
香港中文大学内科及药物治疗学系老师教授导师介绍简介-Lee Alex PW

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-29

{ "chinesename
Alex PW
MD (2015), FACC (2017), FESC (2017), FRCP (2014), FHKAM (Medicine, 2008), FHKCP (2008), ECFMG (2006), MRCP (UK, 2003), MBChB (Hon, CUHK, 2000)
Professor, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics
Director, Echocardiography Laboratory
Director, Laboratory of Cardiac Imaging and 3D Printing, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences
Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Honorary Consultant Cardiologist, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hospital Authority
Cardiac imaging, structural heart disease and intervention, heart failure
Cardiac imaging, advanced echocardiography techniques, biomedical engineering, heart valve disease, structural heart intervention, heart failure
(852) 3505 3173
Prof. Lee is an academic cardiologist and physician-scientist. He specialises in cardiac imaging with particular interest in echocardiography. His main research interests are heart valve disease, heart failure, advanced techniques in echocardiography (3D, strain, and contrast), and the application of cardiac imaging in guiding valvular surgery and structural heart intervention. He is particularly keen in collaborating with engineers to innovate diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for cardiovascular disease. In patients with dilated cardiomyopathy undergoing mitral valve repair, he established the importance of distal anterior leaflet tethering in the mechanism of recurrence of functional mitral regurgitation. Based on his work, the echocardiographic parameter of distal anterior leaflet angle has been officially incorporated into the position statement from the European Society of Cardiology and the recommendations from the American Society of Echocardiography on cardiovascular surgery and valvular heart disease.
More recently, Prof. Lee and his group discovered the mechanistic link between mitral annular saddle shape and progression of degenerative mitral regurgitation using a novel technology called real-time 3D echocardiography. He hypothesized that the mitral valve sustain physical stress imposed by the ventricle by assuming a hyperbolic paraboloid (saddle-shape) surface during systole, analogous to architectural design to bear weight (e.g. the Canadian Scotiabank Saddledome). Loss of the annular saddle shape predispose to valvular degeneration. His novel finding was accompanied by positive editorial comments in Circulation and has been widely cited by other researchers.
Prof. Lee has published over 160 articles in peer-reviewed journals including Circulation, European Heart Journal, Journal of American College of Cardiology, and Nature: Cardiology Review. He is the editor and reviewer of over 10 peer-reviewed medical journals, and the coordinator of the Echocardiography Chapter of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology. He is a frequent invited speaker and faculty member in international scientific conferences organised by the American Heart Association, the American College of Cardiology, the European Society of Cardiology, the American Society of Echocardiography, the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging, and the Asian-Pacific Association of Echocardiography. He has been awarded numerous research awards including the European Society of Cardiology Young Investigator Award, the State Ministry of Education First-Class Award in Technology Advancement, the CUHK Research Excellence Award, the Hong Kong College of Physicians Distinguished Research Awards (3 times) and the Richard Yu Lectureship for his distinguished research achievement as a young clinical scientist.

Lee AP, Jin CN, Fan Y, Wong RHL, Underwood MJ, Wan S. Functional implication of mitral annular disjunction in mitral valve prolapse: A quantitative dynamic 3D echocardiographic study. JACC. Cardiovascular imaging. 2017;10:1424-1433." },{ "publication
Fan S, Chan A, Au S, Leong MCW, Chow M, Fan YT, Wong R, Chan S, Ng SK, Lee AP, Kwok KW. Personalised anaesthesia: Three-dimensional printing of facial prosthetic for facial deformity with difficult airway. British Journal of Anaesthesia. 121:675-678." },{ "publication
So KC, Fan Y, Sze L, Kwok KW, Chan AK, Cheung GS, Lee AP. Using multimaterial 3-dimensional printing for personalized planning of complex structural heart disease intervention. JACC. Cardiovascular interventions. 2017;10:e97-e98." },{ "publication
Fan Y, Kwok KW, Zhang Y, Cheung GS, Chan AK, Lee AP. Three-dimensional printing for planning occlusion procedure for a double-lobed left atrial appendage. Circulation. Cardiovascular Interventions. 2016;9: e003561." },{ "publication
Jin CN, Salgo IS, Schneider RJ, Kam KKH, Chi WK, So CY, Tang Z, Wan S, Wong R, Underwood M, Lee AP. Using anatomic intelligence to localize mitral valve prolapse on three-dimensional echocardiography. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. 2016;29:938-945." },{ "publication
Lee AP, Hsiung MC, Salgo IS, Fang F, Xie JM, Zhang YC, Lin QS, Looi JL, Wan S, Wong RH, Underwood MJ, Sun JP, Yin WH, Wei J, Tsai SK, Yu CM. Quantitative analysis of mitral valve morphology in mitral valve prolapse using real-time three-dimensional echocardiography: Importance of annular saddle-shape in pathogenesis of mitral regurgitation. Circulation 2013;127:832-41." },{ "publication
Yu CM, Khattab AA, Bertog SC, Lee APW, Kwong JSW, Sievert H, et al. Mechanical antithrombotic intervention by LAA occlusion in atrial fibrillation. Nature Reviews Cardiology. 2013;10:708-23." },{ "publication
Lee AP, Acker M, Kubo SH, Bolling SF, Park SW, Bruce CJ, Oh JK. Mechanisms of recurrent functional mitral regurgitation after mitral valve repair in nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy: Importance of distal anterior leaflet tethering. Circulation. 2009;119:2606-14." },{ "publication
Lee AP, Song JK, Yip GW, Zhang Q, Zhu TG, Li C, Chan A, Yu CM. Importance of dynamic dyssynchrony in the occurrence of hypertensive heart failure with normal ejection fraction. Eur Heart J. 2010;31:2642-9." },{ "publication
Lee AP, Zhang Q, Yip G, Fang F, Liang YJ, Xie JM, Lam YY, Yu CM. Left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction complicating acute coronary syndrome. JACC: Cardiovasc Imaging. 2011;4:348-57." }]}
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