

本站小编 免费考研网/2015-08-26

作者: lazycat927    时间: 2011-1-16 22:43
标题: 2011年华中师范大学外院英语语言文学翻译写作 真题
作文题:drunk driving

英译汉:Tourists 中的一部分 综英第7册
Torcello, which used to be lonely as a cloud, has recently become an outing from Venice. Many more visitors than it can comfortably hold pour into it, off the regular steamers, off chartered motor-boats, and off yachts; all day they amble up the towpath, looking for what? The cathedral is decorated with early mosaics-scenes from hell, much restored, and a great sad, austere Madonna; Byzantine art is an acquired taste and probably not one in ten of the visitors has acquired it. They wander into the church and look round aimlessly. They come out on to the village green and photograph each other in a stone armchair, said to be the throne of Attila. They relentlessly tear at the wild roses which one has seen in bud and longed to see in bloom and which for a day have scented the whole island. As soon as they are picked the roses fade and are thrown into the canal. The Americans visit the inn to eat or drink something. The English declare that they can’t afford to do this. They take food which they have brought with them into the vineyard and I am sorry to say leave the devil of a mess behind them. Every Thursday Germans come up the towpath, marching as to war, with a Leader. There is a standing order for fifty luncheons at the inn; while they eat the Leader lectures them through a megaphone. After luncheon they march into the cathedral and undergo another lecture. They, at least, know what they are seeing. Then they march back to their boat. They are tidy; they leave no litter.—Nancy Mitford, The Water Beetle

托车罗往日寂寞如孤云,近来却成了威尼斯外围的游览点。 来客多了,这个小地方就拥挤不堪。搭班船的,坐包船的,驾游艇的,一批批涌到,从早到晚,通过那条纤路,漫步进村观光。想看什么呢?大教堂内装饰,有早期 镶嵌画;表现地狱诸景的多经修复,此外还有容色黯然凛然的圣母巨像。拜占庭艺术是要有特殊修养才能欣赏的,而有特殊修养的游客十中无一。这些人逛到教堂, 东张西望,茫茫然不止看什么好。踏上村中草地,看到一张石椅,听说是匈奴王阿提拉的宝座,就要照相:一个个登上大位,你给我照,我给你照。这些人惯于棘手 摧花,见了野玫瑰决不放过。可怜含苞欲放的野玫瑰,岛上飘香才一昼,爱花者正盼其盛开,却给这些人摘下来,转瞬凋萎,给扔进运河。美国人光顾小酒店,吃吃 喝喝。英国人声称花不起,自带食物进葡萄园野餐;真对不起,我不能不说他们把人家的地方搞得乱七八糟。德国人呢,每逢星期四就象出征一样,由队长率领,列 队循纤路走来,到小酒店吃其照例预订的五十份午餐,边吃边听队长用喇叭给他们上大课。午餐后列队到大教堂,在里头还得恭听一课。他们至少知道看的什么。完 了列队回船。他们倒是整洁得很,从来不留半点垃圾。--翁显良译文(转引自连淑能,2006)


不逢北国之秋,已将近十余年了。在南方每年到了秋天,总要想起陶然亭的芦花,钓鱼台的柳影,西山的虫唱,玉泉的夜月,潭柘寺的钟声。在北平即使不出门去 吧,就是在皇城人海之中,租人家一椽破屋来住着,早晨起来,泡一碗浓茶,向院子一坐,你也能看得到很高很高的碧绿的天色,听得到青天下驯鸽的飞声。从槐树 叶底,朝东细数着一丝一丝漏下来的日光,或在破壁腰中,静对着像喇叭似的牵牛花(朝荣)的蓝朵,自然而然地也能够感觉到十分的秋意。
It is more than a decade since I last saw autumn in North. When I am in the South, the arrival of each autumn will put me in mind of Peiping’s Tao Ran Ting with its reed catkins, Diao Yu Tai with its shady willow trees, Western Hills with their chirping insects, Yu Quan Shan Mountain on a moonlight evening and Tan Zhe Si with its reverbrating bell. Suppose you put up in a humble rented house inside the bustling imperial city, you can, on getting up at dawn, sit in your courtyard sipping a cup of strong tea, leisurely watch the high azure skies and listen to pigeons circling overhead. Saunter eastward under locust trees to closely observe streaks of sunlight filtering through their foliage, or quietly watch the trumpet-shaped blue flowers of morning glories climbing half way up a dilapidated wall, and an intense feeling of autumn will of itself well up inside you.
死在它手上我只能说,Oh my Lady Gaga  人算不如天算 悲了个大剧啊。。

作者: nowowo    时间: 2011-10-3 22:41


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