

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-08

Innovation Model of the Industrialized Software Education Curriculum System Based on School-enterprise Cooperation 杨捷;彭晨漪;欧允涛; 1:School of software 2:South China University of technology 摘要(Abstract):

Through the cooperation of College of Software and IBM Corporation,new technologies and methods are introduced into classroom successively to carry on the innovation of industrialized software education curriculum system.Take the new "data structure and modeling" course for example.This innovation model develops teaching materials and laboratory manuals.It improves students' hands-on ability through business cases training and preferably enhances students' ability to solve problems in the process of analyzing practical situations.This model cultivates students to meet actual demands of enterprises.Besides,supported by Co-Lab,student clubs and innovation units can be set up to compete,practice,and complete final design,achieving "pre-employment" in the training base.The practices of this model have already brought up a plenty of engineering-type,innovation-type and utility-type talents,bringing the continuous rise in the students' employment rate and employment quality.




基金项目(Foundation): supported by NSF(60873078);;NTIF(X2JSB2090571);;SCUT(Y1080150, Y1080160, Y1080170, Y1090160, Y1090170);;SCUTKCCP(Y3080020)

作者(Author): 杨捷;彭晨漪;欧允涛;


参考文献(References): [1] 工业化时代软件开发人才培养战略[EB/OL].[2008-09-09].http://www.022net.com/2008/9-9/484925193055464.html.[2] Alain Abran. Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge—A Project of the IEEE Computer Society Professional Practices Committee[M/OL]. Los Alamitos,California: Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004:101-120[2009-10-10].http://www.swebok.org/.[3] 杨捷,霍党泽.数据结构课程双语教学的研究与实践[J].北京大学学报:哲学社会科学版,2007(增刊 2):161-163.[4] 邹累,卢毅,李晓.产学研结合培养交通高层次人才模式探讨[J].湘潭师范学院学报:社会科学版,2009,28(5):205-207.[5] YANG Jie,OU Yong-qiang,QI De-yu.Research on Software Theory Curricula Series for Undergraduate in School of Software[C]//李茂青.第三届国际计算机新科技与教育(ICCSE2008)学术会议论文集.厦门:厦门大学出版社,2008: 1398-1400.

相关话题/课程 人才 社会科学 数据结构 软件