1.苏州市职业大学环境与分析实验室,苏州 215104
基金项目: 苏州市科技局(产业前瞻性应用研究(工业)指导性计划)
Dehydration and reduction treatment effects of sweep-frequency ultrasound on municipal sludge treatment
YU Sheng1,1.Laboratory of Environment and Analysis, Suzhou Vocational University, Suzhou 215104, China
摘要:以苏南某10万t·d-1市政污水厂污泥浓缩池剩余污泥为研究对象,利用非直接接触管槽式超声反应器,在20~100 kHz扫频(周期2 s)超声条件下分析超声输入功率和超声时间对污泥脱水和减量化效果的影响。结果表明,在20~100 kHz扫频超声污泥处理工艺过程中,从处理成本和处理效率考虑,优化后的超声输入功率为0.3 W·mL-1、超声作用时间为0.5 min。与原工艺相比,泥饼折算体积Ω(含固率20%)、混合液含固率ρ、混凝剂用量以及每天污泥处理成本分别减少了(43.8±1.2)%、(50.0±1.6)%、(38.9±1.7)%和(41.9±2.2)%。此外,核算改造后污泥处理经济效益,设备投资回收时间为17个月。可见,引入新技术工艺后,该污水处理厂污泥处理处置和管理运行费用大幅降低,并可实现盈利,经济效益明显。
关键词: 扫频超声/
Abstract:Under the conditions of 20 to 100 kHz sweep-frequency ultrasound (cycle time=2 s), the dehydration and reduction of the concentrated sludges from a municipal sewage plant of 100 000 t·d-1 in South of Jiangsu was illustrated with non-directly contacted tube ultrasonic reactor. It was resulted that the optimized ultrasonic input power and action time on consideration of the processing cost and efficiency were 0.3 W·mL-1 and 0.5 min within the progresses of 20 to 100 kHz sweep-frequency ultrasound treatments. Compared with the original treatment, the converted volumes of the mud cakes (containing solid of 20%), the solid contents of the mixed liquids, coagulant dosages and sludge treatment costs of the new one were decreased by (43.8±1.2)%, (50.0±1.6)%, (38.9±1.7)% and (41.9±2.2)%, respectively. Moreover, the investment-recovery time of the ultrasound equipment was about 17 months after the reformation. Thus, the operation and management costs of the sludge treatment in the plant would be remarkably reduced and profited by the new ultrasonic process.
Key words:sweep-frequency ultrasound/
municipal sludge/

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俞晟1,1.苏州市职业大学环境与分析实验室,苏州 215104
基金项目: 苏州市科技局(产业前瞻性应用研究(工业)指导性计划) 苏州市职业大学“青蓝工程”项目 苏州市职业大学课题(SVU2015YY02)
关键词: 扫频超声/
摘要:以苏南某10万t·d-1市政污水厂污泥浓缩池剩余污泥为研究对象,利用非直接接触管槽式超声反应器,在20~100 kHz扫频(周期2 s)超声条件下分析超声输入功率和超声时间对污泥脱水和减量化效果的影响。结果表明,在20~100 kHz扫频超声污泥处理工艺过程中,从处理成本和处理效率考虑,优化后的超声输入功率为0.3 W·mL-1、超声作用时间为0.5 min。与原工艺相比,泥饼折算体积Ω(含固率20%)、混合液含固率ρ、混凝剂用量以及每天污泥处理成本分别减少了(43.8±1.2)%、(50.0±1.6)%、(38.9±1.7)%和(41.9±2.2)%。此外,核算改造后污泥处理经济效益,设备投资回收时间为17个月。可见,引入新技术工艺后,该污水处理厂污泥处理处置和管理运行费用大幅降低,并可实现盈利,经济效益明显。
English Abstract
Dehydration and reduction treatment effects of sweep-frequency ultrasound on municipal sludge treatment
YU Sheng1,1.Laboratory of Environment and Analysis, Suzhou Vocational University, Suzhou 215104, China
Keywords: sweep-frequency ultrasound/
municipal sludge/
Abstract:Under the conditions of 20 to 100 kHz sweep-frequency ultrasound (cycle time=2 s), the dehydration and reduction of the concentrated sludges from a municipal sewage plant of 100 000 t·d-1 in South of Jiangsu was illustrated with non-directly contacted tube ultrasonic reactor. It was resulted that the optimized ultrasonic input power and action time on consideration of the processing cost and efficiency were 0.3 W·mL-1 and 0.5 min within the progresses of 20 to 100 kHz sweep-frequency ultrasound treatments. Compared with the original treatment, the converted volumes of the mud cakes (containing solid of 20%), the solid contents of the mixed liquids, coagulant dosages and sludge treatment costs of the new one were decreased by (43.8±1.2)%, (50.0±1.6)%, (38.9±1.7)% and (41.9±2.2)%, respectively. Moreover, the investment-recovery time of the ultrasound equipment was about 17 months after the reformation. Thus, the operation and management costs of the sludge treatment in the plant would be remarkably reduced and profited by the new ultrasonic process.