

清华大学 辅仁网/2017-07-07

Application and perspective of multiphase flow metering technologies for ocean oil and gas exploitation
Yi LI()
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge, UK

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关键词 油-气-水多相流,海洋工程,深海油气开采
Abstract:One of the strategic and planning researches in China’s 12th Five-Year Plan for ocean engineering is the exploration and exploitation of ocean oil and gas resources, in which oil-gas-water multiphase flow metering technologies play an important role. This paper analyzes the application of the technologies mentioned above and the challenges these technologies are now facing, while describing the value of the multiphase flow measurement technologies in China’s ocean oil and gas exploitation strategy and discussing the industrialization of the technologies in the future. Some main multiphase flow metering technologies widely used in the world are summarized with specific application examples then given. This paper finally presents the significance of multiphase flow metering technologies in deep-water offshore oil and gas exploitation based on China’s 12th Five-Year Plan for ocean engineering.

Key wordsoil-gas-water multiphase flowocean engineeringdeep-water offshore oil and gas exploitation
收稿日期: 2013-08-26 出版日期: 2015-04-16
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Yi LI. Application and perspective of multiphase flow metering technologies for ocean oil and gas exploitation. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2014, 54(1): 88-96.
http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/ http://jst.tsinghuajournals.com/CN/Y2014/V54/I1/88


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