本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-08
Barak S. Aharonson
RotmanSchool of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Ph.D. in Strategic Management andOrganization Theory Nov. 2008
Recanati Business School, Tel-Aviv University,Tel-Aviv, Israel
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto,Toronto, OntarioPh.D. in Strategic Management and Organization TheoryNov. 2008
Recanati Business School, Tel-Aviv University,Tel-Aviv, Israel
Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
1.Ellis S.*, Aharonson B.S.*, Drori I., and Shapira Z. (2017). “Imprintingthrough inheritance: A multi-genealogical study of entrepreneurial proclivity” Academyof Management Journal, 60(2): 500-522. *equal contribution of the first two authors.
2.Aharonson,B.S., Tzabbar D.,and Amburgey T.L. (2016) “Do They Know Something We Don’t Know? Endorsementsand the Dynamics of Network Position” Global Strategy Journal Vol. 6(1):31–49
3.Aharonson,B.S., andSchilling M. (2016) “Mapping the Technological Landscape: Measuring TechnologyDistance, Technological Footprints, and Technology Evolution.” ResearchPolicy Vol. 45: 81–96
4.Aharonson,B.S. and Bort, S.(2015) “Institutional pressure and an organization’s strategic response inCorporate Social Action engagement: The role of ownership and media attention” StrategicOrganization. Vol. 13 (4): 307 - 339
5.Manos R., Drori I., Shoham A., and Aharonson B.S. (2015) “National cultureand national saving: Is there a link?” International Review Applied Economics.Vol. 29 (4): 455–481
6.Tzabbar, D., Silverman, B.S. and Aharonson, B.S. (2015) “Learning byHiring or Hiring to Avoid Learning?” Journalof Managerial Psychology Vol. 30(5): 550 – 564
7.Tzabbar, D., Aharonson, B.S., and Amburgey, T.L., (2013) “When does tappingexternal sources of knowledge result in knowledge integration?” ResearchPolicy Vol. 42, 481– 494
8.Tzabbar, D., Aharonson, B.S., and Amburgey, T.L. (2008) “When the sum is Biggerthan its parts? The effects of Bundled Knowledge Stocks on Innovative Success”.StrategicOrganization Vol 6(4): 375–406.
9.Aharonson,B.S., Baum, J.A.C.and Plunket A. (2008) “Inventive and Uninventive Clusters: The Case of CanadianBiotechnology”. Research Policy Vol. 37, 1108–1131.
10. Aharonson, B.S., Baum, J.A.C., and Feldman, M.P. (2007)“Desperately Seeking Spillovers? Increasing Returns, Social Cohesion and theLocation of New Entrants in Geographic and Technological Space.” Industrialand Corporate Change, Vol.16: 89- 130.
1.Ellis S.*, Aharonson B.S.*, Drori I., and Shapira Z. (2017). “Imprintingthrough inheritance: A multi-genealogical study of entrepreneurial proclivity” Academyof Management Journal, 60(2): 500-522. *equal contribution of the first two authors.
2.Aharonson,B.S., Tzabbar D.,and Amburgey T.L. (2016) “Do They Know Something We Don’t Know? Endorsementsand the Dynamics of Network Position” Global Strategy Journal Vol. 6(1):31–49
3.Aharonson,B.S., andSchilling M. (2016) “Mapping the Technological Landscape: Measuring TechnologyDistance, Technological Footprints, and Technology Evolution.” ResearchPolicy Vol. 45: 81–96
4.Aharonson,B.S. and Bort, S.(2015) “Institutional pressure and an organization’s strategic response inCorporate Social Action engagement: The role of ownership and media attention” StrategicOrganization. Vol. 13 (4): 307 - 339
5.Manos R., Drori I., Shoham A., and Aharonson B.S. (2015) “National cultureand national saving: Is there a link?” International Review Applied Economics.Vol. 29 (4): 455–481
6.Tzabbar, D., Silverman, B.S. and Aharonson, B.S. (2015) “Learning byHiring or Hiring to Avoid Learning?” Journalof Managerial Psychology Vol. 30(5): 550 – 564
7.Tzabbar, D., Aharonson, B.S., and Amburgey, T.L., (2013) “When does tappingexternal sources of knowledge result in knowledge integration?” ResearchPolicy Vol. 42, 481– 494
8.Tzabbar, D., Aharonson, B.S., and Amburgey, T.L. (2008) “When the sum is Biggerthan its parts? The effects of Bundled Knowledge Stocks on Innovative Success”.StrategicOrganization Vol 6(4): 375–406.
9.Aharonson,B.S., Baum, J.A.C.and Plunket A. (2008) “Inventive and Uninventive Clusters: The Case of CanadianBiotechnology”. Research Policy Vol. 37, 1108–1131.
10. Aharonson, B.S., Baum, J.A.C., and Feldman, M.P. (2007)“Desperately Seeking Spillovers? Increasing Returns, Social Cohesion and theLocation of New Entrants in Geographic and Technological Space.” Industrialand Corporate Change, Vol.16: 89- 130.
>> 期刊论文(MORE) [1] Barak S. Aharonson, Suleika Bort, Michael Woywode. The Influence of Multinational Corporations on International Alliance Formation Behavior of Colocated Start-Ups. Organization Science. 2020.31(3):770-795
[2] 8. Making a difference: Thoughts on management scholarship from the editorial team. European Management Journal. 2019.37(3):245-250
[3] Madeline K. Kneeland, Melissa A. Schilling, Barak S. Aharonson. Exploring Uncharted Territory: Knowledge Search Processes in the Origination of Outlier Innovation. Organization Science. 2020.31(3):535–557
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