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国际电子封装学会(IMAPS)《Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging》杂志副主编



1. 纳米材料与器件:

a. 纳米焊料及可靠性

b. 印刷电子材料与器件

c. 柔性电子材料与器件

2. 电子封装及可靠性:

a. 第三代半导体功率器件、系统级封装、三维封装及热管理;

b. 电子封装可靠性试验及失效分析(热循环、机械振动、电迁移、极限环境)

c. 电子封装有限元模拟及寿命预测。
3. 微纳连接方法及基础研究:











电子封装专业导论 本科生课程:专业导论是电子封装技术专业的基础课程。将介绍集成电路芯片的发展与制造(发明、发展里程碑、发展现状等);各种电子元器件的结构与设计;电子封装材料分类、用途及发展趋势;电子封装互连、微纳制造、封装测试、可靠性与失效相关的知识;未来的电子封装技术;世界范围内与电子封装技术相关的研究院校与发展现状;电子制造行业对高级人才知识结构体系的需求等。对于新入学的一年级学生,通过本课程的学习激发对专业学习的兴趣与自觉性,为后续专业课学习打好基础。

微电子制造技术本科生课程:微电子制造技术是电子封装技术专业的主干课程,培养学生掌握从事微电子设计、制造、封装测试必须具备的专业基本知识。课程教学目的如下:1) 了解微电子制造技术的发展历史及基本的发展规律;2) 熟悉半导体集成电路的基本制造过程,如扩散、光刻等方法的原理;3) 掌握微电子制造的基本原理,具有进行简单微电子制造工艺设计的能力。


微纳连接技术 研究生课程:本课程将从材料加工和电子制造领域出发,使学生掌握微电子制造中的微纳连接技术方法和基础理论。了解最先进的微连接方法的原理、过程控制及界面冶金行为,明确激光超声无钎剂软钎焊方法氧化膜去除的原理、超声键合过程中超声对界面原子扩散的促进作用;通过钎料与材料之间界面电子结构,掌握润湿性和可钎焊性的基本原理;通过微连接界面微观组织的演变,了解微连接接头界面行为的尺寸效应;通过钎料合金中元素的迁移、界面间的相互影响,掌握微互连接头中的扩散动力学;掌握含有限晶粒的微连接接头的力学行为、裂纹尖端物理及扩展行为、力学行为的尺寸效应;掌握微互连接头中电迁移和锡须产生的基本原理、失效模式及最新研究进展;了解电子制造领域最前沿的纳米互连技术及发展趋势。

发表教学论文:田艳红,刘威,王春青 构建电子封装技术专业本科生培养体系哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版),第13卷(增2),2011年12月杭春进,田艳红,王春青,刘威,安荣,张威 加拿大滑铁卢大学产学合作培养模式概况与启示高教综合改革研究与实践论文集,黑龙江省高等教育学会编著,2012年4月 (获得黑龙江省高等教育学会优秀教育科研论文一等奖 田艳红,王春青 电子封装技术研究与教育机构十年发展<电子工业专用设备> 2013年3月 《电子封装技术专业课程体系的研究与实践》获得2012年哈尔滨工业大学优秀教学成果一等奖


1. 微连接方法及基础研究:




2. 电子封装及可靠性:





3. 纳米材料与器件:




王春青:教授, 电子封装方向学术带头人. 杭春进: 副教授, 研究方向: LED封装、MEMS.王晨曦: 副教授,研究方向:晶圆低温键合刘威:副教授,研究方向:微连接界面微观结构安荣:副教授,研究方向:电子封装可靠性张威:讲师,研究方向:有限元模拟与分析郑振:讲师,研究方向:化学微加工









担任角色 负责












项目来源国家自然科学基金委 面上项目,2011-2013





项目来源国家自然科学基金委 青年基金,2008-2010












































奖项名称Interaction Kinetics between PBGA Solder Balls and Au/Ni/Cu Metallisation during Laser Reflow Bumping


完成人田艳红 王春青








完成人王春青 田艳红 刘威 杭春进 安荣




完成人王春青 田艳红 刘威 杭春进


分会邀请报告: Mechanism of Low Temperature Cu-In Solid-Liquid Interdiffusion Bonding in 3D Package, 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology,Guilin,China, Aug.12-14,2012(第13届电子封装国际学术会议,中国桂林。作为分会主席参与组织学术会议)报告题目:Morphologies of Cu6Sn5 intermetallic compounds on Single Crystal Cu Substrates. International Conference on Najoining and Microjoining,Dec 2-6,2012 Beijing,China (第1届微纳连接国际学术会议,中国北京。作为分会主席参与组织学术会议)报告题目:Morphologies and Grain Orientations of Cu6Sn5 in Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu/Cu Solder Joint. 4th International Conference on Brazing and Soldering, Las Vegas, USA, April 23-25,2012(第4届钎焊国际会议,美国拉斯维加斯)报告题目:Recent Research Advances in Nanojoining and Microjoining in HIT, Workshop on Nanojoining and Microjoining, Waterloo, ON, Canada,Nov,20-23, 2011(加拿大滑铁卢大学微纳连接研讨会)报告题目:Analysis of Cu6Sn5 grain orientations in Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu lead-free solder joints," 12th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Shanghai, China, Aug.2-6,2011 (第12届电子封装国际学术会议,中国上海。作为分会主席参与组织学术会议)报告题目:Ultrasonic Bondability and Antioxidation Property of Ti/Cu/Ag Metallization on Si Substrate. 12th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Xi'an, China, Aug.19-22,2010 (第11届电子封装国际学术会议,中国西安。作为分会主席参与组织学术会议)报告题目:Characterization of Ag Nanofilm Metallization on Copper Chip Interconnect and Its Ultrasonic Bondability. 10th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology,July 26-28, 2009,Beijing,China (第10届电子封装国际学术会议,中国北京。作为分会主席参与组织学术会议)报告题目:Shear Fracture Behavior of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu Solder Joints on Cu Pads with Differeint Solder Volumes. ICEPT-HDP 2008, Shanghai, July 28-31,2008 (第9届电子封装国际学术会议,中国上海)报告题目: Evolution of Cu/Al Intermetallic Compounds in the Copper Bump bonds during Aging Process, ICEPT-HDP,Shanghai 2007(第8届电子封装国际学术会议,中国上海)


出版物名称英文著作《Microjoining and Nanojoining》Chapter 12: Laser Soldering

作者Yanhong Tian Chunqing Wang



作者田艳红 王春青 刘威




出版物名称《China Welding 1994-2016》 Chapter 10






田艳红, 江智, 文嘉玥. 铜/银核壳纳米颗粒低温烧结复合焊膏及其制备方法. **0.1田艳红,刘宝磊,孔令超,杭春进,王春青.热-超声-电磁复合场调控金属间化合物生长实现芯片高可靠立体互连的方法. ZL**0.8
田艳红,杭春进,刘威,王春青,吴伟伟. 立体组装垂直互连中的双面凸点转接板及其制作方法. ZL **0.1田艳红,刘宝磊,王春青,杭春进,孔令超. 高频电磁感应加热重熔实现板级三维组装互连的方法. ZL **6.2 田艳红,刘宝磊,孔令超. 热-超声-电磁多场复合再流焊方法. ZL **4.3王春青,田艳红, 吴伟伟,刘宝磊. 一种垂直互连双面凸点转接板制造过程中的辅助装置. **5.8 孔令超, 田艳红, 王春青. 检测电路板焊点可靠性的红外测温检测法. ZL **3.2孔令超, 田艳红, 王春青. 采用红外多点测温热阻法检测电路板焊点可靠性的检测系统. ZL**9.6王春青, 田艳红, 孔令超. 双束激光辅助LED芯片与热沉直接键合的方法. ZL **9.7 王春青, 孔令超, 田艳红.LED芯片与热沉直接封装的散热组件及其制造设备和方法.ZL **1.6 王春青, 孔令超, 田艳红. 单束激光辅助LED芯片与热沉直接钎焊的方法. ZL**0.X 王春青, 杨磊, 刘威, 田艳红. 面向MEMS立体封装和组装的锡球凸点键合及质量检测方法.ZL **6.9王晨曦,许继开,田艳红,刘宝磊, 一种利用半导体制冷片进行高低温可控晶圆键合的方法,专利号:ZL**2.3. 王晨曦,许继开,田艳红,王春青,一种压力可调可用于气体保护下的热压键合夹具, 专利号:ZL**3.4.王晨曦,许继开,田艳红,黄圆,石成杰, 一种利用水蒸气辅助及紫外光活化键合装置及方法, 专利号:ZL**1.5王晨曦,许继开,田艳红,刘艳南,曾小润,王春青, 一种辅助手动晶圆键合装置, 专利号:ZL**9.6.


Ruyu Tian, Chunjin Hang, Yanhong Tian*, Jikai Xu. Brittle fracture of Sn-37Pb solder joints induced by enhanced intermetallic compound growth under extreme temperature changes, Journal of Materials Processing Techonology, 2019, 268: 1–9.

Yilong Huang, Yayun Liu, Kareem Youssef, Kwing Tong, Yanhong Tian*, Qibing Pei*. A solution processed flexible nanocomposite substrate with efficient light extraction via periodic wrinkles for white organic light-emitting diodes, Advanced Optical Materials, 2018: **
Ruyu Tian, Chunjin Hang, Yanhong Tian*,Jiayun Feng. Brittle fracture induced by phase transformation of Ni-Cu-Sn intermetallic compounds in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu/Ni solder joints under extreme temperature environment, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 777: 463-471.

Jiayun Feng, Chunjin Hang, Yanhong Tian*, Chenxi Wang, Baolei Liu, Effect of electric current on grain orientation and mechanical properties of Cu-Sn intermetallic compounds joints, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 753: 203-211

Shang Wang, Yanhong Tian*, Chenxi Wang*, Chunjin Hang, Communication—Ag NW Networks Enhanced by Ni Electroplating for Flexible Transparent Electrodes, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165(9): D328-D330

Shang Wang, Yanhong Tian*, Chunjin Hang, Chenxi Wang. Cohesively enhanced electrical conductivity and thermal stability of silver nanowire networks by nickel ion bridge joining, Scientific Reports, 2018(8):5260

Jiayun Feng, Chunjin Hang, Yanhong Tian*, Baoleiliu, Chenxi Wang, Growth kinetics of Cu6Sn5 intermetallic compound in Cu-liquid Sn interfacial reaction enhanced by electric current, Scientific Reports, 2018(8):1775

Su Ding; Yanhong Tian*; Jinting Jiu; Katsuaki Suganuma. Highly conductive and transparent copper nanowire electrodes on surface coated ?exible and heat-sensitive substrates. RSC Adv. v 8, p 2109-2115, 2018

Ruyu Tian; Chunjin Hang; Yanhong Tian*; Liyou Zhao. Growthbehaviorofintermetalliccompoundsand early formation of cracks in Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solder joints under extreme temperature thermal shock. Materials Science & Engineering A,V709, 2018, P 125-133

Chenxi Wang,Daoyuan Li, Shang Wang, Boyan Huang, and YanhongTian, “A Self-Contained Temperature Sensing Approach for Ultrafast Microwelding”,Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 165, No. 5, 2018, pp. B220-B222

Jikai Xu, Chenxi Wang, Te Wang, Yuan Wang, Qiushi Kang, Yannan Liu, and Yanhong Tian, “Mechanisms for Low-Temperature Direct Bonding of Si/Si and Quartz/Quartz via VUV/O3 Activation”, RSC Advances, Vol. 8, 2018,pp. 11528-11535.

Chenxi Wang, Jikai Xu, Xiaoyun Qi, Yannan Liu,Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, and Tadatomo Suga, “Direct Homo/Heterogeneous Bonding of Silicon and Glass Using Vacuum Ultraviolet Irradiation in Air”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 165, No. 4, 2018, pp. H3093-H3098.

Chenxi Wang, Jikai Xu, Xiaorun Zeng, Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, and Tadatomo Suga, “Low-Temperature Wafer Direct Bonding of Silicon and Quartz Glass by a Two-Step Wet Chemical Surface Cleaning”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 57, 02BD02, 2018.

Chunjin Hang, Ruyu Tian, Liyou Zhao, Yanhong Tian*, Influence of Interfacial Intermetallic Growth on the Mechanical Properties of Sn-37Pb Solder Joints under Extreme Temperature Thermal Shock, Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(11), 2056.

Chunjin Hang, He Zhang, Yanhong Tian*, Chenxi Wang, Yuan Huang, Zhen Zheng, Chunqing Wang, A Modified Interposer Fabrication Process by Copper Nano-Pillars Filled in Anodic Aluminum Oxide Film for 3D Electronic Package, Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(11), 2188.

王晨曦, 王源,田艳红,王春青. 基于广义铺展条件下的倒装焊焊点形态预测. 焊接学报, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2018, pp. 1-4+14.

Chenxi Wang, Yuan Wang*, Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, Tadatomo Suga#. Room-temperature direct bonding of silicon and quartz glass wafers. Applied Physics Letters, 2017,110: 221602- 1~4

Wei Liu, Chunqing Wang, Guangbin Dou#, Yanhong Tian,Lei Yang*. Laser-induced actuation of individual microsize liquid metal droplets on an open solid surface. Applied Physics Express

Chenxi Wang, Yannan Liu*,Yue Li*,Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, Tadatomo Suga#. Mechanisms for room-temperature fluorine containing plasma activated bonding. ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2017,6(7): 373-378

Chenxi Wang,Yue Li*,Yannan Liu*, Zhitian Yuan*, Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, Tadatomo Suga#. Investigation of thermal treatment processes for dissimilar wafer bonding. ECS Transactions, 2017, 77(5): 143-152
Ruyu Tian; Yanhong Tian*; Chenxi Wang; Liyou Zhao. Mechanical properties and fracture mechanisms of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder alloys and joints at cryogenic temperatures. Materials Science & Engineering A, v 684, p 697-705, 2017

Baolei Liu; Yanhong Tian*; Jiang Feng; Chenxi Wang. Enhanced shear strength of Cu–Sn intermetallic interconnects with interlocking dendrites under fluxless electric current-assisted bonding process. J Mater Sci, v 52, p 1943-1954, 2017

Baolei Liu; Yanhong Tian*; An Rong; Chunqing Wang. Ultrafast formation of unidirectional and reliable Cu3Sn-based intermetallic joints assisted by electric current. Intermetallics, v 80, p 26-32, 2017

Jiayue Wen; Yanhong Tian*; Zhipeng Mei; Weizhen Wu; Yanqing Tian. Synthesis of polypyrrole nanoparticles and their applications in electrically conductive adhesives for improving conductivity. RSC Adv., v 7, p 53219, 2017

Chenxi Wang, Yuan Wang, Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, andTadatomo Suga, “Room-Temperature Direct Bonding of Silicon and Quartz Glass Wafers”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 110, 221602, 2017.

Chenxi Wang, Yannan Liu, Yue Li, Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, and Tadatomo Suga, “Mechanisms for Room-Temperature Fluorine Containing Plasma Activated Bonding”, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 7, 2017, pp. P373-P378.
王尚; 田艳红*. 微纳连接技术研究进展. 材料科学与工艺, 2017,25(5):1-5

田茹玉, 王晨曦, 田艳红*, 赵利有. 极限温度下 CBGA 焊点热冲击疲劳寿命预测. 焊接学报, 2017, 38(10): 93-97.
黄圆; 田艳红*; 江智; 王晨曦. 脉冲电流快速烧结纳米铜焊膏连接铜镍基板研究. 机械工程学报, v 53(4),:34-42 2017

Yilong Huang*; Ziyang Xiu#;Gaohui Wu; Yanhong Tian;Peng He. Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu nanocomposite solders reinforced by graphene nanosheets. Journal of Materials Science: materials in Electronics, 27: 6809- 6815, 2016

Yilong Huang*, Ziyang Xiu,Gaohui Wu, Yanhong Tian,Peng He, Xiaolong Gu#, Weimin Long#. Improving shear strength of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu/Cu joints and suppressing intermetallic compounds layer growth by adding graphene nanosheets. Materials Letters, 169:262-264, 2016
王晨曦, 安荣, 田艳红,王春青. 镀银的铜引线与PCB焊盘平行微隙焊时的界面行为. 焊接学报, Vol. 37, No. 11, 2016, pp. 55-58.

Shang Wang; Yanhong Tian*; Chunqing Wang. The role of chloride ions in rapid synthesis of ultra-long silver nanowires for flexible electrodes 2016
Shang Wang; Yanhong Tian*; Su Ding; Yilong Huang. Rapid synthesis of long silver nanowires by controlling concentration of Cu2+ ions. Materials Letters, v 172, p 175-178, 2016
江智; 田艳红; 丁苏. Sn3.5Ag0.5Cu 纳米颗粒钎料制备及钎焊机理. 金属学报, v 52, n 1, p 105-112, 2016
Baolei Liu; Yanhong Tian*;Wei Liu;Chunqing Wang. TEM observation of interfacial compounds of Sn Ag Cu/ENIG solder bump after laser soldering and subsequent hot air re?ows. Materials Letters, v 163, p 254-257, 2016
Baolei Liu; Yanhong Tian*; Jingkai Qin; Rong An. Degradation behaviors of micro ball grid array (μBGA) solder joints under the coupled effects of electromigration and thermal stress. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, v 27, p 11583-11592, 2016
Baolei Liu; Yanhong Tian*; Chenxi Wang; Rong An; Yang Liu. Extremely fast formation of Cue Sn intermetallic compounds in Cu/Sn/Cu system via a micro-resistance spot welding process. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v 687, p 667-673, 2016
Yanhong Tian*; Zhi Jiang; Chenxi Wang; Su Ding. Sintering mechanism of the Cu–Ag core–shell nanoparticle paste at low temperature in ambient air. RSC Adv. v 6, p 91783-91790, 2016
Zhi Jiang;Yanhong Tian*;Su Ding;Jiayue Wen;Chenxi Wang. Facile synthesis of Cu–Ag hybrid nanowires with strong surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensitivity. CrystEngComm, v 18, p 1200-1206,2016

Su Ding;Jinting Jiu;Yue Gao;Yanhong, Tian*;Teppei Araki. One-Step Fabrication of Stretchable Copper Nanowire Conductors by a Fast Photonic Sintering Technique and Its Application in Wearable Devices. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces

Baolei, Liu; Yanhong, Tian*; Wei, Liu; Weiwei, Wu; Chunqing, Wang. TEM observation of interfacial compounds of SnAgCu/ENIG solder bump after laser soldering and subsequent hot air reflows. Materials Letters, v 163, p 254-257, 2016

Haihong Li*; Rong An#; Chunqing Wang; Yanhong Tian; Zhi Jiang*.Effect of Cu grain size onthe voiding propensity at the interface of SnAgCu/Cu solder joints. Materials Letters, 144: 97-99,2015

Wei Liu; Rong An#; ChunqingWang; Yanhong Tian. Effect of Au-Sn IMCs’formation and morphologies on shear properties of laser reflowed micro-solderjoints. Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, 27(1): 45-51,2015

Chao Zeng*; Chunqing Wang; Yanhong Tian;Chunjin Hang, Wei Liu,Rong An. Fracture Statistics Dominated by Hot-Cutting Defect and Deviation from Weibull Distribution. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series), 22(2): 41-48, 2015

Su, Ding; Jinting, Jiu*; Yanhong, Tian*; Tohru, Sugahara; Shijo, Nagao; Katsuaki, Suganuma. Fast fabrication of copper nanowire transparent electrodes by a high intensity pulsed light sinteringtechnique in air. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v 17, p 31110-31116, 2015

Su, Ding; Yanhong, Tian*; Zhi, Jiang; Xiaobin, He. Molecular dynamics simulation of joining process of Ag-Au nanowires and mechanical properties of the hybrid nanojoint. AIP Advances, v ,5, 057120, 2015

Su Ding; Yanhong Tian*; Zhi Jiang; Chunqing Wang. Joining of silver nanowires by femtosecond laser methods. Materials Transactions, v 56, p 981-983, 2015

Ying, Ding; Ruyu, Tian; Xiuli, Wang; Chunjin, Hang; Fang, Yu; Ling, Zhou; Xiangang, Meng; Yanhong, Tian. Coupling Effects of Mechanical Vibrations and Thermal Cycling on Reliability of CCGA Solder Joints. Microelectronics Reliability, v 55, n 11, p 2396-2402, 2015

Rong, An; Yanhong, Tian*; Rui, Zhang; Chunqing, Wang. Electromigration-induced intermetallic growth and voids formation in symmetrical Cu/Sn/Cu and Cu/Intermetallic compounds (IMCs)/Cu joints. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v 26, p 2674-2681, 2015

Yanhong, Tian*; Chunjin, Hang; Xin, Zhao; Baolei, Liu; Ning, Wang; Chunqing, Wang. Phase transformation and fracture behavior of Cu/In/Cu joints formed by solid-liquid interdiffusion bonding. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v 25, p 4170-4178, 2014

Zhi, Jiang; Yanhong, Tian*; Su, Ding. Synthesis andcharacterization of ultra-long and pencil-like copper nanowires with a penta-twinned structure by hydrothermal method. Materials Letters, v 136, p 310-313, 2014

Yanhong, Tian*; Rui, Zhang; Chunjin, Hang; Lina, Niu; Chunqing, Wang. Relationship between morphologies and orientatios of Cu6Sn5 grains in Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu solder joints on different Cu pads. Materials Characterizaton, v 88, p 58-68, 2014

Rui, Zhang; Yanhong, Tian*; Chunjin, Hang; Baolei, Liu; Chunqing Wang. Formation mechanism and orientation of Cu3Sn grains in Cu-Sn intermetallic compound joints. Materials Letters, v 110, p 137-140, 2013

Chunjin, Hang; Yanhong, Tian*; Rui Zhang; Dongsheng Yang. Phase transformation and grain orientation of Cu-Sn intemetallic compounds during low temperature bonding process. Journals of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v 24, n 10, p 3905-3913, 2013

Wei Liu; Yanhong Tian; Chunqing Wang; Lining Sun. Formation of AuSnx IMCs in Sn3.5Ag0.75Cu micro-solder joints fabricated by laser and hot air reflow process. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v 24, p 217-223, 2013

Yang, Lei; Liu, Wei; Wang, Chunqing; Tian, Yanhong. Surface-Tension-Driven Self-Assembly of 3-D Microcompounds by Using Laser Reflow Soldering and Wire Limiting Mechanisms. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, v 3, n 1, p 168-176, 2013

田艳红*,贺晓斌,杭春进. 残余应力对混合组装BGA热循环可靠性影响,机械工程学报 2013

杭春进,田艳红*,赵鑫,王春青. 混装BGA器件高温老化实验焊点微观组织研究,金属学报 v 7, n 49, p 831-837, 2013

杭春进,田艳红*,王春青. 细径铜丝超声键合焊点高温存储可靠性分析,焊接学报 v 2, n 34, p 13-16, 2013

刘威,窦广彬,王春青,田艳红,叶交托. 激光诱发前向转移技术在电子制造领域的应用,电子工艺技术 v 2, n 34, p 70-72, 2013

Tian, Yanhong*; Liu,Wei; An, Rong; Zhang, Wei; Niu, Lina; Wang, Chunqing. Effect of intermetallic compounds on fracture behaviors ofSn3.0Ag0.5Cu lead-free solder joints during in situ tensile test. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v 23, n 1, p 136-147, 2012

Liu,Wei; Tian, Yanhong*; Wang, Chunqing; Wang, Xuelin; Liu, Ruiyang.Morphologies and grain orientations of CuSn intermetallic compounds in Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu/Cu solder joints. Materials Letters, v 86, p 157-160, 2012

Chunjin Hang; Yanhong Tian*; Chunqing Wang; Ning Wang. Ultrasonic Bondability and Antioxidation Property of Ti/Cu/TaN/Ag Multi-layers on Si Substrate. Thin Solid Films, v 524, p 224-228, 2012

Liu,Wei; Tian, Yanhong; Yang, Lei; Wang, Chunqing; Sun, Lining.Oxidation and Au-Sn reaction of laser reflowed micro-solder joints protected by N2 or exposed to air atmosphere. Soldering and Surface Mount Technology, v 24, n 3, p 191-196, 2012

田艳红*,王宁,杨东升,王春青. 三维封装芯片键合IMC焊点应力分析及结构优化,焊接学报,2012,33(8):1-3.

Yanhong Tian*, Chunjin Hang, Chunqing Wang, Shihua Yang, Pengrong Lin.Effects of bump size on deformation and fracture behavior of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu/Cu solder joints during shear testing. Materials Science and Engineering A 529 (2011) 468– 478

Yanhong Tian*, C J Hang, C Q Wang,G. Q Ouyang, J P Zhao. Reliability and failure analysis of fine copper wire bonds encapsulated with commercial epoxy molding compound Microelectronics Reliability, 2011(1):157-165

田艳红*; 杨东升; 王春青 细Cu丝超声球焊烧球工艺参数优化及Cu球组织分析. 焊接学报 2011,31(1): pp 1-4

王春青,王学林,田艳红,SnAgCu无铅微焊点剪切力学性能的体积效应,焊接学报,第32卷 第4期,2011年4月p1-4

田艳红*,王春青,赵少伟. Cu焊盘TiN/Ag金属化层超声键合性能及抗氧化性能.金属学报2010,5(46):618-622

田艳红*,王春青,杨世华. Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu/Cu无铅焊点剪切断裂行为的体积效应. 金属学报. 2010,3(46):366-371

Shihua Yang, Yanhong Tian*, Chunqing Wang, Investigation on Sn grain number and crystal orientation in the Sn-Ag-Cu/Cu solder joints of different sizes. Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics 2010(21):1174-1180

Dewen Tian, Yanhong Tian*, Chunqing Wang.Modeling of an oblique impact of solder droplet onto a groove with the impact point to be offset from the groove surfaces interface, Journal of Materials Science 2009,44(7), pp 1772-1779

Dewen Tian, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Modeling of Micropitch Shift of a Magnetoelectrical Sensor During Laser Solder Ball Bonding Process. IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging2009,32(1)::p136-145


刘琪 ,李卫 ,田艳红 气孔缺陷对同轴电缆焊点热疲劳寿命影响,电子工艺技术,2009年9月

Yanhong Tian*, Chunqing Wang, J.P.Jung, Ivan Lum, N.Zhou. Investigation of ultrasonic copper wire wedge bonding on Au/Ni plated Cu substrates at ambient temperature. Journal of materials processing technology, 2008,208(1-3) 179-186

Yanhong Tian*, Chunqing Wang, Y.Zhou. Finite element modeling of electron beam welding of a large complex Al alloy structure by parallel computations. Journal of materials processing technology 2008(199):p41-48

Yanhong Tian*, Chunqing Wang, Yarong Chen. Characteristics of Laser Reflow Bumping of Sn3.5Ag and Sn3.5Ag0.5Cu Lead-Free Solder Balls. J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 2008,24(2) :p220-226

Yanhong Tian*, Chunqing Wang. Bonding mechanism of ultrasonic wedge bonding of copper wire on Au/Ni/Cu substrate. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2008,18(2): 132-137

Dewen Tian, Yanhong Tian*, Chunqing Wang and Chunjin Hang. Three-dimensional modelling of solder droplet impact onto a groove. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D: APPLIED PHYSICS. 41 (2008) 245503 (12pp)

Ying Ding, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Influence of aging treatment on deformation behavior of 96.5Sn3.5Ag lead-free solder alloy during in In-situ tensile test. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2008 31(1) 274-285

Chunjin Hang, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Growth behavior of Cu/Al intermetallic compounds and cracks in copper ball bonds during isothermal aging. Microelectronics Reliability 48 (2008):p416–424

Wei Liu, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Investigation of sagging phenomenon observed in laser reflow soldering right-angled solder joints during isothermal aging or thermal cycle process. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2008, 458(1-2):323-329

Chunjin Hang, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Microstructural study of copper free air balls in thermosonic wire bonding. Microelectronic Engineering2008(85): 1815-1819

Rong An, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Determination of the Elastic Properties of Au5Sn and AuSn from Ab Initio CalculationsJournal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Vol.37,No.7,2008

Rong An, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian Determination of the Elastic Properties of Cu3Sn Through First-Principles Calculations. Journal of ELECTRONIC MATERIALS Vol. 37, No. 4, 2008: 477- 482

Wei Zhang, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian Numerical and experimental analysis of solder joint self-alignment in fiber attachment soldering Journal of Electronic Packaging, Transactions of the ASME 2008(130):91-99

Fuqian Li, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Investigation of interfacial reaction between eutectic Sn–Pb solder droplet and Au/Ni/Cu pad. Materials Science and Technology 2008 (24): 6

Dewen Tian, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Effect of solidification on solder bump formation in solder jet process: Simulation and experiment. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China.18(2008) 1201-1208

WLiu, C Q Wang, Y H Tian, Y R Chen. Effect of Zn addition in Sn-rich alloys on interfacial reaction with Au foils. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 18(2008) 617-622


田德文,田艳红,王春青。 面向MEMS封装的微钎料球键合技术,电子工业专用设备,2008年37卷5期



曾超,王春青 田艳红,孔令超,热切缺陷对氧化铝陶瓷强度的影响,宇航材料与工艺,2008年第2期


TIAN Yanhong, WANG Chunqing, and :Liu Wei. Effects of Cu addition on growth of Au-Sn intermetallic compounds at Sn-xCu/Au interface during aging process. RARE METALS Vol.26,S pecI.s sueA, ug2007p, .331- 337

Ding, Ying; Wang, Chunqing; Tian, Yanhong; Li, Mingyu. Influence of aging treatment on deformation behavior of 96.5Sn3.5Ag lead-free solder alloy during in situ tensile tests. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v 428, n 1-2, Jan 31, 2007, p 274-285

H.T. Chen, C.Q. Wang, Cheng.Y, and Y. Huang, Y.H. Tian. Effects of solder volume on formation and redeposition of Au-containing intermetallics in Au/Ni-SnAgCu-Ni(P) solder joints, Journal of electronic materials , Vol.36 No.1(2007) 26-32

Yanhong Tian, Chunqing WANG and Danyang ZHU. Shape Prediction and Reliability Design of Ball Grid Array Solder Joints. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 353-358 (2007)

Yanhong Tian and Chunqing WANG. Modeling of the Temperature Field during Electron Beam Welding of Aluminum Alloy by a Pre-defined Keyhole. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 353-358 (2007)

Hang Chunjin, Wang Chunqing and Tian Yanhong. Effect of ultrasonic power and bonding force on the bonding strength of copper ball bonds, China Welding. Vol.16 No.3 Sep. 2007:46-50

刁慧,王春青,赵振清,田艳红,孔令超. SnCu钎料镀层与Cu/Ni镀层钎焊接头的界面反应. 中国有色金属学报. Vol.17 No.3 2007:410-416

田艳红,王春青,孔令超. 激光键合技术在封装中的应用及研究进展. 电子工业专用设备. May. 2007(总第148 期)

Ying Ding, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian, and Binbin Zhang. In-situ observation on microfracture behavior ahead of the crack tip in 63Sn37Pb solder alloy.Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. Vol. 37A, March, 2006, pp. 1017-1025


Hongtao CHEN, Chunqing WANG, Mingyu LI, Yanhong TIAN, Experimental and Finite Element Method Studies of J-Lead Solder Joint Reliability, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 2005 Vol.21 No.3 P.419-422



Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, Deming Liu. Thermomechanical Bechavior of PBGA Package during Laser and Hot Air Reflow Soldering. MODELLING AND SIMULATION IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, 2004, (12): 235 – 243

李福泉,王春青,田德文,田艳红,SnPb 钎料熔滴与 Au/Ni/Cu 焊盘的反应过程,中国有色金属学报,2004年7月,14卷第7期 :p1139-1143

王春青,李明雨,田艳红,JIS Z 3198 无铅钎料试验方法简介与评述,电子工艺技术,2004 年第 2 期 :pp47-54

Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, Xiaodong Zhang and Deming Liu, Interaction Kinetics between PBGA Solder Balls and Au/Ni/Cu Metallisation during Laser Reflow Bumping, Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, Vol.15 No.2, 2003:pp17-21(Awarded by Emerald Literati Club, 2004 Highly Commended Award)

丁颖、王春青、田艳红,通孔元件焊点的抗热疲劳性能预测 -I. 焊点抗热疲劳能力的实验研究,金属学报,第39卷,第8期,2003年:879-884

丁颖、王春青、田艳红,通孔元件焊点的抗热疲劳性能预测 -II. 焊点内部力学响应特征的数值模拟,金属学报,第39卷,第8期,2003年 :885-891

Tian, Yanhong; Wang, Chunqing; Ge, Xiushan; Liu, Peter; Liu, Deming, Intermetallic compounds formation at interface between PBGA solder ball and Au/Ni/Cu/BT PCB substrate after laser reflow processes,Materials Science and Engineering: B Volume: 95, Issue: 3 Sep. 1, 2002 pp. 254-262

田艳红,王春青,激光重熔 PBGA 钎料球与 Au/Ni/Cu 焊盘界面反应,金属学报,2002;38(1):95-98

田艳红,王春青. 激光与红外重熔对 63Sn37Pb/ 焊盘界面微观组织的影响,中国有色金属学报,2002 年,第 12 卷第 3 期 :471-475

田艳红,王春青,微电子封装与组装中的再流焊技术研究进展,焊接,2002 年第 6 期: 5-9

田艳红,王春青,张哓东,激光加热条件下 SnPb 共晶钎料与 Au/Ni/Cu 焊盘界面反应动力学,材料科学与工艺,Vol.10 No.2, Jun. 2002:pp136-139

田艳红,王春青. 激光重熔在钎料凸点成形中的应用,电子工艺技术,2002 年,第 23 卷第 4 期: 139-142

田艳红,王春青,钎料球激光重熔温度场数值模拟,焊接学报,2001 年第 2 期: P75-78


Yuan Huang; Chenjin Hang; Yanhong Tian*; He Zhang. Rapid Sintering of Copper Nanopaste by Pulse Current for Power Electronics Packaging, 2017 18thInternationalConference on Electronic PackagingTechnology

Yue Li; Chunjin Hang; Yanhong Tian*; Chunqing Wang. Interposer Connection Reliability using Double-Side Solder Bump for Board-Level Vertical Interconnection, 2017 18thInternationalConference on Electronic PackagingTechnology

Yongheng Jia; Yanhong Tian*; Chenjin Hang; Wei Liu; Chunqing Wang. Reliability prediction of different size solder bumps in thermal shock test using FEM, 2017 18thInternationalConference on Electronic PackagingTechnology

Ruyu Tian; Chunjin Hang; Yanhong Tian*; Liyou Zhao. Microstructure evolution and mechanical property of Sn-37Pb andSn-3.0Ag-O.5Cu BGA solder joints under extreme temperature environment, 2017 18thInternationalConference on Electronic PackagingTechnology, p: 473-476

YunSong Dong; Ying Ding; Yanhong Tian; Bo Xiao. A significant blocking effect of Ni plating layer on the diffusion of Zn element of brass substrate, 2017 18thInternationalConference on Electronic PackagingTechnology

Yilong Huang*, Ziyang Xiu#,Yanhong Tian. Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu composite solder reinforced by multilayer-graphene. Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC), 2016 China

Su Ding*,Yanhong Tian, Jinting Jiu#, Katsuaki Suganuma#. Fabrication of copper nanowire/polydime thylsiloxane stretchable conductors by a high intensity pulsed light method. Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC), 2016 China

Shang Wang*, Yanhong Tian, Jie Yu#. Synthesis of ultra-long silver nanowires and the joining of silver networks. Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC), 2016 China

Yang Liu; Yanhong Tian*; Baolei Liu; Jiayun Feng. Interconnection of Cu wire/Au plating pads usingparallel gap resistance microwelding process, 2016 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, p: 43-46

Ruyu Tian; Yanhong Tian*; Chenxi Wang. Influence of Low Temperature on Tensile Properties and Fracture Behavior of Sn3Ag O.5CuSolder Alloy, 2016 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, p: 116-118

Jiayue Wen; Yanhong Tian*. The Synthesis of Cu-Ag Core-Shell Bimetallic nanoparticles for IC bonding, 2016 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, p: 788-790

Jiayun Feng; Baolei Liu; Yanhong Tian. Influence of Electric Current on the Grain Orientation of Cu-Sn Intermetallic Compounds in Cu/Molten Sn/Cu Interconnection System, 2016 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, p: 348-351

Baolei, Liu; Yanhong, Tian; Yang, Liu; Chenxi, Wang. Rapid formation of full Cu-In intermetallic compounds (IMCs) joints under electric current, 2015 65th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, p: 1780-1784

Su, Ding; Yanhong, Tian; Zhi, Jiang; Chenxi, Wang. Joining of silver nanoparticles by femtosecond laser irradiation method, 2015 65th Electronic Components and Technology Conference, p: 1213-1218

Xuguang, Guo; Yanhong, Tian; Shang, Wang; Chunqing, Wang. Parallel Gap Resistance Thick Wire Bonding for Vertical Interconnection in 3D Assembly, 2014 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, p: 6-9

Shang, Wang; Yanhong, Tian; Xunguang, Gu. Fatigue Life Prediction for CBGA under Random Vibration Loading by Finite Element Method, 2014 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, p: 535-537

Baolei, Liu; Yanhong, Tian; Shang, Wang; Rui, Zhang; Xin, Zhao; Chenglong, Dong; Chunqing, Wang.Rapid Formation of Cu-Sn Intermetallic Compounds by Strong Electric Current, 2014 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, p: 489-492

Xue, Du; Yanhong, Tian*; Xin, Zhao. Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Sn-Based solder Joints at Cryogenic Temperature, 2014 15th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, p: 888-892

Yanhong, Tian*; Baolei, Liu; Rui, Zhang; jingkai Qin. Electromigration Failure of SnAgCu Lead-free BGA package Assembled with SnPb Solder Paste, 2013 14th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, p: 892-895

Rui, Zhang; Yanhong, Tian*; Baolei, Liu;Chunjin, Hang. Growth mechanism of Cu-Sn full IMC jonts on polycrystalline and single Cu substrate, 2013 14th International Conference on Electronic Packaging, p: 1276-1279

Xin, Zhao; Yanhong, Tian*; Ning, Wang. Shearing properties of low tempreture Cu-In Solid-Liquid intediffusion in 3D package, 14th Interntional Conference on Elctronic Pachaging Technology, p:143-147

Yanhong Tian, Jingkai Qin, Xiaobin He, Chunqing Wang. Effect of Grain Orientation on Electromigration Degradation in Lead-free Solder Joints, 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging(ICEPT-HDP),p:1080-1082

Yanhong Tian, Ning Wang, Yang Li, Chunqing Wang. Mechanism of Low Temperature Cu-In Solid-Liquid Interdiffusion Bonding in 3D Package, 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging(ICEPT-HDP),p:216-218

Jiandong Zhu, Chunqing Wang, Chunjin Hang, Yanhong Tian. Growth and shear strength of intermetallic compounds in Sn-Ag-Cu solder joints, 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging(ICEPT-HDP),p: 40-43

Lei yang, Chunqing Wang, Wei Liu, Yanhong Tian. A Dynamic Model for Analyzing the Motion of Molten Solder During Self-Assembly, 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging(ICEPT-HDP),p:649-652

Qi Lin, Wang Chunqing, Tian Yanhong. Thermal Design of a LED Multi-chip Module for Automotive Headlights, 2012 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging(ICEPT-HDP),p: 1435-143838.

Fuquan Li, Chunqing Wang and Yanhong Tian. Interaction Kinetics between Sn-Pb Solder Droplet and Au/Ni/Cu pad, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol.22, No.3, 2006:p392-396

Yanhong Tian; Lina Niu; Chunqing Wang; , "Analysis of Cu6Sn5 grain orientations in Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu lead-free solder joints," Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP), 2011 12th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-4, 8-11 Aug.

Zeng Chao; Wang Chunqing; Tian Yanhong; Liu Wei; An Rong; Hang Chunjing; , "Characterization of the hot-cutting defects produced by the processing of alumina green tape," Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP), 2011 12th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-4, 8-11 Aug. 2011

Lei Yang; Wei Liu; Chunqing Wang; Yanhong Tian ; , "Development of a three-dimensional integrated solder ball bumping & bonding method for MEMS devices," Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP), 2011 12th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-4, 8-11 Aug. 2011

Lei Yang; Wei Liu; Chunqing Wang; Yanhong Tian; , "Self-assembly of three-dimensional microstructures in MEMS via fluxless laser reflow soldering," Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging (ICEPT-HDP), 2011 12th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-4, 8-11 Aug. 2011

Yanhong Tian, Bo Long,Chunqing Wang,Finite Element Analysis of Electromigration Reliability in Copper Chip Interconnect,2010 11th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging,p1124

Yanhong Tian, Ningning Wang, Chunqing Wang,Shaowei Zhao,Ultrasonic Bondability and Antioxidation Property of Ti/Cu/Ag Metallization on Si Substrate,2010 11th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging,p305

Wei Liu, Chunqing Wang, Lining Sun,Yanhong Tian ,Effect of Protection Atmosphere’s Temperature on Morphology of Au-Sn IMCs in Laser Reflowed Micro-solder Joints,2010 11th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging,p442

Yanhong TIan, Shaowei Zhao, Chunqing Wang. Characterization of Ag Nanofilm Metallization on Copper Chip Interconnect and Its Ultrasonic Bondability. 2009 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2009

Shihua Yang,Yanhong Tian , Chunqing Wang, Tengfei Huang. Modeling Thermal Fatigue in Anisotropic Sn-Ag-Cu/Cu Solder Joints. 2009 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2009

Rong An, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Depiction of the Elastic Anisotropy of AuSn4 and AuSn2 from First-principles Calculations. 2009 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2009

Wei Liu, Chunqing Wang, Lining Sun, Yanhong Tian, Yarong Chen. Effect of Cu Addition in Sn-containing Solder Joints on Interfacial Reactions with Au Foils. 2009 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology & High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2009

Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, Pengrong Lin, Shihua Yang. Shear Fracture Behavior of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu Solder Joints on Cu Pads with Differeint Solder Volumes. ICEPT-HDP 2008, Shanghai, July 28-31,2008

Tian Dewen; Wang Chunqing; Tian Yanhong. Numerical simulation of solder spreading and solidification during solder jet bumping process. Proceedings, 2008 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2008

Yang Shihua; Wang Chunqing; Tian Yanhong; Lin Pengrong; Liang Le.Limited β-Sn grain number of miniaturized Sn-Ag-Cu solder joints. Proceedings, 2008 International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology and High Density Packaging, ICEPT-HDP 2008

Rong An, Chunqing Wang,Yanhong Tian . First-principles Study on the Elastic Anisotropy of Au-Sn Intermetallic Compounds. ICEPT-HDP 2008, Shanghai, July 28-31,2008

Yanhong Tian, Chunjin Hang, Chunqing Wang, Y. Zhou, Evolution of Cu/Al Intermetallic Compounds in the Copper Bump bonds during Aging Process, ICEPT 2007

Wei Zhang, Chunqing Wang,Yanhong Tian , Design of Solder Joint for Self-Alignment in Optical Fiber Attachment Soldering, ICEPT 2007

R. An, C. Q. Wang, Y. H. Tian,Elastic Property of Cu3Sn Determined by a First-Principles Calculation on the Basis of its Crystal Substructure. ICEPT 2007

Chao Zeng, Chunqing Wang,Yanhong Tian , Lingchao Kong, The Impact of Defect formed in Hot-cutting Process on Reliability of Ceramic Packaging And A Novel Structure Design Concept, ICEPT 2007

Yang Shihua, Lin Pengrong, Tian Yanhong, Wang Chunqing, Liang Le and Wang Qian, Effect of Solder Volume on Shear Strength between Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Solder and Cu Metallization, ICEPT 2007

Dewen Tian, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian, A Computational Model of a Molten Solder Droplet Spreading on Orthogonal Pads, ICEPT 2007

Wei Liu, Chunqing Wang,Yanhong Tian , Lingchao Kong, Sagging Phenomenon of Micro-Solder Joints Fabricated by Laser Reflow Process. ICEPT 2007

Rong An, Chunqing Wang and Yanhong Tian. Investigation of Tin Atomic Migration of Tin-based Solders with Cluster Model and DV-Xa Method in Electromigration, 7th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology (ICEPT2006)August 26 - 29, 2006, Shanghai, China: 829-832

Dewen Tian, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian, and Hongtao Chen. Prediction of Micro Pitch Motion of a Microsensor Component during Laser Soldering Interconnection Process, 7th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology (ICEPT2006)August 26 - 29, 2006, Shanghai, China

Wei Zhang, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Numerical and Experimental Study on Solder Joint Self-Alignment for Optical Fiber Attachment Assembly, 7th International Conference on Electronics Packaging Technology (ICEPT2006)August 26 - 29, 2006, Shanghai, China



Zhang Wei, Wang Chunqing, Tian Yanhong, Prediction of Solder Joint geometry for Optical Fiber attachment Assembly in Direct-Coupling Applications, ICEPT 2005, ISBN: 0-7803-9449-6, Aug. 30-Sep. 2, 2005

Yarong Chen, Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang , Interfacial Reaction between Lead-free Solder Ball and Au/Ni/Cu Pad during Laser Reflow Soldering, ICEPT 2005, ISBN: 0-7803-9449-6, Aug. 30-Sep. 2, 2005

Yanhong Tian , Jicheng Gong, Chunqing Wang, Norman Y. Zhou. Finite Element Modeling of Residual Stress and Distortion in Electron Beam Welding of 6061 Aluminum . International Conference on Joining of Advanced and Specialty Materials VII, October , 2004 ASM Materials Solutions Conference, Columbus, USA

Liu Wei; Wang Chunqing; Li Mingyu; Tian Yanhong; Guan Jingwei. The effects of laser reflow conditions on the formation of intermetallic compounds at Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu Solder/Cu joint interface, Proceedings of the Sixth IEEE CPMT Conference on High Density Microsystem Design and Packaging and Component Failure Analysis, HDP@#%04, 2004, p 70-73

Xiaodong Zhang, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Design of Laser Scanning Solder Bumping System. Fifth International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology Proceedings. ICEPT@#%2003. OCT.28-30,2003, Shanghai, China.pp141-144

Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, Jicheng Gong. Characteritics of Interfacial Microstructure of PBGA Solder Bump during Multi-Reflow and Aging Processes. Fifth International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology Proceedings. ICEPT@#%2003. OCT.28-30,2003, Shanghai, China.pp260

Ying Ding, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Experimental Research on Reliability of Relfowed Through-Hole Solder Joints. Fifth International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology Proceedings. ICEPT@#%2003. OCT.28-30,2003, Shanghai, China.pp 377

Fuquan Li, Chunqing Wang, Yanhong Tian. Laser Ink-jet Solder BUmp Fabrication for Electronic Interconnection. Fifth International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology Proceedings. ICEPT@#%2003. OCT.28-30,2003, Shanghai, China.pp 476

Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, C. K. Pater, and Deming Liu, Evolution of Intermetallic Compounds at Interface Between PBGA Solder Ball and Pads During Laser Reflow Soldering,2002 Internal Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging (EMAP2002),December 3-6, 2002, Kaohsuing, Taiwan

Yanhong Tian, Chunqing Wang, (HIT),Deming Liu ( ASM),Thermalmechanical Behavior of PBGA Package During Laser and Hot Air Reflow Soldering, 2002 Internal Conference on Electronic Materials and Packaging (EMAP2002),December 3-6, 2002, Kaohsuing, Taiwan

Chunqing Wang, Mingyu Li and Yanhong Tian, Invited Lecture:Interconnection Technology in Electronic Packaging and Assembly,Intelligent Technology in Welding and Joining for the 21st Century, International Welding/Joining Conference-Korea 2002

Yanhong Tian and Chunqing Wang, Experimental Study on Laser and Hot Air Reflow Soldering of PBGA Solder Ball,Intelligent Technology in Welding and Joining for the 21st Century, International Welding/Joining Conference-Korea 2002

Tian Yanhong, Wang Chunqing. INTERFACIAL REACTION BETWEEN PBGA SOLDER BALLS AND Au/Ni/Cu PAD DURING LASER REFLOW BUMPING, Proceedings of IPACK@#%01, The Pacific Rim/ASME International Electronic Packaging Technical Conference and Exhibition, July 8–13, 2001, Kauai, Hawaii, USA

Tian Yanhong, Wang Chunqing, FEM Simulation on Thermomechanical Response of PBGA Package during Laser and Hot Air Reflow Bumping, ISEPT@#%2001,CPMT IEEE, August 2001


黄亦龙 田艳红 Pei Qibing (UCLA)





该成果发表于Advanced Optical Materials, 2018: **. DOI:10.1002/adom.**.


丁苏 田艳红 Suganuma (Osaka U)





该成果发表于ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016,8, 9, 6190-6199. DOI:10.1021/acsami.5b10802.


王尚 田艳红





该成果发表于Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 5260. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21777-0; 以及Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 22018, 165(9): D328-D330. DOI: 10.1149/2.**jes.


江智 田艳红





该成果发表于CrystEngComm,2016, 18(7): 1200-1206. DOI: 10.1039/C5CE02221E.

专利:田艳红, 江智, 文嘉玥. 铜/银核壳纳米颗粒低温烧结复合焊膏及其制备方法. **0.1


文嘉玥 田艳红 田颜清(SUST)


独创性的发现导电高分子纳米颗粒(ICP NPs)在改进导电复合材料电学性能和机械性能中的协同效果,制备了高导电高机械稳定性的柔性电路,材料合成高效环保,改进效果明显稳定,适用于工业化大规模生产。

该成果发表于Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2019, 7: 1188-1197. DOI: 10.1039/C8TC05391J.


刘宝磊 冯佳运 田艳红






该成果发表于Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 687:667-673. DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.06.184; 以及Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 1775. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-20100-1.


李跃 吴炳英 田艳红





基于rGO/Ag NWs/GO三明治结构的柔性可穿戴加热器

王尚 田艳红

银纳米线的表面能量较高,在空气中容易发生氧化和硫化,并且在使用时还可能受到汗液的侵蚀。为解决这一问题,采用rGO作为上层防护层,Ag NWs作为导电层,GO作为下层防护层,制备了基于rGO/Ag NWs/GO三明治结构的柔性透明电极。
rGO/Ag NWs/GO复合电极制备过程


该成果发表于Composites Science and Technology,2019,174: 76–83.DOI: 10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.02.022..


2018年9月:杨东升 课题:三维系统级封装及可靠性2018年9月:杨帆课题:功率器件封装纳米焊膏烧结及可靠性2017年9月:许继开 课题:第三代半导体SiC 晶圆键合2016年9月: 冯佳运课题:人工智能忆阻器芯片集成及性能2016年9月: 文嘉玥课题:纳米高分子导电胶及柔性器件2015年9月:王尚课题:金属纳米线制备及印刷电子器件2015年9月:黄亦龙 课题:纳米线柔性电极制备及在OLED上的应用2014年9月:田茹玉(女) 课题: 深空极限环境下Sn基钎料低温力学行为及失效机理2013年3月:刘宝磊 课题:三维封装金属间化合物焊点性能调控及电迁移失效机理,2017年毕业,上海华为海思半导体2012年3月:丁 苏 (女)课题:金属纳米Cu线透明电极光辐照快速制备及性能表征,2016年毕业, 杭州电子科技大学

































Yanhong Tian, Harbin Institute of Tecnology

Dr. Yanhong Tian is a Tenured Professor in School of Materials Science and Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. She received a Ph.D. and M.E degree in Materials Processing Engineering from HIT,and a B.E. degree in Jilin Institute of Technology, Changchun, China.She worked at the State Key Lab of Advanced Welding and Joining of HIT since 2001. She has been a post-doctoral fellow at Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Waterloo, Canada between 2004-2005.
Dr. Tian@#%s research interest focus on electronic packaging, reliability and failure analysis, power devices, flexible devices, printed devices.

She has authored or co-authored over 100 technical papers, and a book "Microjoining and Nanojoing". She is a member ofthe International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS), a senior member of the Institute ofElectronics in China (CIE). She is currently the Associate Editor of Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging.


(1)Electronic Packaing

§ 3D SiP packaging

§Interconnection n and bonding technologies

§Reliability and failure analysis

§Nano-materials,novel materials for packaging

(2)Power devices and thermal management

(3)Flexible devices

(4)Printed Devices



Sept 1999-Mar 2003 PhD, Materials Processing Engineering School of Materials Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, China.

Sept 1997-Jul 1999MASc, Materials Processing EngineeringSchool of Materials Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, China.

Sept 1993-Jul 1997BEng, Welding Science and Engineering School of Materials Science and Engineering Jilin Institute of Technology, China.

1.2 Professional EXPERIENCE

Dec 2012-Present Professor, School of Materials Science and EngineeringHarbin Institute of Technology, China.

Aug 2016-Jul 2017 Visiting Professor, Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics EngineeringUniversity of Waterloo, Canada

Jan 2006-Nov 2011Associate Professor, School of Materials Science and EngineeringHarbin Institute of Technology, China.

Mar 2003-Dec 2005Lecturer, School of Materials Science and Engineering Harbin Institute of Technology, China.

Aug 2004-Aug 2005 Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Waterloo, Canada

1.3 Associated Posts and Duties

Nov 2013-Present Associate Director, State Key Lab of Advanced Welding and Joining, Harbin Institute of Technology, China.

Nov 2013-Dec 2016 Chair, Department of Welding Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China.

1.4 Awards and Hornors

2015China Excellent Youth Foundation of National Natural Science Foundation of China

2013New Century Excellent Talent awarded by Ministry of Science and Technology

2015The 2nd Prize for technology progress awarded by Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society

2014Outstanding paper award on international conference onelectronic packaging technology

2013The 1st prize for teaching achievement awarded by Harbin Institute of Technology

2010 Outstanding paper award on international conference on electronic packaging technology

2005 Best paper award on international conference on electronic packaging technology

2004 Highly Recommended Paper award by Emerald

2003 Excellent Ph.D graduate prize awarded by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

1.5 Professional Activities

§ Chair of Technology Committee for International Conference of Electronic Packaging, 2017

§ Associate Editor for Journal of Microelectronics and Electronic Packaging (2008-present)

§ Editorial member of Journal of Materials Science and Technology(Chinese Journal) (2016-present)

§ Council member of Electronic packaging committee, Chinese Institute of Electronics(2010-present)

1.6 Academic Review

Materials Science and Engineering A

Journal of Alloys and Compounds


Microelectronics Reliability

Journal of Electronic Materials


2.1 Courses tought


(1)SC** Methods and Principle of Microjoining and Nanojoining

(2)SC** Introduction to Electronic Packaging Technology

(3)SC**Soldering and Brazing

Graduate students

S**Q Advanced Microjoining and Nanojoining in Electronic Packaging

International Graduate students

Lecture of electronic packaging materials and processes

2.2 Graduate Students Supervision

Supervising PhD students

(1)Su Ding, Photonic Sintering Mechanism of Copper Nanowire Conductive Films and Its Applications, (2012-2016)

(2) Baolei Liu, Ultrafast Bonding Mechanism for Unidirectional Growth of Cu-Sn Intermetallic Joints Assisted by Electric Current, (2013-2017)

(3) Ruyu Tian, Mechanical Behaviour and Failure Mechanism of Sn based solder joints at cryogenic temperature (2014-present)

(4) Shang Wang, Synthesis of Metallic Nanowires and printed electronics applications(2015-present)

(5) Yilong Huang, Synthesis of graphene and metal nanoparticle mixed nano ink and printed electronics (2015-present)

(6) Jiayue Wen, Fabrication, performance characterization and applications of nano conductive adhesive (2016-present)

(7) Jiayun Feng, Sintering and reliability of highly thermoconductive metallic nano-paste in power module (2016-present)

(8) Jikai Xu, Surface activated wafer bonding method and mechanism (2017-present)

Supervising Master students

(1) Yuan Huang, Ultra-thin electronics package substrate fabrication with nano Cu wire array(2016-present)

(2) Yue Zhang, Reliability of Electronic devices under different gas environment (2015-2017)

(3) Zhi Jiang, Fabrication of the Cu@Ag core-shell nanoparticle paste and its corresponding low temperature sintering mechanism(2015-2017)

(4) Yang Liu Process and Reliability of Cu wire and Au plating layer interconnection using microresistance welding (2014-2016)

(5) Xuguang Guo, Plane arrays vertical interconnection technology and reliability in three dimensional assembly (2013-2015)

(6) Xue Du, Sn-based solder joints property and life prediction in extremely low temperature (2013-2015)

(7) Rui Zhang, Experimental test and finite element simulation of the reliability of vertical interconnection in three dimensional assembly (2012-2014)

(8) Xin Zhao, Study on reliability of Sn63Pb37, Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu solders and solder joints under low temperature (2012-2014)

(9) Xiaobin He, Molecular dynamics simulation of joining process between metal nanowires (2011-2013)

(10)Yang Li, Simulation and reliability test of mixed Pb-free BGA/Sn-Pb solder paste assemblies (2010-2012)

(11)Lina Niu, Grain orientations and anisotropic properties of Cu-Sn IMCs in micro-interconnection solder joint (2009-2011)

(12)Dongsheng Yang, Solid-liquid interdiffusion bonding mechanism in 3D package under low temperature (2009-2011)

(13)Ning Wang, Solid-liquid interdiffusion of Cu-In system chip bonding mechanism under low temperature 3D package(2008-2010)

(14)Jingkai Qin, Investigation of electromigration failure of solder joints (2008-2010)

(15)Bo Long, Electromigration reliability of ultra-fine interconnection in integrated circuit (2007-2009)

(16)Ningning Wang, Ultrasonic bondability and anti-oxidation property of nano-film metallizations on Cu chip (2007-2009)

(17)Shaowei Zhao, Investigation of ultrasonic bondability of nanofilm metallizations on Copper pad (2006-2008)

(18)Gongqun Ouyang, Investigation of ultrasonic ball welding technology of fine copper wire and its reliability (2006-2008)


3.1 Research Areas

My research is primarily in the areas of electronic packaging, power devices, flexible devices, printed devices

(1)Electronic Packaing

§ 3D SiP packaging

§Interconnection n and bonding technologies

§Reliability and failure analysis

§Nano-materials,novel materials for packaging

(3)Flexible devices

(4)Power devices and thermal management

3.2 Research Projects Undertaken


(1)2016-2018 Fundamental of Microjoining and Nanojoining, 13,00,000 RMB, Sponsored by National Nature Science Foundation of China-Excellent Youth Foundation (NSFC, Grant No. **), PI

(2)2016-2018 Micro-nanojoining and electronic packaging, 1000,000 RMB, Sponsored by Harbin Institute of Technology of "Outstanding Talents Foundation"PI

(3)2013-2017 Failure Physics and Reliability of Micro-solder Joints in Electronic Packages,500,000 RMB, Sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technology of China - New Century Excellent Talents in University (NCET-13-0175) PI

(4) 2016-2018 Fabrication and vertical interconnection of ultra-thin substrates filled with nano Cu wires array in 3D Packages, 300,000 RMB, Joint Innovation Foundation Project of China Aerospace Science and Technology. PI

(5)2016-2017 Finite element simulation on reliability and life prediction of PCB board-level interconnection, 188,000 RMB, Sponsored by Institute of Electronic Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics. PI

Finished Projects

(1)2015-2016 Resistant micro-welding of Copper wires on MEMS microstructure and its reliability, Sponsored by Institute of Electronic Engineering, China Academy of Engineering Physics, 198,000 RMB, PI

(2)2014-2016 Reliability of Sn-based solder joints under extremely low temperature, Shanghai Aerospace Science and Technology Innovation Foundation, 200,000 RMB, PI

(3) 2014-2015 Reliability and failure analysis of MCM modules soldering, 148,000 RMB, Sponsored by China Electronics Technology Group

Corporation, 148000 RMB. PI

(4)2011-2015 Three-dimensional electronic assembly and vertical interconnection technology, 1,400,000 RMB, Sponsored by Fundamental Research project of General Equipment Department of China, Grant No.**. Co-PI

(5) 2013-2014 Finite element modelling of heterogeneous materials interconnection. 240,000 RMB, Sponsored by China Electronics Technology Group

Corporation, PI

(6) 2012-2014, Liquid-Solid phase transformation and failure mechanism of intermetallic compounds joints in 3D packaging, 500,000 RMB, Talent Project of State Key Laboratory of Advanced welding and joining of Harbin Institute ofTechnology. PI

(7)2012-2013 Mechanical properties and Metallurgy of Sn-Pb-Cd low-temperature solder joints, 265,000 RMB. Sponsored by Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, PI

(8)2011-2013 Liquid-Solid Inter-diffusion Low Temperature Bonding in 3D Electronic Package, 400,000 RMB,Sponsored by National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grant No. **) PI

(9)2011-2013 Reliability and failure analysis of BGA hybrid-assembled solder joint. 360,000 RMB. Sponsored by China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, PI

(10) 2011-2013 Failure mechanism and Volume effect of lead-free micro-interconnection under thermo-electric-mechanical coupled fields, 200,000

RMB. Sponsored by State Key Lab of Advanced Welding and Joining, Harbin Institute of Technology. PI

(11) 2010-2012 Reliability finite element modelling and life prediction of BGA and CPGA assembly solder joints, 250,000RMB. Sponsored by China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Corporation, PI

(12) 2007-2010 Laser Solder Ball Bonding Process and Equipment for MEMS three dimensional Packaging and

Assembly, 790,000 RMB, Sponsored by China National 863 Programs for High Technology Research and Development, 2007AA04Z314. Co-PI

(13) 2008-2010 Nanofilm Metallization Enhanced the Ultrasonic Wire Bondability of Copper wire on Cu Chip,180,000RMB,Sponsored by

National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grant No. **) PI

(14)2005-2007 Principle of passive self-alignment by laser reflow joining method in optoelectronic packaging, 260,000 RMB, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. **. Co-PI

(15) 2009-2011 Micro/nano interconnection technology and reliability of Cu conductor and low-k dielectric in submicron integrated circuits, 150,000 RMB.

Sponsored by State Key Lab of Advanced Welding and Joining, Harbin Institute of Technology. PI

(16)2008-2010 Process and reliability of ultrasonic copper ballbonding, 260,000 RMB, Sponsored by Guangdong Chip High-tech Limited Corporation. Co-PI

(17) 2008-2010 Micro Mechanical Behaviours of Lead-free Solder Alloys and Joints,47,000 USD, Sponsored by Korea Samsung Ltd. International Cooperation Project. Co-PI

(18) 2006-2011 Reliability and metallurgy analysis of soldering and ultrasonic copper ball bonding, 170,000.Returned Overseas Fundation of Ministry of Education. PI







简单介绍2017年8月16至19日,我实验室承办的第十八届电子封装技术国际会议(ICEPT 2017)在哈尔滨太阳岛花园酒店成功召开。来自中国、美国、英国、日本、韩国等22个国家的各科研院所、高校及企业的600余位科研人员参加了本届会议。8月16日上午,来宾签到。下午,美国Indium公司副主席Ning-Cheng Lee博士, Henkel公司副主席Daniel Lu博士,香港中文大学的Ching-Ping (C.P.) Wong教授,香港ASMPT主席John H. Lau博士,中国华天科技CTO Daquan Yu博士,美国Microsemi公司会员Richard Rao博士等人为嘉宾们作了其相关领域的职业发展课程报告,分享最前沿的学术、产业动态。8月17日,第十八届电子封装技术国际会议(ICEPT 2017)在哈尔滨太阳岛花园酒店正式开幕。本届会议由中国电子学会、中国科学院微电子所、国际电气电子工程师联合会电子元件封装和生产技术学会(IEEE-CPMT)、中国电子学会电子制造与封装技术分会(CIE-EMPT)以及哈尔滨工业大学主办,由哈尔滨工业大学先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室承办。哈尔滨工业大学王春青教授任大会组织委员会主席,田艳红教授任技术委员会主席,刘威副教授任大会秘书长。






简单介绍2015年5月13日由先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室、焊接技术与工程系主办的第一届焊接“火花”研究生学术论坛在材料科学与工程学院322会议室成功召开。 本次论坛的主题为石墨烯相关材料的设计、合成及应用,以及新材料制备、加工等相关研究。活动的宗旨为“促进交流 碰撞火花 崇尚创新 弘扬务实”,意在开拓焊接专业研究生的研究视野的同时,为他们搭建展示、交流的平台,通过研讨、分析,帮助解决课题研究过程中的各种困惑、难题,达到激发灵感和创新的火花、促进多学科交叉和融合、提高研究能力和水平的目的。





分会邀请报告: Mechanism of Low Temperature Cu-In Solid-Liquid Interdiffusion Bonding in 3D Package, 13th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology,Guilin,China, Aug.12-14,2012(第13届电子封装国际学术会议,中国桂林。作为分会主席参与组织学术会议)

报告题目:Morphologies of Cu6Sn5 intermetallic compounds on Single Crystal Cu Substrates. International Conference on Najoining and Microjoining,Dec 2-6,2012 Beijing,China (第1届微纳连接国际学术会议,中国北京。作为分会主席参与组织学术会议)

报告题目:Morphologies and Grain Orientations of Cu6Sn5 in Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu/Cu Solder Joint. 4th International Conference on Brazing and Soldering, Las Vegas, USA, April 23-25,2012(第4届钎焊国际会议,美国拉斯维加斯)

报告题目:Recent Research Advances in Nanojoining and Microjoining in HIT, Workshop on Nanojoining and Microjoining, Waterloo, ON, Canada,Nov,20-23, 2011(加拿大滑铁卢大学微纳连接研讨会)

报告题目:Analysis of Cu6Sn5 grain orientations in Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu lead-free solder joints," 12th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Shanghai, China, Aug.2-6,2011 (第12届电子封装国际学术会议,中国上海。作为分会主席参与组织学术会议)

报告题目:Ultrasonic Bondability and Antioxidation Property of Ti/Cu/Ag Metallization on Si Substrate. 12th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, Xi@#%an, China, Aug.19-22,2010 (第11届电子封装国际学术会议,中国西安。作为分会主席参与组织学术会议)

报告题目:Characterization of Ag Nanofilm Metallization on Copper Chip Interconnect and Its Ultrasonic Bondability. 10th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology,July 26-28, 2009,Beijing,China (第10届电子封装国际学术会议,中国北京。作为分会主席参与组织学术会议)

报告题目:Shear Fracture Behavior of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu Solder Joints on Cu Pads with Differeint Solder Volumes. ICEPT-HDP 2008, Shanghai, July 28-31,2008 (第9届电子封装国际学术会议,中国上海)

报告题目: Evolution of Cu/Al Intermetallic Compounds in the Copper Bump bonds during Aging Process, ICEPT-HDP,Shanghai 2007(第8届电子封装国际学术会议,中国上海)



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