Remediation technology of submerged plants in Baiyangdian Lake based on light compensation depth
YAN Jun1,2,, WANG Ying2, WANG Yibo3, WANG Jinggang1,,, YANG Wen2, CHEN Zehao2, GUO Siya1 1.School of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China 2.School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 3.Grass Industry College, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China
Abstract:Submerged plants are the key to the ecological restoration of shallow lakes. In this study, submerged plants in Baiyangdian Lake area were sampled in 2018 and compared with its history. The changes of the underwater light field were also analyzed in March and May 2019. Considering the underwater light field, anti-pollution and light sensitivity of submerged plants, a two-phase restoration plan for submerged plant communities (stain-resistant + medium-tolerant and sensitive species) was determined. The results showed that the submerged plant community surveyed in the spring, summer and autumn of 2018 were taken as research target, the correlation between the measured light compensation point of the community and its composition and the dominant species were determined, and the plant proportion has slight effect on the light compensation point of its community. For example, the combination of P.pectinatus +Ceratophyllum, the light intensities of the community light compensation point with P.pectinatus as the dominant species (2∶1 and 50∶1) were 22.46 μmol·(m2·s)?1 and 26.05 μmol·(m2·s)?1, respectively. The light intensities of the community light compensation point with Ceratophyllum as the dominant species (1∶2 and 1∶5) were 35.01 μmol· (m2·s)?1 and 37.79 μmol ·(m2·s)?1, respectively. The results of the underwater light field showed the light attenuation coefficient had a trend of low values in the east and high values in the west. This spatial variation trend was similar to that of chlorophyll a and total suspended matter. Of which, the effect of chlorophyll was greater. The high-value regions had more human interference, while the low-value regions had less human interference. The depth of light compensation and the transparency of submerged plant populations (communities) showed significant linear positive correlation (most R2 values were higher than 0.74). The ratio of light compensation depth of submerged plant population (community) to actual water depth was used to evaluate the first stage of Baiyangdian restoration area, and through the correlation analysis of early light attenuation coefficient with chlorophyll a, suspended matter and DOC, it was determined that chlorophyll a and suspended matter content in the water body could be reduced, so as to increase the depth of light compensation of submerged plants, and then achieve the restoration of submerged plant communities. The above research results can provide a reference for the ecological management of Baiyangdian and northern lakes. Key words:optical compensation depth/ staged ecological restoration/ Baiyangdian Lake/ submerged plants.
图1白洋淀采样点的分布 Figure1.Distribution of sampling points in Baiyangdian
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1.School of Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China 2.School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 3.Grass Industry College, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China Received Date: 2019-11-18 Accepted Date: 2020-05-02 Available Online: 2020-10-14 Keywords:optical compensation depth/ staged ecological restoration/ Baiyangdian Lake/ submerged plants Abstract:Submerged plants are the key to the ecological restoration of shallow lakes. In this study, submerged plants in Baiyangdian Lake area were sampled in 2018 and compared with its history. The changes of the underwater light field were also analyzed in March and May 2019. Considering the underwater light field, anti-pollution and light sensitivity of submerged plants, a two-phase restoration plan for submerged plant communities (stain-resistant + medium-tolerant and sensitive species) was determined. The results showed that the submerged plant community surveyed in the spring, summer and autumn of 2018 were taken as research target, the correlation between the measured light compensation point of the community and its composition and the dominant species were determined, and the plant proportion has slight effect on the light compensation point of its community. For example, the combination of P.pectinatus +Ceratophyllum, the light intensities of the community light compensation point with P.pectinatus as the dominant species (2∶1 and 50∶1) were 22.46 μmol·(m2·s)?1 and 26.05 μmol·(m2·s)?1, respectively. The light intensities of the community light compensation point with Ceratophyllum as the dominant species (1∶2 and 1∶5) were 35.01 μmol· (m2·s)?1 and 37.79 μmol ·(m2·s)?1, respectively. The results of the underwater light field showed the light attenuation coefficient had a trend of low values in the east and high values in the west. This spatial variation trend was similar to that of chlorophyll a and total suspended matter. Of which, the effect of chlorophyll was greater. The high-value regions had more human interference, while the low-value regions had less human interference. The depth of light compensation and the transparency of submerged plant populations (communities) showed significant linear positive correlation (most R2 values were higher than 0.74). The ratio of light compensation depth of submerged plant population (community) to actual water depth was used to evaluate the first stage of Baiyangdian restoration area, and through the correlation analysis of early light attenuation coefficient with chlorophyll a, suspended matter and DOC, it was determined that chlorophyll a and suspended matter content in the water body could be reduced, so as to increase the depth of light compensation of submerged plants, and then achieve the restoration of submerged plant communities. The above research results can provide a reference for the ecological management of Baiyangdian and northern lakes.