基金项目: 北京市教育委员会科技发展计划项目(SQKM201710016006)
Characteristic of nitrous oxide emission under different ammonia conditions in CANON process
FU Kunming1,,LIU Fanqi1,
WANG Huifang1,
FU Chao1,
LI Hui1
1.Sino-Dutch R&D Centre for Future Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Key Laboratory of Urban Storm Water System and Water Environment, Ministry of Education, School of Environment and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China
摘要:在温度为(30±1)℃,以人工配置无机高氨氮废水为进水的条件下,采用序批式生物膜CANON反应器(陶粒为填料),研究了不同NH4+-N浓度条件下,CANON工艺脱氮过程中N2O的释放特征。研究表明:通过控制NH4+-N浓度分别为200、300、400和500 mg·L-1,获得了84.69%、80.58%、78.16%和90.09%的TN去除率,对应的TN去除负荷分别为1.42、1.48、1.52、1.82 kg·(m3·d)-1,CANON反应器脱氮性能非常稳定;反应过程中,对应的N2O释放总量分别为6.44、10.34、13.45、19.53 mg,即随着初始NH4+-N浓度的增加,N2O的释放总量逐渐增加;而N2O的释放率虽然也有增加,但增加幅度并不显著,占TN损失的比例分别为6.06%、7.00%、7.06%、7.15%;在一个反应周期内,N2O与NO2--N均呈现先升高后降低的变化趋势,但无因果关系。CANON反应器产生大量N2O 的主要原因,并非源于NO2--N的积累,也与FNA无关,而是羟氨积累造成的。
关键词: CANON工艺/
Abstract:The characteristic of nitrous oxide emission during nitrogen removal was studied in a sequencing bio-film CANON reactor with synthetic ammonia-rich wastewater as influent by using haydite as carrier at (30±1) ℃. It was showed that when the initial ammonia was at 200, 300, 400, 500 mg·L-1, the total nitrogen removal efficiency was 84.69%,80.58%,78.16% and 90.09%, respectively, and the total nitrogen removal load was 1.42, 1.48, 1.52, 1.82 kg·(m3·d)-1, respectively,which means the stable nitrogen removal performance of CANON reactor. The corresponding amounts of N2O emissions were 6.44, 10.34, 13.45 and 19.53 mg, respectively, which means that with the increase of initial ammonia concentration, the total amount of N2O release gradually increased. Although the N2O release rate increased, the increase rate of N2O emissions was not very significant, which were 6.06%, 7.00%, 7.06% and 7.15% of total nitrogen removal, respectively. In a reaction cycle, the nitrous oxide and nitrite showed the similar trend of rising first and decreasing next. However, there was no causal link with them. The large amounts of nitrous oxide emission was neither caused by nitrite, nor caused by free nitrous acid, but caused by the accumulation of hydroxylamine.
Key words:CANON process/
nitrous oxide/

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基金项目: 北京市教育委员会科技发展计划项目(SQKM201710016006) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51308025)
关键词: CANON工艺/
摘要:在温度为(30±1)℃,以人工配置无机高氨氮废水为进水的条件下,采用序批式生物膜CANON反应器(陶粒为填料),研究了不同NH4+-N浓度条件下,CANON工艺脱氮过程中N2O的释放特征。研究表明:通过控制NH4+-N浓度分别为200、300、400和500 mg·L-1,获得了84.69%、80.58%、78.16%和90.09%的TN去除率,对应的TN去除负荷分别为1.42、1.48、1.52、1.82 kg·(m3·d)-1,CANON反应器脱氮性能非常稳定;反应过程中,对应的N2O释放总量分别为6.44、10.34、13.45、19.53 mg,即随着初始NH4+-N浓度的增加,N2O的释放总量逐渐增加;而N2O的释放率虽然也有增加,但增加幅度并不显著,占TN损失的比例分别为6.06%、7.00%、7.06%、7.15%;在一个反应周期内,N2O与NO2--N均呈现先升高后降低的变化趋势,但无因果关系。CANON反应器产生大量N2O 的主要原因,并非源于NO2--N的积累,也与FNA无关,而是羟氨积累造成的。
English Abstract
Characteristic of nitrous oxide emission under different ammonia conditions in CANON process
FU Kunming1,,LIU Fanqi1,
WANG Huifang1,
FU Chao1,
LI Hui1
1.Sino-Dutch R&D Centre for Future Wastewater Treatment Technologies, Key Laboratory of Urban Storm Water System and Water Environment, Ministry of Education, School of Environment and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China
Keywords: CANON process/
nitrous oxide/
Abstract:The characteristic of nitrous oxide emission during nitrogen removal was studied in a sequencing bio-film CANON reactor with synthetic ammonia-rich wastewater as influent by using haydite as carrier at (30±1) ℃. It was showed that when the initial ammonia was at 200, 300, 400, 500 mg·L-1, the total nitrogen removal efficiency was 84.69%,80.58%,78.16% and 90.09%, respectively, and the total nitrogen removal load was 1.42, 1.48, 1.52, 1.82 kg·(m3·d)-1, respectively,which means the stable nitrogen removal performance of CANON reactor. The corresponding amounts of N2O emissions were 6.44, 10.34, 13.45 and 19.53 mg, respectively, which means that with the increase of initial ammonia concentration, the total amount of N2O release gradually increased. Although the N2O release rate increased, the increase rate of N2O emissions was not very significant, which were 6.06%, 7.00%, 7.06% and 7.15% of total nitrogen removal, respectively. In a reaction cycle, the nitrous oxide and nitrite showed the similar trend of rising first and decreasing next. However, there was no causal link with them. The large amounts of nitrous oxide emission was neither caused by nitrite, nor caused by free nitrous acid, but caused by the accumulation of hydroxylamine.