2.北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048
1.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
2.Beijing Water Science and Technology Institute, Beijing 100048, China
In this study, the content and distribution of nonylphenol isomers in the reclaimed water supply river were monitored, then the variations of nonylphenol in the river channel was analyzed and its comprehensive evaluation were conducted. This will provide scientific support for the ecological risk assessment of reclaimed water supply rivers. The results showed that there were differences in the content of NP isomers in reclaimed water. Of which NP10, NP9, NP4 and NP2 had the highest content, and NP10 content was about 6 times NP8, which had the lowest content. The content of nonylphenol isomers fluctuated greatly in the reclaimed water supply river, and nonylphenol presented a distinct degradation in the river channel, while no distinct conversion occurred among its isomers. The change of nonylphenol content in the river showed a weak correlation with the seasons and a strong correlation with the content of nonylphenol in the reclaimed water supply. The concentration of nonylphenol based on the factor weighting method could objectively characterize the harm of nonylphenol in the river channel. The comprehensive evaluation results of nonylphenol in the river section were much lower than directly geometric sum of its isomer values, the latter result inevitably exaggerated the hazards of nonylphenol in the river. The results could provide a reference for the safe reuse of reclaimed water.
Layout of sampling section in the study area
Change of NP concentration of the reclaimed water
Changes in NP isomer along the channel path
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