

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25


哈工大(威海) 材料科学与工程学院 教授 材料加工工程方向



1996年07月—1997年07月哈工大(威海)学工处 辅导员
1997年07月—1998年07月哈工大(威海)材料学院 助教
1998年07月—2003年07月哈工大(威海)材料学院 讲师
2003年07月-2009年07月哈工大(威海)材料学院 副教授
2009年09月-至今 哈工大(威海)材料学院 教授
2011年04月-至今哈工大材料学院 博士生导师
2011年07月-2016年01月哈尔滨工业大学(威海),科技发展处 处长
2017年03月-至今哈工大(威海)创新创业园有限公司 董事长(兼)

1990年-1994年 哈尔滨工业大学 金属材料及热处理专业 本科1994年-1996年 哈尔滨工业大学 金属材料及热处理专业 硕士2000年-2005年 哈尔滨工业大学 材料加工工程专业 博士


于 洋: 博士, 教授,硕导; 研究方向: 粉末冶金塑性加工理论及特种成形技术、微尺寸及难变形材料精密塑性成形新技术及理论研究

崔国荣: 博士,讲师;研究方向:TiAl及钛基复合材料结构设计及烧结工艺研究

陈文振: 博士,讲师;研究方向: 镁合金结构设计及特种成形技术

1. 航天联合重点基金子课题,TiB/Ti复合材料制备及其组织与性能研究,负责人,2017.01.01-2018.12.31
2. 山东省重大专项(创新性产业集群),低温强塑变制备高性能镁合金板材及二次成形关键技术,负责人,2015.06.01-2017.12.31
3. 国家科技部863子课题,高性能钛基复合材料构件制备与加工关键技术研究,负责人,2013.01.01-2015.12.31
4. 国家科技部国际合作项目,XXXX水解制氢技术合作研究,负责人,2012.08.01-2014.10.31
5. 山东省科技发展计划,电热固体MgH2蓄热储能装置研究,负责人,2008.01.01-2011.12.31
6. 山东省自主创新项目,高性能镁合金制备及深加工技术研究开发及产业化,负责人,2012.10.01-2014.12.31
7. 企业横向,大直径细晶钨材料塑性成型,负责人,2014.12.01-2016.12.31
8. 企业横向,镁合金汽车轮毂技术开发,负责人,2014.05.01-2017.12.31




1. W.C. Zhang, Y.J. Feng, W.Z. Chen*, J.L. Yang, Effects of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of in situ inhomogeneous TiBw/Ti6Al4V composite fabricated by pre–sintering and canned powder extrusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 693, pp1116–1123, 2017.

2. W.Z. Chen, J.L. Yang, W.C. Zhang*, M.M. Wang, D.D. Du, G.R. Cui. Influence of TiBw volume fraction on microstructure and high-temperature properties of in situ TiBw/Ti6Al4V composites with TiBw columnar reinforced structure fabricated by pre-sintering and canned extrusion. Advanced Powder Technology, July 2017, DOI:10.1016/j.apt.2017.06.016, IF=2.659

3. J.L. Yang, G.F. Wang*, W.C. Zhang, W.Z. Chen, X.Y. Jiao, K.F. Zhang. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of P/M Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy during hot extrusion. Materials Science and Engineering A, Volume 699,24 June 2017, Pages 210-2016.

4. Y.J. Feng, W.Z. Zhang*, G.R. Cui, J.P. Wu, W.Z. Chen. Microstructure and mechanical properties of TiBw/Ti6Al4V composites fabricated by pre-sintering and canned extrusion. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, volume 721, 15 October 2017, Pages 383-391.

5. J.L. Yang, X.Y. Jiao, W.Z. Chen *, W.C. Zhang, G.F. Wang, A Novel Extrusion for Manufacturing TiBw/Ti6Al4V Composite Tubes with a Quasi-Continuous Reinforced Structure, Materials 2017, 10, 375

6. Y.J. Feng, W.C. Zhang *, L. Zeng, G.R. Cui, W.Z. Chen*, Room-Temperature and High-Temperature Tensile Mechanical Properties of TA15 Titanium Alloy and TiB Whisker-Reinforced TA15 Matrix Composites Fabricated by Vacuum Hot-Pressing Sintering, Materials 2017, 10, 424

7. W.C. Zhang, W.K. Wang, W.Z. Chen*, E.D. Wang. Optimization of Rolling Condition for ZK61 Alloy Sheets via Microstructure and Mechanical Property Analysis, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 25, pp5551–5559, 2016

8. L.X. Zhang, W.Z. Chen*, W.C. Zhang, W.K. Wang, E.D. Wang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of thin ZK61 magnesium alloy sheets by extrusion and multi–pass rolling with lowered temperature. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 237, pp65-74, 2016.

9. W.Z. Chen*, W.C. Zhang, Y.D. Qiao, Q. Miao, E.D. Wang.Enhanced ductility in high-strength fine-grained magnesium and magnesium alloy sheets processed via multi-pass rollingwith lowered temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 665, pp13-20,2016.

10. W.C. Zhang, M.M. Wang, W.Z. Chen*, Y.J. Feng, Y. Yu. Preparation of TiBw/Ti-6Al-4V composite with an inhomogeneous reinforced structure by a canned hot extrusion process. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 669, pp79-90,2016.

11. Y. Yu,H. Hu,W.C. Zhang,X. Xu. Microstructure evolution and recrystallization after annealing of tungsten heavy alloy subjected to severe plastic deformation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 685:971-977.

12. W.Z. Chen, W.C. Zhang*, L.X. Zhang, E.D. Wang. Property improvements in fine-grained Mg-Zn-Zr alloy sheets produced by temperature-step-down multi-pass rolling. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 646, pp195-203,2015.

13. W.Z. Chen*, W.C. Zhang, H.Y. Chao, L.X. Zhang, E.D. Wang. Influence of large cold strain on the microstructural evolution for a magnesium alloy subjected to multi-pass cold drawing. Materials Science and Engineering A, 623, pp92-96, 2015.

14. W.C. Zhang, M.M. Wang, W.Z. Chen*, Y.J. Feng, Y. Yu. Evolution of inhomogeneous reinforced structure in TiBw/Ti-6AL-4V composite prepared by pre-sintering and canned β extrusion. Materials & Design, 88, pp471-477, 2015.

15. Y. Yu*, W.C. Zhang, W.Q. Dong, J.L. Yang. Effects of pre-sintering on microstructure and properties of TiBw/Ti6Al4V composites fabricated by hot extrusion with steel cup. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2015, 638:38-45

16. Y. Yu*, W.C. Zhang, W.Q. Dong, X.Z. Han, C.L. Pei, X.Y. Jiao, Y.J. Feng. Research on heat treatment of TiBw/Ti6Al4V composites tubes. Materials & Design, 2015 , 73:1-9

17. Y. Yu,W.C. Zhang,H.Yu. Effect of Cu content and heat treatment on the properties and microstructure of W-Cu composites produced by hot extrusion with steel cup. Advanced Powder Technology, 2015, 26(4):1047-1052.

18. Y. Yu, W.C. Zhang, E.D. Wang. Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-hydrostatically extruded 93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015 , 622:880-884

19. W.C. Zhang*, Y. Yu, X.N. Zhang, W.Z. Chen, E.D. Wang. Mechanical anisotropy improvement in ultrafine-grained ZK61 magnesium alloy rods fabricated by cyclic extrusion and compression. Materials Science and Engineering A, 600, pp181-187, 2014.

20. W.C. Zhang, X.Y. Jiao, Y. Yu*, etc. Microstructure and Properties of 3.5vol.% TiBw/Ti6Al4V Composite Tubes Fabricated by Hot-hydrostatic extrusion. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 2014,30(7):710-714

21. Y. Chen, Y. Yu, W.C. Zhang, etc. TEM characterization of the microstructure of hot-hydrostatically extruded 93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe alloy. Applied Mechanics and Materials.2014, 490-491: 38-42

22. Y. Chen, Y. Yu, W.C. Zhang, E.D. Wang. Nanocrystalline Ni-30wt%Fe supersaturated solid solution synthesized by mechanical alloying. Applied Mechanics and Materials.2014, 490-491: 198-202

23. Y. Yu, W.C. Zhang, Y. Chen, E.D. Wang. Effect of swaging on microstructure and mechanical properties of liquid phase sintered 93W-4.9(Ni, Co)-2.1Fe alloy. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2014 , 44:103-108.


1. 张文丛,于洋, 无 一种粉末冶金高速钢的塑性加工方法 ZL**6.1 201302

2. 张文丛,于元春,于洋,白雪蕊 一种氢化镁水解供氢的燃料电池发电系统 ZL**8.7 201605

3. 张文丛,陈文振,张立新 制造各向同性高强度变形镁合金的方法 ZL**1.4 201704

4. 张文丛,陈文振,杨建雷,于洋,冯养巨 准连续网状结构TiBwTi-6Al-4V复合材料棒材的制备方法 ZL**4.5 201610

5. 张文丛,崔国荣,杨博 复合钛粉与钛基复合材料及其制备方法 ZL**9.8 201707

6. 崔国荣,张文丛,杨博 热处理管式炉 ZL**9.0 201707

7. 陈文振;张文丛;王文珂 制造高塑性/成形性变形镁合金板材的方法 ZL**1.2 201706

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