

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-08

An E-learning Platform Based on Integrated Modeling for Personalized and Intelligent Selection of E-learning Resource 孙雪冬;常会友;张锋; 1:School of software 2:Sun Yat-Sen University 摘要(Abstract):

In order to automatically select learning resources in an Internet environment according to the background knowledge and the learning objectives of the learners,a platform based on integrated modeling is developed.The platform constitutes three levels and four views.The three levels are database level,knowledge analysis level and modeling level.The four views are user modeling,learning resource modeling,knowledge points modeling and learning process modeling.The process model is used to connect the learners and the learning resources.The workflow optimization method is used to optimize the learning resource selection according to the objectives and background knowledge level of the learner,at the same time,a learning plan is given.Finally,a web-based prototype system is developed by java.





作者(Author): 孙雪冬;常会友;张锋;


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相关话题/信息 英文 资源 自动化 摘要