燃料乙醇系统不确定性分析及优化 |
张志强1,胡山鹰1( ),陈定江1,沈静珠1,杜风光2 |
2. 河南天冠企业集团有限公司, 南阳 473000 |
Uncertainty analysis and optimization of the fuel ethanol system |
Zhiqiang ZHANG1,Shanying HU1( ),Dingjiang CHEN1,Jingzhu SHEN1,Fengguang DU2 |
1. Department of Chemical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China 2. Tianguan Enterprise Group Company Limited, Nanyang 473000, China |
文章导读 |
关键词 :乙醇,不确定性,优化 |
Abstract:Decision-making in fuel ethanol production faces many uncertainties arising from raw material and product price fluctuations, and process parameter changes. This study analyzes how to reduce the costs and improve the overall efficiency even with these system uncertainties using two types of system uncertainty optimization models with these factors. The research uses a cellulosic ethanol system as a sample case to analyze the design margin problems in the design phase and the raw-material structural problems in the operating phase. The analysis uses stochastic chance-constrained programming model. The results show that uncertainty optimization is more reasonable than certainty optimization, and that the model can reduce costs as well as enhance the system risk resistance.
Key words:ethanoluncertaintyoptimization |
收稿日期: 2013-01-06 出版日期: 2015-09-03 |
基金资助:国家 “十一五” 科技支撑计划资助项目 (2006BAC02A17) |
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