Optimization of electrode shape and influent mode of electro-catalytic reactor based on CFD simulation
HUANG Linlin, DAI Changchao, LIU Junfeng, FENG Yujie, State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
Abstract:In order to optimize the electrode configuration and influent mode inside the electro-catalytic ractor, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to simulate the velocity distribution and the simulation result was validated by limiting current method. The results showed that tangential influent mode had excellent mass transfer capability, its limiting current was 1.34 times and 1.21 times of that in lateral and bottom influent modes under static conditions, respectively. When the inlet velocity increased to 0.062 m·s?1, the limiting current of tangential influent mode was 1.49 times of the static state, and the corresponding mass transfer enhancement factor (γ) was 1.475, being higher than that of bottom (1.428) and lateral (1.317) influent mode, which illustrated that the limiting current and mass transfer capability can be enhanced by increasing inlet velocity effectively. The result demonstrated mesh electrode and tangential influent mode favored the uniform velocity distribution on electrode surface and in the electro-catalytic reactor so as to promote the uniformity of solution distribution and space utilization in electro-catalytic reaction. In addition, increasing inlet velocity could effectively enhance the limiting current and mass transfer performance of electro-catalytic reactor. The above result would provide certain reference for the design of electrochemical reactors. Key words:electro-catalytic reactor/ computional fluid dynamics (CFD)/ electrode configuration/ influent mode.
图1电催化反应器内速度云图 Figure1.Flow contour in electro-catalytic reactor
图2不同电极结构时电催化反应器速度取样点及相应的速度分布 Figure2.Velocity sampling point and corresponding velocity distribution in electro-catalytic reactor with different electrode configurations
图3不同电极结构时电极表面速度取样点及速度分布 Figure3.Velocity sampling points and corresponding velocity distribution on electrode surface with different electrode configurations
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State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China Received Date: 2019-11-13 Accepted Date: 2020-03-01 Available Online: 2020-10-14 Keywords:electro-catalytic reactor/ computional fluid dynamics (CFD)/ electrode configuration/ influent mode Abstract:In order to optimize the electrode configuration and influent mode inside the electro-catalytic ractor, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was used to simulate the velocity distribution and the simulation result was validated by limiting current method. The results showed that tangential influent mode had excellent mass transfer capability, its limiting current was 1.34 times and 1.21 times of that in lateral and bottom influent modes under static conditions, respectively. When the inlet velocity increased to 0.062 m·s?1, the limiting current of tangential influent mode was 1.49 times of the static state, and the corresponding mass transfer enhancement factor (γ) was 1.475, being higher than that of bottom (1.428) and lateral (1.317) influent mode, which illustrated that the limiting current and mass transfer capability can be enhanced by increasing inlet velocity effectively. The result demonstrated mesh electrode and tangential influent mode favored the uniform velocity distribution on electrode surface and in the electro-catalytic reactor so as to promote the uniformity of solution distribution and space utilization in electro-catalytic reaction. In addition, increasing inlet velocity could effectively enhance the limiting current and mass transfer performance of electro-catalytic reactor. The above result would provide certain reference for the design of electrochemical reactors.