

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-05-14


1992年武汉大学生物系学士;1995年福建农业大学硕士;1996-1997年英国John Innes Centre访问****;1998年福建农业大学博士。1998-1999中科院发育所博士后。1999-2006年Indiana大学博士后。2006年入选中科院“****”,2006-2016任中科院遗传与发育生物学研究所研究员和博士生导师,2011-2016任植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室副主任。2015年获国家****科学基金;2017年入选“国家百千****才工程”家并被授予“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号,获国务院“政府特殊津贴”。2017年1月任福建农林大学教授,植物免疫研究中心主任。主要研究方向为植物与病原菌的分子互作,长期从事植物免疫分子机制及其信号转导途径的研究。利用白粉菌与拟南芥相互作用体系,系统研究植物与病原菌互作的分子机制。主要学术贡献包括发现了多个调控植物免疫反应的重要基因,并解析了其调控植物免疫的分子机理,系统解析了白粉病抗性反应的调控机制,揭示了抗病基因激活的分子机理,以及揭示了MAPK级联信号通路精细调控植物抗病性的分子机理等。现任Frontiers in Plant Science及Frontiers in Microbiology刊物编委(Associate Editor),Journal of Integrative Plant Biology (JIPB)杂志编委,中国遗传学会理事,福建省遗传学会理事长,闽台作物有害生物生态防控国家重点实验室副主任,中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会“植物-微生物分子互作”专业委员会副主任。近几年来,作为通讯作者在Nature Communications, PNAS, Plant Cell,Molecular Plant等国际主流学术刊物上发表一系列论文,多次应邀参加国际会议,并作大会报告。主持国家自然科学基金重点、****、国际合作等项目和科技部国家重大科学研究计划、国际合作重点及中科院战略性先导等多个课题。
利用模式植物拟南芥,采用遗传学,分子生物学以及生物化学的方法,分离和鉴定植物免疫信号通路中的重要组分,研究植物免疫的分子机理。利用拟南芥与白粉菌及假单胞杆菌互作体系,我们在植物免疫分子机制研究中取得了许多进展。例如,我们发现油菜素甾醇受体BRI1的底物BSK1是免疫受体复合体成员,与病原相关分子模式(PAMPs)受体FLS2互作,调控植物的抗病反应(Shi et al., 2013);发现钙调素结合的转录因子SR1作为水杨酸信号通路和乙烯信号通路在转录水平调控的一个关键交叉点,精细调控植物的抗性和衰老反应(Nie et al., 2012);发现26S蛋白亚基RPN1a直接参与植物的先天免疫反应(Yao et al., 2012);发现在植物中THO/TREX蛋白复合体对mRNA的核质运输的调控作用,发现THO/TREX蛋白复合体的组分HPR1是基础抗性和乙烯信号的重要调节因子(Pan et al., 2012);此外,我们还发现细胞自噬过程影响白粉病的抗性,并证实自噬过程在植物细胞凋亡的调节中起重要作用( Wang et al.,2011)。我们发现EDR1与MKK4/5互作,揭示MAPK信号通路精细调控植物抗病性的分子机理(Zhao et al., 2014),EDR4通过调控EDR1的亚细胞定位影响植物先天免疫反应(Wu et al., 2015), 而EDR1通过影响KEG磷酸化调控MKK4/5的积累(Gao et al., 2020); 我们还发现非典型胞内免疫受体可能监控胞吐复合体成员(Zhao et al., 2015),而钙依赖蛋白激酶CPK5参与非典型胞内免疫受体激活的抗性反应(Liu et al., 2017)。同时采用遗传学及分子生物学的手段我们还现免疫模式受体复合体的新成员RLK902和LLG1,并解析了RLK902、LLG1、BSK1及EXO70B1调控植物免疫的分子机理(Shen et al., 2017;Yan et al., 2018;Zhao et al., 2019;Wang W. et al., 2020)等。我们将利用已有的研究基础,进一步解析植物抗病反应的信号转导途径和网络调控机制。
稻瘟病是水稻生产上最重要的病害,尽管近近年来对稻瘟病的研究已取得了不少成果,克隆了多个稻瘟病抗性基因,然而,对这些抗性基因的作用机制还很不清楚。我们将利用遗传学、细胞生物学、分子生物学及生化的方法,研究水稻与稻瘟菌的分子互作,鉴定和克隆调控稻瘟病抗性的基因以及稻瘟菌中的效应蛋白,阐明水稻调控抗病反应的分子机制,最近我们已获得一些进展( Li et al., 2020; Hou et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2020)。小麦白粉病和锈病是小麦生产最主要的病害,由于小麦基因组复杂,目前对小麦病害的研究还很不够。我们将以二倍体小麦祖先种乌拉尔图为基础,利用小麦功能基因组学研究中的最新成果,鉴定具有广谱和持久抗性的小麦白粉病及锈病的抗性基因,为小麦抗病育种中提供重要基因资源。我们最近克隆的白粉病及条锈病抗性新基因为解析小麦抗病机理提供了基础(Zhang et al., 2017; Zou et al., 2018; Wang H. et al., 2020) 。
E-maildztang@fafu.edu.cn 或dztang@genetics.ac.cn


Wang, H., Zou, S., Li, Y.,Lin,F., Tang, D.*.An ankyrin-repeat and WRKY-domain-containing immune receptor confers stripe rust resistance in wheat.Nature Communications11,1353 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-15139-6
Wang, W., Liu, N., Gao C., Cai, H., Romeis, T., and Tang, D*. (2020). The Arabidopsis exocyst subunits EXO70B1 and EXO70B2 regulate FLS2 homeostasis at the plasma membrane. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.16515.
Li Y-B, Xu R, Liu C, Shen N, Han L-B*,Tang D*(2020) Magnaporthe oryzae fimbrinorganizes actin networks in the hyphal tip duringpolar growth and pathogenesis. PLoS Pathogens16(3): e**.
Gao, C., Sun, P., Wang, W., and Tang, D*. (2020). Arabidopsis E3 ligase KEG associates with and ubiquitinates MKK4 and MKK5 to regulate plant immunity. J. Integr. Plant Biol. doi: 10.1111/jipb.13007.
Hou H, Fang J, Liang J, Diao Z, Wang W, Yang D, Li S*, Tang D*.OsExo70B1Positively Regulates Disease Resistance toMagnaporthe oryzaein Rice. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 21(19):E7049. doi: 10.3390/ijms**.
Yang D, Li S, Lu L, Fang J, Wang W, Cui H, Tang D*. Identification and Application of the Pigm-1 Gene in Rice Disease-Resistance Breeding. Plant Biol.2020.doi: 10.1111/plb.13170
LuL#, YangD#, TangD, LiS*, ChenZ*.Transcriptome Analysis of Different Rice Cultivars Provides Novel Insights Into the Rice Response to Bacterial Leaf Streak Infection. Funct Integr Genomics.2020.doi: 10.1007/s10142-020-00744-x
WangW., FengB, ZhouJM*, TangD*. Plant immune signaling: Advancing on two frontiers. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2020. doi.org/10.1111/jipb.12898(invited review)
Wang W, Liu N, Gao C, Rui L, Tang D*.The Pseudomonas Syringae Effector AvrPtoB Associates With and Ubiquitinates Arabidopsis Exocyst Subunit EXO70B1.Front Plant Sci. 2019,10:1027.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01027.
Liu C, Cui D, Zhao J, Liu N, Wang B, Liu J, Xu E, Hu Z, Ren D, Tang D, Hu Y*.Two Arabidopsis Receptor-Like Cytoplasmic Kinases SZE1 and SZE2 Associate with the ZAR1-ZED1 Complex and Are Required for Effector-Triggered Immunity.Molecular Plant. 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2019.03.012.

Feng, B.* andTang, D.*. A wheel-of-death in plant spins onto surface:The first view of a plant resistosome structure suggests mechanism of activation and signaling. J Integr Plant Biol. 2019 (commentary)

Wang, Z., Cui, D., Liu, C., Zhao, J., Liu, J., Liu, N., Tang, D., HuY.*. TCP transcription factors interact with ZED1‐related kinases as components of the temperature‐regulated immunity. Plant Cell & Evironment.2019. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.13515
Zhao Y., Wu G., Shi H., and Tang D.*. RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE 902 Associates with and Phosphorylates BRASSINOSTEROID-SIGNALING KINASE1 to Regulate Plant Immunity. Molecular Plant. 2019. 12:59-70

Zou, Y., Wang, S., Zhou, Y., Bai, J., Huang, G., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Tang, D., Lu, D*.
Transcriptional Regulation of the Immune Receptor FLS2 Controls the Ontogeny of Plant Innate Immunity. Plant Cell. 2018,doi: https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.18.00297

Yan,H.#, Zhao,Y.#, Shi,H., Li,J., Wang,Y., and Tang D*. RASSINOSTEROID- SIGNALING KINASE1 Phosphorylates MAPKKK5 to Regulate Immunity in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 2018, 176:2991–3002 (#These authors contributed equally)
Zou,S., Wang,H., Li,Y., Kong,Z., Tang D*. The NB-LRR gene Pm60 confers powdery mildew resistance in wheat. New Phytologist. 2018,218: 298–309
Wang, M., Rui, L., Yan, H., Shi, H., Zhao, W., Lin, J.E., Zhang, K., Blakeslee, J.J., Mackey, D., Tang, D., Wei, Z., Wang G.L.. The major leaf ferredoxin Fd2 regulates plant innate immunity in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant Pathol. 2018, doi: 10.1111/mpp.12621.

Jiang, Y., Wang, W., Xie, Q., Liu, N., Liu, L., Wang, D., Zhang, X., Yang C., Chen, X., Tang, D., Wang E.*. Plants Transfer Lipids to Sustain Colonization by Mutualistic Mycorrhizal and Parasitic Fungi. Science. 2017, 356:1172-1175
Shen, Q., Bourdais, G., Pan, H., Robatzek, S., Tang, D*. The Arabidopsis glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein LLG1 associates with and modulates FLS2 to regulate innate immunity. PNAS.2017,114:5749-5754
Zhang, Y.#, Bai, Y.#, Wu, G., Zou, S., Chen, Y., Gao, C*., Tang, D*. Simultaneous modification of three homoeologs of TaEDR1 by genome editing enhances powdery mildew resistance in wheat.Plant Journal.2017, 91:714-724(#These authors contributed equally)
Liu,N., Hake,K., Wang,W., Zhao,T., Romeis,T., Tang, D*. CALCIUM-DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE5 associates with the truncated NLR protein TIR-NBS2 to contribute to exo70B1-mediated immunity. Plant Cell.2017, 29: 746–759
Tang, D*.,Wang,G., Zhou, J*. Receptor kinases in plant-pathogen interactions: more than pattern-recognition. Plant Cell. 2017, 29: 618–637(invited review)
Wang, Z., Cui, D., Liu, J., Zhao, J., Liu, C., Xin, W., Li, Y., Liu, N., Ren, D., Tang, D., Hu, Y*. Arabidopsis ZED1-related kinases mediate the temperaturesensitive ntersection of immune response and growth omeostasis. New Phytologist. 2017, 215:711-724.

Tang, D*., Zhou, J*. PEPRs spice up plant immunity.EMBO Journal.2016, 35:4-5(commentary)
Liu, S., Bartnikas, L.M., Volko, S.M., Ausubel, F.M., Tang, D*. Mutation of the glucosinolate biosynthesis enzyme cytochrome P450 83A1 monooxygenase increases camalexin accumulation and powdery mildew resistance. Front. Plant Sci. 2016, 7:227. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00227
Li, H., Zheng, Q., Pretorius, Z.A. Li, B., Tang, D., Li, Z*.Establishment and characterization of new wheat-Thinopyrum ponticumaddition and translocation lines with resistance to Ug99. J Genet Genomics.2016, 43: 573-575.
Wu, G., Liu S., Zhao, Y., Wang, W., Kong, Z.,Tang, D*.ENHANCED DISEASE RESISTANCE4 associates with CLATHRIN HEAVY CHAIN2 and modulates plant immunity by regulating relocation of EDR1 inArabidopsis.Plant Cell. 2015, 27: 857–873
Zhao, T.#, Rui, L.#, Li J.#, Nishimura M., Vogel J., Liu, N., Liu, S., Zhao, Y., Dangl, J.,Tang, D*.A truncated NLR protein, TIR-NBS2, is required for activated defense responses in theexo70B1mutant.PLoS Genetics. 2015, 11: e** (#These authors contributed equally).
Wang, J., Qu, B., Dou, S., Li, L., Yin, D., Pang, Z., Zhou, Z., Tian, M., Liu, G., Xie, Q.,Tang, D., Chen, X., Zhu L. The E3 ligase OsPUB15 interacts with the receptor-like kinase PID2 and regulates plant cell death and innate immunity.BMC Plant Biology, 2015, 15, 1

Zhao, C., Nie, H., Shen, Q,, Zhang, S., Lukowitz, W.,Tang, D*. EDR1 physically interacts with MKK4/MKK5 and negatively regulates a MAP kinase cascade to modulate plant innate immunity.PLoS Genetics. 2014, 10: e**
Zhao, C., Waalwijk, C., de Wit, P. J.,Tang, D., van der Lee, T. Relocation of genes generates non-conserved chromosomal segments in Fusarium graminearum thatsh-ow distinct and co-regulated gene expression patterns.BMC Genomics.2014, 15: 191.

Shi, H., Shen, Q., Qi, Y., Yan, H., Nie, H., Chen, Y., Zhao, T., Katagiri, F.,Tang, D*. BR-SIGNALING KINASE1 physically associates with FLAGELLIN SENSING2 and regulates plant innate immunity in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell, 2013, 25: 1143-1157
Wang, Y., Yu, B., Zhao, J., Guo, J., Li, Y., Han, S., Huang, L., Du, Y., Hong, Y.,Tang, D., Liu, Y. Autophagy contributes to leaf starch degradation.Plant Cell, 2013, 25: 1383-1399
Ling, H.-Q., Zhao, S., Liu, D., J. Wang, Sun, H., Zhang, C., Fan, H., Li, D., Dong, L., Tao, Y., Gao, C., Wu., H., Li, Y., Cui, Y., Guo, X., Zheng, S., Wang, B., Yu, K., Liang, Q., Yang, W., Lou, X., Chen, J.,Feng, M., Jian, J., Zhang, X., Luo, G., Jiang, Y., Liu, J., Wang, Z., Sha, Y., Zhang, B., Wu, H.,Tang, D., Shen, Q., Xue, P., Zou, S., Wang, X., Liu, X., Wang, F., Yang, Y., An, X., Dong, Z., Zhang, K., Zhang, X., Luo, M.-C., Dvorak, J., Tong, Y., Wang, J., Yang, H., Li, Z., Wang, D., Zhang, A., Wang, J.Draft genome of the wheat A-genome progenitorTriticum urartu.Nature, 2013, 496: 87-90.
Wu, T., Tang, D., Chen W., Huang H., Wang R., Chen Y. Expression of antimicrobial peptides thanatin(S) in transgenic Arabidopsis enhanced resistance to phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria. Gene. 2013, 527:235-242.
Shi, H., Yan, H., Li, J.,Tang, D*.BSK1, a receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase, involved in both BR signaling and innate immunity inArabidopsis.Plant Signal Behav.2013, 8: e24996
Wu, T., Chen, Y., Chen, W., Zou, S., Zhang, Y., Lin, Y., Liang, Z.,Tang, D.Transgenic expression of an insect diapause-specific peptide (DSP) in Arabidopsis resists phytopathogenic fungal attacks.Eur J Plant Pathol.2013. 137:93-101
Guo, C.#, Wu, G.#, Xing, J., Li, W.,Tang, D*., Cui B*. A mutation in a coproporphyrinogen III oxidase gene confers growth inhibition, enhanced powdery mildew resistance and powdery mildew-induced cell death in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell Rep,2013, 32:687–702. (#These authors contributed equally)
Zhao, C., Waalwijk, C., de Wit, P. J.,Tang, D., van der Lee, T. RNA-Seq analysis reveals new gene models and alternative splicing in the fungal pathogenFusarium graminearum.BMC Genomics, 2013, 14: 21.
Yao, C., Wu, Y., Nie, H.,Tang, D*. RPN1a, a 26S proteasome subunit, is required for innate immunity in Arabidopsis.Plant Journal. 2012, 71: 1015-1028
Nie, H., Zhao, H., Wu, G., Wu Y., Chen, Y.,Tang, D*.SR1, a Calmodulin binding transcription factor, modulates plant defense and ethylene-induced senescence by directly regulatingNDR1andEIN3.Plant Physiology.2012, 158: 1847-1859
Pan, H.,.Li,S.,Tang, D*.The THO/TREX complex functions in disease resistance in Arabidopsis.Plant Signal Behav.2012, 7: 422-424
Pan, H.,.Li,S.,Tang, D*.HPR1, a component of the THO/TREX complex, plays an important role in disease resistance and senescence in Arabidopsis.Plant Journal.2012, 69: 831-843
Wang, Y.,.Wu,Y.,Tang, D*..The autophagy gene,ATG18a, plays a negative role in powdery mildew resistance and mildew-induced cell death in Arabidopsis.Plant Signal Behav.2011, 6: 1408-1410
Zhao, C., Waalwijk, C., de Wit, P., van der Lee, T.,Tang D*.EBR1, a novel Zn2Cys6transcription factor, affects virulence and apical dominance of hyphal tip inFusarium graminearum.Mol Plant Microbe Interact.2011, 24: 1407-1418
Wang, Y., Nishimura, M.T., Zhao, T.,Tang, D*. ATG2, an autophagy-related protein, negatively affects powdery mildew resistance and mildew-induced cell death in Arabidopsis.Plant Journal.2011, 68: 74-87
Nie, H., Wu, Y., Yao, C.,Tang, D*.Suppression ofedr2-mediated powdery mildew resistance, cell death and ethylene-induced senescence by mutations in ALD1 in Arabidopsis.J Genet Genomics.2011, 38: 137-148.
Ge, L., Peer, W., Robert, S., Swarup, R., Ye, S., Prigge, M., Cohen, J.D., Friml, J., Murphy, A.,Tang,D., Estelle. M.Arabidopsis ROOT UVB SENSITIVE2/WEAK AUXIN RESPONSE1Is Required for Polar Auxin Transport.Plant Cell.2010, 22: 1749-1761
Gou M., Su N., Zheng J., Huai, J., Wu G., Zhao J, He, J.,Tang, D., Yang, S., Wang G. An F-box gene, CPR30, functions as a negative regulator of the defense response in Arabidopsis.Plant Journal. 2009, 60, 757–770
Tang, D.*, Simonich, M.T., Innes R. W. Mutations in LACS2, a Long-Chain Acyl-Coenzyme A Synthetase, Enhance Susceptibility to Avirulent Pseudomonas syringae But Confer Resistance toBotrytis cinereain Arabidopsis.Plant Physiology. 2007, 144:1093-1103
Tang, D, Jules A., Frye C. A., Innes R. W. A Mutation in the GTP hydrolysis site of Arabidopsis Dynamin-Related Protein 1E Confers Enhanced Cell Death in Response to Powdery Mildew Infection.Plant Journal. 2006, 47:75-84
Tang, D., Ade, J., Frye C.A., Innes R. W. Regulation of Plant Defense Responses in Arabidopsis by EDR2, a PH and START Domain-Containing Protein.Plant Journal. 2005, 44:245-257
Tang, D., Christiansen, K. M., Innes R. W. Regulation of Plant Disease Resistance, Stress Responses, Cell Death and Ethylene Signaling in Arabidopsis by the EDR1 Protein Kinase.Plant Physiology. 2005, 138:1018-1026
Chen, Z., Kloek, A.P., Cuzick, A., Moeder, W.,Tang, D., Innes R.W., Klessig D.F., McDowell J.M., Kunkel B.N. The Pseudomonas syringae type III effector AvrRpt2 functions downstream or independently of SA to promote virulence on Arabidopsis thaliana.Plant Journal. 2004, 37:494-504.
Tang, D. and Innes, R. W . Overexpression of a kinase-deficient form of the EDR1 gene enhances powdery mildew resistance and ethylene-induced senescence in Arabidopsis.Plant Journal. 2002, 32: 975-83
Frye#, C.A.,Tang, D.#, Innes R.W. Negative regulation of defense responses in plants by a conserved MAPKK kinase.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2001, 98: 373-378. (#These authors contributed equally)
Chen, W.,Tang, D., Suo, J., Zhang, Y., Xue, Y. Expressional profiling of genes related to pollination and fertilization in rice.C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. III. 2001. 324:1111-1116
Tang, D., Wu, W., Li, W., Lu H., Worland, AJ. Mapping of QTLs conferring resistance to bacterial leaf streak in rice.Thero. Appl. Genet. 2000, 101: 286-291
Wu, W., Li, W.,Tang, D., Lu, H., Worland, A. J. Time-related mapping of QTLs underlying tiller number in rice.Genetics1999, 151(1):297-303
Zhu, J. H., Stephenson, P., Laurie, D. A., Li, W.,Tang, D., Gale, M. D. Towards rice genome scanning by map-based AFLP fingerprinting.Mol. Gen. Genet. 1999, 261:184-195.
Xue, Y., Tang, D., Zhang, Y. and Li, W. (1998) Isolation of candidate R disease resistance genes from rice. Chin. Sci. Bull. 43:497-500

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