摘要:为了认识和了解我国目前玉米主要生态区机械收获现状及影响农户采用机械收获行为的因素, 指出需要解决的关键问题, 为进一步推行玉米机械收粒技术、提高玉米生产的全程机械化水平提供理论依据和实践指导, 本研究围绕玉米种植生态区(东北、西北、黄淮海)、玉米种植水平和规模、玉米生产者的角色人群(农户、合作社、农业技术人员), 以问卷的形式, 调查不同生态区玉米机械收获情况和农户对机械收获的认识和了解, 探究其内在的影响因素和行为特征。结果表明, 玉米机械收获技术的采用存在明显区域差异, 东北的黑龙江和西北的新疆玉米产区机收比例最高, 农户采用率高达83.11%以上; 黄淮海的河南次之, 平均为54.72%, 东北的吉林最低, 平均为21.51%。新疆兵团、黑龙江垦区部分农场的玉米收获以机械收粒为主, 主要影响因素是种植规模大(6.67 hm2以上), 机械收粒售卖更为方便、成本投入也低, 因此被大规模采用。黑龙江垦区部分农场(友谊农场)、黑龙江省和河南省玉米收获以机械收穗、晾干后脱粒为主, 该类地区, 品种、机具、烘干、售卖条件配套明显不足, 收获快捷、方便存放是农户选择机械收穗的主要原因。吉林等人工收获较多的地区, 普遍存在种植规模较小、地块零散、农户传统观念意识强、不易接受新事物; 机收采用者仅限于家庭经济水平较高、有固定职业、有副业收入或农机具的农户; 地块规模小、种植效益低、家庭经济水平低是导致其机收采用率低的主要原因。综上, 耕地经营规模和效益是玉米机械收获技术推行的关键, 政府、科研单位、企业需因地制宜加强协作, 从政策上、技术上、经济上和观念上给予扶助引导, 逐步提高我国玉米的机收效率和全程机械化水平。
Abstract:To understand the current situation and limiting factors of application of mechanical harvesting of maize, and improve the mechanization level of whole process of maize production in China, this paper investigated the adoption of mechanical harvesting of maize in the main maize planting ecological regions (Helongjiang and Jilin in Northeast region, Xinjiang in Northwest region and Henan in Huanghuaihai region) through questionnaire survey. The influencing factors of adoption of mechanical harvesting, key problems in different regions and of different maize producers (farmers, cooperatives and agricultural technicians) were discussed. The results showed significant differences among regions in the use of mechanical harvesting of maize; the proportion of area where mechanized harvesting was used was highest in Heilongjiang and Xinjiang, with a >83.11% adoption rate. The adoption rate of Henan was 54.72% and that of Jilin was 21.51%, which was the lowest. Mechanized kernel harvesting was largely used in Xinjiang and in some farms in Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation, which was mainly due to the large planting scale (>6.67 hm2), harvest convenience, and low cost. Mechanized ear harvesting and threshing after drying was the main form of maize harvesting in Youyi Farm of Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation, most areas in Heilongjiang, and part of Huanghuaihai. Factors limiting the application of mechanized kernel harvesting in these areas included unsuitable maize cultivars for mechanical harvesting, no professional kernel-harvesting machine, drying-storage needed for immature grains. However, in these area, the time- and labor-saving and harvested ears easily to be store promoted farmers to adopt mechanized ear harvesting. In Jilin and some areas with small planting scale, artificial harvest still was used due to scattered block and strong habit of traditional practices. Farmers with higher incomes, fixed occupation, ancillary revenue, or agricultural implements were willing to adopt mechanized harvesting. Small farmland, low planting benefit and low family income were the main reasons for the low adoption rate of mechanized harvesting in the investigated regions. The investigation results suggested that planting area, ratio of maize revenue to family income, years using mechanized ear harvesting, marketing ways significantly influenced the diffusion and extension of mechanized harvesting technology. Further expansion of planting area and facilitating direct-selling of grains after harvest will highly significantly affect the behavior of farmers adopting mechanized kernel harvesting. To sum up, the scale and benefit of cultivated land management is the key to the implementation of maize mechanical harvesting technology. The government, scientific institutions and enterprises should strengthen cooperation according to local conditions, and give assistance and guidance from policy, technology, economy and concept, gradually improve the harvest efficiency and the whole mechanization level of maize in China.
Key words:Maize/
Mechanized harvesting/
Mechanize kernel harvesting/
Mechanized ear harvesting/
Farmer cognition/
Factor analysis