

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-20


Submitted on 周一, 10/30/2017 - 20:36









1998至2002年就读于上海交通大学动力与能源工程学院,获核工程与核技术专业学士学位。2002至2007年在中国科学技术大学近代物理系金革教授实验室攻读博士期间参与国家大科学工程项目"大天区面积多目标光纤光谱望远镜"(LAMOST),并承担其中的巡天战略系统的研发工作,在计算机算法和大型工程软件设计开发方面具有丰富的经验。2007年7月获得物理电子学工学博士学位之后进入中国科学技术大学生命科学学院温龙平研究组进行博士后研究工作,将计算机和天文学算法以及工程学思想成功运用到生物信息学领域,在蛋白质组生物信息学方面取得了丰富成果。主要包括设计出高效的GPS(Group-based Prediction System)预测算法,并基于该算法开发出十多种蛋白质翻译后修饰位点预测工具,此外还构建多个蛋白质相关数据库及辅助工具。2010 年3月获中山大学生命科学学院“****”引进,2011年12月晋升教授。
1998.09 – 2002.07????? 学士??????????????????? 上海交通大学动力与能源工程学院核工程与自动化专业
2002.09 – 2007.06????? 博士??????????????????? 中国科学技术大学近代物理系物理电子学专业
2007.07 – 2010.03????? 博士后???????????????? 中国科学技术大学生命科学学院
2010.03 – 2011.12????? 副教授??????????????? 中山大学生命科学学院
2011.12 – 今?????????????? 教授???????????????????? 中山大学生命科学学院
2012.05 – 今?????????????? 部长??????????????????? 高性能计算2011协同创新中心应用研发部
2012.11 – 今?????????????? 主任??????????????????? 中山大学生命科学学院生物信息学中心
2014.07– 今??????????????? 教授(双聘)????? 中山大学肿瘤防治中心


2007年进入生物领域后,在包括Nucleic Acids Research(9篇), Cell Research(2篇), Cancer Research, Bioinformatics, MCP(3篇)等国际著名杂志上发表SCI 论文60余篇(13篇IF>10.0),其中通讯或一作33篇,累计影响因子350,ESI高被引论文3篇。所发布的GPS系列工具在蛋白质翻译后修饰领域受到广泛关注,推动了该领域发展,相关文章已被包括Nature、Science及Cell系列杂志在内的文章引用3500余次,H-index 25。主持国家自然科学基金5项,作为骨干参与科技部项目4项。发布生物信息学工具及数据库30多个,获颁软件著作权登记证书15项。

1.?? ?国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目,**,基于深度学习算法的生物大分子修饰分析平台的构建及应用,2018/01-2020/12,70万,在研,主持。
2.?? ?国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,单碱基精度RNA甲基化修饰组学数据分析工具构建及应用,2018/01-2021/12,60万,在研,主持。
3.?? ?广州市健康医疗协同创新重大专项,3,鼻咽癌和结直肠癌生物医学大数据平台建设及精准医疗应用研究,2016/01-2018/12,154.2/600万,在研,参与。
4.?? ?广州市健康医疗协同创新重大专项,1,医学外显子组高通量检测产业化规模应用关键问题研究,2016/05-2019/04,80/800万,在研,参与。
5.?? ?“广东特支计划” 科技创新青年拔尖人才,2014TQ01R387,2015/04-2018/03,30万,在研,主持。
6.?? ?国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,基于双分子荧光互补技术的小类泛素修饰因子调控机制的系统研究,2015/01-2018/12,85万,在研,主持。
7.?? ?国家国际科技合作专项,2014DFB30020,中国人类蛋白质组学数据的知识发现,2014/04 -2018/04,200/2857万,在研,子课题负责人。
8.?? ?广东省自然科学基金,2014A,人类蛋白质SUMO化调控机制研究,2015/01-2018/01,10万,结题,主持。
9.?? ?教育部重大科技基础培育计划,基于“天河二号”超级计算机的肿瘤多组学数据分析平台构建,2016/05-2017/05,40万,已结题,主持。
10.?? ?中央高校基础科研业务费,14lgjc14,中山大学重大培育计划项目,2014/07-2017/06,24万,已结题,主持。
11.?? ?教育部新世纪优秀人才,NCET-13-0610,2014/01-2016/12,50万,已结题,主持。
12.?? ?广东省自然科学****基金(省****,首批16人),S,蛋白质翻译后修饰相关算法及工具设计,2012/10-2016/10,100万,已结题,主持。
13.?? ?科技部重大研究计划,2012CB911200,端粒相关蛋白对人类重大疾病作用机制的研究,2012/01 -2016/08,100/2600万,已结题,学术骨干。
14.?? ?科技部863计划,2012AA01A301,“天河”新一代高性能计算机系统研制,2012/01-2015/12,80万/6亿,已结题,学术骨干。
15.?? ?广州市珠江科技新星(市人才计划,首批),2011J**,蛋白质翻译后修饰计算分析平台构建,2011/11-2014/10,30万,已结题,主持。
16.?? ?国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,蛋白质翻译后修饰受可变剪切影响的系统生物学研究,2011/01-2013/12,40万,已结题,主持。
17.?? ?中央高校基础科研业务费,11lgzd11,中山大学青年教师重点培养,2011/01-2012/12,30万,已结题,主持。
18.?? ?国家自然科学基金青年基金,**,蛋白质共价修饰相关序列模体的计算发现,2010/01-2012/12,20万,已结题,主持。
19.?? ?科技部重大研究计划,2006CB933300,纳米药物载体增强药物导向性及效应的研究,2006/07-2010/08,30/1500万,已结题,学术骨干。

Ren J, Wen LP, Gao XJ, Jin CJ, Xue Y, Yao XB. DOG 1.0: illustrator of protein domain structures.?Cell Research. 2009;19(2):271-273. (生物1区,IF:?17.848, cited by 266)
Zhao Q, Xie YB, Zheng YY, Jiang S, Liu WZ, Mu WP, Liu ZX, Zhao Y, Xue Y*?and Ren J*.?GPS-SUMO: a tool for the prediction of sumoylation sites and SUMO-interaction motifs.?Nucleic Acids Research. 2014;42(W1): W325-330.?(生物1区,IF:?11.147, cited by 191ESI?HCP)
Liu WZ, Xie YB, Ma JY, Luo XT, Nie P, Zuo ZX, Lahrmann U, Zhao Q, Zheng YY, Zhao Y, Xue Y*?and Ren J*.?IBS: an illustrator for the presentation and visualization of biological sequences.?Bioinformatics. 2015;?31(20):3359-3361(数学与计算生物学1区,IF:?4.531, cited by 266ESI?Hot?Paper)
Zheng YY, Nie P, Peng D, He ZH, Liu MN, Xie YB, Miao YY, Zuo ZX* and Ren J*. m6AVar: a database of functional variants involved in m6A modification. Nucleic Acids Research. 2018; 46(D1): D139-145 (生物1区,IF:?11.147, cited by 46)
Zuo ZX, Hu HJ, Xu QX, Luo XT, Peng D, Zhu KY, Zhao Q*, Xie YB*, Ren J*. BBCancer: an expression atlas of blood-based biomarkers in the early diagnosis of cancers. Nucleic Acids Research.?2020;48(D1):D789-796(生物1区,IF:?11.147)
Ren J, Wen LP, Gao XJ, Jin CJ, Xue Y, Yao XB. CSS-Palm 2.0: an updated software for palmitoylation sites prediction. Protein Eng Des Sel. 2008;21(11):639-644.?(cited by?322ESI?HCP)
Xue Y#, Ren J#, Gao XJ, Jin CJ, Wen LP, Yao XB. GPS 2.0, a tool to predict kinase-specific phosphorylation sites in hierarchy. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2008;7(9):1598-1608. ( IF:?4.828, cited by 453)
Jin SH, Zhang XY, Miao YY, Liang PP, Zhu KY, She YC, Wu YX, Liu DA, Huang JJ, Ren J* and Cui J*.?m6A RNA modification controls autophagy through upregulating ULK1 protein abundance.?Cell Research. 2018;28:955-957?(生物1区,IF:?17.848, cited by 11)
Zheng YY, Xu QX, Liu MN, Hu HJ, Xie YB, Zuo ZX*, Ren J*. lnCAR: a comprehensive resource for lncRNAs from Cancer Arrays. Cancer Research. 2019.79(8):2076-2083?(医学1区,IF:?8.378, cited by 3)
Ren J, Gao XJ, Jin CJ, Zhu M, Wang XW, Shaw A, Wen LP, Yao XB, Xue Y. Systematic study of protein sumoylation: Development of a site-specific predictor of SUMOsp 2.0. Proteomics. 2009;9(12):3409-3412. (IF:?3.106, cited by?164)
Xue Y*, Liu ZX, Gao XJ, Jin CJ, Wen LP, Yao XB, Ren J*. GPS-SNO: Computational Prediction of Protein S-Nitrosylation Sites with a Modified GPS Algorithm. Plos One. 2010;5(6):?e11290. (cited by?135)
Xue Y*, Liu ZX, Cao J, Ma Q, Gao X, Wang QQ, Jin CJ, Zhou YH, Wen LP, Ren J*. GPS 2.1: enhanced prediction of kinase-specific phosphorylation sites with an algorithm of motif length selection. Protein Eng Des Sel. 2011;24(3):255-260.?(cited by 140)
Zhang Y, Xie YB, Liu WZ, Deng WK, Peng Di, Wang CW, Xu HD, Ruan C, Deng YJ, Guo YP, Lu CJ, Yi C, Ren J*?& Xue Y*. DeepPhagy: a deep learning framework for quantitatively measuring autophagy activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Autophagy. 2020;16(4):626-640(IF:?11.059, cited by 2)
Luo XT, Li HQ, Liang JQ, Zhao Q, Xie YB*, Ren J* and Zuo ZX*. RMVar: an updated database of functional variants?involved in RNA modifications. Nucleic Acids Research. 2020. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkaa811. (IF: 11.501)
Ren J, Jiang CH, Gao XJ, Liu ZX, Yuan ZN, Jin CJ, Wen LP, Zhang ZL, Xue Y, Yao XB. PhosSNP for Systematic Analysis of Genetic Polymorphisms That Influence Protein Phosphorylation. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2010;9(4):623-634. (IF:?4.828, cited by?61)
Ren J, Liu ZX, Gao XJ, Jin CJ, Ye ML, Zou HF, Wen LP, Zhang ZL, Xue Y, Yao XB. MiCroKit 3.0: an integrated database of midbody, centrosome and kinetochore. Nucleic Acids Research. 2010;38(D1):D155-D160.?(IF:?11.147, cited by 16)
Jiang S, Xie YB, He ZH, Zhang Y, Zhao YL, Chen L, Zheng YY, Miao YY, Zuo ZX* and Ren J*. m6ASNP: a tool for annotating genetic variants by m6A function. GigaScience.?2018;7(5).?(生物2区,IF:?4.688, cited by 7)
Xie YB, Luo XT, Li YP, Chen L, Ma WB, Huang JJ, Cui J, Zhao Y, Xue Y,?Zuo ZX* and Ren J*. DeepNitro: Prediction of Protein Nitration and Nitrosylation Sites by Deep Learning. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. 2018;16(4): 294-306?(生物1区,IF: 6.597, cited by 16)
Xie?YB, Luo XT, Li?HQ, Xu QX, He ZH, Zhao Q*, Zuo ZX*, Ren J*.?autoRPA: A web server for constructing cancer staging models by recursive partitioning analysis. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2020;18:3361-3367
Peng?D, Li?HQ, Hu BS, Zhang HW,?Chen L,?Lin SF,?Zuo ZX,?Yu Xue,?Ren J*,Xie?YB*.?PTMsnp: A Web Server for the Identification of Driver Mutations That Affect Protein Post-translational Modification. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2020;8:593661
Xie?YB, Zheng YY, Li HY, Luo XT, He ZH, Cao S, Shi Y, Zhao Q, Xue Y, Zuo ZX, Ren J*. GPS-Lipid: a robust tool for the prediction of multiple lipid modification sites.?Scientific Reports.?2016;6:28249.?(IF:?4.122, cited by 50)
Liu ZX, Cao J, Gao XJ, Zhou YH, Wen LP, Yang X, Yao XB, Ren J*, Xue Y*. CPLA 1.0: an integrated database of protein lysine acetylation. Nucleic Acids Research. 2011; 39(D1):D1029-1034.?(IF:?11.147, cited by 36)
Xie SQ, Nie P, Wang Y, Wang H, Li H, Yang Z, Liu Y*, Ren J*, Xie Z*.?RPFdb: a database for genome wide information of translated mRNA generated from ribosome profiling.?Nucleic Acids Research. 2016;44(D1):D254-D258. (IF:?11.561, cited by 27)
Zhao Q, Sun Y, Liu ZK, Zhang HW, Li XY, Zhu KY, Liu ZX*, Ren J, Zuo ZX*. CrossICC: iterative consensus clustering of cross-platform gene expression data without adjusting batch effect. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2019. 21(5):1-7(数学与计算生物学1区,IF:?9.101
Song CX, Ye ML, Jiang XN, Han GH, Songyang Z, Tan YX, Wang HY, Ren J*, Xue Y*?& Zou HF*.?Systematic analysis of protein phosphorylation networks from phosphoproteomic data. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2012;11(10):1070-1083. (IF:?4.828, cited by 87)
Liu ZX#, Ren J#, Cao J#, He?J, Yang Q, Ma Q, Gao XJ, Yao XB,?Jin CJ,?Xue Y.?Systematic analysis of the Plk-mediated phosphoregulation in eukaryotes.?Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2013;14 (3):344-360?(数学与计算生物学1区,IF:?9.101, cited by 14)
Chen L, Miao YY, Liu MN, Gao ZJ, Peng D, Zheng YY, Zuo ZX, Xie YB*, Ren J*. Pan-cancer analysis reveals the functional importance of protein lysine modification in cancer development. Frontiers in Genetics. 2018;9:254 (生物2区,IF:?3.517, cited by 4)
Xue Y*, Gao XJ, Cao J, Liu ZX, Jin CJ, Wen LP, Yao XB, Ren J*. A Summary of Computational Resources for Protein Phosphorylation. Current Protein & Peptide Science. 2010;11(6):485-496. (IF:?2.696, cited by 43)
Zheng?YY,?Guo?JJ, Li?X, Xie?YB, Hou?MM, Fu?XY, Dai?SK, Diao?RC, Miao?YY*?and Ren?J*. An integrated overview of spatiotemporal organization and regulation in mitosis in terms of the proteins in the functional supercomplexes.?Frontiers in Microbiology. 2014;5:573?(IF:?4.019, cited by 7)
Xie YB, Luo XT, He ZH, Zheng YY, Zuo ZX, Zhao Q*, Miao YY* and Ren J*. VirusMap: A visualization database for the influenza A virus.?Journal of Genetics and Genomics.?2017;44(4):281-284.?(IF:?4.066)
Liu ZX, Gao X, Ma Q, Cao J, Ren J*, Xue Y*. GPS-CCD: A novel computational program for prediction of calpain cleavage sites. Plos One.2011;6(4):e19001.?(IF:?2.766, cited by 69)
Liu ZX, Cao J, Ma Q, Gao XJ, Ren J*, Xue Y*. GPS-YNO2: computational prediction of tyrosine nitration sites in proteins. Mol Biosyst. 2011;7(4):1197-1204. (IF:?2.759, cited by 57)
Liu ZX, Ma Q, Cao J, Gao XJ, Ren J*, Xue Y*.?GPS-PUP: computational prediction of pupylation sites in prokaryotic proteins. Mol Biosyst. 2011;7(10):2737-2740. (IF:?2.759, cited by 32)
Ren J, Gao XJ, Liu ZX, Cao J,?Ma Q, Xue Y. Computational Analysis of Phosphoproteomics: Progresses and Perspectives. Current Protein & Peptide Science. 2011;7(12):591-601.(IF:?2.696, cited by 11)

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