摘要:为评估微纳米气泡对不同类型水稻品种生长发育及产量形成的影响差异, 以及这种差异所带来的微纳米气泡应用策略的启示, 以江西主推的超级稻品种‘五丰优T025’和常规稻品种‘赣晚籼37’为试验材料, 于2019—2020年开展了盆栽试验, 研究微纳米气泡(MNB)与普通水(对照, CK)灌溉对超级稻和常规稻生长发育及产量构成的影响。结果表明: 1) MNB灌溉显著增加了土壤溶液中溶解氧浓度、水稻根系体积和干重, 提高了α-NA氧化量、根系总吸收表面积和根系活跃吸收表面积、叶片的叶绿素含量和净光合速率, 促进了生物产量的积累和经济系数的提高, 增加了水稻的穗长、着粒密度、一二级枝梗和主轴数及其着生其上的粒数和结实率, 最终提高了籽粒产量。2) 与CK相比, MNB灌溉提高常规稻产量8.46%~17.9%, 超级稻产量11.32%~22.09%, 以超级稻增幅较大。3) MNB灌溉主要增加了常规稻的穗数(6.67%~16.67%)和超级稻的穗粒数(3.23%~7.2%)和结实率(1.14%~6.57%)。4) MNB灌溉提高常规稻穗数原因主要是在水稻生育前期促进了水稻分蘖的发生, 使得常规稻具有最大分蘖数; 而提高超级稻穗粒数和结实率的主要原因在于提高了水稻生育中后期叶片的光合作用, 减缓了叶片的衰老, 提高了分蘖成穗率和光合物质的积累, 提高了二次枝梗和主轴上的籽粒数量及结实率, 提高了经济系数。可见, 通过微纳米气泡可进一步提升常规稻和超级稻的产量。常规稻可在分蘖期之前适当增加微纳米气泡供给以增加穗数增产, 而超级稻可在抽穗后增加微纳米气泡的供给以提高穗粒数和结实率而增产。
Abstract:Increasing the rhizosphere oxygen in the rice paddy can influence the paddy field environment and improve the physiology, metabolism, and grain yield of rice. The traditional methods of mechanically or chemically aerating subsurface irrigation could produce large air bubbles, which can escape from the soil along the pores adjacent to the roots. Aerating irrigation efficiency improvement is an issue not yet to be resolved. One way is to use water rich in micro-nano bubbles (MNB). MNB are small air bubbles that cannot escape from the soil easily, thereby, supplying more oxygen. Different rice types vary in their ability to absorb and utilize oxygen. A pot experiment was carried out in which the experimental group was treated with MNB water and the control group with running water as check (CK) during 2019?2020 to determine the effect of MNB and CK on the growth and yield of two paddy rice varieties (inbred rice ‘Ganwanxian 37’ and super rice ‘Wufengyou T025’). The results showed that 1) MNB increased the dissolved oxygen concentration of soil solution, increased the number and volume of rice roots, enhanced α-NA oxidation, improved the total and active absorption area of root, promoted the SPAD and net photosynthetic rate (Pn) value of leaves, increased the biomass accumulation, raised the harvest index, improved the rice panicle characteristics such as length and number of grains per panicle, enhanced the number of primary and secondary branches and also the main spike-stalk, seed-setting rate on the primary and secondary branches and on spike-stalk, and enhanced the grain yield. 2) Compared to CK, MNB enhanced the yield of inbred rice by 8.46%–17.9% and super rice by 11.32%–22.09%, with the super rice showing higher grain yield than the inbred rice. 3) In case of inbred rice, MNB mainly increased the panicles (6.67%–16.67%), whereas in super rice it increased the spikelets per panicle (3.23%–7.2%) and the seed-setting rate (1.14%–6.57%). 4) The MNB enhanced the panicles number of inbred rice by promoting the tiller occurrence in the early growing period. The MNB enhanced the number of spikelets per panicle and the seed-setting rate in the super rice by increasing the rate of photosynthesis of leaves (improved the SPAD and Pn value). It also slowed down the leaf senescence, improved the bearing rate of tillers, biomass accumulation, increased the number and seed-setting rate in the secondary branches and the main spike-stalk, and it improved the harvest index. It was, thus, evident that MNB could improve the yield of both types of rice. In inbred rice, supplying MNB before the tillering stage increases the yield by increasing panicles number. In super rice, MNB supply after the earing stage increases the yield by producing more spikelets per panicle and through higher seed-setting rate.
Key words:Micro-nano bubbles/
Super rice/
Inbred rice/
Growth and development/