王侠林1, 左赞1,2, 范红1,2, 孔祥阳1, 贺建峰1

1.昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院, 云南 昆明 650500;
2.昆明理工大学附属医院, 云南省第一人民医院消化科, 云南 昆明 650532
*通信作者:贺建峰, E-mail: jfenghe@qq.com
摘要:[目的]利用LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation)概率话题模型分析轻微型肝性脑病(MHE)患者服用利福昔明联合益生菌对其肠道菌群结构异质性和临床疗效的影响。[方法]采用R语言包中的LDA概率话题模型的折叠Gibbs抽样蒙特卡洛算法,对MHE患者肠道菌群结构的时间异质性OTUs(operational taxonomic unit)数据集进行分析。[结果]LDA模型将MHE患者的42份粪便样本分成3个主题(topic),并能鉴定出影响MHE患者肠道菌群异质性结构最大的OTUs菌属,分别为埃希菌属(Escherichia)、类杆菌属(Bacteroides)和链球菌属(Streptococcus)。对比治疗前后,这3种菌属在组内的变异模式为同类型菌属的转变次数和频率均高于不同类型的菌属。利福昔明联合益生菌治疗组和单独利福昔明治疗组治疗后,MHE患者的肠道菌群结构均有所改变(P < 0.05)。此外,根据临床疗效指标,对比两组患者治疗后血清IL-2、IL-4、IL-6、IL-10、TNF-α、TBIL、ALT、CRP、NCT-A、γ-GGT及血氨水平,观察组明显优于对照组,差异显著,有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。治疗组总有效率88.8%,不良反应总发生率22.2%,对照组总有效率75%,不良反应总发生率38.5%(P < 0.05)。[结论]LDA模型不仅能有效地量化菌群结构的异质性,还能鉴定出相对应影响异质性最大的OTUs。利福昔明联合益生菌疗法能明显改善MHE患者的血氨水平和血清炎性因子水平,且对MHE患者的肠道菌群结构也有一定的改变,具体表现为致病菌数量减少,有益菌数量增加,具有较好的临床应用价值。
关键词: LDA模型 Gibbs采样 轻微型肝性脑病 利福昔明 利福昔明联合益生菌
Study of the structure of intestinal microflora in patients with mild hepatic encephalopathy based on probability topic model
Wang Xialin1, Zuo Zan1,2, Fan Hong1,2, Kong Xiangyang1, He Jianfeng1

1.School of Information Engineering and Automation, Kunming University of Science and Engineering, Kunming 650500, Yunnan Province, China;
2.Digestive Department of the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province, Medical Faculty of Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650532, Yunnan Province, China
Received 16 August 2017; Revised 5 November 2017; Published online 25 January 2018
*Corresponding author: Jianfeng He, E-mail: jfenghe@qq.com
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11265007)
Abstract: [Objective]We used Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) probabilistic topic model to analyze the effect of rifaximin combined with probiotics orally taken by patients with mild hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) on structural heterogeneity and clinical efficacy of intestinal microflora.[Methods]We adopted Monte Carlo algorithm for folding Gibbs sampling of LDA probabilistic topic model included in R language to analyze the OTUs (operational taxonomic unit) data set with temporal heterogeneity of MHE patients' intestinal microflora structure.[Results]Using LDA model we divided MHE patients' 42 fecal samples into 3 topics and determined OTUs genus with largest impact on MHE patients' heterostructure of intestinal microflora. They were Escherichia, Bacteroides and Streptococcus. Compared conditions before and after treatment, the variation patterns of 3 species in the group were the genus of the same type. Their variation times and frequency were higher than those of different types of bacteria. Both MHE patients in Rifaximin combined with probiotics treatment group and rifaximin alone treatment group changed the intestinal microflora structure after treatment (P < 0.05). In addition, according to the clinical curative effect index:comparing serum IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, TBIL, ALT, CRP, NCT-A, γ-GGT and blood ammonia level after treatment, the observation group was obviously superior to the control group with significant differences and the difference has statistical significance (P < 0.05). Total effective rate for treatment group was 88.8%, with 22.2% total incidence of adverse reactions; Total effective rate for control group was 75%, with 38.5% total incidence of adverse reactions (P < 0.05).[Conclusion]LDA model can effectively quantifying the heterogeneity of flora structure and identify the OTUs with the greatest impact on heterogeneity. Rifaximin combined with probiotics treatment can significantly improve the level of blood ammonia and serum inflammatory factors in patients with MHE. It can also change intestinal microflora structure in MHE patients, which is mainly represented by the reduction of pathogens and the increase of probiotics. As a result, it has good clinical application value.
Key words: Latent Dirichlet Allocation model Gibbs sampling minimal hepatic encephalopathy rifaximin rifaximin combined with probiotics
轻微型肝性脑病(minimal hepatic encephalopathyz,MHE)也称为亚临床肝性脑病(subclinical hepatic encephalopathy,SHE),由严重肝病引起,是肝硬化患者产生严重并发症和死亡的主要原因之一[1-3]。近年来,很多研究者发现,MHE的发生与肠道微生态失衡有密切联系[4-5]。利福昔明、乳果糖、益生菌、门冬氨酸鸟氨酸等是肝性脑病肠道微生态治疗的有效手段[6-8]。其相关主要作用是减少肠道毒素的产生,抑制肠道产尿素酶类细菌的生长,修复肝性脑病肠道相关的微生态失调,促进肝脏毒性物质的代谢,防止氨和有毒物质的产生与吸收。
关于利福昔明、乳果糖和益生菌、利福昔明联合乳果糖治疗MHE已有相关研究[19-21],但是利福昔明联合益生菌疗法对MHE患者的肠道菌群结构影响的相关研究尚未见报道。利福昔明、乳果糖、益生菌单独使用其临床疗效不是很好,再加上由于菌群数据的特性与文本分析的变化模式相类似,因此,本文采用LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation)概率话题模型[22-23]对服用利福昔明联合益生菌疗法的时间动态变化的MHE患者肠道微生物菌群结构进行研究。研究结果表明,LDA模型不仅能有效地量化MHE患者菌群结构的异质性,还能鉴定出相对应影响异质性结构最大的OTUs (operational taxonomic unit,即操作分类单元,通过一定的距离度量方法计算两两不同序列之间的距离度量或相似性,继而设置特定的分类阈值,获得同一阈值下的距离矩阵,进行聚类操作,形成不同的分类单元)。此外,利福昔明和利福昔明联合益生菌疗法均能明显改善MHE患者的认知功能、血氨水平及血清炎性因子水平,利福昔明联合益生菌的不良反应的发生率显著低于利福昔明,比利福昔明具有更好的疗效。两种治疗方法对MHE患者的肠道菌群结构也有一定的改变,具体表现为致病菌数量减少,有益菌数量增加,具有较好的临床应用价值。
1 材料和方法 1.1 LDA概率话题模型 Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)概率话题模型是当前最流行的主题模型,是Blei等[24]于2003年提出的一种基于文本分析的非监督学习算法的主题模型。LDA可以用来识别大规模文档集或语料库中潜在隐藏的主题信息。在本文中,大规模文档集或语料库对应LDA模型的OTUs数据集,单词(words)和文档(documents)分别对应LDA模型的OTU单元和样本数,主题(topic)表示最终被分为几个主题模型。LDA模型的基本原理生成过程如下:
(1) 选择合适的主题数k和合适的超参数向量

(2) 对应OTUs数据集中每一个样本的每一个OTU单元Wij,

(3) 重新扫描OTUs数据集,对于每一个词(OTU),利用Gibbs采样算法更新Topic编号,并更新OTUs数据集中OTU单元的编号。
(4) 重复第3步的基于坐标轴轮换的Gibbs采样,直到Gibbs采样收敛。
(5) 统计OTUs数据集中的各个样本各个OTU单元的主题,得到样本主题分布Zi, j~Multinomial(θi),统计OTUs数据集中各个主题OTU单元的分布,得到LDA的主题与OTU单元的分布Wi, j~Multinomial(φZi, j)。并根据抽样产生的模块分配值来预测参数θs, k和φk, n。
由于LDA模型最重要的是对其参数的估计,因此本文采用折叠Gibbs抽样法的蒙特卡洛算法[26-27]来对模型参数θs, k和φk, n进行估计。
Gibbs Sampling算法步骤:

2,for i=0 to N-1 do { //第i个sample点为X(i),X的下标j为X的第j维
(1) sample????

(2) sample????

(3) sample????

(4) sample????

得到模型参数qs, k和jk, n后,就可以计算出LDA模型。
1.2 数据集 本次数据集来源于云南省第一人民医院消化科收治的21例肝硬化MHE患者,男性14例,女性7例,年龄(51±13)岁。样品采集使用云南省第一人民医院痰培养盒,留取粪便后在2 h内放入液氮储存,随后–80 ℃冰箱保存;同时用无热源的抗凝管抽取5 mL受试者外周静脉血,进行IL-2、IL-4、IL-6、IL-10、TNF-α、TBIL、ALT、CRP、NCT-A、γ-GGT和血氨等检查。分组方法如表 1,治疗前后对患者进行数字连接试验A (NCT-A)和数字符号试验(DST)测试,总共为42个样本。
表 1. 实验分组方法 Table 1. Experimental grouping method
Group | Case | Taking medicine | Dosage | Taking time |
The observation group (RP) before and after treatment (RPpre/RPpost) | 9 | Rifaximin+Bacillus subtilis/Enterococcus two viable capsules group | Oral rifaximin 0.4 g orally 2 times/day, Bacillus subtilis/enterococci enteric-coated capsules 0.5 g orally 3 times/day | Oral for 4 weeks |
The control group (R) before and after treatment (Rpre/Rpost) | 12 | Rifaximin | Oral rifaximin 0.4 g orally 2 times/day | Oral for 4 weeks |
2 结果和分析 2.1 LDA模型对MHE患者治疗前后肠道微生物菌群的结构分析 参与本项目课题的肝硬化MHE患者共计21名,随机分为2组,性别和年龄两组分别比较无统计学意义。采集患者治疗前后的粪便样本,共得到42份粪便样本。对42份粪便样本进行DNA提取,采取靶向扩增16S V4区(引物对为515F-806R)的方法,制备扩增子。基于Illumina HiSeq 2500测序仪,对扩增子进行高通量测序。共计得到1625975条高质量的读序列,平均每份样本的读序列数为38714±812 (SEM)。以97%的序列相似性作为种水平的分类标准,共鉴定1684个OTUs,每份样本平均含有317±29 (SEM)个OTUs。整个数据集的1684个OTUs属于29个门的243个属。整个序列数据集的测序覆盖度为99.69%±0.03% (SEM)。
LDA模型将MHE患者的42份粪便样本分成了3个Topic,如表 2所示。其中,Topic 1中含有18个样本,Topic 2中含有12个样本,Topic 3中含有12个样本。另外,根据权重值可以判定不同样本在Topic中占的权重大小,权值越大,代表该样本越显著。在Topic 1中,RP06pre样本的权重值达到最大为6.09E-02;Topic 2中,R10post样本达到最大为6.14E-02;Topic 3中,R05post样本达到最大为1.25E-01。说明样本RP06pr、R10post和R05post分别对Topic 1、Topic 2和Topic 3贡献最大。上述结果表明,LDA模型能够区分样本间的相似性。更为重要的是,从中发现LDA模型还能提取影响样本最大的OTUs菌。其中,OTU_1(Escherichia)、OTU_18(Faecalibacterium)、OTU_551(Escherichia)等菌对Topic 1中的样本RP01pre、RP01post、R01pre、R01post、R02pre和RP02pre等影响最大;OTU_4(Bacteroides)、OTU_23(Bacteroides)、OTU_34(Bacteroides)、OTU_37(Bacteroides)、OTU_48(Bacteroides)、OTU_87(Bacteroides)等菌对Topic 2的样本R02post、RP06post、R05post、RP07pre、RP07post和R07pre影响最大;OTU_6(Streptococcus)、OTU_31(Streptococcus)、OTU_85(Streptococcus)、OTU_99(Ruminococcaceae)等菌对Topic 3的样本R05pre、R06pre、R06post、R08pre、R08post、R09pre和R09post影响最大;这些代表性OTUs可能是MHE患者肠道菌群核心的OTUs。
表 2. LDA模型所发现的重要OTUs菌和对应的3个主题模型 Table 2. Important OTUs discovered by the LDA model and corresponding 3 themed models
Topic ID | Samples ID | Weights | Important OTUs bacteria |
Topic 1 | RP01pre | 3.74E-02 | OTU 1 (Escherichia), OTU_18 (Escherichia), OTU_29 (Escherichia), OTU_33 (Faecalibacterium), OTU_46 (Haemophilus), OTU_66 (Escherichia), OTU_89 (Oscillospira), OTU_95 (Morganella), OTU_130 (Escherichia), OTU_148 (Escherichia), OTU_169 (Escherichia), OTU_239 (Escherichia), OTU_293 (Sutterella), OTU_322 (Phormidium), OTU_464 (Escherichia), OTU 551 (Escherichia), OTU_1020 (Escherichia), OTU_1094 (Buchnera), OTU_1348 (Escherichia) |
RP01post | 4.15E-02 | ||
R01pre | 3.73E-02 | ||
R01post | 3.96E-02 | ||
R02pre | 3.69E-02 | ||
RP02pre | 4.11E-02 | ||
RP02post | 4.26E-02 | ||
RP03pre | 4.33E-02 | ||
RP03post | 4.12E-02 | ||
RP04pre | 3.94E-02 | ||
RP04post | 2.95E-02 | ||
RP05pre | 4.04E-02 | ||
RP05post | 3.57E-02 | ||
R03pre | 4.04E-02 | ||
R03post | 4.24E-02 | ||
R04pre | 3.48E-02 | ||
R04post | 4.18E-02 | ||
RP06pre | 6.09E-02 | ||
Topic 2 | R02post | 2.72E-02 | OTU_4 (Bacteroides), OTU_23 (Bacteroides), OTU_34 (Bacteroides), OTU_37 (Bacteroides), OTU_48 (Bacteroides), OTU_87 (Bacteroides), OTU_88 (Bacteroides), OTU_101 (pleleius), OTU_102 (Bacteroides), OTU_109 (Bacteroides), OTU_415 (Bacteroides), OTU_446 (Bacteroides), OTU_785 (Bacteroides), OTU_1005 (Bacteroides), OTU_1412 (Bacteroides) |
RP06post | 1.24E-01 | ||
R05post | 1.25E-01 | ||
RP07pre | 1.02E-02 | ||
RP07post | 1.59E-02 | ||
R07pre | 2.43E-03 | ||
R07post | 1.32E-02 | ||
RP08pre | 4.12E-03 | ||
RP08post | 9.50E-03 | ||
RP09pre | 9.63E-02 | ||
R11pre | 8.14E-02 | ||
R11post | 1.13E-01 | ||
Topic 3 | R05pre | 4.58E-02 | OTU_6 (Streptococcus), OTU_31 (Streptococcus), OTU_85 (Streptococcus), OTU_99 (Ruminococcaceae), OTU_118 (Oscillospira), OTU_132 (Streptococcus), OTU_133 (Streptococcus), OTU_136 (Streptococcus), OTU_151 (Streptococcus), OTU_365 (Butyricimonas), OTU_1365 (Bacteroides), OTU_1456 (Streptococcus) |
R06pre | 5.87E-02 | ||
R06post | 5.86E-02 | ||
R08pre | 3.82E-02 | ||
R08post | 3.02E-02 | ||
R09pre | 3.26E-02 | ||
R09post | 3.25E-02 | ||
RP09post | 5.14E-02 | ||
R10pre | 5.67E-02 | ||
R10post | 6.14E-02 | ||
R12pre | 5.60E-02 | ||
R12post | 5.34E-02 |
得到LDA模型后,构建LDA主题模型最小生成树Minimum Spanning Tree (MST)和骨干树(Backbone.tree)。图 1反映LDA模型对MHE患者的OTUs数据集的分类结果以及分类聚集程度。
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图 1 OTUs的Topic和Group最小生成树(MST) (A)和骨干树(Backbone.tree) (B, C) Figure 1 OTUs Topic and Group Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) (A) and Backbone Tree (B, C). A: Minimum spanning tree (MST), the left graph is colored according to the theme distribution of the cell nodes and the right graph is colored with the sample time (in days). Each point represents an OTU cell, the color of the Topic midpoint represents three different topics, and the Group represents a different sampling time. B: Backbone.tree-b.tree, which shows the two-phase trajectories of the Topic and Group backbone trees, respectively, with small branches of the OTU unit. The order along the tree trajectories follows a desired time series. C: Backbone.tree-b.tree2, with larger nodes representing backbone OTUs and smaller nodes representing only slightly varying OTUs with the backbone to which they are attached. |
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图 1-A最小生成树(MST),左边图根据单元节点的主题分布着色,右边图以采样时间(以天为单位)着色。每个点代表OTU单元,Topic中点的颜色表示3个不同的主题,Group中表示不同的采样时间。图 1-B骨干树(Backbone.tree-b.tree),分别显示Topic和Group骨干树的两相轨迹,且具有OTU单元小分支,沿着树轨迹的排序遵循期望的时间序列。图 1-C骨干树(Backbone.tree-b.tree2),较大的节点表示骨干OTU,而较小的节点表示仅与它们连接的骨干略微变化的OTU。OTU节点根据图 1-C分布主题和采样时间着色。
图 1-A可以看出,最小生成树(MST)将MHE数据集分为3个Topic,且每个Topic用3种不同的颜色表示,以此证明LDA能够区分样本间的相似性。通过Compute.Backbone.tree主干树的b.tree生成骨干树,反映这3个Topic的聚集程度,从中可以看出,出现了两相轨迹(图 1-B)。为使聚集效果更好,在此基础上添加能够动态地调整距离阈值的尺度因子(Width.scale.factor)。最终发现,图 1-C中骨干树由分支结构变成了线性结构,证明了尺度因子的变化会导致骨干树形状的变化。图 1-C表明,距离阈值尺度因子在一定范围内值越高,骨干树的聚集效果会更好。也就是说,图 1-C的聚集程度比图 1-B的聚集程度效果好。
(1) 通过对LDA模型鉴定出的重要OTUs菌(表 2)进行分析,发现LDA模型根据划分的3个主题模型,鉴定出了3种主要影响MHE患者肠道微生物群落结构的菌群类型(图 2)。分别为3种颜色表示的埃希菌属(Escherichia)、类杆菌属(Bacteroides)和链球菌属(Streptococcus)。这3种肠道菌群类型分别命名为Cluster-E、Cluster-B和Cluster-S,3种肠道菌群类型在42份粪便样品OTUs数据集中的分布为18 (42.8%)、12 (28.6%)和12 (28.6%)。
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图 2 LDA模型鉴定出的MHE患者3种肠道菌群类型 Figure 2 Three types of intestinal microflora identified in the LDA model for MHE patients. |
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(2) 通过比较这3种菌属在两种治疗方法下治疗前后其组内肠道菌群结构的变异模式(图 3),我们发现利福昔明治疗组(图 3-A)和利福昔明联合益生菌治疗组(图 3-B)在同类型菌属的转变过程中,转变次数和频率均高于不同类型菌属的转变。
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图 3 利福昔明治疗组(A)和利福昔明联合益生菌治疗组(B)治疗前后MHE患者组内肠道菌群类型的转变 Figure 3 Changes in intestinal microflora within MHE patients before and after treatment with rifaximin (A) and rifaximin plus probiotics (B). Red for Cluster-E, blue for Cluster-S, green for Cluster-B, a circle composed of three parts, each part corresponds to a semicircle, the same type of color represents more conversion. |
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(3) 根据LDA模型鉴定出所有OTUs菌。运用LEfSe分析方法,在不同的分类水平上(门,纲,目,科,属,种)鉴定这两种治疗方法在治疗前后MHE患者的肠道菌群分类单元的相对丰度是否呈显著性差异(图 4)。结果表明,单独服用利福昔明的MHE患者,各个分类水平的菌群分类单元(Taxa)在治疗前后其相对丰度无显著性差异。利福昔明联合益生菌疗法的MHE患者,其Plebeius、Butyricimonas、Streptophyta、Chloroplast、Ruminococcaceae、Odoribacteraceae在治疗后相对丰度显著性低于治疗前。相反,肠杆菌科(Enterobacteriaceae)和肠杆菌目(Enterobacteriales)在治疗后相对丰度显著高于治疗前。
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图 4 LEfSe分析MHE患者的菌群分类单元在治疗前后其相对丰度的显著性差异 Figure 4 LEfSe analysis of MHE patients with taxonomic units before and after treatment, the relative abundance of significant differences. Green means lower than before treatment, red means higher after treatment than before treatment. |
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(4) 此外,结合MHE患者肠道微生物群落的生理数据α多样性和序列覆盖率(图 5),比较(R组和RP组)两种治疗方法治疗前后对MHE患者肠道微生物群落α多样性和覆盖度的影响。基于Wilcoxon Matched-pairs Signed Rank检验,我们发现,单独服用利福昔明组(图 5-A和图 5-B)和利福昔明联合益生菌疗法组(图 5-C和图 5-D)对MHE患者肠道菌群的α多样性和覆盖度均有下降趋势,但无显著性影响。
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图 5 基于Wilcoxon Matched-pairs Signed Rank检验,比较(R组和RP组)两种治疗方法治疗前后对MHE患者肠道微生物群落α多样性(A、B)和覆盖度(C、D)的影响 Figure 5 Based on the Wilcoxon Matched-pairs Signed Rank test, comparing the effects of two treatments on the Shannon diversity index (A, B) and good coverage (C, D) of intestinal microbiota in patients with MHE before and after treatment (group R and group RP). |
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(5) 比较(R组和RP组)两种治疗方法治疗前后对MHE患者肠道微生物群落结构的影响。发现单独服用利福昔明组治疗4周后MHE患者肠道菌群结构中的埃希菌和类杆菌明显降低[(8.92±0.91) vs (8.15±0.65),(8.75±0.63) vs (8.35±0.86),P < 0.05],链球菌明显增加[(6.15±1.08) vs (6.58±0.67),P > 0.05],但无统计学意义。利福昔明联合益生菌疗法组治疗4周后MHE患者肠道菌群中的埃希菌明显减少[(8.53±0.99) vs (7.93±0.94),P < 0.05],链球菌明显增加[(7.23±1.03) vs (7.53±0.88),P < 0.05],类杆菌明显降低[(8.71±0.57) vs (8.03±0.78),P > 0.05],但无统计学意义。另外,根据观察组与对照组比较(表 3),3种肠道菌群治疗后均有所改变,有统计学意义(P < 0.05),且观察组低于对照组。说明治疗后观察组的治疗疗效比对照组的治疗疗效好。上述结果表明,单独服用利福昔明和利福昔明联合益生菌疗法两种治疗方法治疗前后对MHE患者肠道菌群结构短时期均有所改变,具体表现为致病菌链球菌属数量减少,有益菌埃希菌属和类杆菌属数量增加。
表 3. 治疗后观察组(RP)和对照组(P)肠道菌群数量的比较(x±s) Table 3. Comparison of intestinal microflora in observed Group RP and control group P after treatment (x±s)
Intestinal flora bacteria | After treatment (n=9) | Control group (n=12) | P value |
Escherichia | 7.93±0.94 | 8.15±0.65 | 0.03 |
Bacteroides | 8.03±0.78 | 8.35±0.86 | 0.01 |
Streptococcus | 7.53±0.88 | 6.58±0.67 | 0.04 |
2.2 RP组和R组两种疗法在治疗前后临床疗效、血清炎性因子、神经心理学指标和血氨水平的变化情况
2.2.1 临床疗效对比: 治疗后,观察组显效5例,有效3例,无效1例,总有效率为88.8%;对照组显效5例,有效4例,无效3例,总有效率为75%;对比两组的总有效率,差异显著,有统计学意义(P < 0.05),详见表 4。
表 4. 对比两组治疗患者治疗后的临床疗效 Table 4. Compares the clinical efficacy of two treatment groups after treatment
Group | Case | Markedly | Effective |
Observation group RP | 9 | 5 | 3 |
Control group R | 12 | 5 | 4 |
P value | < 0.05 |
2.2.2 不良反应情况对比: 观察组出现腹泻1例,腹痛1例,不良反应总发生率为22.2%;对照组出现腹泻1例,腹痛3例,恶心1例,不良反应总发生率为38.5%;对比两组的不良反应发生率,差异显著,有统计学意义(P < 0.05),详见表 5。
表 5. 对比两组患者的不良反应情况 Table 5. Comparison of two groups of patients adverse reactions
Group | Case | Diarrhea | Stomach ache |
Observation group RP | 9 | 1 | 1 |
Control group R | 12 | 1 | 3 |
P value | < 0.05 |
根据治疗前后临床指标的统计结果,我们发现MHE患者在单独服用利福昔明和利福昔明联合枯草杆菌/肠球菌二联活菌疗法中,治疗前后血清炎性因子、神经心理学指标和血氨水平均有明显改善,且观察组的治疗效果比对照组的治疗效果好,如表 6所示。
表 6. 利福昔明和利福昔明联合枯草杆菌/肠球菌二联活菌疗法的MHE患者治疗前后临床指标统计结果 Table 6. Statistical results of clinical indicators before and after treatment of rifaximin and rifaximin combined with B. subtilis/enterococci live viable combination therapy in MHE patients
Treatment method | Clinical indicators | Before treatment (means) | After treatment (means) | Rise and fall | P value |
Observation group rifaximin combined probiotics (group RP) | IL-2 | 15.067 | 13.033 | -2.033 | 0.170 |
IL-4 | 8.500 | 5.611 | -2.889 | 0.003 | |
IL-6 | 27.689 | 21.611 | -6.078 | 0.000 | |
IL-10 | 4.067 | 3.256 | -0.811 | 0.004 | |
TNF-1 | 15.289 | 14.089 | -1.200 | 0.001 | |
CRP | 7.378 | 6.111 | -1.267 | 0.025 | |
BA | 106.000 | 66.667 | -39.333 | 0.003 | |
NCT-A | 88.778 | 62.333 | -26.444 | 0.000 | |
DST | 36.556 | 46.444 | 9.889 | 0.002 | |
TBIL | 62.456 | 42.233 | -20.222 | 0.005 | |
ALB | 31.778 | 32.222 | 0.444 | 1.000 | |
AST | 60.333 | 47.778 | -12.556 | 0.004 | |
ALT | 52.111 | 39.667 | -12.444 | 0.005 | |
γ-GGT | 107.556 | 70.333 | -37.222 | 0.002 | |
PT | 16.689 | 25.722 | 9.033 | 0.003 | |
INR | 1.197 | 1.211 | 0.014 | 0.254 | |
Crea | 84.778 | 51.778 | -33.000 | 0.002 | |
The control group rifaximin (group R) | IL-2 | 14.383 | 12.917 | -1.467 | 0.170 |
IL-4 | 7.408 | 4.800 | -2.608 | 0.003 | |
IL-6 | 24.675 | 17.733 | -6.942 | 0.000 | |
IL-10 | 4.425 | 3.325 | -1.100 | 0.019 | |
TNF-1 | 14.975 | 10.508 | -4.467 | 0.001 | |
CRP | 12.217 | 8.142 | -4.075 | 0.037 | |
BA | 100.250 | 58.917 | -41.333 | 0.003 | |
NCT-A | 95.750 | 64.500 | -31.250 | 0.000 | |
DST | 32.667 | 45.333 | 12.667 | 0.002 | |
TBIL | 51.617 | 36.108 | -15.508 | 0.005 |
从表 6可知,利福昔明组和利福昔明联合益生菌疗法组相比较,治疗前2组患者血清IL-2、IL-4、IL-6、IL-10、TNF-α、TBIL、ALT、CRP、NCT-A、γ-GGT及血氨水平,差异均无统计学意义(P > 0.05);治疗后两组患者血清IL-2、IL-4、IL-6、IL-10、TNF-α、TBIL,ALT、CRP、NCT-A、γ-GGT及血氨水平均低于治疗前,且观察组低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。另外,NCT-A和DST均较治疗前也有改善(P < 0.05)。NCT-A均呈现下降趋势,DST均呈现上升趋势,两项实验结果均为异常,说明患者为MHE患者。上述结果表明,利福昔明联合益生菌疗法能明显改善MHE患者的血氨水平和血清炎性因子水平,且比单独服用利福昔明组治疗效果好。
3 讨论 肝性脑病是肝硬化的严重并发症,MHE在临床较容易被忽略,其对患者生活质量的潜在影响不可忽视。目前,在轻微型肝性脑病的治疗上,常用的药物主要有天冬氨酸鸟氨酸、乳果糖、利福昔明、益生菌等。益生菌是一种通过调节宿主肠道微生物群生态平衡而发挥生理作用的活菌制剂,可直接补充人体正常生理菌,调节肠道菌群平衡,抑制肠道中的致病菌,减少肠源性内毒素的产生,合成机体所需的维生素,激发机体免疫力,从而有效维持肠道黏膜屏障,减少细菌移位和内毒素产生,以保护肝及神经系统,减少肝性脑病的发生[25]。利福昔明是一种吸收率非常小的口服肠道选择性抗生素,抗菌作用强,可在肠道内形成较高的血药浓度,且治疗过程中的不良反应发生率较低[26]。
本研究为了观察利福昔明联合益生菌治疗轻微型肝性脑病的临床疗效,采用LDA模型分别对服用利福昔明联合益生菌和利福昔明的MHE患者治疗前后的肠道菌群的时间异质性结构进行了量化比较分析。研究结果表明,LDA模型能够有效地区分MHE患者样本间的相似性。更为重要的是,从中发现LDA模型还能鉴定出影响菌群结构异质性最大的OTUs菌。通过对这些重要OTUs菌进行分析,发现LDA鉴定出了3种主要影响MHE患者的肠道结构微生物菌属,分别为埃希菌属(Escherichia)、类杆菌属(Bacteroides)和链球菌属(Streptococcus)。根据治疗前后其组内微生物群落结构的变化,发现3种菌属在治疗后其肠道菌群结构均有所改变(P < 0.05)。根据临床治疗结果显示,两组患者的血清IL-2、IL-4、IL-6、IL-10、TNF-α、TBIL,ALT、CRP、NCT-A、γ-GGT均有所下降,血氨浓度较低,不良反应发生率较低,与国内研究结果一致[27-28]。
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