3.西南油气田分公司,成都 610051
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
2.Research Institute of Industrial Hazardous Waste Disposal and Resource Utilization, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China
3.Southwest Oil and Gas Field Branch, Chengdu 610051, China
A large amount of oil-based drill cuttings are produced in the process of oil and gas exploration and development. The oil content is a standard parameter measured in the treatment and disposal of oil-based drill cuttings. However, it is currently detected by methods used in wastewater or soil/solid waste characterization and there are no specific national or industry standards for its detection and determination yet in China. We argue that the current determination methods are insufficiently targeted with unknown applicability and inconsistencies exist in the standards and methods, the terminologies and the pre-treatment process. Studies are urgently needed to find a suitable method to characterize the oil content of oil-based drill cuttings with a clear definition and a standardized pre-treatment process. Sound scientific studies can support the development of a national/industry testing standard which is widely applicable, environmentally friendly, easily operable and accurate in capturing the content of the oil content of oil-based drill cuttings.
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