Member (2018-), Curriculum Development Advisory Committee, The Education University of Hong Kong Early Childhood Learning Centre

2014 Specialist (2014-), Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications

All Other Outputs
Reviewer of journals/articles, external examiner, academic services

2013 Co-editor, The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia (Hong Kong: TEFO) (2013- )

2015 Member, Editorial board, Research in Drama Education and Theatre Studies (Tainan: Department of Drama Creation and Application of the National University of Tainan) (2015- )

2009 Member, International editorial board, Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance (SSCI, Routledge/Taylor & Francis, UK) (2009- )


Reviewer of the Hong Kong Journal of Early Childhood (Vol. 7, No.1), the Department of Early childhood Education, the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

相关话题/博士 香港教育大学 幼儿教育