工业控制设备安全测试技术 |
谢丰1( ),彭勇1,赵伟1,高洋1,王得金2,韩雪峰1 |
2. 国际关系学院, 北京 100091 |
Security evaluation for industrial control devices |
Feng XIE1( ),Yong PENG1,Wei ZHAO1,Yang GAO1,Dejing WANG2,Xuefeng HAN1 |
1. China Information Technology Security Evaluation Center, Beijing 100085, China 2. University of International Relations, Beijing 100091, China |
文章导读 |
关键词 :工业控制设备(ICDs),共性安全问题,信息空间,物理空间,安全测试 |
Abstract:Industrial control devices (ICDs) are widely used in many industrial facilities such as petrochemical factories, power generation plants, water treatment plants, and transportation systems. The cyber security of such devices directly affects industrial production, which affects our economic security as well as our national security. This paper describes common cyber security issues in these devices and the root causes of these issues. The effects of cyber attacks are also analyzed for attacks from the information space and the physical space connected to the ICDs. Finally, security evaluation techniques are given including standards, evaluation methods and certifications along with future research challenges.
Key words:industrial control devices (ICDs)controller security issuesinformation spacephysical spacesecurity evaluation |
收稿日期: 2013-12-01 出版日期: 2015-04-16 |
基金资助:国家科技重大专项资助项目 (2012ZX03002002) |
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