2015年10月-2016年11月, 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校, 访问学者2005年9月-2009年7月, 哈尔滨工业大学航天科学与力学系, 获博士学位2003年9月-2005年7月, 哈尔滨工业大学航天科学与力学系,获硕士学位1999年9月-2003年7月,哈尔滨工业大学土木工程系, 获学士学位
一. 弹性波理论及其在地球物理勘探、材料无损检测中的应用
二. 航空航天领域中的结构、弹性动力学仿真计算。
1. 基于Abaqus、Anasys、Adams等软件的仿真计算及软件的二次开发
三. 基于声子晶体的材料减震、降噪设计
项目名称 项目来源承担内容起止时间
Shi Peng, Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, Wang Jun. Analytical expressions of the dynamic permeability and the electrokinetic coupling coefficient in a water-saturated rock.. 2019. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, to be published (SCI)
Shi Peng, Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan. Dependence of dynamic electrokinetic-coupling-coefficient on the electric double layer thickness of fluid-filled porous formations. 2018. Acta Geophysica. 61, 3, SE340. (SCI)
Guan Wei, Shi Peng, Hu Hengshan. Contributions of poroelastic-wave potentials to seismoelectromagnetic wavefields and validity of the quasi-static calculation: A view from a borehole model. 2018. Geophysical Journal of International. 458-475, doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggx417. (SCI)
Guan Wei, Yao Zexin, Hu Hengshan. Finite-difference modeling of the seismoelectric logs. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2017. 60(11),4516-4526. (SCI)
Yang Yufeng, Guan Wei, Hu Hengshan, Xu Minqiang. Numerical study of the collar wave characteristics and the effects of grooves in acoustic logging while drilling. Geophysical Journal International. 2017, 209, 749-761. (SCI)
杨玉峰, 关威, 崔乃刚, 胡恒山, 郑晓波. 随钻声波测井FDTD模拟及钻铤波传播特性研究. 地球物理学报. 2016, 59(1), 368-380. (SCI)
Wei Guan, Chenggang Yin, Jun Wang, Naigang Cui, Hengshan Hu & Zhi Wang. Theoretical study on the amplitude ratio of the seismoelectric field to the Stoneley wave and the formation tortuosity estimation from seismoelectric logs. Geophysical Journal International. 2015, 203, 2277-2286. (SCI)
Jun Wang, Hengshan Hu & Wei Guan. Experimental measurements of seismoelectric signals in borehole models. Geophysical Journal International. 2015, 203, 1937-1945. (SCI)
Jun Wang, Hengshan Hu, Wei Guan & Hui Li. Electrokinetic experimental study on saturated rock samples: zeta potential and surface conductance. Geophysical Journal International. 2015, 201, 869-877. (SCI)
Xiaobo Zheng, Hengshan Hu, Wei Guan, and Jun Wang. Simulation of the borehole quasistatic electric field excited by the acoustic wave during logging while drilling due to electrokinetic effect. Geophysics. 2015, 80, D417-D427. (SCI)
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Xiaobo Zheng. Theoretical simulation of the multipole seismoelectric logging while drilling. Geophysical Journal International. 2013,195, 1239-1250. (SCI)
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Zhi Wang. Permeability Inversion from the Low-frequency Seismoelectric Logs in Fluid-saturated Porous Formations. Geophysical Prospecting. 2013, 61, 120-133. (SCI)
Zhi Wang, Hengshan Hu, Wei Guan. Component wave analysis of the relation between borehole seismoelectric wavefields and formation permeability. Acta Physica Sinica. 2012, 61, DOI:CNKI:11-1958/O4.**.1733.076. (in Chinese). (SCI)
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu. The Parameter Averaging Technique in Finite-Difference Modeling of Elastic Waves in Combined Structures with Solid, Fluid and Porous Subregions. Communications in Computational Physics. 2011, 3: 695-715. (SCI)
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Tianzhi Tang, Xi, Cheng. The ratio of acoustoelastic field to the acoustic pressure in a borehole and its dependence on permeability. Chinese Journal of Geophysics. 2011, 54: 1660-1671. (In Chinese) (SCI)
Xiao He, Hengshan Hu, Wei Guan. Fast and Slow flexural waves in a deviated borehole in a homogeneous or layered anisotropic formation. Geophysical Journal International. 2010, 181: 417-426. (SCI)
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Xiao He. Finite-Difference Modeling of the Monopole Acoustic Logging in a Horizontally Stratified Porous Formation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2009, 125:1942-1950. (SCI)
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu. Finite-Difference Modeling of the Electroseismic Logging in a Fluid-Saturated Porous Formation. Journal of Computational Physics. 2008, 227: 5633-5648. (SCI)
Hengshan Hu, Wei Guan, Jerry Harris. Theoretical Simulation of Electroacoustic Borehole Logging in a Fluid-Saturated Porous Formation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2007, 122: 135-145. (SCI)
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Zhaotan Chu. Formulation of the acoustically-induced electromagnetic field in a porous formation in terms of Hertz vectors and simulation of the borehole electromagnetic field excited by an acousticmultipole source. Acta Physica Sinica. 2006, 55, 267–274.(In Chinese) (SCI)
Wei Guan, Yufeng Yang, Zexin Yao, Hengshan Hu. Finite-difference modeling of the seismoelectric logging in fluid-saturated porous formations. The 6th BIOT Conference on Poromechanics (BIOT-6), Paris, 2017. (EI)
Peng Shi, Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, The freuency-dependent electrokinetic coupling coefficient of capillaries with arbitrary radii. The 6th BIOT Conference on Poromechanics (BIOT-6), Paris, 2017. (EI)
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Xien Liu. Full-waveform simulation of multipole seismoelectric logging while drilling in a fluid-saturated porous formation. The 5th BIOT Conference on Poromechanics (BIOT-5), Vienna, 2013. (EI)
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Zhi Wang. Component Wave Analysis of Borehole Seismoelectric Wavefields and Permeability Inversion from Seismoelectric Logs. 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC. 2011. (EI)
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu. 2D Seismoelectric Log Simulation Using a Finite-Difference Method. 79th Annual International Meeting, Soc. Exploration Geophysics, Expanded Abstracts, Paper 554, Houston, Texas, USA, 2009.
Wei Guan Hengshan Hu. Finite-difference Modeling of Electroacoustic Logging in Fluid-saturated Porous Formation. 77th Annual International Meeting, Soc. Exploration Geophysics, Expanded Abstracts, San Antonio, USA, 2007.
Hengshan Hu, Wei Guan, Kexie Wang. Radiating and Accompanying Electromagnetic Fields during Acousto-electromagnetic logging: Poromechanics Ⅲ——Proceedings of the 3rd Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Oklahoma, USA, 2005: 593-599. (EI)
新闻标题Oral presentation in EGU General Assembly 2012
I have attended the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012 in Vienna | Austria | 22 –27 April 2012 and gave an oral presentation "Theoretical studies of permeability inversion from seismoelectric logs".
Wei Guan
Associate Professor
Dept. of Astronautics and Mechanics
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Email: guanw@hit.edu.cn
Tel: (86)-**
Harbin Institute of Technology,
Postbox 344,
NO.92 West Dazhi Street,
Harbin, 150001, China
05.2005-07.2009: Ph. D. in Solid Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China09.2003-05.2006: M.S. in Solid Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China09.1999-07.2003: B.S. in Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
TimeWork Experience
01.2012-PresentAssociate Professor in Solid Mechanics
Dept. of Astronautics and Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
05.2008-12.2011Lecturer in Solid Mechanics
Dept. of Astronautics and Mechanics, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Elastic waves in porous media
Electrokinetic effect in porous fomations and its applications in oil-gas exploration
Undergraduate Course: Material Mechanics, Calculus of Variations
Postgraduate Course: Elastodynamics
From September of 2003 to July of 2009, I studied on the elastic and electrokinetic waves’ propagation in fluid-saturated porous formations and its application in geophysical and petroleum exploration. At that stage, I cooperated with Professor Hengshan Hu on two projects supported by National Natural Science Funds of China and a project supported by Special Research Funds of Seismology in China. The titles of these three projects are:
1) The Propagation Mechanisms of the Coupled Seismic and Electromagnetic Waves (Grant No. **, 2003-2005);
2) The Analysis of the Borehole Acoustic Fields in a Transversely Isotropic Porous Formation and the Inversions of Shear Modulus and Permeability (Grant No. **, 2008-2010);
3) The Laboratory Experiments of the electrokinetic effects in rocks and the simulations of the electromagnetic fields induced by seismic waves (Grant No. **, 2008-2010).
I and the copartners theoretically derived the analytical solutions of the seismoelectric and electroseismic wavefields respectively induced by a pressure and a current source in a fluid-filled borehole surrounded by a homogeneous porous medium. We developed finite-difference schemes to simulate the borehole acoustic, seismoelectric and electroseismic wavefields in horizontally stratified porous formations. We analyzed the propagation and attenuation characteristics of these borehole wavefields and their relations with physical parameters of rocks.
From September of 2009 until now I studied permeability inversion from the borehole seismoelectric wavefields, which was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province of China (Grant No. QC**) and by Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education of China (Grant No. **024).
I and the copartners calculated the components of the borehole seismoelectric wavefields and derived a theoretical expression that shows the inverse proportionality between permeability and the argument of the ratio of the electric field to the pressure (REP). We proposed a method to inverse formation permeability from the borehole seismoelectric wavefields.
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Zhi Wang. Permeability Inversion from the Low-frequency Seismoelectric Logs in Fluid-saturated Porous Formations. Geophysical Prospecting. 2012, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2478.2012.01053.x.Zhi Wang, Hengshan Hu, Wei Guan. Component wave analysis of the relation between borehole seismoelectric wavefields and formation permeability. Acta Physica Sinica. 2012, 61, DOI:CNKI:11-1958/O4.**.1733.076. (in Chinese).Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu. The Parameter Averaging Technique in Finite-Difference Modeling of Elastic Waves in Combined Structures with Solid, Fluid and Porous Subregions. Communications in Computational Physics. 2011, 3: 695-715. Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Tianzhi Tang, Xi, Cheng. The ratio of acoustoelastic field to the acoustic pressure in a borehole and its dependence on permeability. Chinese Journal of Geophysics. 2011, 54: 1660-1671. (In Chinese)Xiao He, Hengshan Hu, Wei Guan. Fast and Slow flexural waves in a deviated borehole in a homogeneous or layered anisotropic formation. Geophysical Journal International. 2010, 181: 417-426.Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Xiao He. Finite-Difference Modeling of the Monopole Acoustic Logging in a Horizontally Stratified Porous Formation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2009, 125:1942-1950. Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu. Finite-Difference Modeling of the Electroseismic Logging in a Fluid-Saturated Porous Formation. Journal of Computational Physics. 2008, 227: 5633-5648. Hengshan Hu, Wei Guan, Jerry Harris. Theoretical Simulation of Electroacoustic Borehole Logging in a Fluid-Saturated Porous Formation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2007, 122: 135-145. Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Zhaotan Chu. Formulation of the acoustically-induced electromagnetic field in a porous formation in terms of Hertz vectors and simulation of the borehole electromagnetic field excited by an acousticmultipole source. Acta Physica Sinica. 2006, 55, 267–274.(In Chinese)CONFERENCE
Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu, Zhi Wang. Component Wave Analysis of Borehole Seismoelectric Wavefields and Permeability Inversion from Seismoelectric Logs. 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC. 2011.Wei Guan, Hengshan Hu. 2D Seismoelectric Log Simulation Using a Finite-Difference Method. 79th Annual International Meeting, Soc. Exploration Geophysics, Expanded Abstracts, Paper 554, Houston, Texas, USA, 2009.Wei Guan Hengshan Hu. Finite-difference Modeling of Electroacoustic Logging in Fluid-saturated Porous Formation. 77th Annual International Meeting, Soc. Exploration Geophysics, Expanded Abstracts, San Antonio, USA, 2007.Hengshan Hu, Wei Guan, Kexie Wang. Radiating and Accompanying Electromagnetic Fields during Acousto-electromagnetic logging: Poromechanics Ⅲ——Proceedings of the 3rd Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Oklahoma, USA, 2005: 593-599.
本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-24
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基本信息科学研究教育教学论文专著基本信息 曹伟,男,汉族,1978年8月出生。工学博士,副教授,哈尔滨工业大学航天学院飞行器动力学与控制研究所。 1998-2002年,哈尔滨工业大学航天学院/实验学院,工程力学专业获学士学位;2002-2007年,哈尔滨工业大学航天学院一般力学专业,硕博连读, ...哈尔滨工业大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-24哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-王小刚
基本信息科学研究教育教学论文专著王小刚汉族,1981年出生,准聘副教授,博士生导师;哈尔滨工业大学航天学院航天工程系副主任。发表SCI文章30余篇,主持国家自然科学基金、国家863、军委科技委重点项目、国防基础科研重点项目和来自航空、航天和兵器的横向项目40余项。荣誉称号2016-2017何鸿燊奖教 ...哈尔滨工业大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-24哈尔滨工业大学航天学院研究生考研导师简介-孙剑峰
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