3.清华大学环境学院,北京 100084
1.Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University, Shenzhen 518055, China
2.Shenzhen Zhonghuanbohong Environmental Technology Co. Ltd., Shenzhen 518055, China
3.School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
如何选择厨余垃圾处理模式以实现环境、经济效益的最大化是生活垃圾分类工作中的一个关键问题,但目前还缺乏系统分析。以回收利用率、碳排放和全周期费用为衡量指标,综合比较了混合焚烧、厌氧消化、好氧堆肥和饲料化4种厨余垃圾处理模式。结果表明,饲料化的环境效应最好,其回收利用率为80%~95%,碳排放(以二氧化碳当量计)为?112~?67 kg·t
。好氧堆肥可以产生肥料并通过腐殖化固定有机碳,其回收利用率与厌氧消化接近,但一旦其温室气体泄漏,则会导致显著的碳排放;好氧堆肥在充分供氧的条件下,碳排放可以从420 kg·t
How to choose a food waste treatment mode to maximize environmental and economic benefits is a key issue in the classification of municipal solid waste (MSW), but there is still a lack of systematic analysis. In this study, recovery rate, carbon emission, and life cycle cost were used as the measurement indicators to comprehensively compare four treatment modes: mixed incineration, anaerobic digestion, aerobic composting, and feed conversion. The results show that the environmental effect of feed conversion is the best, with a recovery rate of 80% to 95%, and a carbon emission (calculated in carbon dioxide equivalent) of ?112 to ?67 kg·t
. Secondly, anaerobic digestion also has a good environmental effect, with a recovery rate of 31% to 42%, and a carbon emission of ?209 to ?65 kg·t
. Aerobic composting can produce fertilizer and fix organic carbon through humification. Its recovery rate is close to that of anaerobic digestion, but the leakage of greenhouse gases can cause significant carbon emissions. Under the condition of sufficient oxygen supply, the carbon emissions can be reduced from 420 kg·t
. The water content of food waste is high, and the recovery rate of mixed incineration with power generation is only 9%, and the carbon emission reduction effect is negligible. However, carbon emission reduction can be achieved by improving the thermal efficiency through combining heat and power systems. The life cycle cost of mixed incineration is the lowest, while the cost of MSW classification is 125 Yuan·t
higher. The increment mainly comes from the propaganda education and supervision expenditures at the beginning of MSW classification work. Therefore, the priority order of food waste treatment modes is feed conversion, anaerobic digestion, aerobic composting, and mixed incineration.
Mass flow during anaerobic digestion of food waste
Recovery rates of different food waste treatment modes
Carbon emissions of different food waste treatment methods
Life cycle cost of different food waste treatment methods
Preferential strategies for food waste management
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