1.天津城建大学环境与市政工程学院,天津 300384
2.天津市水质科学与技术重点实验室,天津 300384
3.中工国际工程股份有限公司,北京 100080
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2017ZX07106001)
High-speed filtration process of urban river raw water and its performance analysis
LIN Mingyi1,2,,SUN Liping1,2,,
FU Chuanqi3,
WANG Dong1,2,
QIU Chunsheng1,2,
WANG Shaopo1,2,
ZHANG Chengruo1,2,
CHEN Xingyu1,2
1.School of Environment and Municipal Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China
2.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Aquatic Science and Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
3.China CAMC Engine ering Co.Ltd., Beijing 100080, China
摘要:针对平原城市缓流河道普遍存在的季节性水质恶化问题,采用预氧化、微絮凝+高速过滤对天津市某缓流河道水体进行中试规模实验。结果表明,该处理技术具有处理周期长(>24 h)、过滤滤速高(平均为43.26 m·h-1)和出水效果好(出水水质优于地表水Ⅳ类水质标准)的特点。同时发现:单位面积滤柱的产水率呈“阶梯”下降趋势;高速过滤的堵塞特征曲线服从三次多项式分布;系统过滤历经增长期、稳定期和衰减期,其中增长期为3~4 h,稳定期约14 h,过滤系数λ为(0.020 1±0.001 3) cm-1(置信度P=95%),其可作为系统基本属性的定量参数。
关键词: 高速过滤/
Abstract:This study focused on the seasonal water quality deterioration problem of urban slow-flow rivers in the plain cities. A pilot scale process of pre-oxidation and micro-flocculation-high-speed filtration was applied to purify the slow flow river water in Tianjin. The results showed that this process was characterized as long treatment cycles (>24 h),high filtration speeds (43.26 m·h-1 on average) and good effluent quality, being superior to the class IV standard according to environmental quality standard for surface water. Furthermore, the water production rate per unit area in the filter column showed a “stepwise” downward trend and the plugging characteristic curve of the high-speed filtration followed a third order polynomial distribution. The system included the growth period of 3 to 4 hours, the stable period of 14 hours and the decay period during filtration. The filtration coefficient λ was (0.020 1±0.001 3 ) cm?1 (confidence P=95%) in the stable period and it can be used as an essential quantitative parameter of the system.
Key words:high-speed filtration/
slow flow river/
filtration coefficient/
penetration curve.

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1.天津城建大学环境与市政工程学院,天津 300384
2.天津市水质科学与技术重点实验室,天津 300384
3.中工国际工程股份有限公司,北京 100080
基金项目: 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2017ZX07106001)
关键词: 高速过滤/
摘要:针对平原城市缓流河道普遍存在的季节性水质恶化问题,采用预氧化、微絮凝+高速过滤对天津市某缓流河道水体进行中试规模实验。结果表明,该处理技术具有处理周期长(>24 h)、过滤滤速高(平均为43.26 m·h-1)和出水效果好(出水水质优于地表水Ⅳ类水质标准)的特点。同时发现:单位面积滤柱的产水率呈“阶梯”下降趋势;高速过滤的堵塞特征曲线服从三次多项式分布;系统过滤历经增长期、稳定期和衰减期,其中增长期为3~4 h,稳定期约14 h,过滤系数λ为(0.020 1±0.001 3) cm-1(置信度P=95%),其可作为系统基本属性的定量参数。
English Abstract
High-speed filtration process of urban river raw water and its performance analysis
LIN Mingyi1,2,,SUN Liping1,2,,
FU Chuanqi3,
WANG Dong1,2,
QIU Chunsheng1,2,
WANG Shaopo1,2,
ZHANG Chengruo1,2,
CHEN Xingyu1,2
1.School of Environment and Municipal Engineering, Tianjin Chengjian University, Tianjin 300384, China
2.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Aquatic Science and Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
3.China CAMC Engine ering Co.Ltd., Beijing 100080, China
Keywords: high-speed filtration/
slow flow river/
filtration coefficient/
penetration curve
Abstract:This study focused on the seasonal water quality deterioration problem of urban slow-flow rivers in the plain cities. A pilot scale process of pre-oxidation and micro-flocculation-high-speed filtration was applied to purify the slow flow river water in Tianjin. The results showed that this process was characterized as long treatment cycles (>24 h),high filtration speeds (43.26 m·h-1 on average) and good effluent quality, being superior to the class IV standard according to environmental quality standard for surface water. Furthermore, the water production rate per unit area in the filter column showed a “stepwise” downward trend and the plugging characteristic curve of the high-speed filtration followed a third order polynomial distribution. The system included the growth period of 3 to 4 hours, the stable period of 14 hours and the decay period during filtration. The filtration coefficient λ was (0.020 1±0.001 3 ) cm?1 (confidence P=95%) in the stable period and it can be used as an essential quantitative parameter of the system.