

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-08

A Multi-objective Education Model for Software Engineering Graduate 刘琼; 1:School of Software Engineering 2:South China University of Technology 摘要(Abstract):

As the software technology is infiltrated to a variety of industries continuously,the interdisciplinary phenomenon for the graduate source of software engineering is clear increasingly.The graduate cultivation model existed is faced with new challenge.After researching and analyzing several of education models at home and abroad a new idea that builds up a multi-objective education model for software engineering graduate is proposed to cope with the problem of multidisciplinary students.And the curricular architecture,practice stage and research paper for software engineering graduates under the new model are discussed either.The new education model benefits to explore the potential of the graduates from multi disciplines and to extend the space of software engineering area,then we can make the education keep with the aspiration of the social.




基金项目(Foundation): The Study of Multi-objective Education Model for Software Engineering Graduate(2009 High Education Study Fund of South China University of Technology Y1090220)

作者(Author): 刘琼;


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相关话题/信息 英文 软件工程 培养模式 摘要