

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-07

Conformal treatment method for tumor magnetic induction hyperthermia treatment planning system
Zihan ZHUO,Weiming ZHAI,Dongyang CAI,Jie WANG,Xiaodong ZHANG,Jintian TANG()
Key Laboratory of Particle and Radiation Imaging of Ministry of Education, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

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摘要磁感应热疗在临床实施时,需要达到适形杀灭肿瘤和保护正常组织的治疗目标,因此要求在术前治疗计划系统中对靶区的温度分布情况进行数值模拟,以指导医生制定合适的治疗计划,确保治疗的安全性和有效性。该文基于VTK/ITK等医学影像开源算法工具包,采用医学CT影像3维重建数据场信息,对磁感应热疗过程中治疗区域内的肿瘤及其周围组织进行可视化和适形分割,以确立治疗靶区和植入热籽; 基于电磁学和生物传热学的理论方法,以及肿瘤内的适形热籽排布方案,对治疗时热籽磁热效应产生的能量场分布和热量扩散形成的温度场分布进行理论建模和仿真; 并将适形热疗方法实际应用于肿瘤磁感应热疗计划系统中。结果表明: 磁感应治疗计划系统的适形热疗方法可以辅助医生直观地分割肿瘤和组织器官,进而准确计算靶区的温度场分布,制定合理的适形热疗计划。

关键词 肿瘤热疗,磁感应治疗,术前计划,建模仿真
Abstract:Clinical implementation of magnetic induction hyperthermia (MIH) seeks to conformally killing tumor cells while protecting the normal tissue. Thus, the temperature distribution in the treatment area needs to be accurately simulated by the preoperative treatment planning systems (TPS) to help the surgeon make an appropriate clinical plan to ensure the safety and efficacy of the MIH therapy. Medical image open source toolkits, such as VTK and ITK, can give accurate 3-D reconstruction, visualization and segmentation of tumors and their surrounding tissue from 2-D CT images. Then, ferromagnetic thermoseeds are implanted into the tumor region. Electromagnetism and bio-heat transfer theories are used to predict the energy fields generated by the thermoseeds and the temperature distributions due to the heat diffusion in the MIH process. This conformal-hyperthermia method can be applied in magnetic induction hyperthermia treatment planning systems (MHTPS). The results show that the conformal-hyperthermia method in MHTPS can help surgeons intuitively segment tumors, accurately predict the temperature distributions in the treatment area, and make reasonable preoperative plans.

Key wordstumor hyperthermiamagnetic induction therapypreoperative planningmodeling and simulation
收稿日期: 2012-10-18 出版日期: 2015-03-17
基金资助:国家科技支撑计划资助项目 (2012BAI15B04);北京市科技计划资助项目 (Z111100067311053)
卓子寒,翟伟明,蔡东阳,王婕,张晓冬,唐劲天. 肿瘤磁感应治疗计划系统适形热疗方法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 54(6): 706-710.
Zihan ZHUO,Weiming ZHAI,Dongyang CAI,Jie WANG,Xiaodong ZHANG,Jintian TANG. Conformal treatment method for tumor magnetic induction hyperthermia treatment planning system. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2014, 54(6): 706-710.
http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/ http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2014/V54/I6/706

表面重构模型Marching Cubes算法主要流程
参数 计算值
Tc/ 60
K/(W·m-1·K-1) 0.5
Cb/(J·kg-1·K-1) 3 639
Wb/(kg·m-3·s-1) 1
Tb/ 37
ω/kHz 200π×103
μmax/(mH·m-1) 1.885×10-4
σ/(kS·m-1) 2×106
H0/(A·m-1) 2 000
β/-1 0.4
a/mm 0.5×10-3


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