双专业复合型软件工程课程体系的研究与实践(英文)Research and Practice of Dual Professional & Compound Software Engineering Curriculum 梁旭;黄明;吴镝;董长宏; 1:Dalian Jiao Tong University 摘要(Abstract):
With IT technology continues to penetrate to other industries,the industry of information technology is becoming the focus of IT companies for business.The urgent need for industry information is the compound software talents who will both have strong project management skills,good technical background and fast learning ability.To this end,Dalian Jiaotong University,based on integrating information technology and its application in different areas,initiated the dual professional compound training model of "traditional professional + software engineering" in 2001 in the country.The aim for this model is to train software talents who are compound,practical and the international competitiveness.This paper focuses on the depth discussion of dual professional compound software engineering curriculum,and analyzes the need for reform of dual professional compound software engineering curriculum,then combines with IT industry needs and the actual situation in the school to put forward practical curriculum reform program.
基金项目(Foundation): Science & Research Program of the Province Education Department (2009),Science & Research Program of Dalian(2008D12ZC095);;Special Fund for the Software Industry Developing of Dalian(2008,2009)
作者(Author): 梁旭;黄明;吴镝;董长宏;
参考文献(References): [1] Complex IT Industry Talent Gap is Increasing [EB/OL].(2007-08-02)[2009-10-10].http://www.enet.com.cn/article/2007/ 0802/A20070802755130.shtml. [2] CSDN.Interpretation of High-end IT Training Institutions “Influence”[EB/OL].(2009-06-30)[2009-09-25].http://news. csdn.net/n/20090630/124757.html. [3] Chinese Computer Science and Technical Fields of Study Group Tutorials.China’s Computer Science and Technical Disciplines Tutorial[M].Beijing:Tsinghua University Press,2002.[4] HE Xiao-yuan.The Professional Needs Analysis and Innovation Exploration of Computer Application Technique Major Based on The Embedded Technique[J].Computer Education,2009(20):65-67.[5] YAN Li.From the Social Point of View to Explore the Needs of Software Education and Teaching[J].Research of Engineering Education,2008(22):141-145.
清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-08
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