

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-07

2. 中国石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083
HydroMP: A cloud computing based platform for hydraulic modeling and simulation service
Ronghua LIU1,Jiahua WEI1(),Yanzhang WENG1,Guangqian WANG1,Shuang TANG2
1. State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
2. PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Beijing 100083, China

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摘要为解决传统开发水利模拟服务模式中存在的计算精度与效率矛盾及模型接口不统一等技术瓶颈,构建了基于云计算的水动力学模拟服务平台,并提出云计算模式下一维水动力学模型的集成方法和调度模式,通过对模拟模型数据接口、模型调用、模型交互及处理、计算资源分配等方面进行封装,采用Web Service、 XML (Extensible Markup Language)及OpenMI (Open Model Interface)等技术实现了云计算平台下模型的调用、模型与平台间的数据交换和资源动态分配。以南水北调中线工程水力响应分析为例,应用开发的云计算水动力学模型进行了多方案、多层次的模拟计算,在计算效率、兼容性等方面具有良好的效果。研究表明:云计算模式下,可实现水动力学模型在广域互联网上的多客户端、多用户、多方案并发计算,采用云端计算和存储模式降低了高性能计算的门槛,提高了模型复用率和计算资源利用效率。

关键词 云计算,水动力学模型,模型集成,Web Service
Abstract:Computing accuracy in large CFD problems is restricted by the computation cost. A hydraulic modelling platform (HydroMP) was constructed using computing cloud to reduce costs and to provide a uniform interface between the dataset and the model for hydraulic models. This paper gives a generic integration method for hydraulic models and a scheduling mode for the cloud computing. The system includes the models and computing resources, including the data interface, model calls and interactions and computations of resource allocation using Web Services, XML(Extensible Markup Language) and OpenMI(Open Model Interface). This design assures that the cloud computing platform can conveniently call the models, exchange data between the servers and the clients, and dynamically allocate the computing resources including multiple cores and multiple nodes. The platform with the integrated flow model is used to analyze the hydraulic response to a change in the discharge of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, which is a multi-client, multi-level and multi-scheme simulation. The results indicate that this model improves the computational efficiency and compatibility. This hydraulic computing model based on cloud computing theory allows multiple schemes be solved simultaneously using multiple clients in a WAN Internet and multiple users. The cloud computing model lowers the threshold for using HPC resources and improves the utilization efficiency of computation resources.

Key wordscloud computinghydraulic modelsmodel-integrationWeb Services
收稿日期: 2013-09-22 出版日期: 2015-09-03
刘荣华, 魏加华, 翁燕章, 王光谦, 唐爽. HydroMP:基于云计算的水动力学建模及计算服务平台[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 54(5): 575-583.
Ronghua LIU, Jiahua WEI, Yanzhang WENG, Guangqian WANG, Shuang TANG. HydroMP: A cloud computing based platform for hydraulic modeling and simulation service. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2014, 54(5): 575-583.
http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/ http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2014/V54/I5/575

运行阶段 调用过程 参数
初始化 Initialize() Simulation
GetComptime() Simulation
创建管道 Validate() Simulation
Create_Pipe() pipeID
数据交换 SimuConvert2ByteStr() Simulation
数据传输 SimustrTransfer() SimuByteString
数值计算 PerformTimestep() TimeStepNum
GetResult() SID, Timespan
SaveState() State
ClearState() StateID
完成 Resultupload() ResultArray
Releasecache() SID

工况 渠首通过流量占比 /% 变化用时/min 方案计算范围
初始时刻 终止时刻 渠首流量变化 闸门开度 分水口流量
1 70 50 10 10 10 全线
2 70 10 30 30 30 全线
3 70 80 10 10 10 全线
4 10 70 30 30 30 全线
5 70 10 30 30 30 黄河以南段和黄河以北段

项目 性能
头节点及服务器 16核(2.4 GHz), 156 GB内存
计算节点 20个计算节点,单计算节点含24核(2.4 GHz)、 32 GB内存。

序号 方案名 计算时长/h 所选模型 模型类型 计算时间/s 原计算时间/s 加速比
1 工况1 2 000 JPWSPC-SC 串行集成 415 400
2 工况2 2 000 JPWSPC-SC 串行集成 400 398
3 工况3 2 000 JPWSPC-MPI 并行集成 56 390 6.9
4 工况4 2 000 JPWSPC-MPI 并行集成 54 425 7.87
5 工况5 2 000 JPWSPC-MPI 并行集成 61 388 6.26


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