3.中国科学院大学,北京 100049
1.State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China
2.School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China
3.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
抗生素,降解过程符合一级降解动力学特征。进一步采用林可霉素实际废水考察了污水化学需氧量(COD)和pH对抗生素臭氧氧化处理的影响,发现废水的COD每增加100 mg·L
,则单位抗生素实现50%削减需要增加的臭氧量约为1.64 mg。碱性条件下,臭氧可催化分解生成羟基自由基等活性基团而加速林可霉素的降解。同时,臭氧氧化后林可霉素生产废水的厌氧可生化性提高了98.51%。研究结果可以为林可霉素生产废水的处理技术选择提供参考。
In this study, the reduction effect of lincomycin potency by ozonation was evaluated. Results showed that when the initial antibiotic concentration was 100 mg·L
, the 50% reduction of lincomycin potency occurred at ozone consumption of 0.118 mg·mg
lincomycin, and the lincomycin degradation process was in accordance with first-order degradation kinetics. Furthermore, a type of actual lincomycin-making wastewater was used to study the effects of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and pH on the antibiotic ozonation. Each increase of 100 mg·L
in coexisted chemical oxygen demand (COD) of actual wastewater could elevate the ozone consumption by 1.64 mg·mg
lincomycin for 50% potency reduction for unit antibiotic. Under alkaline conditions, ozone could produce hydroxyl radical and other active groups through catalytic decomposition and enhance the degradation of lincomycin. Meanwhile, the anaerobic biodegradability was improved by 98.51% for ozone oxidized the lincomycin-making wastewater. This study could provide the guidance for the technical selection of lincomycin-making wastewater treatment.
Schematic diagram of ozone oxidation reactor
Effect of of lincomycin degradation by ozonation
Correlation analysis between lincomycin concentration and its potency
Ozonation effect of lincomycin at different COD levels
Change of pH during lincomycin ozonation at different CODs
Changes of lincomycin and COD/DOC during ozonation of actual lincomycin-making wastewater
Anaerobic biochemical methane production of raw and treated lincomycin-making wastewater by ozonation
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