本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20
Submitted on 周一, 10/30/2017 - 20:31
病原细菌/人体微生物组与宿主互作;细菌分泌系统及其底物-效应蛋白的生化功能; 益生菌资源及其改善疾病的分子机制? ? ? ? 微生物与其宿主之间的相互作用是生物物种间最复杂的相互作用之一。一方面,在与人类或者其它动植物宿主亿万年共同进化的过程中,共栖微生物(Commensal)成功适应了宿主环境,并对宿主的发育、免疫及神经系统都产生重要的影响;另一方面,病原菌(Pathogens)则能突破宿主的免疫屏障,实现感染。虽然抗生素和疫苗的发明使我们能对付大多数的病原细菌(Pathogenic bacteria),但是,病原细菌也逐渐发展出了抵抗抗生素的策略,出现了超级抗性菌,使病原细菌特别是耐药性细菌又一次成为人类的重大威胁;同时,病原细菌还发展出了精巧复杂的毒力系统,以适应宿主体内环境、躲避或克服宿主的免疫体系,导致各种感染症甚至癌症等,其中最重要的毒力系统就是细菌的各种分泌系统(Secretion Systems)。通过相当于“武器”的分泌系统,细菌可以向宿主体内(或细胞内)分泌数量众多、功能各异的毒力蛋白-效应蛋白(Effector proteins,也就是细菌的“子弹”),效应蛋白与宿主细胞表面或宿主细胞中的各种靶点蛋白相互作用,改变宿主的各种信号传导途径如细胞凋亡、自噬和细胞周期等,从而适应宿主环境,克服宿主免疫系统的攻击,达到让细菌自身在宿主内增殖的目的。 一些效应蛋白也是细菌之间拮抗的重要武器。
? ? ? ? 研究微生物和宿主相互作用的学科称为细胞微生物学(Cellular Microbiology),细菌效应蛋白功能的阐明是该学科研究的重点。(1)阐明效应蛋白的生化功能,可以让我们更深入理解病原细菌致病以及适应宿主环境的分子机制;(2)以这些效应蛋白为工具,发现宿主固有免疫(Innate Immunity)调控的新途径,是免疫学的新领域;(3)效应蛋白本身还可以作为抗菌药物作用的理想靶位点,研发针对这些效应蛋白的活性先导物(相当于钝化或收缴细菌的“子弹”),有可能获得避免耐药性产生的新型抗生素;(4)可以运用合成生物学(Synthetic Biology)策略在微生物细胞、癌细胞或免疫细胞中构建效应蛋白调控回路(Circuit) ,人工调控相关细胞的特定功能。
(1)效应蛋白的生化功能及宿主免疫反应机制??以目前临床上典型的胞内病原细菌嗜肺军团菌(Legionella pneumophila)、结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)、肠道共栖菌多形拟杆菌(Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron)和其它细菌为模型,重点研究其关键效应蛋白的表达调控及其生化功能,阐明这些蛋白与宿主靶蛋白相互作用进而调整宿主免疫系统的分子机制。
(2)肠道微生物组与宿主的互作及其分子机制? 肠道菌群是肠道内寄居的种类繁多的微生物的总称。肠道微生物是人体代谢的重要参与者,同时,代谢产生的短链脂肪酸等促进肠道上皮细胞生长与分化。肠道菌群之间可以通过如分泌系统分泌的效应蛋白等维持菌群的平衡。肠道菌群失调(dysbiosis)会增加对疾病的易感性,包括胃肠道疾病、代谢类疾病(如肥胖、糖尿病等)、免疫类疾病、精神类疾病和癌症等。对肠道微生物组与疾病关系的研究,将为开发基于微生物的疾病诊断、疾病干预、治疗和益生菌产品的研发等提供基础。目前该领域的研究正从微生物与宿主互作的“关联性”向“因果性”转变。我们综合运用基因组学、代谢组学和生物信息学技术,研究肠道微生物组(microbiome, 包括肠道微生物及其代谢产物及肠道自身代谢物)或肠道细菌及其效应蛋白与炎症、肥胖症和癌症等的发生、发展的关联性及其分子机制;同时,运用合成生物学的相关策略,建立重要肠道菌的分子遗传操作系统,以期实现对肠道细菌功能及菌群组成的精准调控。
(3)益生菌资源挖掘及临床应用? 运用培养组学策略分离纯化各类肠道益生菌,并评估其临床应用价值;开展临床干预实验,研究其益生的分子机制。
(4)靶向效应蛋白的抗结核药物研制? 结核分枝杆菌是结核病的病原,感染了我国近三分之一的人口,是国人健康的重大威胁,急需新的抗结核药物。我们以结核分枝杆菌关键效应蛋白为靶点,建立相应的筛选系统,从微生物代谢产物中筛选效应蛋白的抑制剂,并研究其作用机制,期望获得新型的、能避免耐药产生的新型抗结核药物。
? ? ? ? 本实验室位于环境优雅的中?大学南校区生命科学学院曾宪梓堂北院112-114室,在中?大学生命科学学院微生物学方向招收专职科研人员、博士后、博士生和硕士生。我们实验室是一个积极进取、开放、团结活泼并鼓励合作和创新的科研团队。欢迎对我们实验室的研究方向感兴趣、对科学研究有热情、具有主动精神、勇于挑战、努力刻苦和善于合作的学生加入,共同投身于征服病原菌、造福人类的崇高事业。我们也欢迎本科学生加?我们团队。
1. 主讲本科生课程:必修课“生物技术学”、必修课“生物技术综合实验”
2. 参讲本科生课程:“生命科学引论”、逸仙学院教育部拔尖创新人才培养试验班课程“生物学前沿学术专题”、“高级代谢工程与合成生物学”
3. 合讲研究生课程“细胞微生物学”
一、部分论文(2009--)1. Yong Rao?, *, Zhiqi Kuang? , Chan Li, Shiyao Guo, Yaohao Xu, Dandan Zhao, Yutao Hu, Bingbing Song, Zhi Jiang, Zhenhuang Ge, Xiyuan Liu, Chengdao Li, Shuobin Chen, Jiming Ye, Zhishu Huang*, Yongjun Lu*. Gut Akkermansia muciniphila ameliorates metabolic-dysfunction associated fatty liver disease by regulating the metabolism of L-aspartate via gut-liver axis. Gut Microbes, 2021, accepted.2. Wei Cai*, Xiaodong Chen*, Xuejiao Men, Hengfang Ruan, Mengyan Hu, Sanxin Liu, Tingting Lu , Jinchi Liao , Bingjun Zhang , Danli Lu , Yinong Huang , Ping Fan , Junping Rao , Chunyan Lei, Jihui Wang, Xiaomeng Ma, Qiang Zhu, Lili Li, Xiuyun Zhu, Yujiao Hou, Shu Li, Qing Dong, Qing Tian, Lulu Ai, Wenjing Luo, Mengyun Zuo, Liping Shen, Congyan Xie, Hongzhong Song, Ganlin Xu, Kangdi Zheng, Zhao Zhang, Yongjun Lu, Wei Qiu, Tao Chen, Andy Peng Xiang, Zhengqi Lu. Gut microbiota from patients with arteriosclerotic CSVD induces higher IL-17A production in neutrophils via activating RORγt. Science Advances, 2021, Jan 22;7(4):eabe4827. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abe4827.3. Dongni Chen, Lan Liu, Yongjun Lu, Senhua Chen. Identification of fusarielin M as a novel inhibitor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein tyrosine phosphatase B (MptpB). Bioorganic Chemistry, 2021,Jan, 106:104495. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????4. 王庆琳,陈水浩,陈冬妮,刘岚,佘志刚,陆勇军*. 南海海洋真菌资源及其活性次级代谢产物研究评述。生物资源,2020,42(5):505 ~ 514.(特约综述)5. Chen Jie-wen, Liu Xi-yuan, Huang Hong-yan, Zhang Fang-fang, Lu Yong-jun, Hu Hai*. High salt diet may promote progression of breast tumor through eliciting immune response. International Immunopharmacology, 2020, July, 25;87:106816.6. Yuan PB, He L, Chen DN, Sun YH, Ge ZH, Shen D, Lu YJ*. Proteomic characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis reveals potential targets of bostrycin. Journal of Proteomics. 2020, Feb 10. 212:103576. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2019.103576.7. Zhaoming Liu, Qinglin Wang, Saini Li, Hui Cui, Zhanghua Sun, Dongni Chen, Yongjun Lu,* Hongxin Liu,* and Weimin Zhang*. ?Polypropionate Derivatives with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase B Inhibitory Activities from the Deep-Sea- Derived Fungus Aspergillus?? fischeri FS452. Journal of Natural Products, 2019, 82 (12):3440-3449, Dec 27. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00834.8. Zhen-huang Ge, Qin-sha Long, Pei-bo Yuan, Xin Pan, Dong Shen and Yong-jun Lu*. The Temporal Expression of Global Regulator Protein CsrA Is Dually Regulated by ClpP During the Biphasic Life Cycle of Legionella pneumophila. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, Nov.7,10:2495. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02495.9. Qin Zeng, Junli Gong, Xiyuan Liu, Chen Chen, Xiaobo Sun, Huijuan Li, Yifan Zhou, ChunPing Cui, Yuge Wang, Yu Yang, Aimin Wu, Yaqing Shu, Xueqiang Hu, Zhengqi Lu, Song Guo Zheng*, Wei Qiu*, Yongjun Lu*. Gut dysbiosis and lack of short chain fatty acids in a Chinese cohort of patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurochemistry International, 2019(129)104468.10. He L, Lin Y, Ge ZH, He SY, Zhao BB, Shen D, He JG, Lu YJ*. The Legionella pneumophila effector WipA disrupts host F-actin polymerisation by hijacking phosphotyrosine signaling. Cellular Microbiology. 2019 Jun, 21(6):e13014. doi: 10.1111/cmi.13014.?11. Dongfeng Zhang, Yun Lin, Xi Chen, Wenting Zhao, Dongni Chen, Meng Gao, Qinglin Wang, Bin Wang, Haihong Huang?, Yongjun Lu?, Yu Lu?. Docking- and pharmacophore-based virtual screening for the identification of novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein tyrosine phosphatase B (MptpB) inhibitor with a thiobarbiturate scaffold. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2019, 85: 229–239.12. Jia-Hua Huang, Jian-Ming Lv, Qiao-Zhen Wang, Jian Zou, Yong-Jun Lu, Qing-Lin Wang, Dong-Ni Chen, Xin-Sheng Yao, Hao Gao and Dan Hu. Biosynthesis of an anti-tuberculosis sesterterpenoid asperterpenoid A. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019 Jan 2; 17(2):248-251.13. LUO X-W, LIN Y, LU Y-J, Zhou XF, Liu YH. Peptides and polyketides isolated from the marine sponge-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus SCSIO 41008 [J]. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2019, 17(2): 149-154.14. Sun yunhao, Li Pai, Shen Dong, Wei Qiaoling, He Jianguo, Lu Yongjun*. The Ralstonia solanacearum effector RipN suppresses plant PAMP-triggered immunity, localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum and nucleus, and alters the NADH/NAD+ ratio in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant Pathology. 2019, 20(4):533-546. First published, 2018, Nov 30. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12773.15. Gong JL, Qiu W, Zeng Q, Liu XY, Sun XB, Li HJ, Yang Y, Wu AM, Bao J, Wang YG, Shu YQ, Hu XQ, Bellanti JA, Zheng SG, Lu YJ*, Lu ZQ*. Lack of short-chain fatty acids and overgrowth of opportunistic pathogens define dysbiosis of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders: A Chinese pilot study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2018, Aug 16:**90396.16. Yu Dai, Yun Lin, Xiaoyan Pang, Xiaowei Luo, Limbadri salendra, Junfeng Wang,Xuefeng Zhou, Yongjun Lu, Bin Yang, Yonghong Liu. Peptides from the Soft Coral-associated Fungus Simplicillium sp. SCSIO41209. Phytochemistry, 2018, 154:56–62。17. Qian Jia, Yun Lin, Xue-jing Gou, Lei He, Dong Shen, Dong-ni Chen, Wei Xie *, Yong-jun Lu*. Legionella pneumophila effector WipA, a bacterial PPP protein phosphatase with PTP activity. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica. 2018, 50(6):547-554.18. GONG Junli, SUN Xiaoming, LIN Zhiyong, LU Hongfeng, LU Yongjun. Geochemical and microbial characters of sediment from the gas hydrate area in the Taixinan Basin, South China Sea. Acta Oceanol. Sin., 2017, 36(9):52–64.?19. Senhua Chen, Meng Ding; Weiyang Liu; Xishan Huang, Zhaoming Liu, Yongjun Lu, Hongju Liu, Zhigang She. Anti-inflammatory Meroterpenoids from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Talaromyces amestolkiae YX1.Phytochemistry, 2017 Nov 30;146:8-15.?20. Hui Cui, Yun Lin, Mingchu Luo, Yongjun Lu, Xishan Huang, and Zhigang She. Diaporisoindoles A?C: Three Isoprenylisoindole Alkaloid Derivatives from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Diaporthe sp. SYSU-HQ3. Organic Letters, 2017, Oct 20;19(20):5621-5624.21. Qianqian Ji, Caiping Guo, Chen Xie, Yingdan Wu, Pei Zhang, Hui Li, Yongjun Lu*. Genetically engineered cell lines for a1-antitrypsin expression. Biotechnology Letters, 2017, 39:1471-1476.22. Senhua Chen, Liqing He, Dongni Chen, Runlin Cai, Yuhua,Long, Yongjun Lu* and Zhigang She*. Talaramide A, an Unusual Alkaloid from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Talaromyces sp. (HZ-YX1) as Inhibitor of Mycobacterial PknG. New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 146:8-15.23. Liu Z, Chen S, Qiu P, Tan C, Long Y, Lu Y, She Z. (+)- and (-)-Ascomlactone A: a pair of novel dimeric polyketides from a mangrove endophytic fungus Ascomycota sp. SK2YWS-L. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 2017, 15(48):10276-10280.24. Sun Yunhao, Li Pai, Deng Mengying, Shen Dong, Dai Guangyi, Yao Nan, Lu Yongjun*. The Ralstonia solanacearum effector RipAK suppresses plant hypersensitive response by inhibiting the activity of host catalases.? Cellular Microbiology, 2017, 19: e12736.?25. Dongni Chen, Shuangshuang Ma, Lei He, Peibo Yuan, Zhigang She and Yongjun Lu*. Sclerotiorin inhibits protein kinase G from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and impairs mycobacterial growth in macrophages. Tuberculosis, 2017,103:37-43.26. Chunbin Tan, Zhaoming Liu, Senhua Chen, Xishan Huang, Hui Cui, Yuhua Long, Yongjun Lu and Zhigang She. Antioxidative Polyketones from the Mangrove-Derived Fungus Ascomycota sp. SK2YWS-L. Scientific report, 2016 Nov 4;6:36609.?27. Meng-ying Deng, Yun-hao Sun, Pai Li, Bei Fu, Dong Shen, Yong-jun Lu*. The phytopathogenic virulent effector protein RipI induces apoptosis in budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Toxicon, 2016, 121:109-118.28. Bei-bei Zhao, Xiang-hui Li, Yong-lun Zeng and Yong-jun Lu*. ClpP-deletion impairs the virulence of Legionella pneumophila and the optimal translocation of effector proteins. BMC Microbiology, 2016, 16(1):174-185.29. Hui Cui, Yayue Liu, Yang Nie, Zhaoming Liu, Zhengrui Zhang, Yongjun Lu, Lei He, Xishan Huang *, Zhigang She*. Polyketides from the Mangrove-Derived Endophytic Fungus Nectria sp. HN001 and Their α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity. Marine Drugs, 2016, 14(5):86.?30. Liu, Zhaoming; Chen, Yan; Chen, Senhua; Liu, Yayue; Lu, Yongjun; Chen, Dongni; Lin, Yongcheng; Huang, Xishan; She, Zhigang. Aspterpenacids A and B, Two Sesterterpenoids from a Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus terreus H010. Organic Letters, 2016, 18:1406-1409.31. Dong-ni Chen, Hong Chen, Zhi-gang She, Yong-jun Lu*. Identification of Bostrycin Derivatives on Inhibition of MptpB Phosphatase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Medicinal Chemistry, 2016;12(3):296-302. ?32. Li J, Xue YY, Yuan J, Lu YJ, Zhu X, Lin YC, Liu L*. 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