3.河北工业大学土木与交通学院,天津 300401
1.Key Laboratory of Drinking Water Science and Technology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
3.School of Civil Engineering and Transportation, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
Electrolysis is a method that uses electrical energy to achieve a redox reaction. There are two ways for the application of electrolysis in disinfection, i.e., on-site electrochemical generation of sodium hypochlorite disinfectant and electrochemical disinfection. To deeply understand the mechanism of electrochemical generation of sodium hypochlorite and electrochemical disinfection process, and further discuss the applications of electrolysis in water treatment and public environmental sanitation, the disinfection principle, technical characteristics, usage, and disinfection applications were discussed. The current problems and technical development prospects were also proposed. The present study will provide a reference for the practical applications of electrolysis technology in water treatment.
Schematic of electrolytic sodium hypochlorite generator
Schematic diagram of electrochemical disinfection
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